The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2003
Stories, Listed by Author
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- SOMERS, DAVID; pseudonym of Sydney J. Bounds, (1920-2006) (chron.)
- SOMERS, JEFF (chron.)
- SOMTOW, S. P.; pseudonym of Somtow Sucharitkul, (1952- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Hero’s Celluloid Journey, (ss) Weird Tales Fll 1998
- SOULBAN, LUCIEN (chron.)
- SOUNDAR, CHITRA (chron.)
- SPARHAWK, BUD (books) (chron.)
- * Afrerword, (aw)
- * Appeal to Common Scents [“Sam Boone’s Appeal to Common Scents”; Sam Boone], (nv) Analog Jul 1996
- * Cold Trophies, (ar) Artemis Win 2003
- * Dry Run [“Sam Boone’s Dry Run”; Sam Boone], (nv) Analog Jul/Aug 1997
- * Foreword, (fw)
- * Preface, (pr)
- * Rational Choices [“Sam Boone’s Rational Choices”; Sam Boone], (nv) Analog Mar 1997
- * Sam Boone and the Teacup Conundrum [Sam Boone], (ss) Analog Sep 1998; also as “The Teacup Conundrum”.
- * Sam Boone and the Thermal Couple [Sam Boone], (nv) Analog Oct 1995; also as “The Thermal Couple”.
- * Sam Boone’s Appeal to Common Scents [Sam Boone], (nv) Analog Jul 1996; also as “Appeal to Common Scents”.
- * Sam Boone’s Dry Run [Sam Boone], (nv) Analog Jul/Aug 1997; also as “Dry Run”.
- * Sam Boone’s Rational Choices [Sam Boone], (nv) Analog Mar 1997; also as “Rational Choices”.
- * Sam Boone’s Super Fantastic Intergalactic Ass-Kickin’, Body-Slammin’, Foot-Stompin’ Rasslin’ Extravaganza [Sam Boone], (nv) Analog May 2002
- * The Teacup Conundrum [“Sam Boone and the Teacup Conundrum”; Sam Boone], (ss) Analog Sep 1998
- * The Thermal Couple [“Sam Boone and the Thermal Couple”; Sam Boone], (nv) Analog Oct 1995
- SPARKS, CAT (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- SPARKS, CRAIG (chron.)
- SPEEGLE, DARREN (chron.)
- SPENCER, HUGH A. D. (chron.)
- SPENCER, WILLIAM BROWNING (1946- ) (chron.)
- * The Lights of Armageddon, (ss) The Argonaut #19 1994
- SPIES, KELLY R. (chron.)
- SPINDLER, CARA (chron.)
- SPINRAD, NORMAN (Richard) (1940- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- _____, reviews:
- SPOKES, ANDREW (chron.)
- SPRINGER, NANCY (Connor) (1948- ) (books) (chron.)
- SPROAT, LIBERTY (chron.)
- SPURRIER, SIMON (books) (chron.)
- SRINARAHARI, DR. M. H. (chron.)
- * Science Fiction, and Women in India, (ar) Infinite Matrix (online) Oct 29 2003
- STABLEFORD, BRIAN (Michael) (1948- ); see pseudonym Brian Craig (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Alternate Worlds [“Minimoments”], (ss) Interzone #38 1990
- * Art in the Blood [Sherlock Holmes], (nv) Shadows Over Baker Street, ed. Michael Reaves & John Pelan, Ballantine Del Rey 2003
- * Complications, (nv) Amazing Feb 1992
- * Emptiness, (ss) Dreams of Decadence Win 2000
- * The Face of an Angel, (nv) Leviathan 3, ed. Jeff VanderMeer & Forrest Aguirre, Ministry of Whimsy Press 2002
- * Ferrobacterial Acretion Syndrome, (ms) The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases, ed. Jeff VanderMeer & Mark Roberts, Night Shade Books 2003
- * The Flowers of the Forest, (ss) Amazing Jun 1993
- * The Incubus of the Rose, (nv) Weird Tales Sum 2000
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Layers of Meaning, (ss) Interzone #21 1987
- * Minimoments, (ss) Interzone #38 1990; also as “Alternate Worlds”.
