The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- MORRISON, TONI; [i.e., Chloe Anthony Morrison] (1931- ) (stories)
- * *Beloved (Chatto & Windus 0-7011-3060-1, Oct 87 [Dec 87], £11.95, 285pp, hc) Literary occult novel.
- * *The Great Kettles (Harry N. Abrams 0-8109-3396-9, Nov 97, $17.95, 40pp, hc, cover by Dean Morrissey) Childrens picture book with story and art by Dean Morrissey, Sequel to Ship of Fools. Joey builds a time machine and gets lost.
- * *Ship of Dreams (Mill Pond Press/Abrams 0-8109-3848-0, Sep 94, $14.95, unpaginated, hc, cover by Dean Morrissey) Childrens picture book with text and full-color illustrations by Morrissey.
- MORROW, BRADFORD, ed. (1951- ) (stories)
- * *Conjunctions 14 (Macmillan Collier 0-02-035290-5, Dec 89, $9.95, 285pp, tp) Original anthology/literary magazine published bi-annually. This edition features a large fiction section The New Gothic, guest edited by Patrick McGrath. There are 17 stories, including work by Peter Straub, Robert Coover, Kathy Acker, Gary Indiana, William T. Vollmann, and Paul West. There are also non-fiction pieces, poems, and a pre-controversy interview with Salman Rushdie. (Contents)
- * *The New Gothic (with Patrick M. McGrath) (Random House 0-394-58767-7, Oct 91, $22.00, 336pp, hc, cover by Albert Pinkham Ryder) Anthology of 16 contemporary literary gothic stories and five novel excerpts. 12 of the stories seem to be originals, and three of the excerpts are from works in progress. There is an introduction by the editors. (Contents)
- * _The New Gothic (with Patrick M. McGrath) (BOMC/QPBC no ISBN, Aug 92, $12.95, 336pp, tp, cover by Albert Pinkham Ryder) Reprint (Random House 1991) anthology of 16 contemporary literary gothic stories and five novel excerpts, with an introduction by the editors. Similar to the Morrow edition except it lacks an ISBN and price and has the jacket printed as the soft cover.
- * _The New Gothic (with Patrick M. McGrath) (Vintage 0-679-73075-3, Oct 92, $12.00, 334pp, tp) Reprint (Random House 1991) anthology of 16 contemporary literary gothic stories and five novel excerpts. 12 of the stories seem to be originals, and three of the excerpts are from works in progress. There is an introduction by the editors.
- * _The New Gothic (with Patrick M. McGrath) (Picador 0-330-33065-9, Oct 93, £5.99, 334pp, tp) Reprint (Random House 1991) anthology of 14 contemporary literary gothic stories and seven novel excerpts. The book is called The Picador Book of the New Gothic on the cover.
- * _The New Gothic: A Collection of Contemporary Gothic Fiction (with Patrick M. McGrath) (Picador 0-330-32403-9, Oct 92, £15.99, 336pp, hc) Reprint (Random House 1991) anthology of 14 contemporary literary gothic stories and seven novel excerpts. Most of the stories seem to be originals, and four of the excerpts are from works in progress. Note that the book is called The Picador Book of the New Gothic on the cover. [First U.K. edition]
- * *The Black Madonna (Dell 0-440-20476-3, Mar 91 [Feb 91], $3.95, 288pp, pb) Horror novel of a biker gang and an evil woman with mysterious powers.
- MORROW, JAMES (Kenneth) (1947- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Authors Choice Monthly Issue 8: Swatting at the Cosmos (Pulphouse no ISBN, May 90, $4.95, 107pp, tp, cover by George Barr) Collection of seven stories, one original, with an introduction by the author. A signed hardcover edition ($25.00) is also available, and a deluxe leatherbound edition ($50.00) was announced but not seen. (Contents)
- * *Bible Stories for Adults (Harcourt Brace/Harvest 0-15-100192-8, Feb 96, $22.00, 245pp, hc) Collection of 12 stories, many dealing with religious topics, including the Nebula Award-winning Bible Stories for Adults, No. 17: The Deluge. Also announced in trade paperback (-600244-2, 12.00), but not seen. (Contents)
- * _Bible Stories for Adults (SFBC #11609, Jun 96 [May 96], $10.98, 245pp, hc, cover by Hans Baldung Grien) Reprint (Harcourt Brace 1996) collection. This is similar to the Harcourt Brace edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * *Blameless in Abaddon (Harcourt Brace 0-15-188656-3, Aug 96 [Jul 96], $24.00, 404pp, hc, cover by Simon Ng) [Towing Jehovah] Satiric fantasy novel, sequel to Towing Jehovah.
