The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- HAINING, PETER (Alexander) (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * +The Vampire Hunters Casebook (Barnes & Noble 0-7607-0470-8, Sep 97, $7.98, 363pp, hc) Anthology of 15 vampire stories, one original, one an excerpt from Bram Stokers Dracula. Authors include Manly Wade Wellman, Anne Rice, and Karl Edward Wagner. An instant remainder edition. First US edition (Warner UK 1996). This edition lacks the stills from vampire films in the UK edition.
- * *The Vampire Omnibus (Orion 1-85797-684-3, Jul 95 [Jun 95], £8.99, 497pp, tp, cover by Button Design Co.) Anthology of more than 30 pieces stories, excerpts and dramatisations published between 1828 and the present day, including several originals. Peter Haining prefaces each piece with its publishing history and a biography of each author. A hardcover edition (-694-0, £15.99) is also available. (Contents)
- * _The Vampire Omnibus (Orion 0-75280-373-5, May 96, £6.99, 669pp, pb, cover by BlackSheep) Reprint (Orion 1995) horror anthology.
- * _Vampires at Midnight (Warner UK 0-7515-0146-8, Apr 93 [Mar 93], £4.99, 255pp, pb) Reprint (Leslie Frewin 1968 as The Midnight People) anthology of horror stories about vampires.
- * *Vampire: Chilling Tales of the Undead (Target 0-426-20164-7, 1985, £1.60, 240pp, pb) Horror anthology. (Contents)
- * _Weird Tales (Xanadu 1-85480-050-7, Oct 90 [Sep 90], £14.99, 236pp, hc, cover by Harold S. DeLay & Lee Brown Coye) Reprint (Spearman 1976) facsimile anthology of stories, poems and incidental pieces from Weird Tales. This claims to be a revised edition, but the changes are not immediately apparent. (Contents)
- * _Weird Tales (Carroll & Graf 0-88184-631-7, Nov 90, $21.95, 264pp, hc) Reprint (Spearman 1976) facsimile anthology of stories and incidental pieces from Weird Tales, with an introduction by Haining.
- * *Werewolf: Horror Stories of the Man Beast (Severn House 0-7278-1465-6, Sep 87 [Oct 87], £9.95, 250pp, hc) Horror anthology. (Contents)
- * +The Wizards of Odd (Ace 0-441-00487-3, Nov 97 [Oct 97], $6.50, 347pp, pb, cover by Walter Velez) Anthology of 24 humorous fantasy stories. Authors include Terry Pratchett, Ursula K. Leguin, Ray Bradbury, and Kurt Vonnegut. First US edition (Souvenir Press 1996).
- * *The Wizards of Odd: Comic Tales of Fantasy (Souvenir Press 0-285-63308-2, Mar 96, £15.99, 300pp, hc, cover by Josh Kirby) Anthology of 24 humorous SF and fantasy stories by authors ranging from Wells and Dunsany, through Collier and Kuttner, to Vonnegut, Adams, and Terry Pratchett. (Contents)
- * _The Wizards of Odd: Comic Tales of Fantasy (Legend 0-09-917442-1, May 97, £4.99, 300pp, pb, cover by Josh Kirby) Reprint (Souvenir Press 1996) anthology of 24 humorous SF and fantasy stories by authors ranging from Wells and Dunsany, through Collier and Kuttner, to Vonnegut, Adams, and Terry Pratchett. Copyrighted 1997, but there seems no difference to the 1996 original.
- * *Zombie!: Stories of the Walking Dead (Target 0-426-20161-2, 1985, £1.60, 224pp, pb) Anthology of zombie stories. (Contents)
- * *H: The Story of Heathcliffs Journey Back to Wuthering Heights (Pocket 0-671-77700-9, Jul 92 [Jun 92], $20.00, 292pp, hc, cover by Pamela Patrick) Historical gothic novel with ghosts, a sequel to the Emily Brönte classic. The story deals with the years Heathcliff was away from Cathy while she was married to Edgar Linton.
