The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
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(* = first edition, + = first US, _ = reprint/reissue)
Sep '86:
- *Rhysling Anthology 1986, Anon., ed., ph
Sep '87:
- *Rhysling Anthology 1987, Anon., ed., ph
SF Poetry Assc. |
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1987 |
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Total SF Poetry Assc. |
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Oct '92:
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Jan '84:
Feb '84:
Mar '84:
Apr '84:
- _Dragon on a Pedestal, Piers Anthony, hc
- _The Crucible of Time, John Brunner, hc
- _The Sentinel, Arthur C. Clarke, hc
- _Dicing with Dragons: An Introduction to Role-Playing Games, Ian Livingstone, hc
- _The Fantastic Art of Rowena, Rowena Morrill, hc
- _Valentine Pontifex, Robert Silverberg, hc
- _The Night Church, Whitley Strieber, hc
- _Unicorn Variations, Roger Zelazny, hc
May '84:
- *Annals of the Time Patrol, Poul Anderson, hc
- _The Robots of Dawn, Isaac Asimov, hc
- _The Celestial Steam Locomotive, Michael G. Coney, hc
- _Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern, Anne McCaffrey, hc
- _Mystery Walk, Robert R. McCammon, hc
- _Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon, L. Neil Smith, hc
- _Smith of Wootton Major & Farmer Giles of Ham, J. R. R. Tolkien, hc
Jun '84:
- *Myth Adventures, Robert Lynn Asprin, hc
- _The Classic Philip José Farmer, 1952-1964, Philip José Farmer, hc
- _The Last Gasp, Trevor Hoyle, hc
- _Pet Sematary, Stephen King, hc
- *The Elric Saga, Part I, Michael Moorcock, hc
- _The Colour of Magic, Terry Pratchett, hc
- _The Wicked Day, Mary Stewart, hc
Jul '84:
- _Forty Thousand in Gehenna, C. J. Cherryh, hc
- _Star Trek: The Wounded Sky, Diane E. Duane, hc
- *The Wars of Vis, Tanith Lee, hc
- *The Harper Hall of Pern, Anne McCaffrey, hc
- _Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, Vonda N. McIntyre, hc
Aug '84:
Sep '84:
- _On a Pale Horse, Piers Anthony, hc
- *The Elric Saga, Part II, Michael Moorcock, hc
- _The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party, Robert Silverberg, hc
- _Demon, John Varley, hc
- _Elleander Morning, Jerry Yulsman, hc
Oct '84:
Nov '84:
- _Darkover Landfall, Marion Zimmer Bradley, hc
- _The Practice Effect, David Brin, hc
- _Daughter of Regals and Other Tales, Stephen R. Donaldson, hc
- _Deathbird Stories, Harlan Ellison, hc
- _The Dragon Waiting, John M. Ford, hc
- *The War Against the Chtorr: Invasion, David Gerrold, hc
Dec '84:
- *Cross-Currents, Robert Lynn Asprin & Lynn Abbey, eds., hc
- _Clay’s Ark, Octavia E. Butler, hc
- _Voyager in Night, C. J. Cherryh, hc
- _Fuzzies and Other People, H. Beam Piper, hc
- _The Book of Lost Tales, Part I, J. R. R. Tolkien, hc
Jan '85:
Feb '85:
Mar '85:
- _Bearing an Hourglass, Piers Anthony, hc
- _Across the Sea of Suns, Gregory Benford, hc
- _City of Sorcery, Marion Zimmer Bradley, hc
- _Golden Witchbreed, Mary Gentle, hc
- _A Pliocene Companion: A Guide to the Saga of Pliocene Exile, Julian May, hc
- _Limits, Larry Niven, hc
Apr '85:
May '85:
