The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- MASSIE, ELIZABETH (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Learning to Give, (ss) Bizarre Bazaar #3 1994
- * Lock Her Room, (ss) Dead End: City Limits, ed. Paul F. Olson & David B. Silva, St. Martin’s 1991
- * M Is for the Many Things, (ss) A Whisper of Blood, ed. Ellen Datlow, Morrow 1991
- * Mansion of Mysteries, (ss) Dementia #1 1986
- * Meat, (ss) The Tome Sum 1992
- * The Merry Music of Madness (with Brian Massie), (ss) Great Writers & Kids Write Spooky Stories, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Jill M. Morgan & Robert Weinberg, Random House 1995
- * No Solicitors, Curious a Quarter, (ss) Deathrealm Fll/Win 1991
- * Pseudofiction (with Brian Hodge, Jeff Johnston, Andrew Lynch, Yvonne Navarro, Jeffrey Osier, Stephen Mark Rainey, David Niall Wilson & Amy Wimberger), (ss) The Tome Sum 1992
- * The Reclamation of Sweeney Todd, (ss) After Hours Win 1995
- * Sanctuary of the Shrinking Soul, (ss) Obsessions, ed. Gary Raisor, Arlington Heights, IL: Dark Harvest 1991
- * The Scariest Book I’ve Ever Read, (ar) The Tome #3 1990
- * Shadow of the Valley, (nv) Shadow Dreams, Darkside Press 1996
- * Show and Hell, (pm) Grue #7 1988
- * Sick’Un, (ss) Bringing Down the Moon, ed. Jani Anderson, Space & Time 1985
- * Sineater, (ss) Footsteps #9 1990
- * Smoothpicks, (ss) Deathrealm Fll/Win 1988
- * Snow Day, (vi) Not One of Us Aug 1994
- * Stephen, (nv) Borderlands, ed. Thomas F. Monteleone, Avon 1990
- * Stinkin’ Rudy, (ss) The Tome #4 1990
- * Sweet Kitty, (vi) Grue #3 1986
- * Thanks, (vi) Lore #9 1998
- * That Old Timer Rock and Roll, (ss) SPWAO Showcase #8 1992
- * Thundersylum, (ss) The Horror Show Sum 1985
- * To Soothe the Savage Beast, (ss) The Horror Show Fll 1987
- * What Happened When Mosby Paulson Had Her Painting Reproduced on the Cover of the Phone Book, (ss) Voices from the Night, ed. John Maclay, Maclay & Associates 1994
- * White Hair, We Adore, (nv) Shadow Dreams, Darkside Press 1996
- * Whittler, (vi) The Horror Show Win 1984
- * The Wills and the Way, (ss) The Horror Show Spr 1990
- * Willy Wonka and the L. Walker Biofair, (ss) The Horror Show Fll 1987
- * ...You Get What You Need, (rr) Event Horizon Online Nov 1998
- MASSIE-FERCH, KATHLEEN M. (1954-2002) (books)
- * Ancient Enchantresses of War, (na) Ancient Enchantresses, ed. Kathleen M. Massie-Ferch, Martin H. Greenberg & Richard Gilliam, DAW 1995
- * Casting the Cards, (ss) New Altars, ed. Dawn Albright & Sandra J. Hutchinson, Angelus Press 1997
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Last Words, (aw) Ancient Enchantresses, ed. Kathleen M. Massie-Ferch, Martin H. Greenberg & Richard Gilliam, DAW 1995
- * The Living Walls, (ss) MZBFM Fll 1989
- * United Powers, (ss) MZBFM Fll 1996
- * Warrior of Ma-At, (nv) Warrior Princesses, ed. Elizabeth Ann Scarborough & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1998
- _____, reviews:
- * The Finding of Merlin [from Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum], (ar) 1926
- MASSON, DAVID I(rvine) (1915-2007)
- * Mouth of Hell, (ss) New Worlds Jan 1966
- MASSON, SOPHIE (Veronique) (1959- ) (chron.)