- * _Heathcliff: The Return to Wuthering Heights (Pocket 0-671-77701-7, Oct 93 [Sep 93], $5.99, 292pp, pb, cover by Pamela Patrick) Reprint (Pocket 1992 as H: The Story of Heathcliffs Journey Back to Wuthering Heights) historical gothic novel with ghosts, a sequel to the Emily Bronte classic. The story deals with the years Heathcliff was away from Cathy while she was married to Edgar Linton.
- HAJDA, NINA JANA (1933- ); see pseudonym Nina Mandelik
- HALAM, ANN; pseudonym of Gwyneth Jones, (1952- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Daymaker (Orchard 1-85213-019-9, May 87, £7.50, 173pp, hc) [Inland] A stunning future worlds fantasy with a feminist slant. This is a pseudonym for Gwyneth Jones.
- * *The Daymaker (Franklin Watts Orchard 0-531-08310-1, Aug 87, $11.95, 173pp, hc) [Inland] Juvenile fantasy novel, published simultaneously in Britain. Halam is a pseudonym for Gwyneth Jones.
- * _The Daymaker (Puffin 0-14-032779-7, Jul 89, £1.99, 173pp, pb, cover by Paul Finn) [Inland] Reprint (Orchard 1987) young-adult fantasy novel. This is a pseudonym for Gwyneth Jones.
- * *Dinosaur Junction (Orchard 1-85213-369-4, Jul 92, £4.99, 188pp, tp, cover by Bob Harvey) Young-adult fantasy novel.
- * *The Fear Man (Orion 1-85881-158-9, Oct 95, £9.99, 135pp, hc, cover by Ian Butterworth) Young-adult horror novel. Halam is a pen name for Gwyneth Jones.
- * _The Fear Man (Dolphin 1-85881-294-1, Apr 96 [May 96], £3.99, 135pp, pb, cover by Ian Butterworth) Reprint (Orion 1995) young-adult horror novel. Halam is a pseudonym of Gwyneth Jones.
- * *The Haunting of Jessica Raven (Orion 1-85881-050-7, Jul 94, £8.99, 124pp, hc, cover by Paul Young) Young-adult fantasy novel. The search for a cure to a fatal illness leads a teenage girl down dark and haunted paths. Halam is a pseudonym for Gwyneth Jones.
- * _The Haunting of Jessica Raven (Dolphin 1-85881-069-8, May 95 [Jun 95], £3.99, 124pp, pb, cover by Paul Young) Reprint (Orion 1994) young-adult fantasy novel. The search for a cure to a fatal illness leads a teenage girl down dark and haunted paths. Halam is a pen-name for Gwyneth Jones.
- * *King Deaths Garden (Orchard 1-85213-003-2, Aug 86, £6.95, 128pp, hc) Superb young-adult ghost story. (SJ/JF) Author is Gwyneth Jones.
- * _King Deaths Garden (Orchard 1-85213-115-2, Nov 87, £4.50, 128pp, tp) Reprint (Orchard 1986) juvenile fantasy novel. This is a pseudonym for Gwyneth Jones
- * _King Deaths Garden (Puffin 0-14-032292-2, Jan 88 [Feb 88], £1.75, 128pp, pb) Reprint (Orchard 1986) young-adult fantasy novel.
- * *The Powerhouse (Orion/Dolphin 1-85881-379-4, Jun 97, £3.99, 166pp, pb, cover by Larry Rostant) Young-adult dark fantasy thriller. Halam is a pseudonym of Gwyneth Jones. An Orion hardback (-405-7, £9.99) was announced but not seen.
- * *The Skybreaker (Orchard 1-85213-201-9, Jun 90, £4.95, 208pp, tp, cover by Paul Finn) [Inland] Young-adult fantasy novel. Volume 3 in the Inland trilogy. Also available in hardcover (-183-7, £8.95).