- * The Oedipus Effect, (nv) Temps Volume 1, ed. Neil Gaiman & Alex Stewart, Roc UK 1991
- * The Power of Prayer, (ss) Paradox Spr 2003
- * Rent, (ss) Weird Tales Fll 1998
- * The Secret Exhibition, (ss) Weird Tales Fll 1999
- * Skinned Alive, (ss) Weekend’s Fiction Extra Sep 1978
- * Sortilege and Serendipity, (nv) Euro Temps, ed. Alex Stewart, Roc UK 1992
- * Taken for a Ride, (ss) Science Fiction Age Mar 1994
- * Taking the Piss, (nv) Asimov’s Jun 2002
- * Tread Softly, (ss) Interzone Mar 2002
- * Virtuous Reality, (ss) Interzone Jan 1992
- * Wildland, (nv) Arrows of Eros, ed. Alex Stewart, NEL 1989
- STACK, FRANK (1937- )
- _____, adapt.
- STACKPOLE, MICHAEL A(ustin) (1957- ) (books) (chron.)
- STADT, JEFFREY A. (chron.)
- STAFFORD, MARK M. (chron.)
- STANLEY, NELSON (chron.)
- * Bad Meat, (pm) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Sum 1996
- STANTON, DAWN (chron.)
- STANTON, STEVE (books) (chron.)
- * Foreword, (fw)
- * A Perfect Match, (ss) On Spec Spr 1992
- STANTON, STEVEN (chron.)
- STARR, BYRON (chron.)
- STASHEFF, CHRISTOPHER (1944- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Coronach of the Bell, (ss) 30th Anniversary DAW: Fantasy, ed. Elizabeth R. Wollheim & Sheila E. Gilbert, DAW 2002
- * Gordon’s Quest, (nv) Gods of War, ed. Christopher Stasheff, Baen 1992
- * Introduction, (in)
- * The Martyrdom of St. Vidivon of Cathode [from The Warlock Unlocked; Warlock], (ex) New York: Ace 1982
- * Mind Out of Time, (na) Mind Out of Time, Five Star 2003
- * Pride and Puppetry, (nv) The Day the Magic Stopped, ed. Michael Stearns, Baen 1995
- * The Warlock’s Grandfather [“What Are We Going to Do with Grandfather?”], (na) The Magic of Christmas, ed. John Silbersack & Christopher Schelling, Penguin/Roc 1992
- * What Are We Going to Do with Grandfather?, (na) The Magic of Christmas, ed. John Silbersack & Christopher Schelling, Penguin/Roc 1992; also as “The Warlock’s Grandfather”.
- * Who Ghost There? [“Whose Ghost There?”], (na) The Crafters Book 2, ed. Christopher Stasheff & Bill Fawcett, Ace 1992
- * Whose Ghost There?, (na) The Crafters Book 2, ed. Christopher Stasheff & Bill Fawcett, Ace 1992; also as “Who Ghost There?”.
- STAVIS, R. H. (chron.)
- STEELE, ALLEN (Mulherrin, Jr.) (1958- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Agape Among the Robots, (nv) Analog May 2000
- * “And Now, Our Lead Story...”, (ar) Absolute Magnitude Sum 2000
- * Appendix: Written Testimony to the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives: April 3, 2001, (ms)
- * Artifacts of the Future, (ar) Absolute Magnitude Spr 1997
- * Benjamin the Unbeliever [Coyote], (na) Asimov’s Aug 2003
- * Bennett Cerf Asks: Do You Have an Irrepressible Urge to Write?, (ar) Absolute Magnitude Sum 1998
- * Cape Canaveral Diary, (ar) Absolute Magnitude Spr 1998
- * Cognitive Dissonance in Las Vegas, (ar) Absolute Magnitude Spr 2001
- * Deja Futuris, (ar) Yngvi Is a Louse Nov 1999
- * Dispatch from the Radjah Club, (ar) Absolute Magnitude Sum 1999
- * Dispatch from Tucson, (cl) Artemis Aut 2000
- * The End of the Century, (cl) Absolute Magnitude Spr 2002
- * Estimated Prophet, (cl) Artemis Spr 2002
- * Facing Mars, (ar) Absolute Magnitude Aut 2001
- * The Farthest Notion: Shepard’s Balls, (cl) Artemis Win 2003
- * The Fine Art of Watching [as by John Mulherin], (nv) Analog Feb 2001
- * The Flood in the Global Village, (ar) Primary Ignition, Allen Steele, DNA Publications & Wildside Press 2003
- * Graceland [Riverworld], (nv) Tales of Riverworld, ed. Philip José Farmer, Warner Questar 1992
- * Green Acres, (ss) Science Fiction Age Mar 1999
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