The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- DREW, WAYLAND (stories) (continued)
- * _Dragonslayer (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-32306-8, Feb ’88 [Jan ’88], $2.95, 218pp, pb) Reissue (Del Rey 1981) fantasy novelization of the movie; fifth printing, 500,000 copies in print.
- * _Dragonslayer (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-32306-8, Feb ’95 [Mar ’95], $5.99, 218pp, pb, cover by Michael Herring) Reissue (Del Rey 1981) fantasy novelization based on the movie. This says seventh printing, but may be later. Copyrighted by Paramount and Walt Disney Productions.
- * *The Erthring Cycle (SFBC #10133, Sep ’86, $7.98, 657pp, hc) [Erthring] Omnibus edition of the “Erthring” trilogy of sf novels. (Contents)
- * *The Gaian Expedient (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-30888-3, Jun ’85 [May ’85], $2.95, 259pp, pb) [Erthring] Sf novel, Part Two of “The Erthring Cycle”.
- * *The Master of Norriya (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-30889-1, Jul ’86 [Jun ’86], $2.95, 243pp, pb) [Erthring] Sf novel, third and final book in “The Erthring Cycle”.
- * *The Memoirs of Alcheringia (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-30887-5, May ’84 [Apr ’84], $2.75, 239pp, pb) [Erthring] Sf novel, Part One of “The Erthring Cycle”. Recommended. (FCM)
- * *Willow (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35195-9, Feb ’88 [Jan ’88], $3.95, 276pp, pb) Fantasy novelization, based on a screenplay by Bob Dolman, from a story by George Lucas.
- * _Willow (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35195-9, Jun ’88 [May ’88], $4.95, 276pp, pb) Reissue (Del Rey 1988), second printing. Fantasy novelization, based on a script by Bob Dolman, from a story by George Lucas. There’s a new 8-page color insert of stills from the film.
- * _Willow (SFBC #13510, Jul ’88, $5.98, 181pp, hc) Reprint (Del Rey 1988) Fantasy novelization. First hardcover edition.
- * _Willow (Sphere 0-7474-0247-7, Nov ’88, £2.99, 276pp, pb) Reprint (Ballantine 1988) fantasy film novelization. Based on the screenplay by Bob Dolman. [First U.K. edition]
- * *The Two Georges (with Harry Turtledove) (Hodder & Stoughton 0-340-62825-1, Oct ’95, £16.99, 422pp, hc, cover by Bob Warner) Alternate history in which the American Revolution never happened, and Britain rules the North American Union.
- * +The Two Georges (with Harry Turtledove) (Tor 0-312-85969-4, Mar ’96 [Feb ’96], $23.95, 384pp, hc, cover by Bob Eggleton) SF novel of alternate history in which the US is still part of the British Empire. First US edition (Hodder & Stoughton 1995).
- * _The Two Georges (with Harry Turtledove) (NEL 0-340-62826-X, Apr ’96 [Mar ’96], £5.99, 422pp, pb, cover by Bob Warner) Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1995) SF alternate-world novel, set in a 20th century where the American Revolution never took place, and the Royal American Mounted Police face a plot against the British Empire.
- * _The Two Georges (with Harry Turtledove) (SFBC x11763, Jun ’96 [May ’96], $11.98, 384pp, hc, cover by Bob Eggleton) Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1995) SF novel of alternate history. This is similar to the Tor 1996 edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _The Two Georges (with Harry Turtledove) (Tor 0-812-54459-5, Nov ’97 [Oct ’97], $6.99, 596pp, pb, cover by David Kramer) Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1995) SF alternate history novel.
- * *Disobedience (University of California Press 0-520-20683-5, Oct ’96 [Apr ’98], $12.95, 349pp, tp, cover by Eric Fischl) Very-near-future SF novel, a look at California from the late 19th century to a technologically advanced and culturally stagnant future. We apparently missed the hardcover first edition (Norton 1993). This edition is dated 1996, but not seen until now. Available from the University of California Press, Berkeley CA 94720.
- DRISCOLL, RICHARD; pseudonym of Ed Gorman, (1941- )
- DRUMM, CHRIS(topher Streit) (1949- )
- * *A James Gunn Checklist (Chris Drumm no ISBN, 1984, $1.25, unpaginated, ph) Non-fiction bibliography, includes an introduction by Stephen H. Goldman. Drumm Booklet #16. [Gunn]
- * _John T. Sladek: Steam-Driven Satirist: A Working Bibliography (with Phil Stephensen-Payne) See entry under Phil Stephensen-Payne.
