The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998

Contents Lists

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Screamplays ed. Richard Chizmar & Martin H. Greenberg (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-39429-1, Sep ’97, $14.50, 545pp, tp, cover by Dave McKean) Original anthology of seven horror screenplays, none previously published, by Stephen King, Harlan Ellison, Joe R. Lansdale, Ed Gorman, and Richard Laymon. Introduction by Dean Koontz.

Rhymes & Reasons: An Annotated Collection of Mother Goose Rhymes James Christensen (Artisan 0-86713-040-7, May ’97, $19.95, 56pp, hc, cover by James Christensen) Art book. A children’s picture book with illustrations by Christensen of 73 nursery rhymes, and brief notes about the rhymes. A color poster is included.

Kar Kalim Deborah Christian (Tor 0-312-86341-1, Aug ’97 [Jul ’97], $23.95, 320pp, hc, cover by Bruce Jensen) Fantasy novel. A sorceress must stop a mage who has used her to gain great power.

Mainline Deborah Christian (Tor 0-812-54908-2, Aug ’97 [Jul ’97], $5.99, 374pp, pb, cover by Bruce Jensen) Reprint (Tor 1996) SF novel. An assassin travels alternate realities.

Dusk of Demons John Christopher (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin 0-689-80633-7, Nov ’96 [Jan ’97], $3.99, 175pp, tp, cover by Rebecca Guay) Reprint (Hamish Hamilton 1993 as A Dusk of Demons) young-adult SF novel about a post-holocaust Scotland menaced by demonic creatures.

Veronica Nicholas Christopher (Avon 0-380-72918-0, Mar ’97 [Feb ’97], $6.99, 386pp, pb) Reprint (Dial 1996) literary fantasy time-travel novel.

The Elven Ways: Ancient Games Scott Ciencin (AvoNova 0-380-77981-1, Apr ’97 [Mar ’97], $5.99, 261pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Elven Ways] Fantasy novel, second book in a series.

FirstFlight Chris Claremont (Ace 0-441-23584-0, Jun ’97 [May ’97], $5.99, 243pp, pb, cover by Luis Royo) [FirstFlight] Reissue (Ace 1987) SF novel. Ninth printing.

Prodigy Jan Clark (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45615-7, Sep ’97 [Aug ’97], $5.99, 447pp, pb, cover by Michael Herring) [Prodigy] SF novel. A female human starship captain is framed for high treason. A first novel.

Carnivore Leigh Clark (Leisure 0-8439-4225-8, Apr ’97 [Mar ’97], $4.25, 311pp, pb) Horror novel. Scientists in the Antarctic find a frozen T-rex egg and make the mistake of hatching it.

2001: A Space Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke (SFBC #15329, Mar ’97, $7.98, 222pp, pb) [Space Odyssey] Reissue (NAL 1968) SF novel. This follows the 1968 NAL edition; it lacks a price and has a new SFBC number on the back jacket.

2001: A Space Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45273-9, Mar ’97 [Apr ’97], $12.95, 236pp, tp) [Space Odyssey] Reissue (NAL 1968) SF novel. Sixth printing.

2010: Odyssey Two Arthur C. Clarke (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-41397-0, Mar ’97 [Feb ’97], $10.00, 294pp, tp, cover by Michael Whelan) [Space Odyssey] Reprint (Del Rey 1982) SF novel. Includes a new foreword and “postscript” by Clarke, which differ slightly from those in the simultaneous reprint of 2061.

2010: Odyssey Two Arthur C. Clarke (SFBC #15331, Mar ’97, $7.98, 244pp, hc, cover by Michael Whelan) [Space Odyssey] Reissue (Del Rey 1982) SF novel. This is similar to the 1982 Del Rey edition; it lacks a price and has a new SFBC number on the back jacket.

2061: Odyssey Three Arthur C. Clarke (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-41398-9, Mar ’97 [Feb ’97], $10.00, 282pp, tp, cover by Michael Whelan) [Space Odyssey] Reprint (Del Rey; Grafton 1988) SF novel, third in the “Space Odyssey” series. Includes a new foreword and “postscript” by Clarke, which differ slightly from those in the simultaneous reprint of 2010.

