The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Books, Listed by Title
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- Cat Deck the Halls Shirley Rousseau Murphy (n.)
- Cat in a Quicksilver Caper Carole Nelson Douglas (n.)
- Cat in a Red Hot Rage Carole Nelson Douglas (n.)
- The Cat Master Bonnie Pemberton (n.)
- Cat Pay the Devil Shirley Rousseau Murphy (n.)
- Catch the Lightning Catherine Asaro (n.)
- Category 7 Bill Evans & Marianna Jameson (n.)
- Catnap Carole Nelson Douglas (n.)
- Cats Paw L. A. Taylor (n.)
- Cauldron Jack McDevitt (n.)
- Cell Stephen King (n.)
- Celtika Robert Holdstock (n.)
- Cenotaxis Sean Williams (na)
- Chains of Darkness, Chains of Light Michelle Sagara West (n.)
- The Challenge of JHWH Symm Hawes McCord & Jacquelyn Brooks Strike-McCord (n.)
- Chance Fortune and the Outlaws Shane Berryhill (n.)
- Changeling Yasmine Galenorn (n.)
- Changelings Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough (n.)
- Chanurs Endgame C. J. Cherryh (om)
- The Chaos Code Justin Richards (n.)
- The Chaos King Laura Ruby (n.)
- Charles Williams: Alchemy and Integration Gavin Ashenden (nf)
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Roald Dahl (n.)
- Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Roald Dahl (n.)
- Charlie Bone and the Beast Jenny Nimmo (n.)
- Charlie Bone and the Hidden King Jenny Nimmo (n.)
- Charlie Bone and the Wilderness Wolf Jenny Nimmo (n.)
- Charmed & Dangerous Candace Havens (n.)
- Charmed & Deadly Candace Havens (n.)
- Charmed Life Diana Wynne Jones (n.)
- Charmed: High Spirits Scott Ciencin (n.)
- Chasing Midnight Susan Krinard (n.)
- Chasing Silver Jamie Craig (n.)
- Chasing the Dead Joe Schreiber (n.)
- Cheap Thrills Ron Goulart (nf)
- The Chestnut Soldier Jenny Nimmo (n.)
- The Chick and the Dead Casey Daniels (n.)
- Children of Chaos Dave Duncan (n.)
- The Children of Húrin J. R. R. Tolkien (n.)
- Children of the Lamp: The Cobra King of Kathmandu P. B. Kerr (n.)
- Children of the Lamp: The Day of the Djinn Warriors P. B. Kerr (n.)
- The Childrens Hospital Chris Adrian (n.)
- The Chimeras Curse Julia Golding (n.)
- The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril Paul Malmont (n.)
- Choices Deborah Lynn Jacobs (n.)
- Choosers of the Slain John Ringo (n.)
- Chris Bunchs The Gangster Conspiracy Steve Perry & Dal Perry (n.)
- Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt Anne Rice (n.)
- Christine Stephen King (n.)
- A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens & P. J. Lynch (n.)
- Christmas Carol and Other Holiday Tales Charles Dickens (om)
- A Christmas Carol, The Chimes, and The Cricket on the Hearth Charles Dickens (om)
- Chronicles of Ancient Darkness: Outcast Michelle Paver (n.)
- Chronicles of Ancient Darkness: Soul Eater Michelle Paver (n.)
- The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Volume I Diana Wynne Jones (om)
- The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Volume II Diana Wynne Jones (om)
- The Chronicles of Narnia Pop-up Robert Sabuda, Matthew Armstrong & C. S. Lewis (pi)
- Chronicles of the Apocalypse: Species Michael McBride (n.)
- Chronicles of the Black Company Glen Cook (om)
- The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Eighth Grade Bites Heather Brewer (n.)
- Cimmerian City Rae Lindley (n.)
- The Cipher Diana Pharaoh Francis (n.)
- Circus of the Damned Laurell K. Hamilton (n.)
