Table of Contents, February 1988
This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1988-02
Table of Contents
1987: Still Another Record Year for
Science Fiction Publishing………………………… 1
Editorial Matters ……………………………………….. 3
The Data File …………………………………………….. 4
ALA Recommended Sf L ist………………………… 4
Philip K. Dick Award Nominations……………… 4
Illustrators of the Future……………………………… 4
Publishing Notes…………………………………………. 4
World Fantasy Awards Judges…………………….. 5
J.W. Campbell Conference/Workshop………… 5
An Arthur C. Clarke Celebration ……………….. 5
1987 Preliminary Nebula Ballot…………………… 5
People and Publishing………………………………… 7
Agent’s Comer, Richard Curtis…………………… 9
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber…………… 11
Locus Looks at Books, Faren Miller…………… 13
Locus Looks at More Books,
Tom Whitmore……………………………………… 15
Locus Looks at More Books,
Dan Chow…………………………………………….. 17
Small Wonders, Amy Thomson…………………. 19
The Media Scene, Frank M. Robinson……….. 21
Locus Bulletin Board………………………………….. 25
Recommended Reading …………………………….. 27
C.N. Brown……………………………………………..27
Faren Miller ……………………………………………27
Dan Chow……………………………………………… 27
Tom Whitmore………………………………………..28
Michael Swanwick …………………………………..28
Amy Thomson ………………………………………..29
Mark R. Kelly………………………………………….33
1987 Book Summary………………………………….. 30
1987 Recommended List…………………………….. 34
1987 Magazine Summary…………………………….. 37
Cinema Summary, Frank M. Robinson ………..40
Convention Listings……………………………………. 42
Books Received — December……………………….46
British Books — November…………………………..51
Obituaries: Randall Garrett (Appreciations by
Robert Silverberg, Isaac Asimov, Marion
Zimmer Bradley), Mark Saxton, Frank
Arnold, Dimitri Bilenkin, Marguerite Yourcenar,
James Friend, Harold Matson………….. 60
Index to Ads
Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Pamela F. Troy
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Karen Haber
Fritz Leiber
Frank M. Robinson
Amy Thomson
Tom Whitmore
Shelly R. Clift
Trevin J. Matlock
Locus, ISSN-0047-4959, The Newspaper of the
Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS
PUBLICATIONS, INC. Editorial address: 34 Ridgewood
Lane, Oakland, CA 94611; telephone (415) 339-9196.
Please send all mail to Locus Publications, P.O. Box
13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Individual copies are $2.50. Individual subscriptions in
the U.S. are $24.00 for 12 issues, $45.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. Individual subscriptions in
Canada are $27.00 for 12 issues, $51.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. First class individual subscriptions
in the U.S. or Canada are $32.00 for 12 issues,
$61.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions
are $27.00 for 12 issues, $51.00 for 24 issues via
sea mail. Individual subscriptions to Europe or South
America via air mail are $45.00 for 12 issues, $85.00
for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia,
Asia, or Africa via air mail are $50.00 for 12 issues,
$95.00 for 24 issues. Institutional subscriptions are
$3.00 extra per year. Make all checks payable to
Locus Publications. All subs c riptions , including
Canadian, are payable directly in U.S. funds only.
Overseas checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and
include computer encoding numbers at bottom. When
converting from second class to first class delivery,
please convert all remaining issues on your present
subscription (75c per issue). The number after your
name on the mailing label is that of the last issue on
your present subscription. We do not send notices
when subscriptions are about to expire. If you change
your address, please notify us immediately. Second
class mail is not usually forwarded. It is either returned
or destroyed. We subtract one issue from your subscription
for each returned copy. We keep expired
addresses on file for one year, so tell us if your
subscription is a renewal or completely new.
British Subscription Agent:
Fantast (Medway) Ltd.
P.O. Box 23, Upwell
Wisbech, CAMBS PE14 9BU
Japanese Subscription Agent:
Takumi Shibano
700 Ninomiya Ninomiya-machi
Naka-gun Kanagawa-ken
259-01 Japan
Subscriptions accepted at current exchange rate.
Display advertising rates on request.
Booksellers discounts available.
We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions.
Contents copyright (c) 1988 by Locus Publications.
Second class postage paid at Oakland, California.
Postmaster: send address changes to Locus Publications,
P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Ace ………………………………………………….. 12,57,59
Andrion …………………………………………………… 52
Arrow………………………………………………………. 54
Art of Communication………………………………..49
Avon…………………………………………………….. 24,54
Baen ………………………………………………… 18,22,63
Bantam…………………………………………….. 14,20,32
Clarion …………………………………………………….. 48
Classified A d s …………………………………………… 55
DAW………………………………………………………… 26
Del Rey …………………………………………………….. 6
Welcome to another slightly late issue of
Locus. There are no big problems; just more
material taking more time to produce on a new
computer system. We still only have one person,
Pam, capable of handling the PageMaker
program with any degree of facility. She took a
five-day vacation, went back to North Carolina
and came back weighing only 94 pounds.