2061: Odyssey Three Arthur C. Clarke (SFBC #15332, Mar ’97, $7.98, 282pp, tp, cover by Michael Whelan) [Space Odyssey] Reissue (Del Rey; Grafton 1988) SF novel, third in the “Space Odyssey” series. This is similar to the 1987 Del Rey edition; it lacks a price and has a new SFBC number on the back jacket.

3001: The Final Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-31522-7, Mar ’97 [Feb ’97], $25.00, 263pp, hc) [Space Odyssey] SF novel. Fourth and (maybe) final book in the “Odyssey” series.

3001: The Final Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke (SFBC #15231, Apr ’97, $9.98, 197pp, hc) [Space Odyssey] Reprint (Del Rey 1997) SF novel. Fourth and final book in the “Odyssey” series. This is similar to the Del Rey edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.

Richter 10 Arthur C. Clarke & Mike McQuay (Bantam Spectra 0-553-57333-0, May ’97 [Apr ’97], $6.99, 407pp, pb) Reprint (Gollancz; Bantam Spectra 1996) near-future SF thriller about earthquake prediction. Written by McQuay from a short treatment by Clarke.

Drum Calls Jo Clayton (Tor 0-312-86119-2, Oct ’97 [Sep ’97], $23.95, 349pp, hc, cover by Greg Call) [Drums of Chaos] Fantasy novel, second in the “Drums of Chaos” series.

Drum Warning Jo Clayton (Tor 0-812-55122-2, Jun ’97 [May ’97], $5.99, 382pp, pb, cover by Greg Call) [Drums of Chaos] Reprint (Tor 1996) fantasy novel.

The Merchant of Marvels and the Peddler of Dreams Frédérick Clément (Chronicle Books 0-8118-1664-8, May ’97 [Apr ’97], $17.95, 61pp, hc) Adult picture book about a merchant with such treasures as “a marble made by Merlin the Enchanter.” Translated by Emma Cole from the French Magasin Zinzin ou Aux Merveilles d’Alys by impomée-albin michel (1995).

A Small Percentage Jim Cline (Timberwolf Press 0-9653210-0-2, May ’97 [Sep ’97], $21.95, 544pp, hc, cover by John W. Seaman, Sr.) SF novel. Two alien races battle for control of Earth. This novel first appeared as a serial audio reading on the Internet. Order from Timberwolf Press, PO Box 266, Allen TX 75013-0005; online info:

How Like a God Brenda W. Clough (Tor 0-312-86263-6, Mar ’97 [Feb ’97], $22.95, 288pp, hc, cover by Rick Berry) Fantasy novel. A software developer can suddenly read and influence the minds of those around him.

The Encyclopedia of Fantasy John Clute & John Grant (St. Martin’s 0-312-15897-1, May ’97, $75.00, 1049pp, hc, cover by Peter Goodfellow) Non-fiction, reference. A guide to fantasy themes, authors, books, and films. First US edition (Orbit 1997).

The Broken Sword Molly Cochran & Warren Murphy (Tor 0-312-86283-0, Apr ’97 [Mar ’97], $24.95, 381pp, hc, cover by Greg Call) [Forever King] Arthurian contemporary fantasy novel, sequel to The Forever King.

World Without End Molly Cochran & Warren B. Murphy (Tor 0-812-53427-1, Apr ’97 [Mar ’97], $6.99, 474pp, pb, cover by Brad Schmehl) Reprint (Tor 1996) fantasy novel in which Atlantis is in the Bermuda Triangle.

Children of Amarid David B. Coe (Tor 0-312-85906-6, May ’97 [Apr ’97], $25.95, 383pp, hc, cover by Romas Kukalis) [LonTobyn Chronicle] Fantasy novel, first in “The LonTobyn Chronicle”. A society of mages with avian familiars are being blamed for the destruction of cities.

