The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998

Contents Lists

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Star Trek, the Next Generation #39: Rogue Saucer John Vornholt (Pocket 0-671-54917-0, Mar ’96 [Feb ’96], $5.99, 271pp, pb) [Star Trek, the Next Generation] Star Trek novelization. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures.

Feminist Fairytales Barbara G. Walker (HarperSanFrancisco 0-06-251319-2, Jan ’96, $22.00, 244pp, hc) Collection of 28 stories, mostly feminist revisions of fairy tales and myths such as “Snow Night” and “Ugly and the Beast”. Illustrated by Laurie Harden.

Whiteout Sage Walker (Tor 0-312-85765-9, Apr ’96 [Mar ’96], $23.95, 352pp, hc, cover by Bruce Jensen) Near-future SF novel. A first novel.

Lancelot and Guinevere: A Casebook ed. Lori J. Walters (Garland 0-8153-0653-9, May ’96, $57.00, 310pp, hc) Critical examination of the characters of Arthurian legend and major trends in literary portrayals, primarily in older works; of sixteen essays, one covers Walker Percy’s Lancelot; one deals with Guinevere in modern fiction (T.H. White, Mary Stewart, Parke Godwin); another covers Sharan Newman’s “Guinevere” trilogy. (Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Mists of Avalon is discussed only briefly.) The introduction by the editor gives a detailed overview and select bibliography. Available from Garland Publishing, 717 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2500, New York NY 10022-8101; 1-212-751-7447.

Quantum Leap: Odyssey Barbara E. Walton (Boulevard 1-57297-092-8, Mar ’96 [Feb ’96], $5.99, 275pp, pb, cover by Stephen Gardner) [Quantum Leap] Reprint (Boxtree 1995) novelization based on the TV show. Copyrighted by MCA Publishing Rights.

The Last Pin Howard Wandrei (F&B Mystery 1-878252-25-9, Oct ’96, $29.00, 356pp, hc, cover by Gary Gianni) Associational collection of 11 spicy mystery and hard-boiled detective stories, by one of the most neglected authors of the Pulp Era whose pseudonyms included H.W. Guernsey and Robert A. Garron. Edited and with an introduction by D.H. Olson. Illustrations by Gary Gianni. A limited edition (-26-7, $95.00) was announced but not seen. Available from F&B Mystery, 5116 39th Avenue S, Minneapolis MN 55417; credit card orders: 800-738-2660.

Time Burial Howard Wandrei (Fedogan & Bremer 1-878252-22-4, Nov ’95 [Jan ’96], $29.00, 317pp, hc, cover by Howard Wandrei) Collection of 20 horror and fantasy tales, two original, by one of the most neglected authors of the Pulp Era, with illustrations by the author, and a biographic introduction by editor D. H. Olson. Available from Fedogan & Bremer, 603 Washington Ave. SE #77, Minneapolis MN 55414-2950; credit card orders: 800-738-2660.

From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers Marina Warner (Farrar, Straus and Giroux/Noonday 0-374-52487-4, Sep ’96, $16.00, 463pp, tp, cover by Henry Fuseli) Reprint (Chatto & Windus 1994) non-fiction, feminist critical study of fairy tales.

Wonder Tales Marina Warner (Farrar, Straus and Giroux 0-374-29281-7, Oct ’96, $22.00, 243pp, hc, cover by Roxanna Bikadoroff) Anthology of six 17th-century French fairy tales, in new translations by five internationally recognized writers including Gilbert Adair, John Ashbery and A.S. Byatt. The 15-page introduction by Warner details how the fairy tales became a literary form for aristocrats during the reign of Louis XIV. Illustrated by Sophie Herxheimer. First US edition (Chatto & Windus 1994).

Virus Graham Watkins (St. Martin’s 0-312-96003-4, Aug ’96 [Dec ’96], $5.99, 438pp, pb) Reprint (Carroll & Graf 1995) SF thriller about computer viruses that affect humans.

Cosmic Thunder William John Watkins (AvoNova 0-380-78203-0, Jul ’96 [Jun ’96], $5.99, 247pp, pb, cover by Matt Stawicki) Near-future SF novel. Transparent aliens come to help an Earth in chaos due to millennial panic.

