The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2003
Books, Listed by Author
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- STIRLING, S(tephen) M(ichael) (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * _T2: Rising Storm (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07399-3, Jun 2003, £6.99, 467pp, pb, cover by Electric Sheep) [Terminator] Reprint (Gollancz 2002) SF novel, a sequel to the film, T2: Judgment Day.
- * *T2: The Future War (HarperEntertainment 0-380-97793-1, Jul 2003, $23.95, 357pp, hc, cover by Susan Sanguily) [Terminator] Novelization based on the world of the movie Terminator 2. Copyrighted by StudioCanal Image S.A.
- * *T2: The Future War (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07157-5, Jul 2003, £9.99, 357pp, tp, cover by Susan Sanguily) [Terminator] Novelization based on the world of the film Terminator 2. Simultaneous with the US (HarperEntertainment) edition.
- * _T2: The Future War (SFBC #18125, Oct 2003, $11.99, 357pp, hc, cover by Susan Sanguily) [Terminator] Reprint (HarperEntertainment 2003) novelization based on the world of the movie Terminator 2. Copyrighted by StudioCanal Image S.A. This is similar to the HarperEntertainment edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * *Warlord (with David A. Drake) (Baen 0-7434-3587-7, Feb 2003, $24.00, 570pp, hc, cover by David Mattingly) [General] Omnibus of the first two novels in the far-future military SF series “The General”: The Forge (1991) and The Hammer (1992). (Contents)
- STOKER, BRAM; [i.e., Abraham Stoker] (1847-1912) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Dracula (Barnes & Noble Classics 0-7607-4861-6, 2003, $4.95, 526pp, hc) [Dracula] Reprint (Constable 1897) classic vampire novel. Afterword by Jonty Claypole. This is a gilt-edged, mini-hardcover “Collector’s Library” edition.
- * _Dracula (Penguin UK 0-14-143984-X, Mar 2003, £5.99, 454pp, tp, cover by Edvard Munch) [Dracula] Reprint (Constable 1897) classic horror novel. Edited by Maurice Hindle. Preface by Christopher Frayling. Includes new Appendices and Prefaces.
- * _Dracula (Barnes & Noble Classics 1-59308-004-2, May 2003, $4.95, 418pp, pb, cover by E. O. Hoppe) [Dracula] Reissue (Constable 1897) classic vampire novel. Introduction and notes by Brooke Allen. Second printing.
- * _Dracula (Pocket 0-7434-7736-7, Oct 2003, $5.99, 500 + xxvi, pb) [Dracula] Reprint (Constable 1897) classic horror novel, with 21 excerpts from critical works and reviews from 1897 to 2002. Edited, with notes, annotations, and introduction by Joseph Valente.
- * _Dracula (Tor 0-812-52301-6, Oct 2003, $4.99, 368pp, pb, cover by Boris Vallejo) [Dracula] Reissue (Constable 1897) classic horror novel. 11th printing.
- * *Graphic Classics, Volume Seven: Bram Stoker (Eureka Productions 0-9712464-7-5, Sep 2003, $9.95, 144pp, tp, cover by Glen Barr) Illustrated anthology/graphic novel with nine illustrated or comic-style adaptations of works by Stoker, plus a “Dracula Gallery”. Introduction by Mort Castle. Artists include Hunt Emerson, Spain Rodriguez, and Rico Schacherl. Eureka Productions, 8778 Oak Grove Road, Mount Horeb WI 53572; []. (Contents)
- STOLZE, GREG (chron.)
- * *World of Darkness: Ashes and Angel Wings (White Wolf 1-58846-805-4, Mar 2003, $6.99, 283pp, pb, cover by Steve Ellis) [World of Darkness: Trilogy of the Fallen] Novelization based on the “Demon” roleplaying game, first in the “Trilogy of the Fallen”. Copyrighted by White Wolf.