The Warrior Returns Allan Cole (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-41312-1, May ’97 [Apr ’97], $6.99, 440pp, pb, cover by Gnemo) [Anteros] Reprint (Del Rey 1996) fantasy novel, fourth in the “Anteros” series.

Wizard of the Winds Allan Cole (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-40176-X, Jun ’97, $12.95, 404pp, tp, cover by Stephen Hickman) [Timuras] Fantasy novel. Book One of the “Timura” trilogy. First US edition (Hodder & Stoughton 1997 as When the Gods Slept).

Battletech 31: Double-Blind Loren L. Coleman (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45597-5, Apr ’97 [Mar ’97], $5.99, 322pp, pb, cover by Les Dorscheid) [Battletech] Novelization based on the SF role-playing game, #31 in the series. Copyrighted by FASA.

Battletech 32: Binding Force Loren L. Coleman (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45604-1, Jun ’97 [May ’97], $5.99, 265pp, pb, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Battletech] Novelization based on the role-playing games, #32 in the series. Copyrighted by FASA.

The Journal of Antonio Montoya Rick Collignon (Avon 0-380-73056-1, Oct ’97 [Sep ’97], $10.00, 217pp, tp) Reprint (MacMurray & Beck 1996) literary fantasy/magical realism novel. An artist shares her house with numerous dead relatives.

The Work of Stephen King Michael R. Collings (Borgo Press 0-8095-1520-2, 1997 [Feb ’97], $41.00, 480pp, tp) Reissue (Borgo 1996) non-fiction reference; an annotated bibliography and guide to King’s work through 1994. This appears to be substantially expanded from the Starmont House 1986 Annotated Guide to Stephen King. Second printing. Order from Borgo Press, PO Box 2845, San Bernardino CA 92406-2845; add $2.50 shipping. Credit card orders: fax 909-888-4942.

A Dozen Black Roses Nancy A. Collins (SFBC #14777, Mar ’97 [Feb ’97], $10.98, 237pp, hc) Reprint (White Wolf 1996) novelization loosely based on the role-playing game and Collins’ own character “Sonja Blue”. This is similar to the White Wolf edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.

The World of Darkness: Vampire: A Dozen Black Roses Nancy A. Collins (White Wolf 1-56504-873-3, Nov ’97 [Oct ’97], $11.99, 237pp, tp, cover by Timothy Bradstreet) [World of Darkness] Reprint (White Wolf 1996) novel loosely based on the role-playing game background. Nancy Collins’ character Sonja Blue invades the World of Darkness. The novel is copyrighted by the author, with all World of Darkness material copyrighted by White Wolf.

Computer One Warwick Collins (Marion Boyars 0-7145-3033-6, Nov ’97 [Dec ’97], $24.95, 274pp, hc) Near-future SF novel of a Zen Buddhist obsessed with the dangers of the worldwide computer network that runs everything. There is a new introduction by Collins. This appears to be a simultaneous US/UK edition; it is the first hardcover edition, and first US edition (No Fault Press UK 1993).

The Adventures of Pinocchio Carlo Collodi (Oxford 0-19-282340-X, Jan ’97, $8.95, 188pp, pb, cover by Enrico Mazzanti) Reprint (Felice Paggi 1883 as Le avventure di Pinocchio) classic children’s fantasy. This is part of the “World’s Classics” series, with a new translation by Ann Lawson Lucas, with extensive notes, a bibliography, a chronology of Carlo Collodi, and a lengthy introduction discussing the story’s history, and critical response. This appears to be an international edition.

The Frog Princess of Pelham Ellen Conford (Little, Brown 0-316-15246-3, Apr ’97 [Jun ’97], $15.95, 106pp, hc, cover by Doron Ben-Ami) Young-adult fantasy. A contemporary suburban “princess” kisses the most popular guy in school, and turns into a frog.

