The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- _____, reviews:
- BESTER, ALFRED (1913-1987) (books) (chron.)
- * Adam and No Eve, (ss) Astounding Sep 1941
- * And 3½ to Go, (uw) Virtual Unrealities, Vintage 1997
- * Breakthrough, (ms) Frontier Crossings, ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy ’87 1987
- * The Devil Without Glasses, (nv) Virtual Unrealities, Vintage 1997
- * The Devil’s Invention, (ss) Astounding Aug 1950; also as “Oddy and Id”.
- * Disappearing Act, (ss) Star Science Fiction Stories #2, ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine 1953
- * 5,271,009, (nv) F&SF Mar 1954
- * The Flowered Thundermug, (nv) The Dark Side of the Earth, Signet 1964
- * Fondly Fahrenheit, (nv) F&SF Aug 1954
- * Galatea Galante, The Perfect Popsy, (nv) Omni Apr 1979
- * Hell Is Forever, (na) Unknown Aug 1942
- * The “He’s”, the “She’s”, and the “It’s”, (pl) Frontier Crossings, ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy ’87 1987
- * Hobson’s Choice, (ss) F&SF Aug 1952
- * The Men Who Murdered Mohammed, (ss) F&SF Oct 1958
- Top Science Fiction, ed. Josh Pachter, Dent 1984
- Great Tales of Science Fiction, ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, A&W/Galahad 1985
- Science Fiction, ed. Patricia S. Warrick, Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Harper & Row 1988
- The World Treasury of Science Fiction, ed. David G. Hartwell, Little, Brown 1989
- Timescapes, ed. Peter Haining, Souvenir Press 1997
- Virtual Unrealities, Vintage 1997
- * Never Love a Hellhag, (na) The Omni Book of Science Fiction #7, ed. Ellen Datlow, Zebra 1989
- * Oddy and Id [“The Devil’s Invention”], (ss) Astounding Aug 1950
- * Of Time and Third Avenue, (ss) F&SF Oct 1951
- * The Pi Man, (ss) F&SF Oct 1959
- * The Pi Man, (ss) Star Light, Star Bright, Berkley/Putnam 1976; revised from F&SF Oct ’59.
- * The Roller Coaster, (ss) Fantastic May/Jun 1953
- * Star Light, Star Bright, (ss) F&SF Jul 1953
- * They Don’t Make Life Like They Used To, (nv) F&SF Oct 1963
- * Time Is the Traitor, (nv) F&SF Sep 1953
- * Will You Wait?, (ss) F&SF Mar 1959
- BESTWICK, SIMON (chron.)
- * Awoken, (ss) Terror Tales #4 1998
- * Close My Eyes, (ss) Nasty Piece of Work #9 1998
- * Coffee, (vi) Nasty Piece of Work #5 1997
- * Cog, (ss) Nasty Piece of Work Mar 1998
- * The Drowning-House, (ss) Terror Tales #2 1998
- * The Elms, (ss) Enigmatic Tales #2 1998
- * The Foot of the Garden, (ss) Enigmatic Tales #1 1998
- * Hollow Men, (ss) Terror Tales #3 1998; as “The Hollow Men” on table of contents.
- * Last Minute Shopping, (vi) Nasty Piece of Work #6 1997
- * Love Among the Bones, (ss) Nasty Piece of Work #10 1998
- * Survivor Syndrome, (ss) Sackcloth & Ashes #2 1998
- BETANCOURT, JOHN GREGORY (1963- ); see pseudonym Kay Demijohn (books) (chron.)