- * _The Skybreaker (Puffin 0-14-034857-3, Aug 92 [Sep 92], £3.99, 208pp, pb, cover by Paul Finn) [Inland] Reprint (Orchard 1990) young-adult fantasy novel. Volume three in the Inland trilogy.
- * *Transformations (Franklin Watts/Orchard 1-85213-119-5, Aug 88, £7.95, 223pp, hc) [Inland] Young-adult fantasy novel. Sequel to The Daymaker, in which Zanne is faced by the twin problems of Puritanism and adolescence. Strongly recommended. (PSP)
- * +Transformations (Franklin Watts/Orchard 0-531-05766-6, Oct 88, $13.95, 246pp, hc) [Inland] Young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to The Daymaker. First U.S. edition (Orchard 1988).
- HALDEMAN, JACK C(arroll), II (1941-2002) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Bill, the Galactic Hero on the Planet of the Zombie Vampires (with Harry Harrison) See entry under Harry Harrison.
- * _Bill, the Galactic Hero on the Planet of Zombie Vampires (with Harry Harrison) See entry under Harry Harrison.
- * *The Fall of Winter (Baen 0-671-55947-8, Mar 85 [Feb 85], $2.95, 284pp, pb) Sf novel.
- * *High Steel (with Jack M. Dann) (Tor 0-312-93163-8, Jul 93 [Jun 93], $18.95, 252pp, hc, cover by Tim Jacobus) [John Stranger] Sf novel of an American Indian orbital construction worker who holds the key to alien contact.
- * _High Steel (with Jack M. Dann) (Tor 0-812-51433-5, Jun 94 [May 94], $4.99, 252pp, pb, cover by Tim Jacobus) [John Stranger] Reprint (Tor 1993) SF novel of an American Indian orbital construction worker who holds the key to alien contact.
- * _Perrys Planet (Bantam 0-553-24193-1, Sep 84 [Aug 84], $2.95, 132pp, pb) [Star Trek] Reissue (Bantam 1980) Star Trek novel. Third printing.
- * _Star Trek: Perrys Planet (Titan 1-85286-509-1, Mar 94, £4.59, pb, cover by Alister Pearson) [Star Trek] Reprint (Bantam 1980) sf novelization. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Star Trek: Perrys Planet (Bantam Spectra 0-553-24193-1, Mar 96 [Feb 96], $4.99, 132pp, pb, cover by Kazuhiko Sano) [Star Trek] Reissue (Bantam 1980) Star Trek novelization. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures. Fourth printing.
- * _There Is No Darkness (with Joe W. Haldeman) See entry under Joe W. Haldeman
- * _Vector Analysis (Ace 0-441-86071-0, Mar 84 [Feb 84], $2.50, 183pp, pb) Reprint (Berkley Putnam 1978) sf novel.
- HALDEMAN, JOE W.; [i.e., Joseph William Haldeman] (1943- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *1968 (Hodder & Stoughton 0-450-61004-7, Dec 94, £16.99, 348pp, hc) Associational work that Haldeman began in 1974, and put aside for nearly two decades. The parallel stories of a young man drafted into the nightmare chaos of Vietnam, and his ex-girlfriend, left in the increasingly polarised and fragmented America of 1968. Both are damaged and radicalised (the girl being close to the strange murders of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy) in this painful, intimate and contentious vision of two wars - each with ongoing psychological and political effects (IC).
- * _1968 (NEL 0-340-63984-9, Mar 95 [May 95], £5.99, 382pp, pb, cover by Bill Gregory) Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1994) associational novel. A wrenchingly melancholic story of a youth drafted to Vietnam, and the girl he leaves behind in an increasingly fragmented U.S.A.
- * +1968 (Morrow 0-688-09023-0, Jun 95 [May 95], $22.00, 340pp, hc) Associational Vietnam novel. First US edition (Hodder & Stoughton 1994).
