Table of Contents, August 1988
This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1988-08
Table of Contents
Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Shelly Rae Clift
Pamela F. Troy
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Carolyn F. Cushman
Karen Haber
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Frank M. Robinson
Tom Whitmore
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
Ricia Mainhardt
Locus, ISSN-0047-4959, The Newspaper of the
Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS
PUBLICATIONS Editorial address: 34 Ridgewood
Lane, Oakland, CA 94611; telephone (415) 339-9196.
Please send all mail to Locus Publications, P.O. Box
13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Individual copies are $2.95. Individual subscriptions in
the U.S. are $28.00 for 12 issues, $52.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. Individual subscriptions in
Canada are $32.00 for 12 issues, $59.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. First class individual subscriptions
in the U.S. or Canada are $40.00 for 12 issues,
$75.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions
are $32.00 for 12 issues, $59.00 for 24 issues via
sea mail. Individual subscriptions to Europe or South
America via air mail are $50.00 for 12 issues, $90.00
for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia,
Asia, or Africa via air mail are $55.00 for 12 issues,
$100.00 for 24 issues. Institutional subscriptions are
$3.00 extra per year. Make all checks payable to
Locus Publications. All subscriptions, including
Canadian, are payable directly in U.S. funds only.
Overseas checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and
include computer encoding numbers at bottom. When
converting from second class to first class delivery,
please convert all remaining issues on your present
subscription ($1.00 per issue). The number after your
name on the mailing label is that of the last issue on
your present subscription. We do not send notices
when subscriptions are about to expire. If you change
your address, please notify us immediately. Second
class mail is not usually forwarded. It is either returned
or destroyed. We subtract one issue from your subscription
for each returned copy. We keep expired
addresses on file for one year, so tell us if your
subscription is a renewal or completely new.
British Subscription Agent:
Fantast (Medway) Ltd.
P.O. Box 23, Upwell
Wisbech, CAMBS PE14 9BU
Japanese Subscription Agent:
Takumi Shibano
700 Ninomiya Ninomiya-machi
Naka-gun Kanagawa-ken
259-01 Japan
Subscriptions accepted at current exchange rate.
Display advertising rates on request. Booksellers discounts
available. For information call (415) 339-9198.
We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions.
Contents copyright C 1988 by Locus Publications.
Second class postage paid at Oakland, California.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Locus Publications,
P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
1988 Bram Stoker Awards…………………………… 1
1988 Nebula Weekend (photo) …………………… 1
Writers of the Future (photo) …………………….. 1
SF Signing at ABA (photo)………………………….. 1
1988 Bram Stoker Banquet………………………….. 4
McCauley Restructuring……………………………… 4
Writers of the Past Award……………………………. 4
Waldenbooks Reader Survey………………………. 4
Finnish SF Award……………………………………….. 4
Philip K Dick Award Judges ………………………. 5
New German SF Encyclopedia…………………….. 5
Howard Waldrop: Odd Man Out…………………. 5
Specialty Store in Jeopardy………………………….. 5
Publishing Notes…………………………………………. 9
The Data File …………………………………………….. 9
Awards…………………………………………………… 9
Market News…………………………………………. 68
Book N o te s…………………………………………… 68
Rights and Options ………………………………. 68
Publications Received……………………………. 68
Gaming Book ……………………………………….. 68
Editorial Matters ……………………………………….. 3
People & Publishing……………………………………. 7
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis…………………. 11
The British Scene, Mike Ashley…………………. 29
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber………….. 31
The Media Scene, Frank M. Robinson……….. 32
Locus Bulletin Board………………………………… 33
Locus Letters …………………………………………… 66
Reviews by Faren Miller……………………………. 15
Eternity, Greg Bear ; Mona Lisa Overdrive,
William Gibson; The Queen of the Damned,
Anne Rice ; Sourceiy, Terry Pratchett; The
Dark Door, Kate Wilhelm ; Modern Fantasy:
The Hundred Best Novels, An English-Language
Selection, 1946-1987, David Pringle.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:…………………… 17
Welcome to another overstuffed issue of Locus.
