The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- HARRISON, HARRY (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Luncheon in Budapest, (vi) A Is for Brian, ed. Frank Hatherley, Margaret Aldiss & Malcolm Edwards, Avernus 1990; first published in Swedish as Lunch i Budapest in the February 1989 issue of Jules Verne magasinet.
- * The Man from P.I.G., (nv) Analog Jul 1967
- * The Mothballed Spaceship [Jason dinAlt], (ss) Astounding, ed. Harry Harrison, Random 1973
- * Mute Milton, (ss) Amazing Feb 1966
- * Ni Venos, Doktoro Zamenof, Ni Venos!, (ss) Tales from the Forbidden Planet, ed. Roz Kaveney, Titan 1987
- * No War, or Battles Sound [Or Battles Sound], (nv) If Oct 1968
- * Not Me, Not Amos Cabot!, (ss) Science-Fantasy #68 1964
- * One Kings Way (with John Holm) [Hammer and the Cross], (n.) London: Legend 1995
- * Or Battles Sound, (nv) If Oct 1968; also as No War, or Battles Sound.
- * The Pad, (ss) Prime Number, Berkley Medallion 1970
- * Past GoHs Send Birthday Greetings, (ms) Novacon 21 Programme Book, Birmingham Science Fiction Group 1991
- * Portrait of the Artist, (ss) F&SF Nov 1964
- * The Powers of Observation, (ss) Analog Sep 1968
- * Praiseworthy Saur, (ss) If Feb 1969; also as If.
- * The Repairman, (ss) Galaxy Feb 1958
- * Rescue Operation, (ss) Analog Dec 1964
- * The Robot Who Wanted to Know, (ss) Fantastic Universe Mar 1958
- * Roommates, (nv) The Ruins of Earth, ed. Thomas M. Disch, Putnam 1971; basis for novel Make Room! Make Room!.
- * Run from the Fire, (nv) Epoch, ed. Roger Elwood & Robert Silverberg, Berkley 1975
- * Samson in the Temple of Science, (ss) The Microverse, Byron Preiss, Bantam 1989
- * The Secret of Stonehenge, (ss) F&SF Jun 1968
- * Simulated Trainer [Trainee for Mars], (ss) Fantastic Universe Jun 1958
- * Space Rats of the C.C.C., (nv) Final Stage, ed. Edward L. Ferman & Barry N. Malzberg, Charterhouse 1974
- * The Starsloggers [Bill the Galactic Hero], (na) Galaxy Dec 1964
- * The Streets of Ashkelon, (ss) New Worlds Sep 1962
- * Survival Planet, (ss) F&SF Aug 1961
- * Theyre Playing Our Song, (vi) Fantastic Dec 1964
- * Toy Shop, (ss) Analog Apr 1962
- * Tragedy in Tibet, (ss) Confiction Souvenir Book, ed. Johan-Martijn Flaton, Confiction 1990
- * Trainee for Mars, (ss) Fantastic Universe Jun 1958; also as Simulated Trainer.
- * The View from the Top of the Tower, (ss) F&SF May 1986
- * War with the Robots, (nv) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #27 1962
- * West of Eden [Eden], (ex) New York: Bantam 1984
- * A Writers Life, (in) Galactic Dreams, Tor 1994
- HARRISON, M(ichael) JOHN (1945- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Adventures of Jerry Cornelius: The English Assassin (Parts 1 & 2) (with Malcolm Dean, Richard Glyn Jones & Michael Moorcock) [*Jerry Cornelius], (cs) International Times 1969
- * The Adventures of Jerry Cornelius: The English Assassin (Parts 3 & 4) (with Malcolm Dean, Richard Glyn Jones & Michael Moorcock) [*Jerry Cornelius], (cs) International Times 1969
- * The Adventures of Jerry Cornelius: The English Assassin (Parts 5 & 6) (with Malcolm Dean, Richard Glyn Jones & Michael Moorcock) [*Jerry Cornelius], (cs) International Times 1969
- * The Adventures of Jerry Cornelius: The English Assassin (Parts 7 & 8) (with Malcolm Dean, Richard Glyn Jones & Michael Moorcock) [*Jerry Cornelius], (cs) International Times 1969
- * The Adventures of Jerry Cornelius: The English Assassin (Parts 9 & 10) (with Malcolm Dean, Richard Glyn Jones & Michael Moorcock) [*Jerry Cornelius], (cs) International Times 1969
- * The Adventures of Jerry Cornelius: The English Assassin (Parts 11 & 12) (with Malcolm Dean, Richard Glyn Jones & Michael Moorcock) [*Jerry Cornelius], (cs) International Times 1969