- * _1968 (Avon 0-380-70803-5, Jun 97 [May 97], $5.99, 342pp, pb) Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1994) associational Vietnam novel.
- * _All My Sins Remembered (Avon 0-380-39321-2, Apr 88 [Mar 88], $2.95, 224pp, pb) Reissue (St. Martins 1977) sf novel; fifth printing.
- * *Buying Time (William Morrow 0-688-07244-5, Jun 89 [May 89], $18.95, 300pp, hc) Sf novel about a process that allows the wealthy to buy rejuvenation that provides relative immortality. An important and fascinating book about todays possibility of physical immortality. Recommended (CNB).
- * *Buying Time (Easton Press no ISBN, Jun 89, no price, 300pp, hc) Sf novel about a process that allows the wealthy to buy rejuvenation that provides relative immortality, with an introduction by James Gunn and illustrations by Bryn Barnard. This is a signed, limited, special leatherbound gilt-edge edition that is being published simultaneously with the Morrow edition. It is part of the Signed First Editions of Science Fiction series and is available by subscription only.
- * _Buying Time (SFBC #15465, Nov 89, $7.50, 300pp, hc, cover by James Warren) Reprint (Morrow 1989) sf novel about a process that allows the wealthy to buy rejuvenation.
- * _Buying Time (Avon 0-380-70439-0, Jun 90 [May 90], $3.95, 295pp, pb, cover by Jim Warren) Reprint (Morrow 1989) sf novel of relative immortality. Highly recommended (CNB).
- * *Dealing in Futures (Viking 0-670-80635-8, Sep 85 [Aug 85], $16.95, 386pp, hc) Collection of 11 stories and 3 poems, with an introduction and afterword. There are also afterwords to each story, blending into the introductions of the next one. Recommended. (CNB) (Contents)
- * _Dealing in Futures (Futura/Orbit 0-7088-8197-1, Mar 86, £2.50, 227pp, pb) Reprint (Viking 1985) collection.
- * _Dealing in Futures (Macdonald 0-356-12186-0, Apr 86 [Mar 86], £9.95, 382pp, hc) Reprint (Viking 1985) collection; library edition.
- * _Dealing in Futures (SFBC #02873, May 86, $4.98, 277pp, hc) Reprint (Viking 1985) collection of 14 stories.
- * _Dealing in Futures (Ace 0-441-14139-0, Sep 86 [Aug 86], $3.50, 277pp, pb) Reprint (Viking 1985) collection.
- * _Dealing in Futures (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45258-5, Nov 93 [Oct 93], $4.99, 350pp, pb) Reprint (Viking 1985) collection of 11 stories and three poems.
- * *Forever Peace (Ace 0-441-00406-7, Oct 97 [Sep 97], $21.95, 326pp, hc, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Forever War] Near-future SF novel of remote-control war. A thematic follow-on from The Forever War, Haldemans 1975 Hugo and Nebula winner.
- * _Forever Peace (SFBC 01220, Mar 98, $10.98, 326pp, hc, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Forever War] Reprint (Ace 1997) near-future SF novel of remote-control war. This is similar to the Ace edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Forever Peace (Ace 0-441-00566-7, Oct 98 [Sep 98], $6.50, 351pp, pb, cover by Bruce Jensen) [Forever War] Reprint (Ace 1997) near-future SF novel of remote-control war. A thematic follow-on from The Forever War. Winner of the 1998 Hugo award.
- * _The Forever War (Easton Press no ISBN, 1988 [Apr 88], $32.50, 236pp, hc) [Mandella; Forever War] Reprint (St. Martins 1974) sf novel, winner of the Hugo and Nebula Awards. Collectors edition, with a leatherbound, gilt-edge, gold-embossed cover, artwork by Vincent DiFate, and a new introduction by Ben Bova.