- Cirque Du Freak: Lord of the Shadows Darren Shan (n.)
- Cirque Du Freak: Sons of Destiny Darren Shan (n.)
- Cirque Du Freak: The Lake of Souls Darren Shan (n.)
- City Clifford D. Simak (n.)
- The City Beyond Play Philip José Farmer & Danny Adams (na)
- City of Dogs Livi Michael (n.)
- The City of Dreaming Books Walter Moers (n.)
- City of Dreaming Books Walter Moers (n.)
- City of the Beast Michael Moorcock (n.)
- City Pier: Above and Below Paul G. Tremblay (na)
- Claimed by Shadow Karen Chance (n.)
- The Clan Corporate Charles Stross (n.)
- Clan Daughter Morgan Howell (n.)
- Clan Ground Clare Bell (n.)
- Clarke County, Space Allen M. Steele (n.)
- Clash of the Sky Galleons Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell (n.)
- Class Dis-Mythed Robert Lynn Asprin & Jody Lynn Nye (n.)
- Classic Tales of Horror Volume 1 ed. Anonymous (an)
- Classic Tales of Horror Volume 2 ed. Jonathan Wooding (an)
- Cleansing Hunt Greg Park (n.)
- The Cleft Doris Lessing (n.)
- The Clone Alliance Steven L. Kent (n.)
- Close Encounters of the Sexy Kind Karen Kelley (n.)
- Cloud Cuckoo Land Steven Sivell (n.)
- The Clue of the Linoleum Lederhosen M. T. Anderson (n.)
- Cold Copper Tears Glen Cook (n.)
- The Cold Dark Heart of the World Wilson Roberts (n.)
- Cold Skin Albert Sánchez Piñol & Cheryl Leah Morgan,trans. (n.)
- The Collected Ed Gorman: Volume One: Out There in the Darkness Ed Gorman (co)
- The Collected Ed Gorman: Volume Two: The Moving Coffin Ed Gorman (co)
- The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith, Volume 2: The Door to Saturn Clark Ashton Smith (co)
- The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith, Volume I: The End of the Story Clark Ashton Smith (co)
- The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume III: Narnia, Cambridge, and Joy 1950-1963 C. S. Lewis (nf)
- The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg: To the Dark Star: 1962-69 Robert Silverberg (co)
- Collected Works Oscar Wilde (co)
- Colliding Forces Constance ODay-Flannery (n.)
- The Colorado Kid Stephen King (n.)
- Come Closer Sara Gran (n.)
- A Coming Evil Vivian Vande Velde (n.)
- The Coming Race Edward Bulwer-Lytton (n.)
- Command & Conquer Tiberium Wars Keith R. A. DeCandido (n.)
- Command and Conquer: Tiberium Wars Keith R. A. DeCandido (n.)
- Command Decision Elizabeth N. Moon (n.)
- The Commons Matt Hughes (n.)
- A Companion to Wolves Sarah Monette & Elizabeth Bear (n.)
- The Company They Keep: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community Diana Pavlac Glyer (nf)
- Competitions a Witch Kelly McClymer (n.)
- The Compleat Ova Hamlet Richard A. Lupoff (co)
- The Complete Guide to Writing Science Fiction: Volume One: First Contact ed. Dave A. Law & Darin Park (nf)
- The Complete Hammers Slammers, Volume Two David A. Drake (co)
- Confessions of a Werewolf Supermodel Ronda Thompson (n.)
- Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister Gregory Maguire (n.)
- Confessor Terry Goodkind (n.)
- The Conjure Book A. A. Attanasio (n.)
- Conqueror Stephen M. Baxter (n.)
- The Constellation of Sylvie Roderick Townley (n.)
- Contact Susan Grant (n.)
- Context John Meaney (n.)
- Contract Simon Spurrier (n.)
- Conventions of War Walter Jon Williams (n.)
- Conversations with the Devil Jeff Rovin (n.)