- DRUMM, D. B.; house pseudonym
- * *Traveler # 2: Kingdom Come [by John Shirley] (Dell 0-440-14559-7, Aug ’84 [Jul ’84], $2.25, 176pp, pb) [Traveler] Post-holocaust action-adventure novel, another in this proliferating sub-genre.
- * *Traveler # 3: The Stalkers [by John Shirley] (Dell 0-440-18107-0, Sep ’84 [Aug ’84], $2.25, 176pp, pb) [Traveler] Post-holocaust adventure novel, part of a series.
- * *Traveler # 4: To Kill a Shadow [by John Shirley] (Dell 0-440-18705-2, Nov ’84 [Oct ’84], $2.95, 173pp, pb) [Traveler] Post-holocaust adventure novel, part of a series.
- * *Traveler # 5: Road War [by John Shirley] (Dell 0-440-17471-6, Feb ’85 [Jan ’85], $2.25, 158pp, pb) [Traveler] Post-catastrophe adventure series in the vein of Mad Max. Apparently written by sf author John Shirley.
- * *Traveler # 6: Border War [by John Shirley] (Dell 0-440-10762-8, Jun ’85 [May ’85], $2.50, 172pp, pb) [Traveler] Post-catastrophe survivalist novel, part of an endless series. John Shirley is the author of at least some of these.
- * *Traveler # 7: The Road Ghost [by Ed Naha] (Dell 0-440-17469-4, Oct ’85 [Sep ’85], $2.50, 172pp, pb) [Traveler] Sf novel in a post-holocaust adventure series.
- * *Traveler # 8: Terminal Road [by John Shirley] (Dell 0-440-18651-X, 1986 [Feb ’86], $2.50, 173pp, pb) [Traveler] Sf novel in a post-holocaust adventure series.
- * *Traveler # 9: The Stalking Time [by Ed Naha] (Dell 0-440-18235-2, Jun ’86 [Jan ’87], $2.50, 174pp, pb) [Traveler] Post-holocaust sf novel, part of an adventure series. Published in 1986 but missed.
- * *Traveler #10: Hell on Earth [by Ed Naha] (Dell 0-440-13612-1, Oct ’86 [Jan ’87], $2.50, 171pp, pb) [Traveler] Post-holocaust adventure novel in a series; published in 1986, missed until now.
- * *Traveler #11: The Children’s Crusade [by Ed Naha] (Dell 0-440-11529-9, Feb ’87 [Jan ’87], $2.75, 172pp, pb) [Traveler] Post-holocaust adventure novel. Traveler turns a group of kids into a guerilla force to save post-WWIII America.
- * *Traveler #12: The Prey [by Ed Naha] (Dell 0-440-16958-5, Sep ’87 [Aug ’87], $2.95, 170pp, pb) [Traveler] Post-holocaust adventure novel, latest in the series.
- * *Traveler #13: Ghost Dancers [by Ed Naha] (Dell 0-440-12841-2, Dec ’87 [Nov ’87], $2.75, 171pp, pb) [Traveler] Post-holocaust adventure novel.
- * *Dictionary of Mysticism and the Occult (Harper & Row 0-06-062093-5, May ’85 [Apr ’85], $24.95, 281pp, hc) Non-fiction, reference book whose entries range from the Mabinogion to Arthur Machen, from modern psychics to ancient gods. Fascinating browsing, and useful for writers in search of brief introductions to matters occult. (FCM)
- * *Dictionary of Mysticism and the Occult (Harper & Row 0-06-062094-3, May ’85 [Apr ’85], $12.95, 281pp, pb) Paperback version of the above.
- DUANE, DIANE (Elizabeth) (1952- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Book of Night with Moon (Hodder & Stoughton 0-340-69328-2, Jul ’97 [Jun ’97], £17.99, 404pp, hc, cover by Mick Posen) [Book of Night with Moon] Animal fantasy novel. Super-intelligent cats secretly work to protect our world against dark forces. First in a series.
- * _The Book of Night with Moon (NEL 0-340-69329-0, Oct ’97 [Sep ’97], £5.99, 404pp, pb, cover by Mick Posen) [Book of Night with Moon] Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1997) animal fantasy novel. First in a series.
- * +The Book of Night with Moon (Warner Aspect 0-446-67302-1, Dec ’97 [Nov ’97], $12.99, 390pp, tp, cover by Robert Goldstrom) [Book of Night with Moon] Fantasy novel about the cats of Central Station who guard mystic gates to other worlds. A spin-off from the “Young Wizards” series. First US edition (Hodder & Stoughton 1997).
