The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- DEAN, EARL P. (chron.)
- DEAN, ROSELLE (chron.)
- * Just Made a Living in Business; Now Hes Rich, (bg) Los Angeles Times Jun 25 1922
- DEAN, SHERRI (chron.)
- de BALZAC, HONORÉ; see under Balzac, Honoré de (chron.)
- de BERNIÈRES, LOUIS; pseudonym of Louis Henry Piers de Bernier-Smart, (1954- ) (chron.)
- * My Beautiful House, (ss) The Times Dec 18 2004
- de BERNIER-SMART, LOUIS HENRY PIERS (1954- ); see pseudonym Louis de Bernières (chron.)
- de BODARD, ALIETTE (chron.)
- deBRAZIER, RUBY (chron.)
- DeBROSSE, MODENA E. (chron.)
- de CAMP, L(yon) SPRAGUE (1907-2000) (books) (chron.)
- * The Castle of Iron (with Fletcher Pratt) [Harold Shea], (n.) Unknown Apr 1941
- * Fletcher and I, (ar) The Compleat Enchanter, SFBC 1975
- * The Gnarly Man, (nv) Unknown Jun 1939
- * The Green Magician (with Fletcher Pratt) [Harold Shea], (na) Beyond Fantasy Fiction #9 1954
- * The Mathematics of Magic (with Fletcher Pratt) [Harold Shea], (na) Unknown Aug 1940
- * The Roaring Trumpet (with Fletcher Pratt) [Harold Shea], (na) Unknown May 1940
- * Sir Harold and the Gnome King [Harold Shea], (nv) World Fantasy Convention Program Book, ed. Robert Weinberg 1990
- * Sir Harold of Zodanga [Harold Shea], (na) The Exotic Enchanter, ed. L. Sprague de Camp & Christopher Stasheff, Baen 1995
- * The Wall of Serpents (with Fletcher Pratt) [Harold Shea], (na) Fantasy Fiction Jun 1953
- DeCANDIDO, KEITH R. A. (books) (chron.)
- * A Clean Getaway, (nv) Pandoras Closet, ed. Jean Rabe & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 2007
- * Four Lights [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Skys the Limit, ed. Marco Palmieri, Pocket 2007
- * Horn and Ivory [Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Gateways], (na) Star Trek: Gateways: What Lay Beyond, ed. Anon., Pocket 2001
- * House Arrest, (ss) Bad-Ass Faeries, ed. Danielle Ackley-McPhail, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Lee Hillman & Jeff Lyman, Marietta Publishing 2007
- * The Mirror-Scaled Serpent [Star Trek: Mirror Universe], (n.) Star Trek: Mirror Universe, Part 2: Obsidian Alliances, ed. Anon., Pocket 2007
- * Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Gateways, Book Four: Demons of Air and Darkness [Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Gateways], (n.) New York: Pocket Books 2001
- DeCHOUDENS, E. N. (chron.)
- DeCINA, KIMBERLY (chron.)
- DE CUYPER, FRANK R. F.; see pseudonym Frank Roger (chron.)
- DEDMAN, STEPHEN (1959- ) (chron.)
- * Coup de Grace, (ss) Borderlands #4 2004
- DEELEY, MALCOLM (chron.)
- DEFOE, DANIEL; pseudonym of Daniel Foe, (1660-1731) (chron.)
- * True Relation of the Apparition of One Mrs. Veal, (ar) booklet Jul 1706
- DeGRAFF, DAVID (chron.)
- DE KLER, MICHAEL (chron.)
- de la CASA, RICARD (chron.)
- de la CRUZ, MELISSA (books) (chron.)
- de LA HIRE, JEAN (books) (chron.)
- DeLANCEY, CRAIG (chron.)
- * ApeCon, (ss) Alternate Worldcons/Again, Alternate Worldcons, ed. Mike Resnick, WC Books 1996
- DE LA ROSA, BECCA (chron.)
- DeLEE, DAVID (chron.)
- de LINT, CHARLES (Henri Diederick Hoefsmit) (1951- ) (books) (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- * Books to Look For, (br) F&SF Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct/Nov, Dec 2007
- DELLAMONICA, A. M. (chron.)
- del REY, LESTER; [i.e., Ramón Felipe San Juan Mario Silvio Enrico Smith Heathcourt-Brace Sierra y Alvarez-del Rey y de Los Uerdes (born Leonard Knapp)] (1915-1993) (books) (chron.)
- * The Sky Is Falling, (na) Beyond Jul 1954
- DeLUCA, MICHAEL J. (chron.)
- DeMARCO, M. C. (chron.)
- de MAUPASSANT, GUY; see under Maupassant, Guy de (chron.)
- DEMBO, ARINN (chron.)
- DeNIRO, ALAN (chron.)
- DENISON, ROLAND; pseudonym of Christopher Surridge (chron.)
- * Transport of Delight, (vi) Nature Dec 8 2005
- DENIZ, MARK S. (books) (chron.)
- DENNIS, ANDREW (books) (chron.)
- DENSON, ABBY (chron.)
- DENT, LESTER (1905-1959) (chron.)
- DENYER, TREVOR (chron.)
- DERBY, MATTHEW (chron.)
- DERLETH, AUGUST (William) (1909-1971) (chron.)
- * The Lonesome Place, (ss) Famous Fantastic Mysteries Feb 1948
- DERR, NICOLE (chron.)
- * Village of Ardakmoktan, (ss) Pindeldyboz Feb 8 2006
- de TERAN, LISA ST. AUBIN (1953- ) (chron.)
- * Diamond Jim, (ss) The Virago Book of Ghost Stories, ed. Richard Dalby, Virago 1987
- de VRIES, JETSE (chron.)
- DeWEESE, GENE; [i.e., Thomas Eugene DeWeese] (1934- ) (chron.)
- DE WINTER, CORRINE (books) (chron.)
- * Absentia, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Angel Slept On, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Blush, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * The Body in Love, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Book of the Dead, (pm) Book of Dark Wisdom #4 2004
- * Carry Me, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Danaid, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Eclipse, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Enter Valentine, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Even in the Fog, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Former Fire, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Forsythia Begins, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Fur Immer, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * If This Comes, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * May at the Metropolitan, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Poets Hell, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Poppy, (pm) Outer Darkness #25 2002
- * Ritual (Dry of the Dead), (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Soulfood, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Stranger to Desire, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Unseen, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Veil, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * When Rivers Turn to Fire, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * You Believed, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * You Dreamed, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Your Cabaret, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Your Muse, (pm) Tango in the Ninth Circle, Dark Regions Press 2007
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