- * The Adventure of the Amateur Mendicant Society (ascribed to H.G. Wells) [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Resurrected Holmes, ed. Marvin Kaye, St. Martin’s 1996
- * And the Band Played On: The Band’s Tale [Star Wars], (nv) Tales from Jabba’s Palace, ed. Kevin J. Anderson, Bantam Spectra 1996
- * The Art of the Smile, (ss) Weirdbook #30 1997
- * Blooding Jeffy [from Rememory], (ex) Questar 1990
- * The Brothers Lammiat [The Brothers Lammiat; *Slab’s Tavern], (ss) Amazing Jul 1986
- * The Brothers Lammiat at the Fortress of Lord Mur [The Brothers Lammiat], (na) Amazing Mar 1988
- * The Brothers Lammiat in Yasséné [The Brothers Lammiat], (ss) Adventures of Sword & Sorcery Win 1995
- * Buck, Glory Rae, & the Three Little Pigs, (ss) Weird Tales Spr 1993
- * By Moonlight, (ss) I, Vampire, ed. Jean Stine & Forrest J Ackerman, Longmeadow Press 1995
- * The Children of Lommos (with Darrell Schweitzer), (ss) Night Cry Sum 1987
- * Cleaning Up at Slabs [*Slab’s Tavern], (ss) Slab’s Tavern and Other Uncanny Places, Ganley 1990
- * Copycat [Batman], (nv) The Further Adventures of Batman Volume 3, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Bantam 1993
- * The Dark Sorceror of Malahan’s Bar, (pm) Owlflight #5 1986
- * The Darkfishers, (ss) Aboriginal SF Jul/Aug 1987
- * Dogs Questing, (ss) Grails: Quests, Visitations and Other Occurences, ed. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Edward E. Kramer, Atlanta, GA: Unnameable Press 1992
- * DragNeuroNet, (ss) More Whatdunits, ed. Mike Resnic & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1993
- * Dreamtime in Adjaphon, (ss) MZBFM Fll 1988
- * The Duke of Demolition Goes to Hell, (ss) Return to the Twilight Zone, ed. Carol Serling & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1994
- * An Evening in the Bronx with Venom (with Keith R. A. DeCandido), (nv) The Ultimate Spider-Man, ed. Stan Lee, Berkley 1994
- * The Eyrie (with Darrell Schweitzer & George H. Scithers), (ed) Weird Tales Spr 1988
- * The Faery King on Epsilon Eridani III: Science Fiction in Genre Fantasy, (ar) Amazing May 1989
- * Faramigon’s Eye, (nv) Fantasy Book Dec 1985
- * Final Call, (vi) Playing in Wonderland, Wildside Press 1995
- * Forest Days, (pm) Space & Time Sum 1988
- * From the Publishers (with Kim Betancourt), (pr) Wildside Fll 1993
- * Godfall, (vi) Weirdbook #23 1988
- * The Green Thumb, (ss) Damnations, ed. R.L. Leming, The Strange Company 1984
- * Human Spirit, Beetle Spirit [Riverworld], (nv) Aboriginal SF Fll 1993
- * Hunter’s Pink, (nv) Aboriginal SF Win 1992
- * I, the God/She, the Maiden, (pm) Amazing Jan 1984
- * In the Cusp of the Hour, (ss) The Ultimate Dracula, ed. Byron Preiss, David Kellor & Megan Miller, Dell 1991
- * In Their Cups at Slab’s [*Slab’s Tavern], (ss) Aladdin: Master of the Lamp, ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1992
- * Introduction, (in)
- Performance Art, Wildside Press 1992
- Rosemary’s Brain and Other Tales of Weird Wonder, Martha Soukup, Wildside Press 1992
- Swashbuckling Editor Stories, ed. John Gregory Betancourt, Wildside Press 1993
- Playing in Wonderland, Wildside Press 1995
- Best of Weird Tales, ed. John Betancourt, Barnes & Noble 1995
- New Masterpieces of Horror, ed. John Betancourt, Barnes & Noble 1996
- * Introduction (with Robert E. Weinberg), (in)
- * The Invasion of the Jack Benny Snatchers, (ss) Performance Art, Wildside Press 1992
- * The Last Child of Masferigon (with Darrell Schweitzer), (ss) Tom O’Bedlam’s Night Out and Other Strange Excursions, Buffalo, NY: W. Paul Ganley 1985
- * The Last Guardian of Ru Ishtl, (ss) MZBFM Fll 1989
- * The Man Who Collected Knives, (ss) Predators, ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, Roc 1993
- * Memo from a Savage, (pm) Amazing Nov 1985
- * Memo to an Asteroid Miner, (pm) Amazing Jul 1985
- * The Merry Men of Riverworld [Riverworld], (na) Tales of Riverworld, ed. Philip José Farmer, Warner Questar 1992
