The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2003
Stories, Listed by Author
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- STEELE, ALLEN M. (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Her Own Private Sitcom, (ss) Analog Jan 1999
- * Introduction and Acknowledgements, (in)
- * Introduction: Mishegos, (in)
- * Jake and the Enemy, (ss) Oceans of the Mind Fll 2001
- * Jake’s Last Stand, (ar) Absolute Magnitude Sum 2000
- * Leap of Faith, (ar) Absolute Magnitude Win 1999
- * Long Time Coming, (cl) Artemis Sum 2001
- * The Longest Eye, (ar) Absolute Magnitude Sum 2001
- * The Madwoman of Shuttlefield [Coyote], (nv) Asimov’s May 2003
- * The Merchants of Mars, (ar) Absolute Magnitude Fll/Win 1997
- * Missing Time, (ss) Worcester Magazine Sep 25 1996
- * Mr. Steele Goes to Washington, (ar) Artemis Sum 2001
- * Primary Ignition: In the Company of Dinosaurs, (cl) Absolute Magnitude Fll 2003
- * Road Trip for Rockets ’84, (cl) Artemis Sum 2000
- * The Teb Hunter, (ss) Witpunk, ed. Claude Lalumière & Marty Halpern, Four Walls Eight Windows 2003
- * Tom Swift and His Humongous Mechanical Dude, (nv) F&SF Jun 2001
- * The Tourist Trap, (cl) Artemis Spr 2001
- * A Walk Across Mars, (nv) Mars Probes, ed. Peter Crowther, DAW 2002
- * Warning, Warning, (ss) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #19 2000
- STEINBECK, JOHN (Ernst, Jr.) (1902-1968) (chron.)
- * Migrant People [Chapter 17 of The Grapes of Wrath], (ex) 1939
- STELLA, GYNN (chron.)
- STEPHENSEN-PAYNE, PHIL(ip Andrew) (1952- ) (books) (chron.)
- STEPHENSON, NEAL (Town) (1959- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * from The Diamond Age, (ex) Bantam Spectra 1995
- * Stone Gift, (ss) Tessellations, ed. Jason R. Bleckly & Kain Massin, Altair Publishing 2000
- STERLING, (Michael) BRUCE (1954- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * In Paradise, (ss) F&SF Sep 2002
- * Introduction: The Kingdom of Magic Junk, (in) A Place So Foreign and Eight More, Four Walls Eight Windows 2003
- * Junk DNA (with Rudy Rucker), (nv) Asimov’s Jan 2003
- * The Latter Days of the Law (with Howard Waldrop), (nv) Custer’s Last Jump and Other Collaborations, Golden Gryphon Press 2003
- * Schism Matrix, (cl) Infinite Matrix (online) Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 2003
- * Swarm [Mechanist-Shapers], (nv) F&SF Apr 1982
- STERNS, AARON (chron.)
- STEVENS, BERNI (chron.)
- STEVENS, FRANCIS; pseudonym of Gertrude Bennett, (1884-1948) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Behind the Curtain, (ss) All-Story Weekly Sep 21 1918
- * The Curious Experience of Thomas Dunbar [as by G. M. Barrows], (ss) The Argosy Mar 1904
- * The Elf-Trap, (ss) The Argosy Jul 5 1919
- * Friend Island, (ss) All-Story Weekly Sep 7 1918
- * The Labyrinth, (nv) All-Story Weekly Jul 27 1918 (+2)
- * The Nightmare, (na) All-Story Weekly Apr 14 1917
- * Serapion, (na) Argosy Jun 19 1920 (+3)
- * Unseen—Unfeared, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine Feb 10 1919
- STEVENS, JAN (chron.)
- STEVENS, MARK (chron.)
- STEVENSON, JASON J. (chron.)
- STEVENSON, JENNIFER (books) (chron.)
- * Solstice, (ss) The Horns of Elfland, ed. Ellen Kushner, Donald G. Keller & Delia Sherman, Roc 1997
- * Editorial: Where do you get your ideas from?, (ed) Aurealis #31 2003
- * To That Which Kills, (ss) Aurealis #27/28 2001
- STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS (Balfour) (1850-1894) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Adventure of the Hansom Cab, (ss) London 1878; The Suicide Club, gp.
