The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- COURTNEY, VINCENT (1958- ) (books)
- * The Silent Couple, (ss) Le Figaro Illustre 1826
- * Junk from Space, (ss) Trajectories Oct 1987
- COUVREUR, JESSIE; see pseudonym Tasma
- COUZENS, GARY (1964- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Christopher Priest Interview, (iv) The Third Alternative #17 1998
- * Containing Multitudes: The Fiction of Joyce Carol Oates, (bg) The Third Alternative #10 1996
- * Eskimo Friends, (ss) Roadworks #1 1998
- * The Facilitator, (ss) Interzone Jun 1996
- * Four A.M., (ss) Peeping Tom #20 1995
- * Half-Life, (ss) F&SF Aug 1996
- * The Horror Venn Diagram, (ar) Kimota #6 1997
- * John Fowles: Dispatches from the Sacred Combe, (iv) The Third Alternative #15 1998
- * Late Night Jamming (with D. F. Lewis), (ss) Peeping Tom #21 1996
- * Mainstream Slipstream: The Novels of Jeanette Winterson, (bg) The Third Alternative #8 1995
- * Migraine, (nv) Substance Aut 1996
- * The Misdirection: The Novels of Christopher Priest, (ar) The Third Alternative #14 1997
- * Profile: Poppy Z. Brite, (bg) The Third Alternative #9 1995
- * Rachael, (ss) Interzone Jul 1998
- * Second Contact, (ss) F&SF Mar 1994
- * Slipstream Cinema:
___ Nicholas Roeg: About Everything, (cl) The Third Alternative #16 1998
- * Straw Defences, (ss) Psychotrope #4 1996
- * Succubus, (ss) Bizarre Sex and Other Crimes of Passion, ed. Stan Tal, Tal Publications 1994
- * This Flight Tonight (with D. F. Lewis), (ss) Substance Win 1995
- * Thunderhead, (ss) The Third Alternative #6 1995
- * Yin & Yang: the Novels & Novellas of Geoff Ryman, (ar) The Third Alternative #11 1996
- _____, reviews:
- _____, reviews:
- COVER, ARTHUR BYRON (1950- ) (books) (chron.)
- COVILLE, BRUCE (Farrington) (1950- ); see pseudonym Beatrice Farrington (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Biscuits of Glory, (ss) The Haunted House, ed. Jane Yolen & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperCollins 1995
- * A Blaze of Glory, (ss) Oddly Enough, Harcourt Brace 1994
- * The Box, (ss) Dragons & Dreams, ed. Jane Yolen, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Harper & Row 1986
- * Bruce Coville’s Book of Aliens, (oa) Scholastic 1994
- * Bruce Coville’s Book of Ghosts, (oa) Scholastic 1994
- * Clean as a Whistle, (ss) Oddly Enough, Harcourt Brace 1994
- * Coldest Touch [Part 5 of “The Monsters of Morley Manor”], (sl) Bruce Coville’s Book of Spine Tinglers II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1997
- * The Dragonslayers, (na) Pocket Minstrel 1994
- * Duffy’s Jacket, (ss) Things That Go Bump in the Night, ed. Jane Yolen & Martin H. Greenberg, Harper & Row 1989
- * Friendly Persuasion, (vi) Bruce Coville’s Book of Monsters, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1993
- * A Gathering, A Glory, (in) A Glory of Unicorns, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic 1998
- * The Ghost Let Go, (nv) Bruce Coville’s Book of Ghosts, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1994
- * The Guardian of Memory, (nv) A Glory of Unicorns, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic 1998
- * Homeward Bound, (ss) The Unicorn Treasury, ed. Bruce Coville, Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1988
- * I, Earthling, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Aliens, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1994
- * Introduction: A Different Kind of Fear, (in) Bruce Coville’s Book of Spine Tinglers II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1997
- * Introduction: A Faint Presence, A Cold Touch, (in) Bruce Coville’s Book of Ghosts II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1997
- * Introduction: Cloudy, with a Chance of Magic, (in) Bruce Coville’s Book of Magic, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1996
- * Introduction: Don’t Read This Book!, (in)
- * Introduction: Look Up!, (in) Bruce Coville’s Book of Aliens, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1994
- * Introduction: Mr. Cranky Says Goodbye, (in) Bruce Coville’s Book of Magic II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1997
- * Introduction: Nightmare Alley, (in) Bruce Coville’s Book of Nightmares II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1997
- * Introduction: Restless Spirits, (in) Bruce Coville’s Book of Ghosts, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1994
- * Introduction: Somewhere, Out There, (in) Bruce Coville’s Book of Aliens II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1996
- * Introduction: Welcome to the Shiver Factory!, (in) Bruce Coville’s Book of Spine Tinglers, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1996
- * Introduction: Welcome to the Wild Rumpus, (in) Bruce Coville’s Book of Monsters, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1993
- * Introduction: We’re Ba-a-a-ack!, (in) Bruce Coville’s Book of Monsters II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1996
- * The Japanese Mirror, (nv) A Nightmare’s Dozen, ed. Michael Stearns, Harcourt Brace 1996
