The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- LUPOFF, RICHARD A. (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Music in the Air [as by Ova Hamlet], (ss) Fantastic Aug 1970
- * The Nosepickers of Dawr [as by Ova Hamlet], (ss) Amazing Jul 1981
- * Ova Speaks, (pr)
- * Petroglyphs, (ss) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror #10 2007
- * Phannie, (ss) The Compleat Ova Hamlet, Ramble House 2007
- * Two Sort-Of Adventures [as by Ova Hamlet], (ss) Touchstone: A Tribute to Fritz Leiber and Ray Bradbury, ed. James Tucker & Erin McKee, Salt Lake City, UT: The Mysterious Stranger Press 1978
- * War of the Doom Zombies [as by Ova Hamlet], (ss) Fantastic Jun 1971
- * The Wedding of Ova Hamlet [as by Addison Steele II], (nv) Fantastic Oct 1975
- * Writer at Large, (cl) Dark Wisdom #11 2007
- * Young Nurse Nebuchadnezzar [as by Ova Hamlet], (ss) Fantastic Apr 1975
- LUTZ, GARY (chron.)
- LUZZATTO, KFIR (chron.)
- LYMAN, JEFFREY (books) (chron.)
- LYNCH, DONNA (chron.)
- LYON, HILLARY (chron.)
- LYON, RICHARD K(enneth) (1933-2008) (chron.)
- * The Secret Identity Diet, (nv) Aboriginal SF Win 1992
- MABERRY, JONATHAN (books) (chron.)
- MacALISTER, KATIE; pseudonym of Marthe Arends, (1962- ) (books) (chron.)
- McALLISTER, BRUCE (Hugh) (1946- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Angels, (ss) IASFM May 1990
- * The Ark, (ss) Omni Sep 1985
- * Assassin, (ss) Omni Feb 1994
- * Benjis Pencil, (ss) F&SF Mar 1969
- * The Boy in Zaquitos, (nv) F&SF Jan 2006
- * Dream Baby, (nv) In the Field of Fire, ed. Jeanne Van Buren Dann & Jack M. Dann, Tor 1987
- * The Faces Outside, (ss) If Jul 1963
- * The Girl Who Loved Animals, (ss) Omni May 1988
- * Hero, the Movie, (nv) F&SF Jul 2005
- * His Wife, (ss) Fantasy Magazine #6 2007
- * Kin, (ss) Asimovs Feb 2006
- * The Lion, (ss) Asimovs Mar 2007
- * Little Boy Blue, (ss) Omni Jun 1989
- * The Man Inside, (vi) Galaxy May 1969
- * Moving On, (nv) OMNI Best Science Fiction Three, ed. Ellen Datlow, OMNI Books 1993
- * Poison, (ss) Asimovs Jan 2007
- * Southpaw, (ss) Asimovs Aug 1993
- * Spell, (ss) F&SF Aug 2005
- * Stu, (ss) Sci Fiction website Nov 23 2005
- * World of the Wars, (ss) Mars, We Love You, ed. Jane Hipolito & Willis E. McNelly, Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1971
- McAULEY, PAUL J. (1955- ) (books) (chron.)
- * 25 IZ, (ms) Interzone Jun 2007
- * Dead Men Walking [Quiet War], (nv) Asimovs Mar 2006
- * Meat, (vi) Nature May 5 2005
- * The Rift, (nv) Vanishing Acts, ed. Ellen Datlow, Tor 2000
- * Rocket Boy, (nv) Future Weapons of War, ed. Joe Haldeman & Martin H. Greenberg, Baen 2007
- * Winning Peace, (nv) The New Space Opera, ed. Gardner Dozois & Jonathan Strahan, Eos 2007
- McBRIDE, MICHAEL (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- McBRIDE, TRACIE (chron.)
- McCAFFERY, LARRY; [i.e., Lawrence Florian McCaffery, Jr.] (1946- ) (chron.)
- * On Encompassing the Entire Universe: An Interview with Gene Wolfe, (iv) Science Fiction Studies #15 1988
- McCAFFERY, LAWRENCE FLORIAN, Jr.; see under McCaffery, Larry (chron.)
- McCAFFREY, ANNE (Inez) (1926- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * If Wishes Were Horses, (na)
- * No One Noticed the Cat, (na)
- McCAGE, MURI (chron.)
- McCARRON, MEGHAN (chron.)
- McCARTHY, ERIN (books) (chron.)
- McCARTHY, SHAWNA (Lee) (1954- ) (chron.)
- McCARTHY, WIL(liam Terence) (1966- ) (chron.)
- McCARTY, MICHAEL (chron.)
- MacCATH, C. S. (chron.)
- McCHARLES, RANDY (chron.)
- McCLELLAN, BRIAN (chron.)
- McCOMAS, MARY KAY; pseudonym of Kay Hooper, (1957- ) (chron.)
- McCONCHIE, LYN (1946?- ) (books) (chron.)
- McCORMACK, UNA (chron.)
- McCRAY, CHEYENNE (books) (chron.)
- McCREARY, CHERYL (chron.)
- McCREESH, HOSHO (chron.)
- * Very Soon, (pm) Blue Collar Review v10 #1 2006
- McDANIEL, TIM (chron.)
- McDERMOTT, EDWARD (chron.)
- McDERMOTT, WILL (books) (chron.)
- McDEVITT, JACK; [i.e., John Charles McDevitt] (1935- ) (books) (chron.)
- McDEVITT, JOHN CHARLES; see under McDevitt, Jack (books) (chron.)
- MacDIBBLE, BREN (chron.)
- McDONALD, IAN (Neil) (1960- ) (books) (chron.)
- McDONALD, KERIS (chron.)
- MacDONALD, RUTH (chron.)
- * Tarzana Author Hospital Patient, (ms) The Van Nuys News Jan 9 1931
- McDONALD, SANDRA (books) (chron.)
- McDONNELL, JOHN (chron.)
- McDOUGALL, KIM (chron.)
- McDOWELL, IAN (1958- ) (chron.)
- * mehitobel was queen of the night, (pm) Lady Churchills Rosebud Wristlet Spr/Sum 1999
- _____, reviews:
- McENEELY, EDWARD (chron.)
- McEVOY, J(oseph) P(atrick) (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- * The Panama Plot: A Review in Rime, (br) Chicago Daily Tribune May 4 1918
- McGACHEY, DANIEL (chron.)
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