Soothslayer D. J. Conway (Llewellyn 1-56718-162-7, Jun ’97, $16.95, 369pp, tp, cover by Kris Waldherr) [Dream Warrior] Fantasy novel, sequel to Dream Warrior. A girl-thief with psychic talents helps stop invasion by evil forces. Book two of a trilogy. Available from Llewellyn, PO Box 64383, St. Paul MN 55164-0383; 800-843-6666.

The Black Company Glen Cook (Tor 0-812-52139-0, Jan ’97, $5.99, 319pp, pb, cover by Keith Berdak) [Black Company] Reissue (Tor 1984) military fantasy novel, book one of “The Chronicles of the Black Company”. Fifth printing.

Shadows Linger Glen Cook (Tor 0-812-50842-4, Jan ’97, $5.99, 319pp, pb, cover by Keith Berdak) [Black Company] Reissue (Tor 1984) military fantasy novel, book two of “The Chronicles of the Black Company”. Fourth printing.

She is the Darkness Glen Cook (Tor 0-312-85907-4, Sep ’97 [Aug ’97], $23.95, 384pp, hc, cover by Nicholas Jainschigg) [Black Company: Glittering Stone] Fantasy novel in the “Black Company” series, book two of the “Glittering Stone” subseries.

The White Rose Glen Cook (Tor 0-812-50844-0, Jan ’97, $5.99, 317pp, pb, cover by Keith Berdak) [Black Company] Reissue (Tor 1985) military fantasy novel, book three of “The Chronicles of the Black Company”. Fourth printing.

Fortress on the Sun Paul Cook (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45626-2, Jul ’97 [Jun ’97], $5.99, 347pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) SF novel. A prison colony harvests metals from solor plasma until a devasting illness reveals secrets.

The Wiz Biz Rick Cook (Baen 0-671-87846-8, Oct ’97 [Sep ’97], $6.99, 615pp, pb, cover by Tom Kidd) [Wiz Zumwalt] Omnibus of the first two humorous fantasy novels in the series featuring Wiz Zumwalt: Wizard’s Bane (1989) and The Wizardry Compiled (1990).

Invasion Robin Cook (Berkley 0-425-15540-4, Apr ’97 [Mar ’97], $6.99, 338pp, pb) Near-future thriller of an alien plague. This is a TV tie-in.

Invasion Robin Cook (SFBC #12073, Aug ’97 [Apr ’97], $9.98, 338pp, hc) Reprint (Berkley 1997) near-future thriller of an alien invasion by plague, a TV tie-in. This is the first hardcover edition; the text follows the Berkley paperback edition. It lacks a price, and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.

Both Sides of Time Caroline B. Cooney (Dell/Laurel-Leaf 0-440-21932-9, Feb ’97 [Jan ’97], $4.50, 210pp, pb, cover by Kamil Vojnar) [Time Travelers] Reprint (Delacorte 1995) young-adult time-travel romance.

Out of Time Caroline B. Cooney (Dell/Laurel-Leaf 0-440-21933-7, Aug ’97, $4.50, 210pp, pb, cover by Kamil Vojnar) [Time Travelers] Reprint (Delacorte 1996) young-adult time-travel romance, sequel to Both Sides of Time.

I’ll See You in My Dreams Ilene Cooper (Viking 0-670-86322-X, Jun ’97 [Jul ’97], $15.99, 164pp, hc, cover by Joe Baker) Young-adult horror novel. A girl’s dreams show her a menacing future.

Classic Ghost Stories ed. Molly Cooper (Barnes & Noble 0-7607-0609-3, 1997 [Sep ’97], $5.98, 128pp, hc, cover by Barbara Kiwak) Reprint (Lowell House Juvenile 1995) young-adult anthology of six ghost stories, several excerpted from longer works. This instant remainder edition retains the copyright page from the Lowell House trade paperback, and indicates third printing.

Classic Vampire Stories: Timeless Tales to Sink Your Teeth Into ed. Molly Cooper (Barnes & Noble 0-7607-0610-7, 1997 [Sep ’97], $5.98, 121pp, hc, cover by Barbara Kiwak) Reprint (Lowell House Juvenile 1996) young-adult anthology of seven vampire stories (one an excerpt from Dracula). This instant remainder edition retains the copyright page of the Lowell House trade paperback edition, and indicates second printing.

