The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Books, Listed by Author
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- DUNMORE, HELEN (1952- ) (chron.)
- DUNN, CHRISTIAN, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- DUNSANY, LORD; [Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett] (1878-1957) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Don Rodriguez: Chronicles of Shadow Valley (Aegypan Press 1-59818-928-X, Sep 2006, $13.95, 183pp, tp) Reprint (Putnam UK 1922 as The Chronicles of Rodriguez) novel formed from 12 linked stories. This appeared in 2006, but was not seen until now; this is a print-on-demand edition available online at [].
- * _The Gods of Pegana (Aegypan Press 1-59818-927-1, Sep 2006, $10.95, 100pp, tp) Reprint (Elkin Mathews 1905) collection. This appeared in 2006, but was not seen until now; this is a print-on-demand edition available online at [].
- * _Selections from the Writings of Lord Dunsany (Aegypan Press 1-59818-927-1, Sep 2006, $10.95, 117pp, tp) Reprint (Cuala Press 1912) collection of seven stories and excerpts, edited and with an introduction by W.B. Yeats. This appeared in 2006, but was not seen until now; this is a print-on-demand edition available online at [].
- DuPRAU, JEANNE (chron.)
- * _The Prophet of Yonwood (Random House/Dell Yearling 978-0-440-42124-5, May 2007, $6.50, 289pp, tp) [Book of Ember] Reprint (Random House 2006) young-adult postholocaust SF novel, the third Book of Ember, a prequel to The City of Ember.
- DURGIN, DORANNA (stories) (chron.)
- * _Dun Ladys Jess (Fitzhenry & Whiteside/Red Deer/Star Ink Books 978-0-88995-398-7, Dec 2007, $21.95, 295pp, tp, cover by Kenn Brown & Chris Wren) Reprint (Baen 1994) fantasy novel. This has a new foreword by Elizabeth Moon and introduction by the author. Fitzhenry & Whiteside/Star Ink Books, 1512, 1800-4 Street SW, Calgary Alberta Canada T2S 2S5; [].
- * *Acacia (Doubleday 978-0-385-50606-9, Jun 2007, $26.95, 576pp, hc, cover by Paul A. Romano) [War with the Mein] Fantasy novel, book one of The War with the Mein documenting the fall of the Acacian empire.
- DURST, SARAH BETH (chron.)
- * *Into the Wild (Penguin/Razorbill 978-1-59514-156-9, Jun 2007, $15.99, 261pp, hc) Young-adult fantasy novel. Julies mother, Rapunzel, is dragged back to The Wild, the fairytale world she once escaped.
- DUVAL, ALEX; pseudonym (chron.)
- * *Vampire Beach: Legacy (Simon Pulse 978-1-4169-1169-2, Jun 2007, $5.99, 223pp, pb, cover by Gene Mollica) [Vampire Beach] Young-adult vampire novel, the fourth in a series. Duval is a pen name; the authors are probably Laura Burns & Melinda Metz. Packaged and copyrighted by Working Partners Limited.
- * *Vampire Beach: Ritual (Simon Pulse 978-1-4169-1168-5, Feb 2007, $5.99, 199pp, pb) [Vampire Beach] Young-adult vampire novel, the third in a series. Duval is a pen name; the authors are probably Laura Burns & Melinda Metz. Packaged and copyrighted by Working Partners Limited.
- * *Vampire Beach: Ritual (Random House UK/Red Fox 978-1-862-30195-5, Feb 2007, £5.99, 217pp, tp) [Vampire Beach] Young-adult vampire novel, the third in the series. Simultaneous with the US (Simon Pulse) edition.
- DWORMAN, BRENDA JOYCE (1957- ); see pseudonym Brenda Joyce (chron.)
- EARL, ROBERT (stories) (chron.)
- EARLEY, PETE (chron.)
- * _The Apocalypse Stone (Tor 978-0-7653-4900-2, Jul 2007, $7.99, 374pp, pb) Reprint (Forge 2006) supernatural thriller.
- EARLY, MARGOT (chron.)
- * *A Spirit of Christmas (Harlequin/Everlasting Love 978-0-373-65424-6, Dec 2007, $5.25, 274pp, pb) Paranormal romance, an update of Dickens A Christmas Carol with a female Scrooge.
- EASON, ALETHEA (chron.)
- * *Hungry (HarperCollins/Eos 978-0-06-082554-6, Oct 2007, $15.99, 197pp, hc) Young-adult humorous SF about an alien who must eat a friend.
- EDDINGS, DAVID (Carroll) (1931-2009) (chron.)
- * _Castle of Wizardry (Transworld/Corgi 978-0-552-14810-8, 2007, £6.99, 444pp, pb, cover by Geoff Taylor) [Belgariad] Reissue (Del Rey 1984) fantasy novel, book four of the Belgariad.
