The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2003
Chronological List
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- SPARHAWK, BUD (books) (stories) (continued)
- SPARKS, CAT (books) (stories)
- SPARKS, CRAIG (stories)
- SPEEGLE, DARREN (stories)
- SPENCER, HUGH A. D. (stories)
- SPENCER, WEN (books)
- SPENCER, WILLIAM BROWNING (1946- ) (stories)
- SPIEGELMAN, ART (1948- ) (books)
- SPIES, KELLY R. (stories)
- SPIGNESI, STEPHEN J(ohn) (1953- ) (books)
- SPINDLER, CARA (stories)
- SPINRAD, NORMAN (Richard) (1940- ) (books) (stories)
- SPOKES, ANDREW (stories)
- SPOOR, RYK E. (books)
- SPRINGER, NANCY (Connor) (1948- ) (books) (stories)
- SPROAT, LIBERTY (stories)
- SPURRIER, SIMON (books) (stories)
- SRINARAHARI, DR. M. H. (stories)
- STAB, MARTIN J. (books)
- STABLEFORD, BRIAN (Michael) (1948- ); see pseudonym Brian Craig (books) (stories)
- Skinned Alive (ss) Weekend’s Fiction Extra Sep 1978
- Layers of Meaning (ss) Interzone #21 1987
- Wildland (nv) Arrows of Eros, ed. Alex Stewart, NEL 1989
- Alternate Worlds (ss) Interzone #38 1990
- Minimoments (ss) Interzone #38 1990; also as “Alternate Worlds”.
- The Oedipus Effect (nv) Temps Volume 1, ed. Neil Gaiman & Alex Stewart, Roc UK 1991
- Virtuous Reality (ss) Interzone Jan 1992
- Complications (nv) Amazing Feb 1992
- Sortilege and Serendipity (nv) Euro Temps, ed. Alex Stewart, Roc UK 1992
- The Flowers of the Forest (ss) Amazing Jun 1993
- Taken for a Ride (ss) Science Fiction Age Mar 1994
- Rent (ss) Weird Tales Fll 1998
- The Secret Exhibition (ss) Weird Tales Fll 1999
- The Incubus of the Rose (nv) Weird Tales Sum 2000
- Emptiness (ss) Dreams of Decadence Win 2000
- Year Zero (n.) Sarob Press 2000
- Tread Softly (ss) Interzone Mar 2002
- Taking the Piss (nv) Asimov’s Jun 2002
- Dark Ararat (n.) Tor 2002 [Emortality]
- The Omega Expedition (n.) Tor 2002 [Emortality]
- The Face of an Angel (nv) Leviathan 3, ed. Jeff VanderMeer & Forrest Aguirre, Ministry of Whimsy Press 2002
- The Power of Prayer (ss) Paradox Spr 2003
- Swan Songs (om) SFBC 2003 [Hooded Swan]
- Complications and Other Stories (co) Cosmos Books 2003
- Art in the Blood (nv) Shadows Over Baker Street, ed. Michael Reaves & John Pelan, Ballantine Del Rey 2003 [Sherlock Holmes]
- Ferrobacterial Acretion Syndrome (ms) The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases, ed. Jeff VanderMeer & Mark Roberts, Night Shade Books 2003
- Introduction (in)
- STACKPOLE, MICHAEL A(ustin) (1957- ) (books) (stories)
- STADT, JEFFREY A. (stories)
- STAFFORD, MARK M. (stories)
- STAMEY, SARA (Lucinda) (1953- ) (books)
- Islands (n.) XLibris 2001, not seen 2003
- STANGER, VAUGHAN (stories)
- STANLEY, NELSON (stories)
- STANSBERRY, MATT (stories)
- Bad Meat (pm) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Sum 1996
- STANTON, DAWN (stories)
- STANTON, STEVE (books) (stories)
- STANTON, STEVEN (stories)
- STARR, BYRON (stories)
- STASHEFF, CHRISTOPHER (1944- ) (books) (stories)
- The Martyrdom of St. Vidivon of Cathode (ex) New York: Ace 1982 [Warlock]
- Gordon’s Quest (nv) Gods of War, ed. Christopher Stasheff, Baen 1992
- The Warlock’s Grandfather (na) The Magic of Christmas, ed. John Silbersack & Christopher Schelling, Penguin/Roc 1992
- What Are We Going to Do with Grandfather? (na) The Magic of Christmas, ed. John Silbersack & Christopher Schelling, Penguin/Roc 1992; also as “The Warlock’s Grandfather”.
- Who Ghost There? (na) The Crafters Book 2, ed. Christopher Stasheff & Bill Fawcett, Ace 1992
- Whose Ghost There? (na) The Crafters Book 2, ed. Christopher Stasheff & Bill Fawcett, Ace 1992; also as “Who Ghost There?”.