We’re trying to get her up to 100 pounds, and to
train a second PageMaker expert.
Meanwhile, we’re gathering information for
Along Publishers Row, scheduled to appear
next issue. It will fill at least half a dozen pages
and will probably force us up to 76 pages plus
inserts. If so, we’ll push up our price increase to
$2.95 next issue instead of waiting until April.
We’ll also try to get in our Andre Norton
interview, pushed out again because of more
dated material, and our aging foreign coverage
on the Soviet Union, China, Argentina, and
Belgium. We should also have the final Nebula
Ballot. What we won’t have is as many book
reviews as usual — there just haven’t been
enough advance galleys to keep our reviewers
busy. Dan Chow will get a month off, and Tom
Whitmore will probably have a shorter than
usual column.
It will also be the last installment for our
short fiction column. Amy Thomson has
reached burnout after two years. We may or
may not replace her.
Robert Gavora……………………………………………52
Heinlein Collection ……………………………………. 36
Locus ………………………………………………………… 66
Macmillan …………………………………………………. 16
Magnum Opus C o n ……………………………………. 44
Morrigan Publications…………………………….50,53
NAL Signet…………………………………………………10
Popular Library Questar………………………………. 2
Texas A&M……………………………………………….. 43
Tor ……………………………………………insert,8,67,68
Looking further ahead, April will mark our
twentieth anniversary. If we can find time, we’ll
try to do something special. Meanwhile, we’d
like to hear from those of our readers who have
been around for the full twenty. We hope at
least to publish a special letter column.
We’re also getting the final work done on
Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror: 1987
and the 1984 volume (which will have a very
small print run). They will probably be out in
late spring/early summer.
It’s Locus poll and survey time again. Please
return the centerfold ballot by April 15,1988,
the same day you have to send in your income
tax. The two new categories are Best All-Time
Writer and Best Writer of the Current Decade.
We’ll compare the answers to the Best All-
Time Novelist category we listed in the August
1987 issue. As usual, we will give a free issue to
subscribers of record when we count the ballots
in late April. You have to at least make an
attempt to vote in some categories on the poll
as well as filling out the survey to qualify.
Photocopied forms are fine, and we’ll count
ballots from second or third readers of your
copy, but only one freebie per subscription.
For those who keep their issues pristine, we’ll
send an extra survey if you send us a stamped
addressed envelope. In other categories,
Continued on page 64
Editorial Matters
LOCUS February 1988 / 3
ISSUE #325 VOL. 21, NO 2 FEBRUARY 1988 Mailing Date: Jan. 30,1988
1987: Still Another Record Year for
Science Fiction Publishing………………………… 1
Editorial Matters ……………………………………….. 3
The Data File …………………………………………….. 4
ALA Recommended Sf L ist………………………… 4
Philip K. Dick Award Nominations……………… 4
Illustrators of the Future……………………………… 4
Publishing Notes…………………………………………. 4
World Fantasy Awards Judges…………………….. 5
J.W. Campbell Conference/Workshop………… 5
An Arthur C. Clarke Celebration ……………….. 5
1987 Preliminary Nebula Ballot…………………… 5
People and Publishing………………………………… 7
Agent’s Comer, Richard Curtis…………………… 9
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber…………… 11
Locus Looks at Books, Faren Miller…………… 13
Locus Looks at More Books,
Tom Whitmore……………………………………… 15
Locus Looks at More Books,
Dan Chow…………………………………………….. 17
Small Wonders, Amy Thomson…………………. 19
The Media Scene, Frank M. Robinson……….. 21
Locus Bulletin Board………………………………….. 25
Recommended Reading …………………………….. 27
C.N. Brown……………………………………………..27
Faren Miller ……………………………………………27
Dan Chow……………………………………………… 27
Tom Whitmore………………………………………..28
Michael Swanwick …………………………………..28
Amy Thomson ………………………………………..29
Mark R. Kelly………………………………………….33
1987 Book Summary………………………………….. 30
1987 Recommended List…………………………….. 34
1987 Magazine Summary…………………………….. 37
Cinema Summary, Frank M. Robinson ………..40
Convention Listings……………………………………. 42
Books Received — December……………………….46
British Books — November…………………………..51
Obituaries: Randall Garrett (Appreciations by
Robert Silverberg, Isaac Asimov, Marion
Zimmer Bradley), Mark Saxton, Frank
Arnold, Dimitri Bilenkin, Marguerite Yourcenar,
James Friend, Harold Matson………….. 60
Index to Ads
Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Pamela F. Troy
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Karen Haber
Fritz Leiber
Frank M. Robinson
Amy Thomson
Tom Whitmore
Shelly R. Clift
Trevin J. Matlock
Locus, ISSN-0047-4959, The Newspaper of the
Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS
PUBLICATIONS, INC. Editorial address: 34 Ridgewood
Lane, Oakland, CA 94611; telephone (415) 339-9196.