- * _Blameless in Abaddon (SFBC #13978, Nov 96 [Oct 96], $11.98, 404pp, hc, cover by Simon Ng) [Towing Jehovah] Reprint (Harcourt Brace 1996) fantasy novel, sequel to Towing Jehovah. This is similar to the Harcourt Brace edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Blameless in Abaddon (Harcourt Brace/Harvest 0-15-600505-0, Sep 97, $13.00, 404pp, tp, cover by Simon Ng) [Towing Jehovah] Reprint (Harcourt Brace 1996) satiric fantasy novel, sequel to Towing Jehovah.
- * *City of Truth (Legend 0-7126-3693-5, Jan 91 [Dec 90], £9.99, 104pp, hc, cover by Steve Crisp) Sf novella about a city where everyone has to tell the truth, illustrated throughout by Steve Crisp. Recommended. (PSP)
- * _City of Truth (Legend 0-7126-4575-6, Jun 91, £4.99, 104pp, tp, cover by Steve Crisp) Reprint (Legend 1991) sf novella.
- * +City of Truth (St. Martins 0-312-07672-X, May 92 [Apr 92], $14.95, 104pp, hc, cover by Steve Crisp) Sf novella of a city where everyone must tell the truth, illustrated by Steve Crisp. First American edition (Legend 1991).
- * _City of Truth (SFBC #01741, Jul 92 [Aug 92], $6.98, 104pp, hc, cover by Steve Crisp) Reprint (Legend 1991) sf novella of a city where everyone must tell the truth, illustrated by Steve Crisp. Similar to the 1992 St. Martins edition except it lacks an ISBN and price and the SFBC number is on the back jacket.
- * _City of Truth (Harcourt Brace 0-15-618042-1, May 93 [Apr 93], $7.95, 144pp, tp, cover by Steven Cooley) Reprint (Legend 1990) sf novella of a city where everyone must tell the truth. Winner of a 1992 Nebula Award.
- * *The Continent of Lies (Holt Rinehart & Winston 0-03-062861-X, Jun 84 [May 84], $15.95, 274pp, hc) Sf novel.
- * _The Continent of Lies (Gollancz 0-575-03659-1, Jun 85 [May 85], £9.95, 274pp, hc) Reprint (Holt, Rinehart 1984) sf novel. First British edition.
- * _The Continent of Lies (Baen 0-671-55969-9, Jul 85 [Jun 85], $2.95, 281pp, pb) Reprint (Holt, Rinehart 1984) sf novel.
- * _The Continent of Lies (Arrow 0-09-945460-2, Dec 86, £2.50, 274pp, pb) Reprint (Holt, Rinehart 1984) sf novel.
- * _Continent of Lies (Legend 0-09-945460-2, Jul 88, £2.99, 274pp, pb) Reissue (Holt, Rinehart 1984) sf novel.
- * *Only Begotten Daughter (William Morrow 0-688-05284-3, Feb 90 [Jan 90], $19.95, 312pp, hc, cover by Paul Bacon) Fantasy satire about Gods daughterliving in near-future Atlantic City. Highly recommended (FCM).
- * _Only Begotten Daughter (Ace 0-441-63041-3, Jul 91 [Jun 91], $4.50, 312pp, pb, cover by Michael Racz) Reprint (Morrow 1990) literary fantasy novel about the coming of the Daughter of God. A Nebula nominee. Recommended (SW).
- * _Only Begotten Daughter (Legend 0-7126-4541-1, Sep 91, £13.99, 312pp, hc, cover by Steve Crisp) Reprint (Morrow 1990) fantasy satire about Gods daughter living in a near-future Atlantic City. Recommended. (PSP) [First U.K. edition]
- * _Only Begotten Daughter (Legend 0-09-983120-1, Jun 92, £9.99, 312pp, tp, cover by Dave McKean) Reprint (Morrow 1990) fantasy satire about Gods daughter living in a near-future Atlantic City.
- * _Only Begotten Daughter (SFBC #01505, Aug 92, $8.98, 372pp, hc) Reprint (Morrow 1990) fantasy satire about Gods daughter living in a near-future Atlantic City. Similar to the Morrow edition except it lacks an ISBN and price and the SFBC number is on the back jacket.