- * *World of Darkness: Demon: The Seven Deadlies (White Wolf 1-58846-806-2, May 2003, $6.99, 284pp, pb, cover by Steve Ellis) [World of Darkness: Demon: Trilogy of the Fallen] Novelization based on the “Demon: The Fallen” roleplaying game, second in the “Trilogy of the Fallen”. Copyrighted by White Wolf.
- * *World of Darkness: The Wreckage of Paradise (White Wolf 1-58846-807-0, Jul 2003, $6.99, 284pp, pb, cover by Steve Ellis) [World of Darkness: Trilogy of the Fallen] Novelization based on the “Demon: The Fallen” roleplaying game, third in the “Trilogy of the Fallen”. Copyrighted by White Wolf.
- STONE, DAVID LEE (chron.)
- * *Star Wars: Shatterpoint (Ballantine Del Rey LucasBooks 0-345-45573-8, Jun 2003, $25.95, 406pp, hc, cover by Steven D. Anderson) [Star Wars] Star Wars novelization. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm.
- * *Star Wars: Shatterpoint (Random House/Century 1-8441-3365-6, Jun 2003, £16.99, 406pp, hc, cover by Steven D. Anderson) [Star Wars] Novelization set in the Star Wars universe, in the “Clone Wars” sequence. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm. Simultaneous with the US (Del Rey) edition.
- * _Star Wars: Shatterpoint (SFBC #58300, Jul 2003, $13.99, 406pp, hc, cover by Steven D. Anderson) [Star Wars] Reprint (Del Rey 2003) Star Wars novelization. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm. This is similar to the Del Rey edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Traitor (SFBC #53161, Sep 2002, $9.99, 292pp, hc, cover by Steven D. Anderson) [Star Wars: New Jedi Order] Reprint (Del Rey LucasBooks 2002) Star Wars novelization. Copyrighted by LucasFilm. This has ISBN 0-7394-2848-9; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- STRACZYNSKI, J(oseph) MICHAEL (1954- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Demon Night (ibooks 0-7434-7522-4, Oct 2003, $11.95, 346pp, tp, cover by Matthew Quayle) Reprint (Dutton 1988) horror novel. This has a new afterword by the author.
- STRAND, JEFF (stories) (chron.)
- * *Mandibles (Mundania Press 1-59426-006-0, Aug 2003, $15.99, 206pp, tp, cover by Stacey King) Horror novel. Giant ants wreak havok in Tampa, Florida. This was previously available as an e-book. A print-on-demand edition, available online at [], or from Mundania Press, 6470A Glenway Ave. #109, Cincinnati OH 45211-5222.
- STRAUB, PETER (Francis) (1943- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Floating Dragon (Berkley 0-425-18964-3, Aug 2003, $7.99, 595pp, pb) Reissue (Putnam 1983) horror novel. This has a new introduction by the author. 30th printing.
- * _Ghost Story (SFBC 0-965-72313-5, Mar 2003, $10.99, 483pp, hc) Reprint (Coward McCann 1979) horror novel. This special edition for “The Stephen King Horror Library” has the 1981 introduction by King; the jacket lacks both price and SFBC number.
- * *lost boy lost girl (Random House 1-4000-6092-3, Oct 2003, $24.95, 283pp, hc) [Tim Underhill; Tom Pasmore] Ghost story featuring novelist Timothy Underhill from Koko and The Throat and PI Tom Pasmore from Mystery and The Throat. A woman commits suicide and her boy disappears after he starts investigating an old house with dark secrets.
- * *lost boy lost girl (HarperCollins UK 0-00-714230-7, Oct 2003, £17.99, 281pp, hc) [Tim Underhill; Tom Pasmore] Ghost story featuring Tim Underhill and Tom Pasmore from his novels Koko, Mystery, and The Throat. Simultaneous with the US (Random House) edition.
- * _Shadowland (Berkley 0-425-18822-1, Mar 2003, $7.99, 468 + xii, pb) Reissue (Coward, McCann 1980) horror novel. This has a new introduction by Straub. 39th printing.