- * The Adventures of Jerry Cornelius: The English Assassin (Parts 13 & 14) (with Malcolm Dean, Richard Glyn Jones & Michael Moorcock) [*Jerry Cornelius], (cs) International Times 1969
- * Anima, (ss) Interzone Apr 1992
- * The Ash Circus [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) New Worlds Apr 1969
- * Authors Note, (pr)
- * Breakthrough, (ms) Frontier Crossings, ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy 87 1987
- * The Dancer from the Dance [Viriconium], (nv) Virconium Nights, Ace 1985
- * The Dead (with Simon D. Ings), (ss) The Sun Rises Red, ed. Chris Kenworthy, Barrington 1992
- * The East, (ss) Interzone Dec 1996
- * Egnaro, (nv) Winters Tales #27 1981
- * Empty, (nv) Sisters of the Night, ed. Barbara Hambly & Martin H. Greenberg, Warner Aspect 1995
- * Events Witnessed from a City [Viriconium], (ss) The Machine in Shaft Ten, Panther 1975
- * The Flesh Circle [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) The Nature of the Catastrophe, ed. Michael Moorcock & Langdon Jones, London: Hutchinson 1971
- * GIFCO, (ss) MetaHorror, ed. Dennis Etchison, Dell Abyss 1992
- * The Gift, (nv) Other Edens II, ed. Christopher Evans & Robert Holdstock, London: Unwin 1988
- * The Great God Pan, (nv) Prime Evil, ed. Douglas E. Winter, NAL 1988
- * The Horse of Iron and How We Can Know It and Be Changed by It Forever, (ss) Tarot Tales, ed. Rachel Pollack & Caitlin Matthews, Legend 1989
- * The Ice Monkey, (ss) New Terrors #2, ed. Ramsey Campbell, London: Pan 1980
- * In Viriconium [Viriconium], (n.) London: Gollancz 1982
- * In Viriconium [Viriconium], (na) Virconium Nights, Ace 1984
- * The Incalling, (nv) The Savoy Book, ed. David Britton & Michael Butterworth, Savoy 1978
- * Isobel Avens Returns to Stepney in the Spring, (nv) Little Deaths, ed. Ellen Datlow, Millennium 1994
- * The Lamia and Lord Cromis [Viriconium], (nv) New Worlds Quarterly, ed. Michael Moorcock, London: Sphere 1971
- * Lamia Mutable [Viriconium], (ss) Again, Dangerous Visions, ed. Harlan Ellison, Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1972
- * The Lords of Misrule [Viriconium], (ss) Savoy Dreams, ed. David Britton & Michael Butterworth, Savoy 1984
- * The Luck in the Head [Viriconium], (nv) Virconium Nights, Ace 1984
- * The Nash Circuit [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) New Worlds Aug 1969
- * The New Rays, (ss) Interzone #1 1982
- * Older Women, (ss) Womans Journal Mar 1984
- * The Profession of Fiction, (ar) Foundation #46 1989
- * The Rape of the Possible, (ar) Frontier Crossings, ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy 87 1987
- * The Rio Brain (with Simon D. Ings), (ss) Interzone Feb 1996
- * Settling the World, (nv) The New Improved Sun, ed. Thomas M. Disch, Harper 1975
- * Seven Guesses of the Heart, (ss) The Shimmering Door, ed. Katharine Kerr & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism 1996
- * Small Heirlooms, (ss) Other Edens, ed. Christopher Evans & Robert Holdstock, London: Unwin 1987
- * Strange Great Sins [Viriconium], (ss) Interzone #5 1983
- * Viriconium Knights [Viriconium], (nv) Elsewhere v1, ed. Terri Winding & Mark Alan Arnold, Ace 1981
- * A Young Mans Journey to Viriconium [Viriconium], (nv) Interzone #12 1985
- HARRISON, MICHAEL (1907-1991)
- * Some Very Odd Happenings at Kibblesham Manor House, (ss) F&SF Apr 1969
- * Dead Dogs, (ss) Castle Rock May 1989
- _____, trans.
- * The Frogwood Roundabout, (ss) The 11th Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories, ed. Mary Danby, Fontana 1978
- * Hollywood and Vine, (ss) Maelstrom #7 1995
- HART, CAROLYN G(impel) (1936- )
- * The Traitor, (ss) F&SF Fll 1950
- * Rendezvous, (ss) Weird Tales Jan 1936
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