- * _Only Begotten Daughter (Harcourt Brace/Harvest 0-15-600243-4, Feb 96, $12.00, 312pp, tp, cover by Hieronymus Bosch) Reprint (Morrow 1990) fantasy novel.
- * *This Is the Way the World Ends (Holt 0-03-008037-1, Jun 86 [May 86], $18.95, 319pp, hc) Darkly satiric post-Holocaust sf novel.
- * _This Is the Way the World Ends (SFBC #10378, Nov 86 [Dec 86], $5.98, 273pp, hc) Reprint (Holt 1986) satirical post-holocaust sf novel.
- * _This Is the Way the World Ends (Gollancz 0-575-03972-8, Feb 87, £10.95, 319pp, hc) Reprint (Holt 1986) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _This Is the Way the World Ends (Legend 0-09-956750-4, Jul 88, £4.99, 319pp, tp) Reprint (Holt Rinehart 1986) remarkable sf novel about a group of nuclear holocaust survivors who are put on trial for complicity before the millions who will now, never, be born. A marvellous book, brilliantly executed. Strongly recommended. (PSP)
- * _This Is the Way the World Ends (Ace 0-441-80711-9, May 89 [Apr 89], $3.95, 270pp, pb) Reprint (Henry Holt 1986) literary post-holocaust sf novel.
- * _This Is the Way the World Ends (Legend 0-09-963070-2, Jun 89 [May 89], £3.50, 319pp, pb) Reprint (Holt Rinehart 1986) sf novel.
- * _This Is the Way the World Ends (Easton Press no ISBN, Dec 92, no price, 319pp, hc) Reprint (Holt 1986) satirical post-holocaust sf novel, with an introduction by James Gunn and artwork by Byron Taylor. This special leatherbound gilt-edge edition is part of the Masterpieces of Science Fiction series and is available by subscription only.
- * _This Is the Way the World Ends (Harcourt Brace/Harvest 0-15-600208-6, May 95 [Apr 95], $11.00, 319pp, tp) Reprint (Henry Holt 1986) satiric fable about atomic war.
- * *Towing Jehovah (Harcourt Brace 0-15-190919-9, May 94 [Apr 94], $23.95, 371pp, hc, cover by Simon Ng) [Towing Jehovah] Literary fantasy novel of a tanker captain charged with towing the two-mile long corpse of God to the Arctic to save Him from sharks and decomposition.
- * _Towing Jehovah (Easton Press no ISBN, Jun 94, no price, 371pp, hc) [Towing Jehovah] Literary fantasy novel. This is being published simultaneously with the Harcourt Brace edition listed two months ago. This special leatherbound gilt-edge edition is part of the Signed First Editions of Science Fiction series and is available by subscription only.
- * _Towing Jehovah (Arrow 0-09-926301-7, Jun 94, £5.99, 371pp, tp, cover by Mark Edwards) [Towing Jehovah] Reprint (Harcourt Brace 1994) satirical fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Towing Jehovah (SFBC #03991, Aug 94 [Jul 94], $10.98, 371pp, hc, cover by Simon Ng) [Towing Jehovah] Reprint (Harcourt Brace 1994) literary fantasy novel of a tanker captain charged with towing the two-mile long corpse of God to the Arctic to save Him from sharks and decomposition. Similar to the Harcourt Brace edition except this lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Towing Jehovah (Harcourt Brace/Harvest 0-15-600210-8, May 95 [Apr 95], $12.00, 371pp, tp, cover by Simon Ng) [Towing Jehovah] Reprint (Harcourt Brace 1994) satiric fantasy novel about the disposal of Gods body.
- * _The Wine of Violence (Legend 0-09-983070-1, Jun 91, £3.99, 301pp, pb) Reprint (Holt 1981) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
- _____, ed.