- STRICKLAND, (William) BRAD(ley) (1947- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Tower at the End of the World (Penguin/Puffin 0-14-250077-1, Sep 2003, $5.99, 146pp, tp, cover by S. D. Schindler) [Lewis Barnavelt] Reprint (Dial 2001) young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to The House with the Clock in Its Walls, in the “Lewis Barnavelt” series created by John Bellairs. Copyrighted by The Estate of John Bellairs.
- * *The Whistle, the Grave, and the Ghost (Penguin/Dial 0-8037-2622-8, Aug 2003, $16.99, 152pp, hc, cover by S. D. Schindler) [Lewis Barnavelt] Young-adult fantasy novel in the “Lewis Barnavelt” series created by John Bellairs. Copyrighted by The Estate of John Bellairs.
- STRIEBER, (Louis) WHITLEY (1945- ) (chron.)
- * _Lilith’s Dream (Pocket 0-7434-5153-8, Oct 2003, $7.99, 385pp, pb) [Hunger] Reprint (Atria 2002) vampire novel, third in the series begun in The Hunger.
- STRNAD, JAN S(teven); see pseudonym J. Knight (chron.)
- STROSS, CHARLES (1964- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Singularity Sky (Ace 0-441-01072-5, Aug 2003, $23.95, 313pp, hc, cover by Danilo Ducak) [Singularity Sky] SF novel. An isolated human colony that supresses high technology is attacked by an information plague looking for entertainment.
- * *The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Book One: The Amulet of Samarkand (Hyperion/Miramax 0-7868-1859-X, Oct 2003, $17.95, 462pp, hc) [Bartimaeus Trilogy] Young-adult contemporary fantasy novel, the first in “The Bartimaeus Trilogy” about a young magician and his djinn Bartimaeus.
- * _The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Book One: The Amulet of Samarkand (SFBC #79848, Dec 2003, $10.99, 462pp, hc) [Bartimaeus Trilogy] Reprint (Miramax 2003) young-adult contemporary fantasy novel, the first in a trilogy about the djinn Bartimaeus. This is similar to the Miramax edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Buried Fire (Transworld/Corgi 0-552-54933-9, Apr 2003, £4.99, 300pp, tp) Reprint (The Bodley Head 1999) young-adult fantasy novel.
- STUBBS, HARRY CLEMENT (1922-2003); see pseudonym Hal Clement (stories) (chron.)
- STURGEON, THEODORE; [born Edward Hamilton Waldo] (1918-1985) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *And Now the News...: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon, Volume IX (North Atlantic 1-55643-460-X, Nov 2003, $35.00, 377 + xiv, hc) Collection of 15 stories, five not previously collected. Foreword by David G. Hartwell. This volume covers work written from 1955 to 1957. Edited and with extensive story notes by Paul Williams; includes the revelation that two stories were collaborations with Robert A. Heinlein: “The Other Man” and “And Now the News..." (Contents)
- SUCHARITKUL, SOMTOW (Papinian) (1952- ); see pseudonym S. P. Somtow (stories) (chron.)
- SUDWORTH, ANNE (chron.)
- * _Enchanted World: The Art of Anne Sudworth (Paper Tiger 1-85585-768-5, Apr 2003, £14.99, 111pp, tp, cover by Anne Sudworth) Reprint (Paper Tiger 2000) art book, with commentary by John Grant (AKA Paul Barnett).
- * +Enchanted World: The Art of Anne Sudworth (Sterling/Paper Tiger 1-85585-768-5, Sep 2003, $21.95, 112pp, tp, cover by Anne Sudworth) Art book with works by Sudworth and text by John Grant. First US edition (Paper Tiger 2000). This is the Paper Tiger UK 2003 reprint edition, distributed in the US by Sterling Publishing, 387 Park Avenue S., New York NY 10016-8810; 800-805-5489; [].
