The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- CHALKER, JACK L(aurence) (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * _The Run to Chaos Keep (Ace 0-441-69348-2, May ’92 [Apr ’92], $4.99, 308pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Quintara Marathon] Reprint (Ace 1991) sf novel, second book of “The Quintara Marathon” series.
- * _The Science Fantasy Publishers: A Critical and Bibliographic History (with Mark Owings) (Mirage Press 0-88358-204-X, Jun ’92, $75.00, 744pp, hc) Reissue (Mirage Press 1991) non-fiction, reference; fourth printing. This is a somewhat revised reissue, with several erroneous entries completely rewritten. The page count is identical to the first edition because the book is printed from single-sheet masters and each entry remained the same length, despite changes. It’s impossible to tell just how many corrections were made for this edition. Available from Mirage Press, Box 1689, Westminster MD 21158.
- * *The Science Fantasy Publishers: A Critical and Bibliographic History: Third Edition (with Mark Owings) (Mirage Press 0-88358-204-X, Nov ’91, $75.00, 744pp, hc) Non-fiction; reference. A guide to the fantastic small press, with some bibliographic material. Third edition of a work revised and expanded from The Index to the Science-Fantasy Publishers by Mark Owings. Available from Mirage Press, Box 1689, Westminster MD 21158.
- * _The Science Fantasy Publishers: A Critical and Bibliographic History: Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged (with Mark Owings) (Mirage Press 0-88358-204-X, Sep ’92 [Oct ’92], $75.00, 744pp, hc) Reissue (Mirage Press 1991) non-fiction, reference. This is a corrected fourth printing of the work. The page count is identical because the book is printed from single-sheet masters and each entry remained the same length, despite changes. It’s impossible to tell just how many corrections were made for this printing.
- * *The Science-Fantasy Publishers: Supplement Four, July 1995-June 1996 (with Mark Owings) (Mirage Press no ISBN, 1996 [Oct ’96], $10.00, v+50pp, tp) Non-fiction, reference. This is the fourth annual update to Chalker and Owings’s The Science-Fantasy Publishers (Mirage 1991).
- * *The Science-Fantasy Publishers: Supplement One, July 1991-June 1992 (with Mark Owings) (Mirage Press no ISBN, Sep ’92 [Oct ’92], no price, 130pp, tp) Non-fiction, a supplement to Chalker and Owings’ The Science-Fantasy Publishers, with supposedly corrected and updated entries. Available to those who purchased the initial volume.
- * *The Science-Fantasy Publishers: Supplement One, July 1991-June 1993 (with Mark Owings) (Mirage Press no ISBN, Oct ’93, $10.00, 164pp, tp) Non-fiction, a supplement to Chalker and Owings’ The Science-Fantasy Publishers, with supposedly corrected and updated entries. Available to those who purchased the initial volume. There was an earlier “Supplement One” published in 1992, and it is unclear whether this is the earlier book with additional material or an entirely new supplement. The preface says that a “Supplement Two” is forthcoming, so presumably this is a revised and expanded version of “Supplement One.”
- * *The Science-Fantasy Publishers: Supplement One, July 1991-June 1993 (with Mark Owings) (Mirage Press no ISBN, Oct ’93, $10.00, x+164pp, tp) Non-fiction, a supplement to Chalker and Owings’ The Science-Fantasy Publishers. This is a revised and expanded version of “Supplement One, July 1991-June 1992”, published in 1992.
- * *The Science-Fantasy Publishers: Supplement Three, July 1994-June 1995 (with Mark Owings) (Mirage Press no ISBN, 1995 [Oct ’95], $10.00, 74pp, tp) Non-fiction, reference. This is the third supplement, an annual update to Chalker and Owings’s The Science-Fantasy Publishers (Mirage 1991). Order from Blue Moon Books, 360 West First, Eugene OR 97401; credit card orders 800-738-2660.
- * *The Science-Fantasy Publishers: Supplement Three, July 1994-June 1995 (with Mark Owings) (Mirage Press no ISBN, 1995 [Oct ’96], $10.00, vi+74pp, tp) Non-fiction, reference. This is the third annual update to Chalker and Owings’s The Science-Fantasy Publishers (Mirage 1991).
- * *The Science-Fantasy Publishers: Supplement Two, July 1993-June 1994 (with Mark Owings) (Mirage Press no ISBN, 1994 [Oct ’96], $10.00, iv+74pp, tp) Non-fiction, reference. This is the second annual update to Chalker and Owings’s The Science-Fantasy Publishers (Mirage 1991).