- * _The Elenium (Ballantine Del Rey 978-0-345-50093-9, Oct 2007, $18.95, 902pp, tp, cover by Keith Parkinson) [Elenium] Reprint (Grafton 1993) omnibus of three novels in the series: The Diamond Throne (1989), The Ruby Knight (1990), and The Sapphire Rose (1991).
- * _Enchanters End Game (Transworld/Corgi 978-0-552-55480-0, May 2007, £6.99, 445pp, tp, cover by Paul Young) [Belgariad] Reprint (Del Rey 1984) fantasy novel, book five in The Belgariad series.
- * _The Younger Gods (with Leigh Eddings) (Warner 978-0-446-61332-3, Mar 2007, $7.99, 420pp, pb, cover by Matt Stawicki) [Dreamers] Reprint (Voyager 2006) epic fantasy novel, fourth in The Dreamers series.
- EDDINGS, LEIGH; [born Judith Leigh Schall] (1937-2007) (chron.)
- EDGERTON, TERESA (Ann) (1949- ); see pseudonym Madeline Howard (chron.)
- EDGHILL, ROSEMARY; pseudonym of Eluki bes Shahar, (1956- ) (chron.)
- _____, ed.
- EDMONDS, HELEN WOODS (1901-1968); see pseudonym Anna Kavan (chron.)
- EDRIC, ROBERT; pseudonym of Gary Edric Armitage, (1956- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Mermaids (PS Publishing 978-1-905834-17-4, Apr 2007, £10.00, 85pp, hc, cover by Arthur Rackham) Fantasy novella. Some girls mermaid sighting threatens to destroy a small village. Introduction by Nicholas Royle. This is a paper-over-boards edition signed by Edric; a dustjacketed hardcover edition of 300 (-85-3, £25.00) signed by both Edric and Royle is also available. Available from PS Publishing, Grosvenor House, 1 New Road, Hornsea, HU18 1PG, UK; [].
- EFFINGER, GEORGE ALEC (1947-2002) (stories) (chron.)
- * *A Thousand Deaths (Golden Gryphon Press 978-1-93-846-47-0, Jun 2007, $24.95, 340+xiii, hc, cover by John Picacio) [Sandor Courane] Collection of seven stories and novel The Wolves of Memory (1981) featuring Sandor Courane. Introduction by Mike Resnick; afterword by Andrew Fox. Order from Golden Gryphon Press, 3002 Perkins Road, Urbana IL 61802; []. (Contents)
- EGAN, GREG(ory Mark) (1961- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Schilds Ladder (Orion/Gollancz 978-0-575-08111-6, Aug 2007, £7.99, 281pp, tp) Reprint (Gollancz 2002) SF novel. This is a Gollancz Future Classics edition.
- EGAN, JENNIFER (1962- ) (chron.)
- * *The Keep (Random House/Knopf 1-4000-4392-1, Aug 2006, $23.95, 240pp, hc) Gothic novel-within-a-novel about cousins with a past, a ghost, and the prison inmate supposedly writing this tale. This is dated 2006, but not seen until now.
- * _The Keep (Random House/Anchor 978-1-4000-7974-2, Jul 2007, $13.95, 255pp, tp) Reprint (Knopf 2006) gothic novel-within-a-novel.
- EHART, MICHAEL (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Servant of the Manthycore (Double-Edged Publishing 978-0-9793079-5-9, Nov 2007, $13.99, 168pp, tp, cover by Rachel Marks) Sword-and-sorcery fix-up novella about a female warrior in ancient Mesopotamia; six parts were previously published as online stories. Foreword by Michael Moorcock. This is a print-on-demand edition, available online at []; Double-Edged Publishing, 9618 Misty Brook Cove, Cordova TN 38016. (Contents)
- ELLIOTT, KATE; pseudonym of Alis A. Rasmussen, (1958- ) (chron.)
- * _Crown of Stars (Little, Brown UK/Orbit 1-84149-427-5, Oct 2006, £8.99, vi+647pp, pb, cover by Melvyn Grant) [Crown of Stars] Reprint (DAW 2006) fantasy novel, seventh in the Crown of Stars series.
- * _Crown of Stars (DAW 978-0-7564-0406-2, Jan 2007, $7.99, 609pp, pb, cover by Jody A. Lee) [Crown of Stars] Reprint (DAW 2006) fantasy novel, seventh and final in the Crown of Stars series. Elliott is a pen name for Alis Rasmussen.
- * _Spirit Gate (Tor 978-0-7653-4930-9, Oct 2007, $7.99, 718pp, pb, cover by Michael Kaluta) Reprint (Tor 2006) fantasy novel, the first book of the Crossroads series.