We had to switch from 9 to 8 point type part way
through in order to include all the needed material.
It’s a slightly larger typeface than the old type, and
comes with our new desktop program (PageMaker
3.0). We won’t know exactly how it will look until the
issue is printed. We’re also on a new learning curve
with a new program. It’s faster than Pagemaker 1.0
but doesn’t do the page number below the box anymore.
There may or may not be other glitches.
For all our squeezing, we had to leave out a major
story — the results of the Locus Poll & Survey. It’s
counted, but the results take up half a dozen pages
and we didn’t have the room. Next issue is slated to
be84 pages plus 10 pages of inserts. It will include the
Poll & Survey results plus our quarterly Along Publishers
Row plus our bi-monthly convention listings
plus….Well, you get the idea.
Magnum Opus Con (Locus June, page 48) was not
sponsored or sued by station WXTX and asked that
a retraction be printed.
ConDiego, the 1990 NASFiC, had the wrong telephone
number printed (July issue, page 49). A
confused young woman wants to know why she’s so
popular. The new address (no phone number) for
ConDiego is Box 15771, San Diego CA 92115.
The 1987 Conspiracy bankruptcy (Locus July,
page 5) is tentatively unbankrupt at the moment.
The Metropole was convinced by the worldcon lawyer
that it would get more money if it delayed serving
The White Raven, Diana L. Paxson;
Bloodmist, Peter Tremayne; The Dragonbone
Chair, Tad Williams ; Sheepfarmer’s
Daughter, Elizabeth Moon; Divided Allegiance,
Elizabeth Moon; To the Vanishing
Point, Alan Dean Foster.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore: ……………………….21
Night Visions 5, Douglas E. Winter, ed.;
The Best Horror Stories From The Magazine
of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Edward
L. Ferman & Anne Jordan, eds.; Win,
Lose, Draw, Sara Stamey; Oddkins, Dean R.
Koontz; Writing Science Fiction, Christopher
Reviews by Dan Chow:………………………………. 23
Crown of Stars, James Tiptree, Jr.; Angry
Candy, Harlan Ellison; Spider World: The
Desert, Colin Wilson ; Best SF Stories of
Brian Aldiss, Brian Aldiss; A Biographical
Dictionary of Science Fiction and Fantasy
Artists, Robert Weinberg.
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark Kelly………………………………………….25
1988 Nebula Weekend………………………………. 34
The Locus Kids at ABA
(color spread) ………………………………………..37
Writers of the F u tu re ………………………………… 39
1988 ABA Report………………………………………40
Magazines Received — June……………………….. 42
Books Received – June …………………………….. 42
British Books – May…………………………………..50
Bestsellers…………………………………………………. 62
E. Hoffmann Price …………………………………….64
Ray Fisher ……………………………………………….. 64
Charles Keeping ………………………………………..64
John D. C lark ……………………………………………64
Louis L’Amour……………………………………………66
final legal papers for a few months. The convention
is now trying to raise the £3,500 needed to stave off
We’re still short of help and need at least one fulltime
trainee to work in Oakland CA Send in those
resumes and letters. Include a phone number and a
letter about yourself, your sf background, and what
you want to do.
We’d like to offer special thanks to librarian
Michael D. Toman, who furnishes most of our
“Outer Limits” column. We’d like to get others
involved, but, alas, we don’t usually have time to
even acknowledge news tips. If you want to help and
don’t mind working in a vacuum, just send us information
or photocopies of sf-related items in non-sf
We’ve had some problems with people representing
themselves as Locus reporters or representatives.
We do not have outside reporters and only use
two photographers – Jane Jewell in the Northeast
and Beth Gwinn in the South. Ricia Mainhardt is
our backup for larger events – worldcons, Nebulas,
AB As, etc. We will look at freelance reports, but can
accept very few because of space limitations. We’ve
got dozens of interesting signing photos from bookstores
which we’ve had to pass up because of lack of
room. If you do send in freelance photos, please put
your name, address, and date/where taken on the
Continued on page 68
ISSUE #331 VOL 21, NO 8 August 1988 Mailing Date: July 27,1988
LOCUS August 1988/3
Editorial Matters
Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Shelly Rae Clift
Pamela F. Troy
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Carolyn F. Cushman
Karen Haber
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Frank M. Robinson
Tom Whitmore
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
Ricia Mainhardt
Locus, ISSN-0047-4959, The Newspaper of the
Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS
PUBLICATIONS Editorial address: 34 Ridgewood
Lane, Oakland, CA 94611; telephone (415) 339-9196.