- * *The Shadow Dancers (Tor 0-812-53308-9, Jul ’87 [Jun ’87], $3.95, 284pp, pb) [G.O.D. Inc.] Sf novel, “G.O.D. Inc.” #2.
- * _The Shadow Dancers (NEL 0-450-51108-1, Mar ’90, £3.50, 284pp, pb) [G.O.D. Inc.] Reprint (Tor 1987) sf novel. Volume 2 in the “G.O.D. Inc.” series.
- * _Shadow Dancers (Tor 0-812-52039-4, May ’92 [Apr ’92], $3.99, 284pp, pb, cover by Royo) [G.O.D. Inc.] Reissue (Tor 1987) sf detective novel, second book of the “G.O.D. Inc.” series; third printing.
- * *Shadow of the Well of Souls (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-36202-0, Feb ’94 [Jan ’94], $10.00, 362pp, tp, cover by Peter Youll) [Well of Souls] Sf novel, seventh book in the overall “Well of Souls” series, second book of “The Watchers at the Well”.
- * _Shadow of the Well of Souls (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-38846-1, Sep ’94 [Aug ’94], $5.99, 352pp, pb, cover by Paul Youll) [Well of Souls] Reprint (Del Rey 1994) SF novel, seventh book in the overall “Well of Souls” series, second book of “The Watchers at the Well”.
- * *Songs of the Dancing Gods (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34799-4, Aug ’90 [Jul ’90], $4.95, 322pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Dancing Gods] Fantasy novel, fourth book of the “Dancing Gods” series.
- * _Songs of the Dancing Gods (Orbit 0-7088-4962-8, Aug ’91, £4.50, 322pp, pb) [Dancing Gods] Reprint (Del Rey 1990) fantasy novel. Volume Four in the “Dancing Gods” series. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Soul Rider Book Five: Children of Flux and Anchor (Tor 0-812-53286-4, Oct ’86 [Sep ’86], $3.50, 350pp, pb) [Soul Rider] Sf novel, #5 in the series.
- * *Soul Rider, Book Four: The Birth of Flux & Anchor (Tor 0-812-53284-8, Dec ’85 [Nov ’85], $3.50, 374pp, pb) [Soul Rider] Fourth in the sf series, but a prequel to the others.
- * *Soul Rider, Book One: Spirits of Flux & Anchor (Tor 0-812-53275-9, Mar ’84 [Feb ’84], $2.95, 320pp, pb) [Soul Rider] The start of a new fantasy series.
- * _Soul Rider, Book One: Spirits of Flux & Anchor (Roc UK 0-14-012314-8, Sep ’91, £4.50, 320pp, pb, cover by David O’Connor) [Soul Rider] Reprint (Tor 1984) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Soul Rider, Book Three: Masters of Flux & Anchor (Tor 0-812-53281-3, Jan ’85 [Dec ’84], $2.95, 429pp, pb) [Soul Rider] Sf novel, third in the series.
- * _Soul Rider, Book Three: Masters of Flux & Anchor (Roc UK 0-14-012316-4, Dec ’91, £4.50, 429pp, pb, cover by David O’Connor) [Soul Rider] Reprint (Tor 1985) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Soul Rider, Book Two: Empires of Flux & Anchor (Tor 0-812-53277-5, Aug ’84 [Jul ’84], $2.95, 320pp, pb) [Soul Rider] Sf novel, second in a series.
- * _Soul Rider, Book Two: Empires of Flux & Anchor (Roc UK 0-14-012315-6, Oct ’91, £4.50, 320pp, pb, cover by David O’Connor) [Soul Rider] Reprint (Tor 1984) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Soul Rider: Book Five: Children of Flux and Anchor (Roc UK 0-14-012318-0, Apr ’92, £4.99, 350pp, pb, cover by David O’Connor) [Soul Rider] Reprint (Tor 1986) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Soul Rider: Book Four: The Birth of Flux and Anchor (Roc UK 0-14-012317-2, Feb ’92, £4.99, 374pp, pb, cover by David O’Connor) [Soul Rider] Reprint (Tor 1985) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Twilight at the Well of Souls (Penguin 0-14-006819-8, Jan ’89, £3.50, 304pp, pb, cover by Peter Goodfellow) [Well of Souls] Reissue (Del Rey 1980) sf novel. Volume 5 in the “Well of Souls” series.
- * *Vengeance of the Dancing Gods (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-31549-9, Jul ’85 [Jun ’85], $3.50, 303pp, pb) [Dancing Gods] Fantasy novel, #3 in the series.