- * _The Book of Night with Moon (SFBC #01205, Mar ’98, $10.98, 341pp, hc, cover by Robert Goldstrom) [Book of Night with Moon] Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1997) cat fantasy. This hardcover edition is otherwise similar to the Warner Aspect trade paperback edition; it lacks a price, has the SFBC number on the back jacket, and has ISBN 1-56865-621-1.
- * *Deep Wizardry (Delacorte 0-385-29373-9, Apr ’85 [Mar ’85], $15.95, 272pp, hc) [Nita & Kit] Young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to So You Want to Be a Wizard. Well-crafted and exciting, including that fantasy rarity, a real surprise ending. Recommended. (DLN)
- * _Deep Wizardry (Dell Laurel-Leaf 0-440-20070-9, Mar ’88 [Feb ’88], $3.25, 272pp, pb) [Nita & Kit] Reprint (Delacorte 1985) young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to So You Want to Be a Wizard.
- * _Deep Wizardry (Corgi 0-552-52646-0, Jul ’91, £2.99, 254pp, pb) [Nita & Kit] Reprint (Delacorte 1985) young-adult fantasy novel. Volume 2 in the “Wizardry” series. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Deep Wizardry (Dell Yearling 0-440-40658-7, Jul ’92 [Jun ’92], $3.50, 272pp, tp, cover by Neal McPheeters) [Nita & Kit] Reprint (Delacorte 1985) young-adult fantasy novel, second book of the “Nita and Kit” series.
- * _Deep Wizardry (Harcourt Brace/Magic Carpet 0-15-201240-0, Oct ’96 [Sep ’96], $6.00, 356pp, pb, cover by David Bowers) [Nita & Kit] Reprint (Delacorte 1985) young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to So You Want to be a Wizard.
- * _The Door Into Fire (Bluejay 0-312-94107-2, Jan ’85 [Dec ’84], $7.95, 290pp, pb) [Tale of Five] Reprint (Dell 1979) fantasy novel, first of a series.
- * _The Door Into Fire (Tor 0-812-53671-1, Aug ’85 [Jul ’85], $2.95, 290pp, pb) [Tale of Five] Reprint (Dell 1979) fantasy novel, first in a series.
- * _The Door Into Fire (Corgi 0-552-13661-1, Jan ’91, £3.99, 332pp, pb, cover by Geoff Taylor) [Tale of Five] Reprint (Dell 1979) fantasy novel. Volume One of “The Tale of the Five”.
- * *The Door Into Shadow (Bluejay 0-312-94110-2, Jun ’84 [May ’84], $7.95, 298pp, tp) [Tale of Five] Fantasy novel, sequel to The Door into Fire.
- * _The Door Into Shadow (Tor 0-812-53673-8, Jun ’85 [May ’85], $2.95, 298pp, pb) [Tale of Five] Reprint (Bluejay 1984) fantasy novel, sequel to The Door into Fire.
- * _The Door Into Shadow (Corgi 0-552-13662-X, May ’91, £3.99, 334pp, pb, cover by Geoff Taylor) [Tale of Five] Reprint (Bluejay 1984) fantasy novel. Volume Two of “The Tale of the Five”. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Door Into Shadow (Tor 0-812-52369-5, Mar ’93 [Feb ’93], $4.99, 298pp, pb, cover by Susan S. Collins) [Tale of Five] Reprint (Bluejay 1984) fantasy novel, second book of the “Tale of Five”.
- * *The Door Into Sunset (Corgi 0-552-13663-8, May ’92 [Apr ’92], £3.99, 384pp, pb, cover by Geoff Taylor) [Tale of Five] Fantasy novel. Volume three of the “Tale of the Five”.
- * +The Door Into Sunset (Tor 0-312-85184-7, Mar ’93 [Feb ’93], $21.95, 384pp, hc, cover by Romas Kukalis) [Tale of Five] Fantasy novel, third book of the “Tale of Five”. First American edition (Corgi 1992).
- * _The Door Into Sunset (Tor 0-812-51431-9, Aug ’94 [Jul ’94], $4.99, 384pp, pb, cover by Romas Kukalis) [Tale of Five] Reprint (Corgi 1992) fantasy novel, third book of the “Tale of Five”.