The Diary of Victor Frankenstein Roscoe Cooper (DK Ink 0-7894-2456-8, Sep ’97, $19.95, unpaginated, hc, cover by Timothy Basil Ering) [Frankenstein] Young-adult retelling/art/gift book version of Frankenstein. Illustrations by Timothy Basil Ering.

The Boggart and the Monster Susan Cooper (Simon & Schuster/McElderry 0-689-81330-9, Apr ’97, $16.00, 185pp, hc, cover by Trina Schart Hyman) [Boggart] Young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to The Boggart. Canadian visitors inadvertantly carry a Scottish imp to meet his cousin at Loch Ness.

Briar Rose Robert Coover (Grove/Atlantic 0-8021-1591-8, Jan ’97, $18.00, 86pp, hc) Literary fantasy novella. A retelling of “Sleeping Beauty” with a spell-casting fairy interested in the nature of human desire.

Glory’s People Alfred Coppel (Tor 0-812-52395-4, Jul ’97 [Jun ’97], $5.99, 279pp, pb, cover by David Mattingly) [Goldenwing] Reprint (Tor 1996) SF novel, third in the “Goldenwing” cycle.

David Copperfield’s Beyond Imagination ed. David Copperfield, Janet Berliner & Martin H. Greenberg (HarperPrism 0-06-105493-3, Sep ’97 [Aug ’97], $6.99, 476pp, pb) Reprint (HarperPrism 1996) original anthology.

Enemy of God Bernard Cornwell (St. Martin’s 0-312-15523-9, Jul ’97, $24.95, 397pp, hc, cover by Bill Gregory & W. Hatherell) [Warlord Chronicles] Arthurian novel, sequel to The Winter King. First US edition (Michael Joseph 1996).

The Winter King Bernard Cornwell (St. Martin’s/Griffin 0-312-15696-0, May ’97, $14.95, 431pp, tp, cover by Bill Gregory) [Warlord Chronicles] Reprint (Michael Joseph 1995) Arthurian novel.

Oddly Enough Bruce Coville (Pocket Minstrel 0-671-51693-0, Jan ’97, $3.99, 164pp, pb, cover by Gennady Spirin) Reprint (Harcourt Brace 1994) collection of nine young-adult fantasy stories, three original. With illustrations by Michael Hussar.

The Skull of Truth Bruce Coville (Harcourt Brace 0-15-275457-1, Sep ’97 [Aug ’97], $17.00, 195pp, hc, cover by Gary A. Lippincott) [Magic Shop] Young-adult humorous fantasy novel in the “Magic Shop” series. A skull makes a chronic liar always tell the truth — but no one believes him. Illustrated by Gary A. Lippincott.

Bruce Coville’s Book of Magic II ed. Bruce Coville (Scholastic/Apple 0-590-85297-3, Jul ’97 [Jun ’97], $3.99, 179pp, tp, cover by Steve Fastner) Original anthology of 12 (four reprint) fantasy young-adult stories by authors including Bruce Coville, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Patricia C. Wrede, and Margaret Bechard. Interior illustrations by John Pierard. Copyrighted by General Licensing Company.

Bruce Coville’s Book of Nightmares II ed. Bruce Coville (Scholastic/Apple 0-590-85295-7, Mar ’97 [Jun ’97], $3.99, 183pp, tp, cover by Steve Fastner) Original anthology of 12 (4 reprint) scary young-adult stories (two exerpts from longer works) by authors including Michael Stearns, Al Sarrantonio, Bruce Coville, etc. Interior illustrations by John Pierard. Copyrighted by General Licensing Company.

The Hitchhikers Joy Cowley (Scholastic/Point 0-590-73904-2, Aug ’97 [Jul ’97], $4.50, 196pp, pb) Young-adult collection of 12 horror stories, most originally broadcast by the “Ears” programme of Radio New Zealand.

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