- * _Vengeance of the Dancing Gods (Futura/Orbit 0-7088-8175-0, Aug ’86, £2.50, 303pp, pb) [Dancing Gods] Reprint (Del Rey 1985) sf novel, third in the “Dancing Gods” series.
- * _Vengeance of the Dancing Gods (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-31549-9, Aug ’90 [Jul ’90], $4.95, 303pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Dancing Gods] Reissue (Del Rey 1985) fantasy novel, third book of the “Dancing Gods” series; sixth printing.
- * _Vengeance of the Dancing Gods (Orbit 0-7088-8175-0, Aug ’91, £4.50, 303pp, pb) [Dancing Gods] Reissue (Del Rey 1985) fantasy novel. Volume Three in the “Dancing Gods” series.
- * _A War of Shadows (Ace 0-441-87196-8, Nov ’84 [Oct ’84], $2.95, 314pp, pb) Reissue (Ace 1979) sf novel.
- * _War of Shadows (Ace 0-441-87197-6, Dec ’91 [Nov ’91], $3.99, 314pp, pb, cover by Royo) Reissue (Ace 1979) sf novel; fifth printing.
- * *War of the Maelstrom (Ace 0-441-10268-9, Oct ’88 [Sep ’88], $3.95, 360pp, pb) [Changewinds] Fantasy novel, third in the “Changewinds” trilogy. According to the prologue, it’s actually one continuous novel published in three parts.
- * _War of the Maelstrom (NEL 0-450-55184-9, Sep ’91, £4.99, 360pp, pb) [Changewinds] Reprint (Ace 1988) sf/fantasy novel. Book Three of the “Changewinds” series. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Warriors of the Storm (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-32562-1, Aug ’87 [Jul ’87], $3.95, 338pp, pb) [Rings of the Master] Book 3 in “The Rings of the Master”, an sf adventure series.
- * _Warriors of the Storm (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-32562-1, Feb ’88 [Jan ’88], $3.95, 338pp, pb) [Rings of the Master] Reissue (Del Rey 1987) sf novel, Book 3 of “The Rings of the Master”. third printing.
- * _Warriors of the Storm (NEL 0-450-48926-4, Feb ’89, £2.99, 338pp, pb) [Rings of the Master] Reprint (Del Rey 1987) sf novel. Volume Three in the “Rings of the Master” series. [First U.K. edition]
- * *The Watchers at the Well (SFBC #031914, Dec ’94 [Nov ’94], $14.95, 791pp, hc, cover by Romas Kukalis) [Well of Souls] Omnibus of three “Well World” novels: Echoes of the Well of Souls (Del Rey 1994), Shadow of the Well of Souls (Del Rey 1994), and Gods of the Well of Souls (Del Rey 1994). (Contents)
- * _The Web of the Chozen (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-33959-2, Feb ’87 [Jan ’87], $2.95, 210pp, pb) Reissue (Del Rey 1978) sf novel; 5th printing.
- * *When the Changewinds Blow (Ace 0-441-88081-9, Sep ’87 [Aug ’87], $3.50, 293pp, pb) [Changewinds] Fantasy novel, first in the “Changewinds” series.
- * _When the Changewinds Blow (NEL 0-450-53714-5, Jan ’91, £3.99, 293pp, pb) [Changewinds] Reprint (Ace 1987) sf/fantasy novel. Book One of the “Changewinds” series.
- * *The Wonderland Gambit, Book One: The Cybernetic Walrus (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-38690-6, Nov ’95, $11.00, 325pp, tp, cover by Paul Youll) [Wonderland Gambit] SF novel about reality control.
- * _The Wonderland Gambit, Book One: The Cybernetic Walrus (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-38847-X, Jun ’96 [May ’96], $5.99, 322pp, pb, cover by Paul Youll) [Wonderland Gambit] Reprint (Del Rey 1995) SF novel.
- * *The Wonderland Gambit, Book Three: The Hot-Wired Dodo (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-38692-2, Feb ’97, $12.00, 355pp, tp, cover by Paul Youll) [Wonderland Gambit] SF novel, book 3 of “The Wonderland Gambit”.
- * _The Wonderland Gambit, Book Three: The Hot-Wired Dodo (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-38849-6, Feb ’98 [Jan ’98], $6.99, 338pp, pb, cover by Paul Youll) [Wonderland Gambit] Reprint (Del Rey 1997) SF novel.
- * *The Wonderland Gambit, Book Two: The March Hare Network (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-38691-4, May ’96, $11.00, 325pp, tp, cover by Paul Youll) [Wonderland Gambit] SF novel, book 2 of the series.