- * *A Sunburnt Country (Ginninderra Press 1-74027-210-2, Jul 2003, A$30.00, 300pp, tp) Near-future SF novel. Thirty years of drought in Australia result in strict government control. Order from Ginninderra Press, PO Box 53, Charnwood ACT 2615, Australia; [].
- * *Agents & Adepts (Amber Quill Press 1-59279-917-5, Jun 2003, $15.50, 241pp, tp, cover by Trace Edward Zaber) Collection of 16 stories, one original, several revised from their original small-press appearances. Available online at [].
- * *The Crystal Throne (Amber Quill Press 1-59279-942-6, Mar 2003, $14.50, 214pp, tp, cover by Trace Edward Zaber) [Crystal Throne] Young-adult fantasy novel. Two young people pulled into a magic world must work together to save a cursed land. Previously published as an e-book. A first novel. Available online at [].
- SULLIVAN, TRICIA (1968- ); see pseudonym Valery Leith (chron.) (assoc.)
- SUMMERS, DAVID LEE, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- * *Hadrosaur Tales Volume XVI (Hadrosaur Productions 1-885093-29-2, Jun 2003, $5.95, 120pp+, tp, cover by Tom Weighill) (Contents)
- * *Hadrosaur Tales Volume XVII (Hadrosaur Productions 1-885093-30-6, Nov 2003, $5.95, 10+108pp+, tp, cover by Marcia A. Borell) (Contents)
- SUNSHINE, LINDA, ed. (chron.)
- * *All Things Oz (Random House/Clarkson Potter 1-4000-4848-6, Nov 2003, $29.95, 352pp, hc) [Oz] Art book, extensively illustrated with images from items in the Willard Carroll Collection of Oz memorabilia: books, toys, greeting cards, movie stills, etc. The text is mostly a mix of quotes and short excerpts from L. Frank Baum’s “Oz” books, interleaved with interesting facts and writings by others about Oz.
- SUTTON, DAVID A(mbrose), ed. (1947- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- SUZUKI, KOJI (chron.)
- * *Ring (Vertical 1-932234-00-4, Mar 2003, $24.95, 286pp, hc) [Ring] Horror novel about a cursed videotape that causes viewers to die, basis for the hit movie. Translated by Robert B. Rohmer & Glynne Walley from the Japanese Ringu (Kadokawa Shoten 1991).
- SWALLOW, JAMES (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Butterfly Effect (BL Publishing/Black Flame 1-84416-081-5, Jan 2004, $7.99, 413pp, pb) Movie novelization. Copyrighted by New Line Cinema.
- SWANN, S. ANDREW; pseudonym of S. A. Swiniarski, (1966- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Moreau Omnibus (DAW 0-7564-0151-8, Aug 2003, $7.99, 701pp, pb, cover by Jim Burns) [Moreau] Omnibus of three SF novels in the “Moreau” series: Forests of the Night (1993), Emperors of the Twilight (1994), and Specters of the Dawn (1994). There is a new introduction by Swann, and an appendix history of the Moreau world. (Contents)
- SWANWICK, MICHAEL (Jurgen) (1950- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Bones of the Earth (HarperTorch 0-380-81289-4, Mar 2003, $7.50, 383pp, pb, cover by Joe DeVito) Reprint (Eos 2002) SF novel. A paleontologist is offered a chance to travel back in time to study living dinosaurs.