- * *Guardians of the Three Volume Two: Keeper of the City (with Peter Morwood) (Bantam Spectra 0-553-28065-1, Aug ’89 [Jul ’89], $3.95, 309pp, pb) [Guardians of the Three] Fantasy round-robin series by various authors. The cover credit reads “Created by Bill Fawcett”. The authors’ names are on the back in much smaller print.
- * *High Wizardry (Delacorte 0-385-29983-4, Apr ’90 [Mar ’90], $14.95, 269pp, hc, cover by Neal McPheeters) [Nita & Kit] Young-adult fantasy novel, third book of the “Nita and Kit” series.
- * _High Wizardry (Corgi 0-552-52651-7, Nov ’91, £2.99, 236pp, pb, cover by David Rowe) [Nita & Kit] Reprint (Delacorte 1990) young-adult fantasy novel. Volume 3 in the “Wizardry” series. [First U.K. edition]
- * _High Wizardry (Dell Yearling 0-440-40680-3, Aug ’92 [Jul ’92], $3.50, 269pp, tp, cover by Neal McPheeters) [Nita & Kit] Reprint (Delacorte 1990) young-adult fantasy novel, third book of the “Nita & Kit” series.
- * _High Wizardry (Harcourt Brace/Magic Carpet 0-15-201241-9, Mar ’97, $6.00, 338pp, pb, cover by David Bowers) [Nita & Kit] Reprint (Delacorte 1990) young-adult fantasy novel, third in the “Wizardry” series.
- * *On Her Majesty’s Wizardly Service (Hodder & Stoughton 0-340-69330-4, Jul ’98 [Jun ’98], £17.99, 309pp, hc, cover by Mick Posen) [Book of Night with Moon] Animal fantasy novel, sequel to The Book of Night with Moon.
- * *The Romulan Way (with Peter Morwood) (Titan 1-85286-002-2, Aug ’87, £2.95, 254pp, pb) [Star Trek: Rihannsu] Sf novel, Simultaneous with US (Pocket) edition. Volume 35 in the Star Trek Novels series.
- * *seaQuest DSV (with Peter Morwood) (Millennium 1-85798-183-9, Oct ’93, £9.99, 200pp, hc) [seaQuest DSV] Sf novelization. Simultaneous with US (Ace) edition.
- * _seaQuest DSV (with Peter Morwood) (Millennium 1-85798-205-3, Feb ’94 [Jan ’94], £4.99, 200pp, pb) [seaQuest DSV] Reprint (Ace 1993) sf novelization.
- * *seaQuest DSV: The Novel (with Peter Morwood) (Ace 0-441-00037-1, Nov ’93 [Oct ’93], $4.99, 230pp, pb) [seaQuest DSV] Sf novelization based on the pilot episode of the TV series.
- * _So You Want to Be a Wizard (Dell/Laurel Leaf 0-440-98252-9, Nov ’86, $2.75, 226pp, pb) [Nita & Kit] Reprint (Delacorte 1983) juvenile fantasy novel.
- * _So You Want to Be a Wizard (Corgi 0-552-52645-2, Feb ’91, £2.99, 237pp, pb, cover by David Roe) [Nita & Kit] Reprint (Delacorte 1983) young-adult fantasy novel. Volume 1 in the “Wizardry” series.
- * _So You Want to Be a Wizard (Dell Yearling 0-440-40638-2, Jun ’92 [May ’92], $3.50, 226pp, tp, cover by Neal McPheeters) [Nita & Kit] Reprint (Delacorte 1983) young-adult fantasy novel, first book of the “Nita and Kit” series.
- * _So You Want to Be a Wizard (Harcourt Brace/Magic Carpet 0-15-201239-7, May ’96 [Apr ’96], $6.00, 370pp, pb, cover by David Bowers) [Nita & Kit] Reprint (Delacorte 1983) young-adult fantasy novel.
- * *Space Cops: High Moon (with Peter Morwood) (AvoNova 0-380-75855-5, May ’92 [Apr ’92], $3.99, 248pp, pb, cover by Dorian Vallejo) [Space Cops] Sf thriller of Solar Patrol rangers attacking a gang of radical space outlaws threatening Mars with destruction, third book of a series. Packaged by Bill Fawcett & Associates.
- * *Space Cops: Kill Station (AvoNova 0-380-75854-7, Jan ’92 [Dec ’91], $3.99, 249pp, pb, cover by Dorian Vallejo) [Space Cops] Sf thriller of Solar Patrol rangers tracking pirates on the space frontier, second book of a series. Packaged by Bill Fawcett & Associates.