- * _The Forever War (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-32489-7, Apr 88 [Mar 88], $2.95, 218pp, pb) [Mandella; Forever War] Reissue (St. Martins 1974) sf novel, winner of the Hugo and Nebula awards. 16th printing; over 420,000 in print.
- * _The Forever War (Avon 0-380-70821-3, May 91 [Apr 91], $3.50, 230pp, pb, cover by Dorian Vallejo) [Mandella; Forever War] Reprint (St. Martins 1974) Hugo and Nebula Award-winning sf novel. Recommended (CNB).
- * _The Forever War (AvoNova 0-380-70821-3, Aug 97 [Jul 97], $5.99, 254pp, pb, cover by Jean Pierre Targete) [Mandella; Forever War] Reissue (St. Martins 1974) military SF novel. Winner of the Hugo and Nebula awards. According to the authors note, this is the definitive version.
- * _The Forever War (SFBC #17426, Aug 97, $9.98, 203pp, hc, cover by Dorian Vallejo) [Mandella; Forever War] Reprint (St. Martins 1974) SF novel. Winner of the Hugo and Nebula awards. This has a 1997 copyright, but lacks the authors note of the definitive version published last month by AvoNova, and has the cover art of the 1991 Avon edition. This lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * *The Forever War #1 (with Marvano) (NBM 0-918348-95-1, Jan 91 [Oct 90], $8.95, 46pp, tp, cover by Marvano) [Forever War] First book of a four-part graphic novel adaptation, with text by Haldeman and artwork by Marvano. This was originally published in France in 1988. A signed, numbered, limited leatherbound edition is available for $35.00.
- * *The Forever War 2 (with Marvano) (NBM 1-56163-025-X, Dec 91 [Sep 91], $8.95, 52pp, tp, cover by Marvano) [Forever War] Second book of a graphic novel adaptation of Joe Haldemans classic military sf novel, with art by Marvano. A signed limited leatherbound edition ($40.00) was announced but not seen.
- * *The Forever War, Volume 3 (with Marvano) (NBM 1-56163-045-4, Apr 92 [May 92], $8.95, 44pp, tp, cover by Marvano) [Forever War] Graphic novel based on Haldemans sf, the concluding third of a three-book set, with the adaptation by Haldeman and artwork by Marvano. A signed leatherbound limited edition (-046-2, $45.00) was announced but not seen. Available from NBM, 185 Madison Ave., Suite 1502, New York NY 10016.
- * *The Hemingway Hoax (Morrow 0-688-09024-9, Jun 90 [May 90], $16.95, 155pp, hc, cover by Gary Ruddell) Sf novel about the temporal dangers of forging a lost Hemingway manuscript. Highly recommended (CNB).
- * _The Hemingway Hoax (NEL 0-450-52978-9, Nov 90, £12.95, 155pp, hc, cover by Gary Ruddell) Reprint (Morrow 1990) sf novel about an attempt to fake a Hemingway manuscript that has rather unexpected results.
- * _The Hemingway Hoax (Avon 0-380-70800-0, May 91 [Apr 91], $3.95, 155pp, pb, cover by Gary Ruddell) Reprint (Morrow 1990) sf novel about a forged Hemingway manuscript that leads to temporal disruption. The shorter magazine version won the Nebula Award. Highly recommended (CNB).
- * _The Hemingway Hoax (NEL 0-450-55195-4, Oct 91 [Sep 91], £3.99, 154pp, pb) Reprint (Morrow 1990) sf novel.
- * _The Long Habit of Living (NEL 0-450-51189-8, Oct 89, £6.95, 300pp, tp, cover by James Warren) Reprint (Morrow 1989 as Buying Time) sf novel. Also available in hardcover (-51071-9, £12.95). [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Long Habit of Living (NEL 0-450-53536-3, Nov 90 [Oct 90], £3.50, 300pp, pb) Reprint (Morrow 1989 as Buying Time) sf thriller about a process that can rejuvenate an aging bodyat a price. Recommended. (PSP)
- * _Mindbridge (Avon 0-380-01689-3, Feb 88 [Jan 88], $2.95, 207pp, pb) Reissue (St. Martins 1976) sf novel; third Avon printing.