- Pride and Puppetry (nv) The Day the Magic Stopped, ed. Michael Stearns, Baen 1995
- Coronach of the Bell (ss) 30th Anniversary DAW: Fantasy, ed. Elizabeth R. Wollheim & Sheila E. Gilbert, DAW 2002
- Mind Out of Time (co) Gale Group/Five Star 2003
- Mind Out of Time (na) Mind Out of Time, Five Star 2003
- Introduction (in)
- STAVIS, R. H. (stories)
- STEADMAN, RALPH (1936- ) (books)
- STEAKLEY, JOHN (1951- ) (books)
- STEELE, ALLEN (Mulherrin, Jr.) (1958- ) (books) (stories)
- Graceland (nv) Tales of Riverworld, ed. Philip José Farmer, Warner Questar 1992 [Riverworld]
- Missing Time (ss) Worcester Magazine Sep 25 1996
- Artifacts of the Future (ar) Absolute Magnitude Spr 1997
- The Merchants of Mars (ar) Absolute Magnitude Fll/Win 1997
- Cape Canaveral Diary (ar) Absolute Magnitude Spr 1998
- Bennett Cerf Asks: Do You Have an Irrepressible Urge to Write? (ar) Absolute Magnitude Sum 1998
- Her Own Private Sitcom (ss) Analog Jan 1999
- Green Acres (ss) Science Fiction Age Mar 1999
- Dispatch from the Radjah Club (ar) Absolute Magnitude Sum 1999
- Deja Futuris (ar) Yngvi Is a Louse Nov 1999
- Leap of Faith (ar) Absolute Magnitude Win 1999
- Agape Among the Robots (nv) Analog May 2000
- “And Now, Our Lead Story...” (ar) Absolute Magnitude Sum 2000
- Jake’s Last Stand (ar) Absolute Magnitude Sum 2000
- Road Trip for Rockets ’84 (cl) Artemis Sum 2000
- Dispatch from Tucson (cl) Artemis Aut 2000
- Warning, Warning (ss) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #19 2000
- The Fine Art of Watching (nv) Analog Feb 2001
- Cognitive Dissonance in Las Vegas (ar) Absolute Magnitude Spr 2001
- The Tourist Trap (cl) Artemis Spr 2001
- Tom Swift and His Humongous Mechanical Dude (nv) F&SF Jun 2001
- Long Time Coming (cl) Artemis Sum 2001
- The Longest Eye (ar) Absolute Magnitude Sum 2001
- Mr. Steele Goes to Washington (ar) Artemis Sum 2001
- Facing Mars (ar) Absolute Magnitude Aut 2001
- Jake and the Enemy (ss) Oceans of the Mind Fll 2001
- The End of the Century (cl) Absolute Magnitude Spr 2002
- Estimated Prophet (cl) Artemis Spr 2002
- Coyote (n.) Ace 2002
- A Walk Across Mars (nv) Mars Probes, ed. Peter Crowther, DAW 2002
- The Teb Hunter (ss) Witpunk, ed. Claude Lalumière & Marty Halpern, Four Walls Eight Windows 2003
- American Beauty (co) Gale Group/Five Star 2003
- The Madwoman of Shuttlefield (nv) Asimov’s May 2003 [Coyote]
- Primary Ignition: In the Company of Dinosaurs (cl) Absolute Magnitude Fll 2003
- Primary Ignition (nf) DNA Publications & Wildside Press 2003
- The Flood in the Global Village (ar) Primary Ignition, Allen Steele, DNA Publications & Wildside Press 2003
- Benjamin the Unbeliever (na) Asimov’s Aug 2003 [Coyote]
- The Farthest Notion: Shepard’s Balls (cl) Artemis Win 2003
- Appendix: Written Testimony to the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives: April 3, 2001 (ms)
- Introduction and Acknowledgements (in)
- Introduction: Mishegos (in)
- STEELE, JOHN H.; see pseudonym Gherbod Fleming (books)
- STEFFEN, ELIZABETH (Allen) (1920-1993) (books)
- STEIN, HENRY EUGENE; see under Stine, Hank (books)
- STEIN, KEVIN T(odd) (1965- ) (books)
- STEINBECK, JOHN (Ernst, Jr.) (1902-1968) (stories)
- STELLA, GYNN (stories)
- STEPHENSEN-PAYNE, PHIL(ip Andrew) (1952- ) (books) (stories)
- STEPHENSON, NEAL (Town) (1959- ) (books) (stories)
- Stone Gift (ss) Tessellations, ed. Jason R. Bleckly & Kain Massin, Altair Publishing 2000
- STERLING, (Michael) BRUCE (1954- ) (books) (stories)
- STERN, DAVID (1958- ) (books)
- STERNS, AARON (stories)
- STEVENS, BERNI (stories)
- STEVENS, FRANCIS; pseudonym of Gertrude Bennett, (1884-1948) (books) (stories)
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