- * _Spirit Gate (Little, Brown UK/Orbit 978-1-84149-274-2, Dec 2007, £7.99, 630pp, tp, cover by Larry Rostant) [Crossroads] Reprint (Tor 2006) fantasy novel, the first book in the Crossroads series.
- * +Ambergate (Little, Brown 978090316-01060-3, Feb 2007, $16.99, 390pp, hc, cover by Jon Krause) [Murkmere] Young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to Murkmere. First US edition (Hodder Childrens Books 2005).
- * *The Night Walker (Hodder 978-0-340-91158-7, Feb 2007, £5.99, 378pp, tp) Young-adult dark fantasy novel.
- ELLIS, WARREN (stories) (chron.)
- * *Crooked Little Vein (HarperCollins/Morrow 978-0-06-072393-4, Jul 2007, $21.95, 280pp, hc) Secret history/detective novel with SF and surreal elements. Burned-out PI Michael McGill is hired to find the secret Real Constitution of the United States. A first novel by a noted graphic novelist.
- ELLISON, HARLAN (Jay) (1934- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- ELROD, P(atricia) N(ead) (1954- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Vampire Files, Volume Two (SFBC #1231196, Mar 2007, $13.99, 482pp, hc, cover by Steve Stone) [Jack Fleming (The Vampire Files)] Reprint (Ace 2006) omnibus of three novels in the vampire detective series. This has ISBN 978-0-7394-8079-3; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- _____, ed.
- * *My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon (St. Martins Griffin 978-0-312-37504-1, Jan 2008, $13.95, 358pp, tp, cover by Paul Youll) Original anthology of nine stories involving supernatural honeymoons. This includes stories in Kelley Armstrongs Women of the Otherworld series, Jim Butchers Dresden Files, P.N. Elrods The Vampire Files, and Marjorie M. Lius Dirk & Steele series, (Contents)
- * _My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding (SFBC #1221146, Nov 2006, $10.99, 310pp, hc, cover by Kovack) Reprint (St. Martins Griffin 2006) original anthology of nine stories about supernatural weddings. This has ISBN 978-0-7394-7369-6; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- EMANUEL, VICTOR ROUSSEAU (1879-1960); see pseudonym Victor Rousseau (stories) (chron.)
- EMSHWILLER, CAROL (Fries) (1921- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Emshwiller: Infinity x Two: The Art & Life of Ed and Carol Emshwiller (with Luis Ortiz & Ed Emshwiller) See entry under Ed Emshwiller.
- * _Mister Boots (Penguin/Firebird 978-0-14-240770-7, Mar 2007, $6.99, 185pp, tp, cover by Jim Hoover) Reprint (Viking 2005) young-adult fantasy novel.
- * *The Secret City (Tachyon Publications 978-1892391-44-5, Apr 2007, $14.95, 209pp, tp, cover by Ed Emshwiller) SF novel. An alien stranded on Earth searches for his peoples Secret City. Tachyon Publications, 1459 18th St. #139, San Francisco CA 94107; [].
- EMSHWILLER, ED(mund Alexander) (1925-1990) (chron.)
- * *Emshwiller: Infinity x Two: The Art & Life of Ed and Carol Emshwiller (with Carol Emshwiller & Luis Ortiz) (NonStop Press 978-1-933065-08-3, Mar 2007, $39.95, 173pp, hc, cover by Ed Emshwiller) Art book and biography of Ed & Carol Emshwiller with text by Luis Ortiz, and over 250 illustrations in b&w and color. Introductions by Carol Emshwiller and Alex Eisenstein. Includes notes, selected bibliography, and index. NonStop, POB 981, Peck Slip Station, New York NY 10272-0981; [].
- ENGDAHL, SYLVIA (Louise) (1933- ) (chron.)
- * _Journey Between Worlds (Penguin/Firebird 978-0-14-240828-5, Jun 2007, $7.99, 230pp, pb, cover by Craig Phillips) Reprint (Atheneum 1970) young-adult SF novel/romance about the colonization of Mars. This follows the slightly revised 2006 Putnam edition.
- * *Stewards of the Flame (Engdahl, Sylvia 978-1-4196-7506-5, Sep 2007, $19.99, 458pp, tp) SF novel. A star pilot on an unfamiliar planet finds himself a prisoner of that worlds dictatorial medical system. This is a print-on-demand edition, available online at []
- ENTHOVEN, SAM (chron.)
- EPHRON, DELIA (1944- ) (chron.)
- * *Frannie in Pieces (HarperTeen 978-0-06-074716-9, Oct 2007, $16.99, 376pp, hc, cover by Chad W. Beckerman) Young-adult fantasy. Frannies dead father leaves her a puzzle that transports her to an ancient Italian city out of time.