- * *Nebula Awards 26 (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 0-15-164934-0, May 92 [Apr 92], $24.95, 332pp, tp, cover by Patrik Ryane) Anthology of nine stories including the 1990 Nebula Award winners plus the Rhysling Poetry Awards winners plus tributes to Donald A. Wollheim and Lester del Rey and other non-fiction commentary. A trade paperback edition (-665472-5, $12.95) is also available. (Contents)
- * *Nebula Awards 27 (Harcourt Brace 0-15-665471-7, Apr 93, $12.95, 331pp, tp, cover by Craig Stuart Rosenberg) Anthology of nine stories including the 1991 Nebula Award winners plus the Rhysling Poetry Awards winners plus a tribute to Isaac Asimov and other non-fiction commentary. A hardcover edition (-164935-9, $24.95) is also available. (Contents)
- * *Nebula Awards 28 (Harcourt Brace 0-15-600039-3, Apr 94, $12.95, 328pp, tp, cover by Craig Rosenberg) Anthology of nine stories including the 1992 Nebula Award winners plus the Rhysling Poetry Awards winner plus an essay by Frederik Pohl and other non-fiction commentary. A hardcover edition (-100082-4, $24.95) is also available. (Contents)
- MORSE, BRIAN (1948- ) (stories)
- * *Breaking Glass (Lutterworth 0-7188-2648-5, Sep 86 [1986], £6.95, 160pp, hc) Young adult sf novel. [Not seen]
- * _Breaking Glass (Puffin Plus 0-14-032359-7, Feb 88, £1.95, 109pp, pb) Reprint (Lutterworth 1986) young-adult sf novel.
- * *The Iron Bridge (Harcourt Brace 0-15-100259-2, Jul 98 [Jun 98], $25.00, 436pp, hc) SF time-travel novel. A woman who travels into the past to undo the worlds first iron bridge, and change history to more eco-sensitive paths, finds the world more complex than she thought. A first novel.
- MORSE, DONALD E. (1936- )
- * *Kurt Vonnegut (Starmont House 1-55742-220-6, Feb 92 [Jul 92], $9.95, 127pp, tp) Non-fiction, criticism. A guide to Vonneguts work, with primary and secondary bibliographies. A hardcover edition (-219-2, $19.95) was announced but not seen. Order from Starmont House, PO Box 851, Mercer Island WA 98040. [Vonnegut]
- _____, ed.
- * *The Celebration of the Fantastic: Selected Papers from the Tenth Anniversary International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (with Marshall B. Tymn & Csilla Bertha) (Greenwood Press 0-313-27814-8, Oct 92, $49.95, 309pp, hc) Anthology of 25 essays presented at the tenth anniversary International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts. Order from Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Box 5007, Westport CT 06881. Credit card orders: -800-225-5800.
- * *The Fantastic in World Literature and the Arts (Greenwood 0-313-25526-1, Nov 87 [Mar 88], $45.00, 250pp, hc) Non-fiction, critical papers selected from the Fifth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Dated 1987; not seen until 1988.
- * *More Real Than Reality: The Fantastic in Irish Literature and the Arts (with Csilla Bertha) (Greenwood 0-313-26612-3, Nov 91 [Feb 92], $45.00, 266pp, hc) Non-fiction, criticism. 16 essays on the use of the fantastic in Irish literature and theatre, with an introduction by Donald E. Morse and a bibliography. Available from Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Box 5007, Westport CT 06881.
- * *Friday the 13th: Jasons Curse (Berkley 0-425-14339-2, Jul 94 [Jun 94], $3.50, 186pp, pb) [Friday the 13th] Young-adult horror novelization based on the endless series of splatter films featuring an undead mass murderer in a hockey mask. Second book of a new series. Copyrighted by New Line Productions.
- * *Friday the 13th: Mothers Day (Berkley 0-425-14292-2, Jul 94 [Jun 94], $3.50, 186pp, pb) [Friday the 13th] Young-adult horror novelization based on the endless series of splatter films featuring an undead mass murderer in a hockey mask. First book of a new series. Copyrighted by New Line Productions.
- * *Friday the 13th: Road Trip (Berkley 0-425-14383-X, Sep 94 [Aug 94], $3.50, 187pp, pb) [Friday the 13th] Young-adult horror novelization based on the endless series of splatter films featuring an undead mass murderer in a hockey mask; fourth book of a series. Copyrighted by New Line Productions.
- * *Friday the 13th: The Carnival (Berkley 0-425-15825-X, Jul 94 [Jun 94], $3.50, 184pp, pb) [Friday the 13th] Young-adult horror novelization based on the endless series of splatter films featuring an undead mass murderer in a hockey mask. Third book of a new series. Copyrighted by New Line Productions.
- MORTIMORE, JIM (stories)
- * *Babylon 5 Book 4: Clarks Law (Dell 0-440-22229-X, Feb 96 [Jan 96], $5.50, 279pp, pb, cover by Bob Larkin) [Babylon 5] Novelization based on the TV show. Copyrighted by Dell.
- * *Babylon 5: Clarks Law (Boxtree 0-7522-0153-0, Mar 96, £4.99, 279pp, pb, cover by Keith Parkinson) Novelisation, fourth in the series derived from the TV series.