- * Just Like You, (pm) Bruce Coville’s Book of Aliens, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1994
- * The Language of Blood, (ss) Oddly Enough, Harcourt Brace 1994
- * Little Monsters [Part 1 of “The Monsters of Morley Manor”], (sl) Bruce Coville’s Book of Monsters II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1996
- * The Lore of the Unicorn, (in)
- * The Metamorphosis of Justin Jones, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Magic II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1997
- * My Little Brother Is a Monster, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Monsters, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1993
- * My Teacher Fried My Brains [My Teacher Is an Alien], (n.) New York: Pocket Books 1990
- * My Teacher Glows in the Dark [My Teacher Is an Alien], (n.) New York: Pocket Books 1991
- * My Teacher Is an Alien [My Teacher Is an Alien], (n.) New York: Pocket Books 1989
- * A Note from the Author, (aw)
- * Old Glory, (ss) 2041, ed. Jane Yolen, Delacorte 1991
- * The Passing of the Pack, (ss) Werewolves, ed. Jane Yolen & Martin H. Greenberg, Harper & Row 1988
- * Space Brat, (ss) Pocket Minstrel 1992
- * There’s Nothing Under the Bed, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Nightmares, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1995
- * The Thing in Auntie Alma’s Pond, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Spine Tinglers, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1996
- * Through the Starry Door [Part 2 of “The Monsters of Morley Manor”], (sl) Bruce Coville’s Book of Aliens II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1996
- * Trip to the Land of the Dead [Part 3 of “The Monsters of Morley Manor”], (sl) Bruce Coville’s Book of Ghosts II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1997
- * Watch Out!, (ss) Spaceships & Spells, ed. Jane Yolen, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Harper & Row 1987
- * When Evil Wakes [Part 4 of “The Monsters of Morley Manor”], (sl) Bruce Coville’s Book of Nightmares II, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1997
- * With His Head Tucked Underneath His Arm, (ss) A Wizard’s Dozen, ed. Michael Stearns, Harcourt Brace 1993
- * Wizard’s Boy, (nv) Bruce Coville’s Book of Magic, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1996
- COWAN, JAMES (1870-1943) (chron.)
- * The Slave Ships of Callao, (ex) Suwarrow Gold, Jonathan Cape 1936
- COWARD, MAT (1960- )
- * Clean & Bright, (ss) The Third Alternative #3 1994
- * Cold Calling, (ss) Cold Cuts II, ed. Paul Lewis & Steve Lockley, Wales: Alun Books 1994
- * Do You Know This Man?, (vi) The Third Alternative #7 1995
- * Old Sultan, (ss) Once Upon a Crime, ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, Berkley 1998
- * There’s No More..., (vi) Works #10 1995
- * Those Things, (ss) Cold Cuts III, ed. Paul Lewis & Steve Lockley, Wales: Alun Books 1995
- * Twisted Obsessions, (cl) The Third Alternative #16, #17 1998
- COWDREY, ALBERT E. (1933- ) (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- COWIE, JONATHAN (chron.)
- * An Implementation of Magic, (ss) Orion #3 1993
- * Sound Off, (ar) Vector 1993
- COWLES, FREDERICK (Ignatius) (1900-1949) (books)
- * The Bell, (ss) The Horror of Abbot’s Grange, London: Muller 1936
- * The Cadaver of Bishop Louis, (ss) The Night Wind Howls, Muller 1938
- * The Caretaker, (ss) The Night Wind Howls, Muller 1938
- * The Castle in the Forest, (ss) The Horror of Abbot’s Grange, London: Muller 1936
- * Christmas Eve, (ss) Fear Walks The Night, Frederick Cowles, Ghost Story Press 1993
- * Confession, (ss) The Night Wind Howls, Muller 1938
- * Death in the Well, (ss) The Night Wind Howls, Muller 1938
- * Death of a Rat, (ss) Fear Walks The Night, Frederick Cowles, Ghost Story Press 1993
- * The Echo of a Song, (ss) Fear Walks The Night, Frederick Cowles, Ghost Story Press 1993
- * End Of The Lane, (ss) Fear Walks The Night, Frederick Cowles, Ghost Story Press 1993
- * Eye for the Blind, (ss) The Horror of Abbot’s Grange, London: Muller 1936
- * Fear Walks the Night, (co) Fear Walks The Night, Frederick Cowles, Ghost Story Press 1993
- * Fear Walks the Night, (ss) Fear Walks The Night, Frederick Cowles, Ghost Story Press 1993
- * The Florentine Chest, (ss) Fear Walks The Night, Frederick Cowles, Ghost Story Press 1993
- * The Florentine Manor, (ss) The Night Wind Howls, Muller 1938
- * Goosefeather Bed, (ss) Fear Walks The Night, Frederick Cowles, Ghost Story Press 1993
- * Guardians of the Dead, (ss) The Horror of Abbot’s Grange, London: Muller 1936
- * Gypsy Hands, (ss) Fear Walks The Night, Frederick Cowles, Ghost Story Press 1993
- * Gypsy Violin, (ss) The Night Wind Howls, Muller 1938
- * The Haunted Church, (ss) The Horror of Abbot’s Grange, London: Muller 1936
- * The Headless Leper, (ss) Nightmares, ed. Anon., London: Philip Allan 1933
- * The Horror of Abbot’s Grange, (co) London: Frederick Muller 1936
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