- ERICKSON, STEVE; [i.e., Stephen Michael Erickson] (1950- ) (chron.)
- * *Zeroville (Europa Editions 978-1-933372-39-6, Sep 2007, $14.95, 329pp, tp) Mainstream novel with possible supernatural elements. A young man obsessed with film comes to Hollywood and discovers a secret about movies and dreams.
- ERIKSON, STEVEN; [born Steve Rune Lundin] (1959- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _The Bonehunters (Transworld/Bantam UK 978-0-553-81315-9, Apr 2007, £7.99, 1213pp, pb, cover by Steve Stone) [Malazan Book of the Fallen] Reprint (Bantam UK 2006) fantasy novel. Book six of the Malazan Book of the Fallen series.
- * +The Bonehunters (Tor 978-0-7653-1006-4, Sep 2007, $27.95, 800pp, hc, cover by Todd Lockwood) [Malazan Book of the Fallen] Fantasy novel, the sixth in The Malazan Book of the Fallen. A trade paperback edition (-1652-3, $16.95) is also available. First US edition (Bantam UK 3/06).
- * _House of Chains (Tor 978-0-765-34881-4, Mar 2007, $7.99, 1021pp, pb, cover by Todd Lockwood) [Malazan Book of the Fallen] Reprint (Bantam UK 2002) fantasy novel, the fourth in The Malazan Book of the Fallen.
- * *The Lees of Laughters End (PS Publishing 978-1-905834-46-4, Apr 2007, £12.00, 115pp, hc, cover by Edward Miller) [Malazan; Bauchelain & Korbal Broach] Fantasy novella in the series about sorcerers Bauchelain and Korbal Broach. Introduction by James Barclay. This is a paper-over-boards edition; a jacketed hardcover edition of 500 (-47-1, £25.00) signed by Erikson and Barclay is also available. Available from PS Publishing, Grosvenor House, 1 New Road, Hornsea, HU18 1PG, UK; [].
- * +Midnight Tides (Tor 978-0-7653-1005-7, Apr 2007, $27.95, 624pp, hc, cover by Todd Lockwood) [Malazan Book of the Fallen] Fantasy novel, the fifth in the Malazan Book of the Fallen. A trade paperback edition (-1651-6, $15.95) is also available. First US edition (Bantam UK 3/04).
- * _Midnight Tides (SFBC #1231478, Apr 2007, $14.99, 779pp, hc, cover by Todd Lockwood) [Malazan Book of the Fallen] Reprint (Bantam UK 2004) fantasy novel, the fourth in The Malazan Book of the Fallen. This is similar to the Tor edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Midnight Tides (Tor 978-0-7653-4882-1, Sep 2007, $7.99, 940pp, pb, cover by Todd Lockwood) [Malazan Book of the Fallen] Reprint (Bantam UK 2004) fantasy novel, the fourth in The Malazan Book of the Fallen.
- * *Reapers Gale (Transworld/Bantam UK 978-0-593-04632-6, May 2007, £12.99, 910pp, tp, cover by Steve Stone) [Malazan Book of the Fallen] Fantasy novel, the seventh volume in the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. A limited edition hardback edition (-46321-5, £20.00) was announced but not seen.
- ERSKINE, BARBARA; pseudonym of Barbara Hope-Lewis, (1944- ) (chron.)
- * _Daughters of Fire (HarperCollins UK 978-0-00-717427-0, Mar 2007, £6.99, 562pp, tp) Reprint (HarperCollins UK 2006) historical novel with fantasy elements.
- ERWINE, J. ALAN (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Opium of the People (Nomadic Delirium Press 1-4196-2588-8, Jan 2007, $15.99, 156pp, tp, cover by Laura Givens) Reprint (ProMart Publishing 1997?, not seen) near-future SF novella. Radical fundamentalist Christians take over the US government. This has been somewhat revised/corrected from two previous editions. This is a print-on-demand edition, available online at [].
- * *Seedlings on the Solar Winds and Other Stories (Nomadic Delirium Press 978-0-9801703-0-6, Dec 2007, $12.99, 139pp, tp, cover by Laura Givens) Collection of 16 stories, with notes on each by the author. This is a print-on-demand edition, available online at []; 950 W. 103rd Pl., Apt B204, Northglenn CO 80260. (Contents)
- _____, ed.
- * *Future Syndicate (Nomadic Delirium Press 1-4196-5459-4, Jan 2007, $14.99, 123pp, tp, cover by Marge Simon) Original anthology of eight stories, three reprints, about future crime. Authors include Jason Sizemore, Lavie Tidhar, and Bruce Horner. This is a print-on-demand edition, available online at []. (Contents)
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