Please send all mail to Locus Publications, P.O. Box
13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Individual copies are $2.95. Individual subscriptions in
the U.S. are $28.00 for 12 issues, $52.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. Individual subscriptions in
Canada are $32.00 for 12 issues, $59.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. First class individual subscriptions
in the U.S. or Canada are $40.00 for 12 issues,
$75.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions
are $32.00 for 12 issues, $59.00 for 24 issues via
sea mail. Individual subscriptions to Europe or South
America via air mail are $50.00 for 12 issues, $90.00
for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia,
Asia, or Africa via air mail are $55.00 for 12 issues,
$100.00 for 24 issues. Institutional subscriptions are
$3.00 extra per year. Make all checks payable to
Locus Publications. All subscriptions, including
Canadian, are payable directly in U.S. funds only.
Overseas checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and
include computer encoding numbers at bottom. When
converting from second class to first class delivery,
please convert all remaining issues on your present
subscription ($1.00 per issue). The number after your
name on the mailing label is that of the last issue on
your present subscription. We do not send notices
when subscriptions are about to expire. If you change
your address, please notify us immediately. Second
class mail is not usually forwarded. It is either returned
or destroyed. We subtract one issue from your subscription
for each returned copy. We keep expired
addresses on file for one year, so tell us if your
subscription is a renewal or completely new.
British Subscription Agent:
Fantast (Medway) Ltd.
P.O. Box 23, Upwell
Wisbech, CAMBS PE14 9BU
Japanese Subscription Agent:
Takumi Shibano
700 Ninomiya Ninomiya-machi
Naka-gun Kanagawa-ken
259-01 Japan
Subscriptions accepted at current exchange rate.
Display advertising rates on request. Booksellers discounts
available. For information call (415) 339-9198.
We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions.
Contents copyright C 1988 by Locus Publications.
Second class postage paid at Oakland, California.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Locus Publications,
P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
1988 Bram Stoker Awards…………………………… 1
1988 Nebula Weekend (photo) …………………… 1
Writers of the Future (photo) …………………….. 1
SF Signing at ABA (photo)………………………….. 1
1988 Bram Stoker Banquet………………………….. 4
McCauley Restructuring……………………………… 4
Writers of the Past Award……………………………. 4
Waldenbooks Reader Survey………………………. 4
Finnish SF Award……………………………………….. 4
Philip K Dick Award Judges ………………………. 5
New German SF Encyclopedia…………………….. 5
Howard Waldrop: Odd Man Out…………………. 5
Specialty Store in Jeopardy………………………….. 5
Publishing Notes…………………………………………. 9
The Data File …………………………………………….. 9
Awards…………………………………………………… 9
Market News…………………………………………. 68
Book N o te s…………………………………………… 68
Rights and Options ………………………………. 68
Publications Received……………………………. 68
Gaming Book ……………………………………….. 68
Editorial Matters ……………………………………….. 3
People & Publishing……………………………………. 7
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis…………………. 11
The British Scene, Mike Ashley…………………. 29
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber………….. 31
The Media Scene, Frank M. Robinson……….. 32
Locus Bulletin Board………………………………… 33
Locus Letters …………………………………………… 66
Reviews by Faren Miller……………………………. 15
Eternity, Greg Bear ; Mona Lisa Overdrive,
William Gibson; The Queen of the Damned,
Anne Rice ; Sourceiy, Terry Pratchett; The
Dark Door, Kate Wilhelm ; Modern Fantasy:
The Hundred Best Novels, An English-Language
Selection, 1946-1987, David Pringle.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:…………………… 17
Welcome to another overstuffed issue of Locus.
We had to switch from 9 to 8 point type part way
through in order to include all the needed material.