The Reign of the Brown Magician Lawrence Watt-Evans (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-37247-6, May ’96 [Apr ’96], $5.99, 342pp, pb, cover by Nicholas Jainschigg) [Three Worlds] Science fantasy novel, third in the “Three Worlds” trilogy.

Supernatural Sleuths ed. Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45579-7, Oct ’96 [Sep ’96], $5.99, 348pp, pb, cover by Romas Kukalis) Anthology of 14 stories of crime with elements of fantasy or SF. Authors include Larry Niven, Ron Goulart, and William F. Nolan.

Mennyms Alone Sylvia Waugh (Morrow Greenwillow 0-688-14702-X, Oct ’96 [Sep ’96], $16.00, 192pp, hc, cover by Patrick Benson) [Mennyms] Young-adult fantasy novel, fourth in the series about a family of rag dolls passing for human. The Mennyms plan for their imminent deaths. First American edition (Julia McRae 1996).

Mennyms in the Wilderness Sylvia Waugh (Avon Camelot 0-380-72529-0, Mar ’96 [Feb ’96], $3.99, 227pp, pb, cover by Richard Bober) [Mennyms] Reprint (Julia MacRae 1994) young-adult fantasy, third in the series about a family of rag dolls who pass for human.

Mennyms Under Siege Sylvia Waugh (Morrow Greenwillow 0-688-14372-5, Apr ’96 [Mar ’96], $15.00, 220pp, hc, cover by Patrick Benson) [Mennyms] Young-adult fantasy novel, third in the series about a family of rag dolls passing for human. The Mennyms are certain they’ve been noticed by neighbors, and act more strange and secretive than ever. First American edition (Julia McRae 1995).

A Second Infinity Michael D. Weaver (AvoNova 0-380-76101-7, Jun ’96 [May ’96], $5.99, 248pp, pb, cover by Romas Kukalis) SF novel. Far-future humans live in a place that exists only in fragile memories, and need help from the past.

A Spell for the Fulfillment of Desire Don Webb (FC2/Black Ice 1-57366-012-4, May ’96 [Apr ’96], $7.95, 147pp, tp, cover by Aubrey Beardsley) Collection of 27 pieces (14 previously unpublished) of experimental short fiction, some SF or fantasy. Black Ice is being distributed through Northwestern University Press, 625 Colfax St, Evanston IL 60208-4210; 847-491-5313; orders: Northwestern University Press, Chicago Distribution Center, 11030 S Langley Avenue, Chicago IL 60628; 800-621-2736.

Pestis 18 Sharon Webb (Tor 0-812-54343-2, Feb ’96 [Jan ’96], $6.99, 400pp, pb) Reissue (Tor 1987) associational medical thriller. Second printing.

Heirs of Empire David Weber (Baen 0-671-87707-0, Mar ’96 [Feb ’96], $5.99, 533pp, pb, cover by David Mattingly) [Mutineers’ Moon] SF novel. The offspring of Emperor Colin have his talent for revolution. Third in the Mutineers’ Moon series.

Honor Harrington: Honor Among Enemies David Weber (Baen 0-671-87723-2, Jun ’96 [May ’96], $21.00, 538pp, hc, cover by David Mattingly) [Honor Harrington] SF novel, sixth in the series about a female space-navy captain. Honor’s enemies get her a dangerous mission chasing space pirates.

The World of Darkness: The Unbeholden Robert Weinberg (White Wolf 1-56504-842-3, Jun ’96, $5.99, 372pp, pb) [World of Darkness] Dark fantasy novelization set in the world of the “Vampire: the Masquerade” role-playing game; third volume in the “Masquerade of the Red Death” trilogy. Copyrighted by White Wolf.

100 Astounding Little Alien Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg (Barnes & Noble 0-76070-142-3, Sep ’96, $7.98, 544pp, hc, cover by Cheryl Knippenburg) Anthology of 100 SF stories, three original. Authors include Andre Norton, James Tiptree, Jr., and Philip K. Dick. This is an instant remainder edition. The jacket lists editors as above; the title page and copyright put Dziemianowicz first.

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