- * *Space Cops: Mindblast (with Peter Morwood) (Avon 0-380-75852-0, Jul ’91 [Jun ’91], $3.95, 250pp, pb, cover by Dorian Vallejo) [Space Cops] Sf novel of Solar Patrol rangers uncovering a conspiracy while hunting a colleague’s killer. First book of a new series, packaged and copyrighted by Bill Fawcett & Associates.
- * *Spider-Man: The Lizard Sanction (Putnam/Boulevard 0-399-14105-7, Oct ’95 [Nov ’95], $19.95, 333pp, hc, cover by Juda Tverski) [Spider-Man] Novelization from the comic. Packaged by Byron Preiss Multimedia; copyrighted by Marvel.
- * _Spider-Man: The Lizard Sanction (SFBC #10686, Jan ’96 [Dec ’95], $9.98, 333pp, hc, cover by Juda Tverski) [Spider-Man] Reprint (Putnam/Boulevard 1995) novelization based on the comic-book character. Packaged by Byron Preiss Multimedia; copyrighted by Marvel. This is similar to the Boulevard edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Spider-Man: The Lizard Sanction (Boxtree 0-7522-0301-0, May ’96, £4.99, 333pp, pb) [Spider-Man] Reprint (Boulevard 1995) novelisation based on the comic book. Packaged by Byron Preiss. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Spider-Man: The Lizard Sanction (Boulevard 1-57297-148-7, Aug ’96 [Jul ’96], $5.99, 294pp, pb, cover by Juda Tverski) [Spider-Man] Reprint (Putnam/Boulevard 1995) novelization based on the comic-book. Packaged by Byron Preiss Multimedia; copyrighted by Marvel Characters, Inc.
- * *Spider-Man: The Octopus Agenda (Putnam/Boulevard 0-399-14211-8, Dec ’96 [Nov ’96], $21.95, 277pp, hc, cover by Dave DeVries) [Spider-Man] Novelization based on the comic-book character. Packaged by Byron Preiss Multimedia; copyrighted by Marvel Characters.
- * _Spider-Man: The Octopus Agenda (SFBC #14466, Feb ’97 [Jan ’97], $10.98, 277pp, hc, cover by Dave DeVries) [Spider-Man] Reprint (Boulevard 1996) novelization from the comic. Packaged by Byron Preiss Multimedia; copyrighted by Marvel. This is similar to the Boulevard edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Spider-Man: The Octopus Agenda (Boulevard 1-57297-279-3, Aug ’97 [Jul ’97], $6.50, 260pp, pb, cover by Dave DeVries) [Spider-Man] Reprint (Boulevard 1996) novelization from the comic. Packaged by Byron Preiss Multimedia; copyrighted by Marvel Characters.
- * *Spider-Man: The Venom Factor (Putnam 0-399-14002-6, Oct ’94, $19.95, 348pp, hc, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Spider-Man] Novelization from the comic. Copyrighted by Marvel.
- * _Spider-Man: The Venom Factor (SFBC #03838, Feb ’95 [Jan ’95], $9.98, 239pp, hc, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Spider-Man] Reprint (Putnam 1994) novelization based on the comic book. Packaged by Byron Preiss Multimedia; copyrighted by Marvel. Similar to the Putnam edition, except this lacks a price and has the SFBC code on the back jacket.
- * _Spider-Man: The Venom Factor (Boulevard 1-57297-038-3, Nov ’95 [Oct ’95], $5.99, 343pp, pb, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Spider-Man] Reprint (Putnam 1994) novelization based on the comic book character. Copyrighted by Marvel Entertainment Group.
- * _Spider-Man: The Venom Factor (Boxtree 0-7522-0300-2, May ’96, £4.99, 348pp, pb, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Spider-Man] Reprint (Putnam 1994) novelisation based on the comic book. Packaged by Byron Preiss. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Spock’s World (Pocket 0-671-66851-X, Sep ’88 [Aug ’88], $16.95, 310pp, hc) [Star Trek] Star Trek novelization.
- * _Star Trek #13: The Wounded Sky (Gregg 0-8398-2933-7, Mar ’86, $11.95, 255pp, hc) [Star Trek] Reprint (Pocket 1983) Star Trek novel. First hc edition.
- * _Star Trek #13: The Wounded Sky (Pocket 0-671-60061-3, May ’87, $3.50, 256pp, pb) [Star Trek] Reissue (Pocket 1983) Star Trek novel; 4th printing.
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