It’s a slightly larger typeface than the old type, and
comes with our new desktop program (PageMaker
3.0). We won’t know exactly how it will look until the
issue is printed. We’re also on a new learning curve
with a new program. It’s faster than Pagemaker 1.0
but doesn’t do the page number below the box anymore.
There may or may not be other glitches.
For all our squeezing, we had to leave out a major
story — the results of the Locus Poll & Survey. It’s
counted, but the results take up half a dozen pages
and we didn’t have the room. Next issue is slated to
be84 pages plus 10 pages of inserts. It will include the
Poll & Survey results plus our quarterly Along Publishers
Row plus our bi-monthly convention listings
plus….Well, you get the idea.
Magnum Opus Con (Locus June, page 48) was not
sponsored or sued by station WXTX and asked that
a retraction be printed.
ConDiego, the 1990 NASFiC, had the wrong telephone
number printed (July issue, page 49). A
confused young woman wants to know why she’s so
popular. The new address (no phone number) for
ConDiego is Box 15771, San Diego CA 92115.
The 1987 Conspiracy bankruptcy (Locus July,
page 5) is tentatively unbankrupt at the moment.
The Metropole was convinced by the worldcon lawyer
that it would get more money if it delayed serving
The White Raven, Diana L. Paxson;
Bloodmist, Peter Tremayne; The Dragonbone
Chair, Tad Williams ; Sheepfarmer’s
Daughter, Elizabeth Moon; Divided Allegiance,
Elizabeth Moon; To the Vanishing
Point, Alan Dean Foster.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore: ……………………….21
Night Visions 5, Douglas E. Winter, ed.;
The Best Horror Stories From The Magazine
of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Edward
L. Ferman & Anne Jordan, eds.; Win,
Lose, Draw, Sara Stamey; Oddkins, Dean R.
Koontz; Writing Science Fiction, Christopher
Reviews by Dan Chow:………………………………. 23
Crown of Stars, James Tiptree, Jr.; Angry
Candy, Harlan Ellison; Spider World: The
Desert, Colin Wilson ; Best SF Stories of
Brian Aldiss, Brian Aldiss; A Biographical
Dictionary of Science Fiction and Fantasy
Artists, Robert Weinberg.
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark Kelly………………………………………….25
1988 Nebula Weekend………………………………. 34
The Locus Kids at ABA
(color spread) ………………………………………..37
Writers of the F u tu re ………………………………… 39
1988 ABA Report………………………………………40
Magazines Received — June……………………….. 42
Books Received – June …………………………….. 42
British Books – May…………………………………..50
Bestsellers…………………………………………………. 62
E. Hoffmann Price …………………………………….64
Ray Fisher ……………………………………………….. 64
Charles Keeping ………………………………………..64
John D. C lark ……………………………………………64
Louis L’Amour……………………………………………66
final legal papers for a few months. The convention
is now trying to raise the £3,500 needed to stave off
We’re still short of help and need at least one fulltime
trainee to work in Oakland CA Send in those
resumes and letters. Include a phone number and a
letter about yourself, your sf background, and what
you want to do.
We’d like to offer special thanks to librarian
Michael D. Toman, who furnishes most of our
“Outer Limits” column. We’d like to get others
involved, but, alas, we don’t usually have time to
even acknowledge news tips. If you want to help and
don’t mind working in a vacuum, just send us information
or photocopies of sf-related items in non-sf
We’ve had some problems with people representing
themselves as Locus reporters or representatives.
We do not have outside reporters and only use
two photographers – Jane Jewell in the Northeast
and Beth Gwinn in the South. Ricia Mainhardt is
our backup for larger events – worldcons, Nebulas,
AB As, etc. We will look at freelance reports, but can
accept very few because of space limitations. We’ve
got dozens of interesting signing photos from bookstores
which we’ve had to pass up because of lack of
room. If you do send in freelance photos, please put
your name, address, and date/where taken on the
Continued on page 68
ISSUE #331 VOL 21, NO 8 August 1988 Mailing Date: July 27,1988
LOCUS August 1988/3
Editorial Matters