- * Messiah, (ss) Amazing May 1987
- * Miss Vampire New Mexico Meets Her Dream Date, (vi) 100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories, ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble 1995
- * My Pet Dragon, (pm) Owlflight #5 1986
- * On the Rocks at Slab’s [*Slab’s Tavern], (ss) The Dragon Jan 1986
- * On the Scent at Slab’s [*Slab’s Tavern], (nv) The Dragon Oct 1995
- * On the Scent of Trouble [Star Trek, the Next Generation], (ss) Amazing Sum 1998
- * The Pirates of Caluur, (ss) Fantasy Book Dec 1986
- * Prototype, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s History of I-Botics, ed. James Chambers, HarperPrism 1997
- * A Rat Aloft, (ss) Starshore Win 1990
- * Reformed [Batman], (na) The Further Adventures of Batman 2, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Bantam 1992
- * The River Lethe Is Made of Tears, (ss) Christmas Ghosts, ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1993
- * Shark!, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Ghosts II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1997
- * Space-Time Blues, (pm) Wet Visions, Cyn Mason, Hypatia 1988
- * Sympathy for Mad Scientists, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories, ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble 1998
- * Sympathy for Mummies, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories, ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble 1998
- * Sympathy for Psychos, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories, ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble 1998
- * Sympathy for Vampires, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories, ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble 1998
- * Sympathy for Wolves, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories, ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble 1998
- * The Tale of Lady Ashburn, (ss) The Book of Kings, ed. Richard Gilliam & Martin H. Greenberg, Roc 1995
- * Tap Dancing, (ss) Weird Tales Spr 1991
- * Timetrack, (pm) Owlflight #5 1986
- * Vernan’s Dragon, (vi) Bruce Coville’s Book of Magic II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1997; revised from “Vernon’s Dragon”, 100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories ed. Isaac Asimov, Terry Carr & Martin H. Greenberg, Doubleday 1984.
- * Vernon’s Dragon, (vi) 100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories, ed. Isaac Asimov, Terry Carr & Martin H. Greenberg, Doubleday 1984
- * Vole, (vi) Alien Pregnant by Elvis, ed. Esther M. Friesner & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1994
- * The Weird of Mazal Dey, (ss) Fantasy Book Sep 1985
- * Well Bottled at Slab’s [*Slab’s Tavern], (ss) The Dragon Oct 1987
- _____, reviews:
- * Book Reviews, (br) Amazing Nov 1985, Jan, Mar, May, Jul 1986
- * Book Reviews (with John C. Bunnell & Charles Von Rospach), (br) Amazing May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1991, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1992
- * The Den, (br) Weird Tales Sum, Fll 1988, Win ’88 -, Fll 1989, Win 1989/90, Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 1990, Spr, Sum 1991
- * Fantasy Book Reviews, (br) Fantasy Book Dec 1986, Mar 1987
- * Games, (gr) Science Fiction Age May 1993
- * On Horror, (br) Pulphouse Dec 31 1991
- * Reviews, (br) Weird Tales Spr 1988
- BETHANCOURT, T. ERNESTO; pseudonym of Tom Paisley, (1932- )
- * User Friendly, (ss) Connections: Short Stories, ed. Ronald R. Gallo, Delacorte 1989
- _____, trans.
- * Cain, or an Interpretation of the Rule: To Each According to His Deserts, by Leszek Kolakowski, (vi) 1973
- * God, or Relative Mercy, by Leszek Kolakowski, (vi) 1973
- * Sarah, or the Conflict between the General and the Individual in Morality, by Leszek Kolakowski, (vi) 1993
- BETHKE, BRUCE (Raymond) (1955- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
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