- * _The Wonderland Gambit, Book Two: The March Hare Network (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-38848-8, Dec ’96 [Nov ’96], $5.99, 323pp, pb, cover by Paul Youll) [Wonderland Gambit] Reprint (Del Rey 1996) SF novel.
- _____, ed.
- * *Hotel Andromeda (Ace 0-441-00010-X, Feb ’94 [Jan ’94], $4.99, 248pp, pb, cover by John Steven Gurney) Original anthology of 12 stories set in interstellar hotels. (Contents)
- CHALLANS, (Eileen) MARY (1905-1983); see pseudonym Mary Renault (stories)
- CHAMBERLIN, ANN (chron.)
- * *Tamar (Tor/Forge 0-312-85649-0, Mar ’94, $23.95, 463pp, hc, cover by David Cherry) Historical/romance novel with fantasy elements set in King David’s Judea.
- * _Tamar (Tor 0-812-52370-9, Dec ’94 [Nov ’94], $5.99, 433pp, pb, cover by David Cherry) Reprint (Tor/Forge 1994) historical/romance novel with fantasy elements set in King David’s Judea.
- CHAMBERS, AIDAN, ed. (1934- ) (stories)
- * _Ghost After Ghost (Puffin 0-14-031461-X, Dec ’87, £1.95, 173pp, pb) Reissue (Kestrel 1982) original juvenile ghost anthology.
- * *A Haunt of Ghosts (Harper & Row 0-06-021206-3, Nov ’87 [Jan ’88], $12.95, 177pp, hc) Young-adult anthology of ghost stories, five by Chambers, five by other authors, compiled from previous Chambers collections and anthologies. Dated 1987 — not seen until 1988. (Contents)
- * +Out of Time (Harper & Row 0-06-021201-2, Sep ’85, $11.95, 186pp, hc) Reprint (Bodley Head 1984) young-adult sf original anthology. First U.S. edition. (Contents)
- * *A Quiver Of Ghosts (The Bodley Head 0-370-31008-X, Mar ’87 [Sep ’87], £3.95, 137pp, tp) Original juvenile ghost anthology. (Contents)
- * _Shades of Dark (Puffin 0-14-032022-9, Aug ’86, £1.50, 128pp, pb) Juvenile ghost story anthology.
- CHAMBERS, JAMES, ed. (chron.)
- * *Isaac Asimov’s History of I-Botics (HarperPrism 0-06-105539-5, Aug ’97 [Jul ’97], $22.00, 135pp, hc) Original anthology of three stories, plus informational segments, based (supposedly) on a new take on robots by Asimov; described on the cover as an illustrated “novel.” Authors named are Steven Grant, John Gregory Betancourt, and Karen Haber. Packaged and copyrighted by Big Entertainment. (Contents)
- CHAMBERS, ROBERT W(illiam) (1865-1933) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The King in Yellow (Dedalus 0-946626-51-0, Jul ’89, £4.99, 253pp, pb, cover by Tim Gray) Reprint (Neely 1895) fantasy collection.
- * *Out of the Dark, Volume One: Origins (Ash-Tree Press 1-899562-41-9, Feb ’98, C$51.00, xii+163pp, hc, cover by Richard Lamb) Collection of nine supernatural stories from before 1900. First of two volumes. Introduction by editor Hugh Lamb. This edition is limited to 500 copies. A world-wide edition available in the US for $38.50 and in the UK for £23.50. (Contents)
- * *Forbidden (Royal Fireworks Press 0-88092-291-5, Dec ’95 [Jan ’96], $7.99, 348pp, tp, cover by Sarah Clemens) Young-adult fantasy novel. A young sorceress must use dangerous magic to protect the handsome young heir to the throne. Order from Royal Fireworks Printing Co., First Avenue, Unionville, NY 10988; credit card orders 914-726-4444; add $4.00 shipping.
- CHAMPION, SARAH, ed. (stories)
- * *Disco 2000 (Sceptre 0-340-70771-2, Feb ’98, £6.99, 365pp, tp) Anthology of 19 original mainstream and genre stories, all taking place in the last hours of 31st December 1999. Authors include Pat Cadigan, Neal Stephenson, Poppy Z. Brite, Robert Anton Wilson, and Paul Di Filippo. (Contents)
- CHANCE, JANE (chron.)