- Coraline Neil Gaiman (n.)
- Counting Heads David Marusek (n.)
- The Country of the Blind and Other Selected Stories H. G. Wells (co)
- The Country You Have Never Seen Joanna Russ (nf)
- The Court of the Air Stephen Hunt (n.)
- A Coven of Vampires Brian Lumley (co)
- Cowboy Angels Paul J. McAuley (n.)
- Coyote Blue Christopher Moore (n.)
- Coyote Dreams C. E. Murphy (n.)
- The Coyote Road ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (oa)
- The Cracked Throne Joshua Palmatier (n.)
- Crash Deluxe Marianne de Pierres (n.)
- Crashing Paradise Christopher Golden & Thomas E. Sniegoski (n.)
- Creation in Death J. D. Robb (n.)
- Creator Born Shirley Hiter (n.)
- Crime Seen Victoria Laurie (n.)
- Crimson Fire Holly Taylor (n.)
- The Crimson Peril John S. Glasby (na)
- A Critical History of Doctor Who on Television John Kenneth Muir (nf)
- Crooked Little Vein Warren Ellis (n.)
- Crossfire Miyuki Miyabe (n.)
- The Crow Alison Croggon (n.)
- Crown of Stars Kate Elliott (n.)
- A Cruel Wind: A Chronicle of the Dread Empire Glen Cook (om)
- Crusader Sara Douglass (n.)
- The Crying Child Barbara Michaels (n.)
- The Crystal Cosmos Rhys H. Hughes (na)
- Crystal Doors Book I: Island Realm Rebecca Moesta & Kevin J. Anderson (n.)
- Crystal Doors, Book II: Ocean Realm Rebecca Moesta & Kevin J. Anderson (n.)
- Crystal Dragon Sharon Lee & Steve Miller (n.)
- Crystal Rain Tobias S. Buckell (n.)
- Crystal Soldier Sharon Lee & Steve Miller (n.)
- The Cultural Influences of William Gibson, the Father of Cyberpunk Science Fiction: Critical and Interpretive Essays ed. Carl B. Yoke & Carol L. Robinson (nf)
- Culture, Identities and Technology in the Star Wars Films ed. Carl Silvio & Tony M. Vinci (nf)
- The Cup of the World John Dickinson (n.)
- Cupid Julius Lester (n.)
- Currency of Souls Kealan-Patrick Burke (n.)
- The Curse of Salamander Street G. P. Taylor (n.)
- The Curse of the Campfire Weenies and Other Warped and Creepy Tales David Lubar (oc)
- The Curse of the Ravens Rebecca Lisle (n.)
- The Curse of the Romanovs Staton Rabin (n.)
- The Curse on the Chosen Ian Irvine (n.)
- The Cursed L. A. Banks (n.)
- Curses, Inc. and Other Stories Vivian Vande Velde (oc)
- Cursors Fury Jim Butcher (n.)
- Cybeles Secret Juliet Marillier (n.)
- Cybermancy Kelly McCullough (n.)
- Cygnet Patricia A. McKillip (om)
- Cylons in America: Critical Studies in Battlestar Galactica ed. Tiffany Potter & C. W. Marshall (nf)
- Cynnador Patrick Welch (n.)
- D.A. Connie Willis (nv)
- The Da-Da-De-Da-Da Code Robert Rankin (n.)
- Daemon Eyes Camille Bacon-Smith (om)
- Daemon Hall Andrew Nance (n.)
- Dagger Key and Other Stories Lucius Shepard (co)
- Damned Lisa Childs (n.)
- Damsel Under Stress Shanna Swendson (n.)
- Dance Dance Revolution Cathy Park Hong (pm)
- Dance of the Gods Nora Roberts (n.)
- The Dance of Time Eric Flint & David A. Drake (n.)
- Dance with a Vampire Ellen Schreiber (n.)
- Dancing with Werewolves Carole Nelson Douglas (n.)
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