- * The Body-Snatcher, (ss) Pall Mall Christmas Extra 1884
- * A Lodging for the Night, (ss) Temple Bar Oct 1877
- * Markheim, (ss) The Broken Shaft: Unwin’s Annual for 1886, ed. Sir Henry Norman, London: T. Fisher Unwin 1885
- * Story of the Physician and the Saratoga Trunk, (ss) London 1878; The Suicide Club, gp.
- * Story of the Young Man with the Cream Tarts, (nv) London 1878; The Suicide Club, gp.
- * The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, (na) New York: Scribner’s 1886
- * The Suicide Club, (gp) London Jun-Oct 1878; Story of the Young Man with the Cream Tarts, nv London 1878; Story of the Physician and the Saratoga Trunk, ss London 1878; The Adventure of the Hansom Cab, ss London 1878.
- * Thrawn Janet, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine Oct 1881
- STEWART, ALEX; [i.e., Alexander Michael Stewart] (1958- ); see pseudonym Sandy Mitchell (books) (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- STEWART, GENE (1958- ) (chron.)
- STEWART, JAMES C. (chron.)
- STEWART, JASON (chron.)
- STEWART, JOAN (chron.)
- STEWART, W. GREGORY (chron.)
- STICKART, DIANE A. S. (chron.)
- STICKEL, ANNE M. (chron.)
- STILES, STEPHEN G. (chron.)
- * Eternity’s Vanguard, (ss) Dreams & Visions
- * Wizards, (ss) Dreams & Visions
- * Leave Them Where They Lay, (ss) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Sum 1994
- STIRLING, JANET (chron.)
- STIRLING, S(tephen) M(ichael) (1953- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Anvil (with David A. Drake) [*General], (n.) New York: Baen 1993
- * The Crystal Method, (ss) Live Without a Net, ed. Lou Anders, Roc 2003
- * Field Trip (with Janet Stirling), (nv) Space Inc., ed. Julie E. Czerneda, DAW 2003
- * The Forge (with David A. Drake) [*General], (n.) New York: Baen 1991
- * The Hammer (with David A. Drake) [*General], (n.) New York: Baen 1992
- * The Steel (with David A. Drake) [*General], (n.) New York: Baen 1993
- * The Sword (with David A. Drake) [*General], (n.) New York: Baen 1995
- STOCKTON, FRANK R.; [i.e., Francis Richard Stockton] (1834-1902) (chron.)
- * The Griffin and the Minor Canon, (ss) St. Nicholas Magazine Oct 1885
- STODDARD, JAMES (Coston) (chron.)
- STOKER, BRAM; [i.e., Abraham Stoker] (1847-1912) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Bridal of Death, (gs) Graphic Classics #7: Bram Stoker, Eureka Productions 2003; adapt. by J. B. Bonivert
- * Dracula’s Voyage, (gs) Graphic Classics #7: Bram Stoker, Eureka Productions 2003; adapt. by John W. Pierard
- * The Dualitists—or—the Death-Doom of the Double-Born (with Tom Pomplun, ed.), (gs) Graphic Classics #7: Bram Stoker, Eureka Productions 2003
- * The Funeral Party, (vi)
- * The Judge’s House, (gs) Graphic Classics #7: Bram Stoker, Eureka Productions 2003; adapt. by Gerry Alanguilan
- * Lair of the White Worm, (gs) Graphic Classics #7: Bram Stoker, Eureka Productions 2003; adapt. by Rico Schacherl
- * Prefessor Abraham Van Helsing’s Vampire Hunter’s Guide, (gs) Graphic Classics #7: Bram Stoker, Eureka Productions 2003; adapt. by Tom Pomplun
- * Torture Tower, (gs) Graphic Classics #7: Bram Stoker, Eureka Productions 2003; adapt. by Onsmith Jeremi
- * The Wondrous Child, (ss)
- STOKER, GREG (chron.)
- STOKES, DOUGLAS M. [Ph.D.] (chron.)
- STOKES, JAMES (chron.)
- STONE, DAVE (1964- ) (chron.)
- STONE, DEL, Jr. (1955- ) (chron.)
- STONE, LESLIE F(rances) [Mrs. William Silberberg] (1905-1991) (chron.)
- * A Letter of the Twenty-Fourth Century, (ss) Amazing Dec 1929
- * The Man Who Fought a Fly, (nv) Amazing Oct 1932
- STONE, MICHAEL (1950- ) (chron.)
- STONE, RHOMAS (chron.)
- STONE, THOMAS (chron.)
- STORY, GREGORY (chron.)
- STRADNER, JULIE (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
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