- *Masterpieces of Terror and the Supernatural, Marvin Kaye, ed., hc
- _The Bishop’s Heir, Katherine Kurtz, hc
- *The Chronicles of the Deryni, Katherine Kurtz, hc
- _Star Trek: The Vulcan Academy Murders, Jean Lorrah, hc
- _A Mirror for Observers, Edgar Pangborn, hc
- _Brightness Falls from the Air, James Tiptree, Jr., hc
Jun '85:
- _The Tides of Time, John Brunner, hc
- _The Infinity Link, Jeffrey A. Carver, hc
- _The Gorgon and Other Beastly Tales, Tanith Lee, hc
- *Venus, Inc., Frederik Pohl & C. M. Kornbluth, hc
- _Berserker Base, Fred Saberhagen, ed., hc
- _Cards of Grief, Jane Yolen, hc
Aug '85:
- _So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, Douglas Adams, hc
- _Crewel Lye, Piers Anthony, hc
- *The Belgariad: Part One, David Eddings, hc
- *The Belgariad: Part Two, David Eddings, hc
- _Job: A Comedy of Justice, Robert A. Heinlein, hc
- _Gryphon’s Eyrie, Andre Norton & A. C. Crispin, hc
Sep '85:
- _Maia, Richard Adams, hc
- _Helliconia Winter, Brian W. Aldiss, hc
- _Dayworld, Philip José Farmer, hc
- _Silverthorn, Raymond E. Feist, hc
- *The Ireta Adventure, Anne McCaffrey, hc
- _Dinner at Deviant’s Palace, Tim Powers, hc
- _The Glamour, Christopher Priest, hc
- *Guardians of the Flame: The Warriors, Joel Rosenberg, hc
- *Daughters of the Sunstone, Sydney J. Van Scyoc, hc
- _The 1985 Annual World’s Best SF, Donald A. Wollheim, ed., hc
- _Trumps of Doom, Roger Zelazny, hc
Oct '85:
Nov '85:
- _Robots and Empire, Isaac Asimov, hc
- _The Hugo Winners, Volume 4: 1976-1979, Isaac Asimov, ed., hc
- _Blood Music, Greg Bear, hc
- _Ancient of Days, Michael Bishop, hc
- _The Wishsong of Shannara, Terry Brooks, hc
- *Season of the Spellsong, Alan Dean Foster, hc
- _Forerunner: The Second Venture, Andre Norton, hc
- _Black Star Rising, Frederik Pohl, hc
- _Way Station, Clifford D. Simak, hc
Dec '85:
Jan '86:
Feb '86:
Mar '86:
Apr '86:
May '86:
Jun '86:
- _The Hugo Winners, Volume 5: 1980-1982, Isaac Asimov, ed., hc
- *Ender’s War, Orson Scott Card, hc
- *Annals of the Black Company, Glen Cook, hc
- _A Darkness at Sethanon, Raymond E. Feist, hc
- _Star Trek #28: Crisis on Centaurus, Brad Ferguson, hc
- _Killashandra, Anne McCaffrey, hc
- _Radio Free Albemuth, Philip K. Dick, hc
- _Eye, Frank Herbert, hc
Jul '86:
Aug '86:
Sep '86:
Oct '86:
- _Magic Kingdom for Sale—Sold!, Terry Brooks, hc
- _Nature’s End, Whitley Strieber & James Kunetka, hc
- _The Starry Rift, James Tiptree, Jr., hc
- _Lyonesse: Suldren’s Garden, Jack Vance, hc
- _Lyonesse: The Green Pearl, Jack Vance, hc
Nov '86:
- _The Songs of Distant Earth, Arthur C. Clarke, hc
- _The Year’s Best Science Fiction, Third Annual Collection, Gardner R. Dozois, ed., hc
- _The Deryni Archives, Katherine Kurtz, hc
- _This Is the Way the World Ends, James Morrow, hc
- _The Fellowship of the Ring, J. R. R. Tolkien, hc
- *Across Realtime, Vernor Vinge, hc
Dec '86:
Jan '87:
Feb '87:
Mar '87:
Apr '87:
- _Wielding a Red Sword, Piers Anthony, hc
- _The Stars, Like Dust, Isaac Asimov, hc
- _The Demolished Man, Alfred Bester, hc
- _The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury, hc
- _Replay, Ken Grimwood, hc
- _The Darkest Road, Guy Gavriel Kay, hc