- * _More Than the Sum of His Parts (Pulphouse 1-56146-514-3, May 91, $1.95, 45pp, pb, cover by Rick Lieder) Reprint sf short story that first appeared in Playboy and in his collection Dealing in Futures. Short story paperback #14. A 100-copy signed leatherbound deluxe edition ($20.00) is also available.
- * *None So Blind (Morrow AvoNova 0-688-14779-8, May 96 [Apr 96], $22.00, 289pp, hc, cover by Eric Peterson) Collection of 11 stories and four story poems, with an introduction and comments on each story by Haldeman. (Contents)
- * _None So Blind (AvoNova 0-380-70802-7, Mar 97 [Feb 97], $5.99, 289pp, pb) Reprint (Morrow 1996) collection.
- * _Planet of Judgement (Bantam 0-553-24168-0, Jun 84 [May 84], $2.95, 151pp, pb) [Star Trek] Reissue (Bantam 1977) Star Trek novel; 4th printing.
- * _Planet of Judgement (Titan 1-85286-531-8, Aug 94 [Jul 94], £4.50, 151pp, pb, cover by Alister Pearson) [Star Trek] Reprint (Bantam 1977) Star Trek novelization.
- * *Sauls Death & Other Poems (Anamnesis Press 0-9631203-4-4, Jun 97, $10.95, 77pp, tp, cover by Toni Luna Montealegre) Poetry collection of 32 poems, many SF or fantasy, including two Rhysling Award winners. There is a foreword by publisher Keith Allen Daniels. A limited edition of 150. Available from Anamnesis Press, PO Box 51115, Palo Alto CA 94303; 415-255-8366; (Contents)
- * _Star Trek: Planet of Judgement (Bantam Spectra 0-553-24168-0, Feb 95 [Jan 95], $4.99, 151pp, pb, cover by Kazuhiko Sano) [Star Trek] Reissue (Bantam 1977) Star Trek novelization. Seventh printing.
- * _Star Trek: World Without End (Bantam 0-553-24174-5, Jan 85 [Dec 84], $2.95, 150pp, pb) [Star Trek] Reissue (Bantam 1979) Star Trek novel.
- * _Star Trek: World Without End (Bantam 0-553-24174-5, Jun 93 [May 93], $4.99, 150pp, pb, cover by Kazuhiko Sano) [Star Trek] Reissue (Bantam 1979) Star Trek novelization; third printing.
- * _There Is No Darkness (with Jack C. Haldeman, II) (Futura/Orbit 0-7088-8145-9, Mar 86, £2.25, 245pp, pb) [Carl] Reissue (Ace 1983) sf novel.
- * *Tool of the Trade (Morrow 0-688-07245-3, Apr 87, $15.95, 261pp, hc) Sf/suspense novel.
- * _Tool of the Trade (Gollancz 0-575-04118-8, Aug 87, £10.95, 261pp, hc) Reprint (Morrow 1987) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Tool of the Trade (Avon 0-380-70438-2, Jun 88 [May 88], $3.95, 248pp, pb) Reprint (Morrow 1987) sf/thriller novel.
- * _Tool of the Trade (Orbit 0-7088-8278-1, Aug 88 [Jul 88], £3.50, 261pp, pb) Reprint (Morrow 1987) sf novel.
- * *Vietnam and Other Alien Worlds (NESFA Press 0-915368-52-8, Feb 93 [Mar 93], $17.00, 223pp, hc, cover by Tom Kidd) Collection of four stories, five essays (four original), and four poems with a long introduction by the author. A signed slipcased 175-copy limited edition (-98-6, $30.00) is also available. Order from NESFA Press, Box 809, Framingham MA 01701-0203. Postage/handing is $2.00. (Contents)
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