Please send all mail to Locus Publications, P.O. Box
13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Individual copies are $2.50. Individual subscriptions in
the U.S. are $24.00 for 12 issues, $45.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. Individual subscriptions in
Canada are $27.00 for 12 issues, $51.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. First class individual subscriptions
in the U.S. or Canada are $32.00 for 12 issues,
$61.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions
are $27.00 for 12 issues, $51.00 for 24 issues via
sea mail. Individual subscriptions to Europe or South
America via air mail are $45.00 for 12 issues, $85.00
for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia,
Asia, or Africa via air mail are $50.00 for 12 issues,
$95.00 for 24 issues. Institutional subscriptions are
$3.00 extra per year. Make all checks payable to
Locus Publications. All subs c riptions , including
Canadian, are payable directly in U.S. funds only.
Overseas checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and
include computer encoding numbers at bottom. When
converting from second class to first class delivery,
please convert all remaining issues on your present
subscription (75c per issue). The number after your
name on the mailing label is that of the last issue on
your present subscription. We do not send notices
when subscriptions are about to expire. If you change
your address, please notify us immediately. Second
class mail is not usually forwarded. It is either returned
or destroyed. We subtract one issue from your subscription
for each returned copy. We keep expired
addresses on file for one year, so tell us if your
subscription is a renewal or completely new.
British Subscription Agent:
Fantast (Medway) Ltd.
P.O. Box 23, Upwell
Wisbech, CAMBS PE14 9BU
Japanese Subscription Agent:
Takumi Shibano
700 Ninomiya Ninomiya-machi
Naka-gun Kanagawa-ken
259-01 Japan
Subscriptions accepted at current exchange rate.
Display advertising rates on request.
Booksellers discounts available.
We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions.
Contents copyright (c) 1988 by Locus Publications.
Second class postage paid at Oakland, California.
Postmaster: send address changes to Locus Publications,
P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Ace ………………………………………………….. 12,57,59
Andrion …………………………………………………… 52
Arrow………………………………………………………. 54
Art of Communication………………………………..49
Avon…………………………………………………….. 24,54
Baen ………………………………………………… 18,22,63
Bantam…………………………………………….. 14,20,32
Clarion …………………………………………………….. 48
Classified A d s …………………………………………… 55
DAW………………………………………………………… 26
Del Rey …………………………………………………….. 6
Welcome to another slightly late issue of
Locus. There are no big problems; just more
material taking more time to produce on a new
computer system. We still only have one person,
Pam, capable of handling the PageMaker
program with any degree of facility. She took a
five-day vacation, went back to North Carolina
and came back weighing only 94 pounds.
We’re trying to get her up to 100 pounds, and to
train a second PageMaker expert.
Meanwhile, we’re gathering information for
Along Publishers Row, scheduled to appear
next issue. It will fill at least half a dozen pages
and will probably force us up to 76 pages plus
inserts. If so, we’ll push up our price increase to
$2.95 next issue instead of waiting until April.
We’ll also try to get in our Andre Norton
interview, pushed out again because of more
dated material, and our aging foreign coverage
on the Soviet Union, China, Argentina, and
Belgium. We should also have the final Nebula
Ballot. What we won’t have is as many book
reviews as usual — there just haven’t been
enough advance galleys to keep our reviewers
busy. Dan Chow will get a month off, and Tom
Whitmore will probably have a shorter than
usual column.
It will also be the last installment for our
short fiction column. Amy Thomson has
reached burnout after two years. We may or
may not replace her.
Robert Gavora……………………………………………52
Heinlein Collection ……………………………………. 36
Locus ………………………………………………………… 66
Macmillan …………………………………………………. 16
Magnum Opus C o n ……………………………………. 44
Morrigan Publications…………………………….50,53
NAL Signet…………………………………………………10
Popular Library Questar………………………………. 2
Texas A&M……………………………………………….. 43
Tor ……………………………………………insert,8,67,68
Looking further ahead, April will mark our
twentieth anniversary. If we can find time, we’ll
try to do something special. Meanwhile, we’d
like to hear from those of our readers who have
been around for the full twenty. We hope at
least to publish a special letter column.
We’re also getting the final work done on
Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror: 1987
and the 1984 volume (which will have a very
small print run). They will probably be out in
late spring/early summer.
It’s Locus poll and survey time again. Please
return the centerfold ballot by April 15,1988,
the same day you have to send in your income
tax. The two new categories are Best All-Time
Writer and Best Writer of the Current Decade.
We’ll compare the answers to the Best All-
Time Novelist category we listed in the August
1987 issue. As usual, we will give a free issue to
subscribers of record when we count the ballots
in late April. You have to at least make an
attempt to vote in some categories on the poll
as well as filling out the survey to qualify.
Photocopied forms are fine, and we’ll count
ballots from second or third readers of your
copy, but only one freebie per subscription.
For those who keep their issues pristine, we’ll
send an extra survey if you send us a stamped
addressed envelope. In other categories,
Continued on page 64
Editorial Matters
LOCUS February 1988 / 3
ISSUE #325 VOL. 21, NO 2 FEBRUARY 1988 Mailing Date: Jan. 30,1988