- * *Blood Heat (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20399-2, Oct 93 [Sep 93], £4.50, 307pp, pb, cover by Jeff Cummins) [Doctor Who] Original novel based on the Doctor Who TV series. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the US for $5.95.
- * *Doctor Who: Beltempest (BBC Books 0-563-40593-7, Nov 98, £4.99, 249pp, pb) [Doctor Who] Novelization based on the TV series.
- * *Doctor Who: Eye of Heaven (BBC Books 0-563-40567-8, Feb 98, £4.99, 277pp, pb) [Doctor Who] Novelization based on the TV series.
- * *Eternity Weeps (Virgin 0-426-20497-2, Jan 97, £4.99, 246pp, pb, cover by Peter Elson) Original novel based in the Doctor Who universe. The name Doctor Who is specifically NOT used as the imprint, in the title, or on the cover. This is a world-wide edition, available in the US for $5.95. Volume 58 in The New Adventures.
- * *Lucifer Rising (with Andy Lane) (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20388-7, May 93, £4.50, 346pp, pb, cover by Jim Mortimore) [Doctor Who] Original novel based on the Doctor Who TV series. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the US for $5.95.
- * *The New Adventures: The Sword of Forever (New Adventures 0-426-20526-X, Jun 98 [Jul 98], £5.99, 293pp, pb, cover by Mike Posen) [Bernice Summerfield] Novelisation based on characters from Doctor Who novelisations, without the Doctor. Book 14 in the Bernice Summerfield series.
- * *Parasite (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20425-5, Dec 94 [Nov 94], £4.99, 306pp, pb, cover by Slatter-Anderson) [Doctor Who] Novelization based on the Doctor Who TV series. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the US for $5.95.
- * *Space Truckers (Boxtree 0-7522-2218-X, May 97, £4.99, 239pp, pb) SF novelisation based on the screenplay by Ted Mann. Internally dated 1996.
- _____, ed.
- MORWOOD, PETER; [name legally changed from Robert Peter Smith] (1956- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Demon Lord (Arrow 0-09-948930-9, Sep 86, £2.95, 304pp, pb) [Book of Years] Reprint (Century 1984) fantasy novel. Volume 2 in the Drusalan Empire series.
- * +The Demon Lord (DAW 0-88677-204-4, Jun 87 [May 87], $3.50, 285pp, pb) [Book of Years] Fantasy novel, #2 in the Book of Years tetralogy. First U.S. edition (Century 1984).
- * _The Demon Lord (Century 0-7126-1754-X, Nov 87, £11.95, 304pp, hc) [Book of Years] Reprint (Century 1984) fantasy novel. Volume 2 in the Drusalan Empire series. This is a pseudonym for Robert Peter Smyth. [Not seen]
- * _The Demon Lord (Legend 0-09-948930-9, Mar 90, £3.99, 304pp, pb) [Book of Years] Reissue (Century 1984) fantasy novel. Volume Two in The Alban Saga.
- * *The Dragon Lord (Arrow 0-09-948660-1, Sep 86, £2.95, 318pp, pb) [Book of Years] Fantasy novel. Volume 3 in the Drusalan Empire series.
- * _The Dragon Lord (Century 0-7126-1590-3, Mar 87 [Oct 87], £10.95, 318pp, hc) [Book of Years] Reprint (Arrow 1986) fantasy novel. Volume 3 in the Drusalan Empire series.
- * +The Dragon Lord (DAW 0-88677-252-4, Dec 87 [Nov 87], $3.50, 303pp, pb) [Book of Years] Fantasy novel, third in the Book of Years series. First U.S. edition (Arrow 1986).
- * _The Dragon Lord (Legend 0-09-948660-1, Mar 90, £3.99, 318pp, pb) [Book of Years] Reissue (Arrow 1986) fantasy novel. Volume Three in The Alban Saga.
- * *Firebird (Legend 0-7126-4705-8, Apr 92, £8.99, 308pp, tp, cover by Mike Posen) [Prince Ivan] Fantasy novel. A hardcover edition (-4704-X, £14.99) was announced but not seen. Volume two in the Prince Ivan series.
- * _Firebird (Legend 0-09-919981-5, Jul 93 [Jun 93], £4.99, 308pp, pb, cover by Mick Posen) [Prince Ivan] Reprint (Legend 1992) fantasy novel. Volume two in the Prince Ivan series.
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