- MASTERS, ANTHONY (1940-2003) (books)
- * Blasphemous Tomes: A Guide to Lovecraftiana in the Small Press (with Leigh D. Blackmore & B. J. Stevens), (bi) Shoggoth #1 1992
- * The Body Snatchers, (ss) EOD #1 1991
- * Come to Me, (ss) EOD #4 1991
- * Cthulhu Reborn, (ss) Shoggoth #2 1993
- * The Dark Window, (ss) EOD #1 1991
- * Editorial, (ed) EOD #1, #2, #3, #4 1991, #6, #7, #8 1992
- * Headitorial (with Steve Proposch), (ed) Bloodsongs Jan, Jun, Sum 1994, Fll 1995
- * Leigh Blackmore, the Man Behind Terror Australis, (iv) Bloodsongs Jan 1994
- * What’s For Dinner?, (ss) EOD #2 1991
- _____, reviews:
- MASTERS, PHIL (1959- )
- MASTERTON, GRAHAM (1946- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Absence of Beast, (ss) Dark Voices 4, ed. David Sutton & Stephen Jones, London: Pan 1992
- * Anaïs, (ss) Manitou Man: The Worlds of Graham Masterton, The British Fantasy Society 1998
- * Beijing Craps, (nv) Final Shadows, ed. Charles L. Grant, Doubleday Foundation 1991
- * Bridal Suite, (ss) New Terrors #1, ed. Ramsey Campbell, London: Pan 1980
- * Changeling, (nv) Hot Blood, ed. Jeff Gelb & Lonn Friend, Pocket 1989
- * Death Trance, (ex) New York: Tor 1986
- * The Dirty Deed Is Done, (ar) Gauntlet #2 1991
- * Egg, (ss) Flights of Fear, Severn House 1995
- * Eric the Pie, (ss) Frighteners Jul 1991
- * Ever, Ever, After, (nv) Masques #3, ed. J. N. Williamson 1989
- * Evidence of Angels, (nv) 13 Again, ed. A. Finnis, Scholastic UK 1995
- * Fairy Story, (nv) Faces of Fear, Severn House 1996
- * 5a Bedford Row, (nv) The Horror Show Spr 1990
- * Foreword, (fw)
- * The Gray Madonna, (ss) Fear Itself, ed. Jeff Gelb, Warner 1995
- * Grease Monkey, (ss) Gauntlet #2 1991
- * Grief, (na) Faces of Fear, Severn House 1996
- * The Heart of Helen Day, (ss) Masques #4, ed. J. N. Williamson 1991
- * Heart of Stone, (ss) New Blood Win 1989
- * Heroine, (nv) Kiss and Kill, ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket 1997
- * The Hungry Moon, (nv) Dark Terrors, ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, London: Gollancz 1995
- * Hurry Monster, (ss) Horror Feb 1990
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Introduction to “Lucy Comes to Stay”, (is) Dark Voices, ed. Stephen Jones & Clarence Paget, London: Pan 1990
- * The Irish Question, (na) The Unexplained: Stories of the Paranormal, ed. Ric Alexander, Orion 1998
- * J.R.E. Ponsford, (nv) Point Horror, ed. A. Finnis, Scholastic UK 1994
- * Jack Be Quick, (nv) White House Horrors, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1996
- * The Jajouka Penis-Beetle [“The Jajouka Scarab”], (nv) Flights of Fear, Severn House 1995
- * The Jajouka Scarab, (nv) Flights of Fear, Severn House 1995; also as “The Jajouka Penis-Beetle”.
- * Jim Meets Gray, (ar) Mystery Scene Jan 1990
- * Laird of Dunain, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Vampires, ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson 1992
- * Lolicia, (nv) Manitou Man: The Worlds of Graham Masterton, The British Fantasy Society 1998
- * Making Belinda, (ss) After the Darkness, ed. Stanley Wiater, Baltimore, MD: Maclay & Associates 1993
- * Men of Maes, (nv) Faces of Fear, Severn House 1996
- * Mother of Invention, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Frankenstein, ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson 1994
- * My Grandfather’s House, (bg) Dancing with the Dark, ed. Stephen Jones, Vista 1997
- * Night Plague, (ex) New York: Tor 1991
- * Picnic at Lac du Sang, (nv) Hot Blood X, ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket 1998
- * Pig’s Dinner, (ss) Cemetery Dance Win 1991
- * Roadkill [Dracula], (ss) The Mammoth Book of Dracula, ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson 1997
- * Rococo, (ss) Hotter Blood, ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket 1991
- * The Root of All Evil, (ss) Modern Masters of Horror, ed. Frank Coffey, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan 1981
- * Rug, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Werewolves, ed. Stephen Jones, London: Robinson 1994
- * Saint Joan, (nv) Fortnight of Fear, Severn House 1994
- * Saving Grace, (ss) Manitou Man: The Worlds of Graham Masterton, The British Fantasy Society 1998
- * The Secret Shih-Tan, (nv) Faces of Fear, Severn House 1996
- * Sex Object, (ss) Hottest Blood, ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket 1993
- * The Sixth Man, (ss) Cold Shocks, ed. Tim Sullivan, Avon 1991
- * Spirit-Jump [Manitou], (nv) Faces of Fear, Severn House 1996
- * Suffer Kate, (nv) Deadly After Dark, ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket 1994
- * The Taking of Mr. Bill, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Zombies, ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson 1993
- * Underbed, (nv) Dark Terrors 2, ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, London: Gollancz 1996
- * Voodoo Child, (ss) Shock Rock, ed. Jeff Gelb, Pocket 1992
- * Will, (ss) Lovecraft’s Legacy, ed. Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Tor 1990
- * The Woman in the Wall, (ss) Twilight Zone Apr 1988
- MATHESON, RICHARD (Burton) (1926- ); see pseudonym Logan Swanson (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Advance Notice [“Letter to the Editor”], (ss) Imagination Jan 1952
- * And Now I’m Waiting, (ss) Twilight Zone Mar/Apr 1983
- * Being, (nv) If Aug 1954
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