- * *Cigar-Box Faust and Other Miniatures (Tachyon Publications 1-892391-07-4, Nov 2003, $14.95, 94pp, tp, cover by Freddie Baer) Collection of short-short works, including 12 pieces of dream-writing; five sets of related items including “An Abecedary of the Imagination” with six new entries; an early, unpublished version of “The Mask”; 10 essays; and the original poem of the title. Swanwick’s introduction discusses why short-shorts, and the genesis of certain pieces. Tachyon Publications, 1459 18th St. #139, San Francisco CA 94107; []; add $2.00 shipping per book. (Contents)
- * *A Field Guide to the Mesozoic Megafauna & Five British Dinosaurs (Tachyon Publications 1-892391-13-9, Feb 2004, $8.95, 32pp, tp) Collection of 18 short-short stories. The 13-story Field Guide originally appeared online; the “Five British Dinosaurs” appeared in Interzone. Order from Tachyon Publications, 1459 18th St. #139, San Francisco CA 94107; []. (Contents)
- SWEET, CAITLIN (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *A Telling of Stars (Penguin Canada 0-14-100740-0, Feb 2003, C$24.00, 325pp, tp, cover by Martin Springett) [Telling of Stars] Fantasy novel. A young woman sets off on a quest for vengeance after her family is murdered. A first novel.
- SWENSON, PATRICK, ed. (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- SWIFT, JONATHAN (1667-1745) (chron.)
- * _Gulliver’s Travels (Penguin UK 0-14-143949-1, Jan 2003, £3.50, xxx+306pp, tp, cover by Richard Redgrove) [Gulliver] Reprint (Benjamin Motte 1726) satirical SF/fantasy novel. Edited with an introduction and notes by Robert DeMaria. Includes minor revisions from the 2001 Penguin publication. A “Penguin Classics” edition.
- SWINDELLS, ROBERT (Edward) (1939- ) (chron.)
- * _Blitzed (Transworld/Corgi Yearling 0-440-86397-X, Jul 2003, £4.99, 174pp, tp, cover by Larry Rostant) Reprint (Doubleday UK 2002) young-adult timeslip novel of a young boy transported back to WWII London.
- SWINIARSKI, S(teven) A. (1966- ); see pseudonyms Steven Krane & S. Andrew Swann (stories) (chron.)
- TAGG, CHRISTINE (chron.)
- TAMBOUR, ANNA; pseudonym (stories) (chron.)
- * *Monterra’s Deliciosa & Other Tales (Prime Books 1-894815-95-5, Nov 2003, $17.95, +iii, tp, cover by Tina Carvalho & John Hunter) Original collection of 25 stories (seven reprints), five poems (one reprint), and a reprint essay. Introduction by Keith Brooke. A hardcover edition (-94-7, $29.95) was announced but not seen. Order from Prime Books, PO Box 36503, Canton OH 44735; []. (Contents)
- TAN, CECILIA, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- * *Color of Pain, Shade of Pleasure (Avalon/Blue Moon Books 1-56201-399-8, Dec 2003, $14.95, 358pp, tp) Omnibus of two erotic SF anthologies: S/M Futures (1995) and Fetish Fantastic (1999). (Contents)
- TAN, SHAUN (Chi Yeong) (1974- ) (chron.)
- * _The Rabbits (with John Marsden) See entry under John Marsden.
- * +The Red Tree (Simply Read Books 0-9688768-3-8, Mar 2003, $16.95, unpaginated, hc, cover by Shaun Tan) Art/picture book. First US edition (Lothian 2001). Available from Simply Read Books, 501-5525 West Boulevard, Vancouver BC Canada V6M 3W6; []; 604-727-2960.
- * +The Viewer (with Gary Crew) (Simply Read Books 1-894965-02-7, Nov 2003, $16.95, unpaginated, hc, cover by Shaun Tan) Art/picture book written by Crew and illustrated by Tan. Winner of the 1998 Crichton Award for illustration. First US edition (Lothian 1997). Available from Simply Read Books, 501-5525 West Boulevard, Vancouver BC Canada V6M 3W6; []; 604-727-2960.
- TANNER, MICHAEL (chron.)
- * *Days Dark as Night (with Ellen Maidman) (PublishAmerica 1-59129-365-0, 2002, $29.95, 416pp, tp) Historical medieval fantasy novel. A peasant girl with magic talents and a young knight fight for justice. A first novel. This is dated 2002, but not seen until now. A print-on-demand edition, available online at [].
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