- *Lear’s Daughters, M. Bradley Kellogg & William Rossow, hc
- *Vampires, Alan Ryan, ed., hc
May '87:
Jun '87:
- _In the Flesh, Clive Barker, hc
- _A Death of Honor, Joe Clifford Faust, hc
- *The Unschooled Wizard, Barbara Hambly, hc
- _Wildcards, George R. R. Martin, ed., hc
- _Her Majesty’s Wizard, Christopher Stasheff, hc
- _Vacuum Flowers, Michael Swanwick, hc
Jul '87:
Aug '87:
Sep '87:
- _The Folk of the Air, Peter S. Beagle, hc
- _Liege-Killer, Christopher Hinz, hc
- *Devils & Demons, Marvin Kaye & Saralee Kaye, ed., hc
- _The Annals of the Heechee, Frederik Pohl, hc
- *The Awakeners, Sheri S. Tepper, hc
Oct '87:
- _The Damnation Game, Clive Barker, hc
- _Wyrms, Orson Scott Card, hc
- _Way of the Pilgrim, Gordon R. Dickson, hc
- _The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted, Harry Harrison, hc
- _Mr. Scott’s Guide to the Enterprise, Shane Johnson, hc
- _Watchers, Dean R. Koontz, hc
- *Tales from the Flat Earth: Night’s Daughter, Tanith Lee, hc
- *Tales from the Flat Earth: The Lords of Darkness, Tanith Lee, hc
- _The Kindly Ones, Melissa Scott, hc
Nov '87:
- _Guardians of the West, David Eddings, hc
- _In Conquest Born, C. S. Friedman, hc
- *The Exploits of Ebenezvm, Craig Shaw Gardner, hc
- _The Wanderer, Fritz Leiber, hc
- _The Smoke Ring, Larry Niven, hc
Dec '87:
- *Earthclan, David Brin, hc
- _Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Vol. 4, Terry Carr, ed., hc
- _Still River, Hal Clement, hc
- _Daughter of the Empire, Raymond E. Feist & Janny Wurts, hc
- _Sign of Chaos, Roger Zelazny, hc
Jan '88:
Feb '88:
Mar '88:
Apr '88:
May '88:
- _The Firebrand, Marion Zimmer Bradley, hc
- _Bones of the Moon, Jonathan Carroll, hc
- _Fang, the Gnome, Michael Greatrex Coney, hc
- _A Man Rides Through, Stephen R. Donaldson, hc
- *Masterpieces of Fantasy and Enchantment, David G. Hartwell, ed., hc
- _The Crystal Memory, Stephen Leigh, hc
- *The Roads of Heaven, Melissa Scott, hc
- _Mercedes Nights, Michael D. Weaver, hc
Jun '88:
- *The King of Ys, Poul Anderson & Karen Anderson, hc
- _Being a Green Mother, Piers Anthony, hc
- _Star Trek: Final Frontier, Diane Carey, hc
- _The Coelura, Anne McCaffrey, hc
- _Denner’s Wreck, Lawrence Watt-Evans, pb
Jul '88:
Aug '88:
Sep '88:
Oct '88:
- _The Last Ship, William Brinkley, hc
- _Krazy Kat: A Novel in Five Panels, Jay Cantor, hc
- _Cyteen, C. J. Cherryh, hc
- _The New Dinosaurs: An Alternate Evolution, Dougal Dixon, hc
- _King of the Murgos, David Eddings, hc
- _Hellspark, Janet Kagan, hc
- *Weird Tales: The Magazine That Never Dies, Marvin Kaye, ed., hc
- _Equal Rites, Terry Pratchett, hc
Nov '88:
Dec '88:
- _Heaven Cent, Piers Anthony, hc
- _Waiting for the Galactic Bus, Parke Godwin, hc
- _God, The Ultimate Autobiography, Jeremy Pascall, hc
- _Land’s End, Frederik Pohl & Jack Williamson, hc
- *Alien Blood, Joan D. Vinge, hc
- _Prime Evil, Douglas E. Winter, ed., hc
- *Masterpieces of Fantasy and Wonder, David G. Hartwell, ed., hc
- _Revolt in 2100, Robert A. Heinlein, hc
- *The Three of Swords, Fritz Leiber, hc
- _Wild Cards V: Down and Dirty, George R. R. Martin, ed., hc
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