- * *The Lord of the Rings: The Mythology of Power (Macmillan/Twayne 0-8057-8571-X, Jul ’92 [Oct ’93], $7.95, 130pp, tp) Non-fiction, criticism. A reader’s companion to the series, including a biographical chronology and a bibliography. A hardcover edition (-9441-7; $22.95) was announced but not seen. This book has a 1992 copyright but was not seen until now. Order from Macmillan Publishing Co., 100 Front St., Box 500, Riverside NJ 08075. 1-800-257-5755. [Tolkien]
- * *Dig Me Up (Avon Flare 0-380-76917-4, Sep ’92 [Aug ’92], $3.50, 171pp, pb) Young-adult horror novel about evil goings-on at an archeological site. A first novel.
- CHANDLER, A(rthur) BERTRAM (1912-1984) (stories) (chron.)
- * *From Sea to Shining Star (Dreamstone 0-9587968-1-5, 1989 [Nov ’90], no price, 342pp, hc, cover by Nick Stathopoulos) Collection of 30 stories, with a bibliography, and illustrations by Nick Stathopoulos. This edition is limited to 400 copies and has a 1989 copyright date, though not seen until now. A 100-copy special limited edition (-0-7) was announced but not seen. Edited by Keith Curtis and Susan Chandler. (Contents)
- * *Frontier of the Dark (Ace 0-441-25504-3, Jan ’84 [Dec ’83], $2.75, 233pp, pb) Sf novel about a faster-than-light drive with an unfortunate side-effect: it turns people into werewolves.
- * *Kelly Country (Penguin Australia 0-14-006004-9, Jan ’84 [Dec ’83], A$5.95, 341pp, tp) Alternate history novel about Australian outlaw/folk hero Ned Kelly.
- * +Kelly Country (DAW 0-88677-065-3, Aug ’85 [Jul ’85], $3.50, 348pp, pb) Reprint (Penguin Australia 1983) parallel-world sf novel; first U.S. edition.
- * *The Last Amazon (DAW 0-87997-936-4, Jun ’84 [May ’84], $2.50, 156pp, pb) [John Grimes] Sf novel, a “Grimes” novel.
- * *The Wild Ones (Collins 0-909117-19-5, Oct ’84 [Sep ’84], A$5.95, 205pp, tp) [John Grimes] Chandler’s “last completed novel”, this is presumably the final book in the “Grimes” sf series. This Australian first edition should become a collector’s item.
- * +The Wild Ones (DAW 0-88677-031-9, Apr ’85 [Mar ’85], $2.95, 253pp, pb) [John Grimes] Reprint (Cory & Collins 1984), first U.S. edition of the last novel in the “Grimes” sf adventure series written by Chandler. This edition does not acknowledge the original Australian copyright.
- CHANDLER, BRYN; [i.e., Bryn Christgau Conklin-Chandler] (1945- )
- * *Eve’s Rib (Pageant 0-517-00645-6, Jan ’89 [Dec ’88], $3.50, 278pp, pb) Sf novel. A lone woman fights to save her planet and its people from greedy developers.
- CHANT, JOY; pseudonym of Eileen Joyce Rutter, (1945- ) (stories)
- * _The High Kings (SFBC #3507, Jan ’84 [Dec ’83], $14.98, 237pp, hc) False entry — offered by the book club, but not its own edition of this fantasy/historical/art book. The book club copies are regular first editions (Bantam 1983).
- * _The High Kings (Bantam Spectra 0-553-24306-3, Nov ’85 [Sep ’85], $3.50, 245pp, pb) Reprint (Bantam 1983) non-fiction study of Arthurian legends. This could almost be called a new book, since it contains only the text of what had originally been a wonderfully illustrated art book.
- * _The High Kings (Unwin 0-04-823389-7, Jul ’87, £3.50, 197pp, tp) Reprint (Bantam 1983) non-fiction study of the Arthurian legends. This edition omits the illustrations.
- CHAPDELAINE, PERRY A(nthony Sr.) (1925- ) (stories)
- * *The John W. Campbell Letters with Isaac Asimov & A.E. van Vogt: Volume II (AC Projects 0-931150-19-1, Sep ’93, $45.00, 675pp, hc, cover by Frank Kelly Freas) Non-fiction, a collection of letters exchanged by Campbell, Asimov, and van Vogt, plus letters by others about Asimov’s and van Vogt’s fiction, plus six related essays. [Campbell]
- _____, ed.
- * *The John W. Campbell Letters, Volume 1 (with Tony Chapdelaine & George Hay) (AC Projects 0-931150-15-9, Feb ’86 [Mar ’86], Limited edition of 750 copies, $35.00, 610pp, hc) Selected Campbell letters from the ’30s through the ’70s, with introductory articles by the editors, a list of references, and an index. This was announced years ago, and has finally appeared. [Campbell]
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