The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- SMITH, CLARK ASHTON (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * An Offering to the Moon, (ss) Weird Tales Sep 1953
- * The Phantoms of the Fire, (ss) Weird Tales Sep 1930
- * The Planet of the Dead, (ss) Weird Tales Mar 1932
- * The Red World of Polaris [Captain Volmar], (nv) The Red World of Polaris: The Adventures of Captain Volmar, Night Shade 2003
- * A Rendezvous in Averoigne, (ss) Weird Tales Apr/May 1931
- * The Resurrection of the Rattlesnake, (ss) Weird Tales Oct 1931
- * The Return of the Sorcerer, (ss) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror Sep 1931
- * The Root of Ampoi, (ss) Arkham Sampler Spr 1949
- * Sadastor, (vi) Weird Tales Jul 1930
- * The Satyr, (ss) ParSt Jul 1931
- * The Tale of Satampra Zeiros [Satampra Zeiros], (ss) Weird Tales Nov 1931
- * The Testament of Athammaus, (ss) Weird Tales Oct 1932
- * Thirteen Phantasms, (ss) Fantasy Magazine Mar 1936
- * To the Daemon, (pp) The Acolyte Fll 1943
- * Told in the Desert, (ss) Over the Edge, ed. August Derleth, Arkham 1964
- * The Uncharted Isle, (ss) Weird Tales Nov 1930
- * The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis, (ss) Weird Tales May 1932
- * The Venus of Azombeii, (nv) Weird Tales Jun/Jul 1931
- * A Voyage to Sfanomoë, (ss) Weird Tales Aug 1931
- * The Willow Landscape, (ss) The Double Shadow and Other Fantasies, Auburn Journal: Auburn CA 1933
- SMITH, CORDWAINER; pseudonym of Paul M. A. Linebarger, (1913-1966) (books) (chron.)
- * Angerhelm, (nv) Star Science Fiction Stories #6, ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine 1959
- * The Burning of the Brain, (ss) If Oct 1958
- * The Colonel Came Back from Nothing-at-All, (ss)
- * The Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal, (ss) Amazing May 1964
- * Down to a Sunless Sea, (nv) F&SF Oct 1975
- * Drunkboat, (nv) Amazing Oct 1963
- * The Fife of Bodidharma, (ss) Fantastic Jun 1959
- * From Gustibles Planet, (ss) If Jul 1962
- * The Game of Rat and Dragon, (ss) Galaxy Oct 1955
- * Golden the Ship Was Oh! Oh! Oh!, (ss) Amazing Apr 1959
- * The Good Friends, (ss) Worlds of Tomorrow Oct 1963
- * Himself in Anachron, (ss) The Rediscovery of Man, NESFA Press 1993
- * The Lady Who Sailed the Soul, (nv) Galaxy Apr 1960
- * Mark Elf [Mark XI; Vom Acht sisters], (ss) Saturn May 1957
- * Mark XI [Vom Acht sisters], (ss) Saturn May 1957; also as Mark Elf.
- * Nancy [The Nancy Routine], (ss) Satellite Mar 1959
- * The Nancy Routine, (ss) Satellite Mar 1959; also as Nancy.
- * No, No, Not Rogov!, (ss) If Feb 1959
- * On the Gem Planet [*Casher ONeill], (nv) Galaxy Oct 1963
- * On the Sand Planet [*Casher ONeill], (nv) Amazing Dec 1965
- * On the Storm Planet [*Casher ONeill], (na) Galaxy Feb 1965
- * A Planet Named Shayol, (nv) Galaxy Oct 1961
- * The Queen of the Afternoon [Vom Acht sisters], (nv) Galaxy Apr 1978
- * Scanners Live in Vain, (nv) Fantasy Book #6 1950
- * Think Blue, Count Two, (na) Galaxy Feb 1963
- * Three to a Given Star [*Casher ONeill], (nv) Galaxy Oct 1965
- * War No. 81-Q, (ss) The Rediscovery of Man, NESFA Press 1993; revised from The Adjutant Jun 28, as by Karolman Junghar.
- * War No. 81-Q [as by Karolman Junghar], (ss) The Adjutant Jun 1928
- * Western Science Is So Wonderful, (ss) If Dec 1958
- * When the People Fell, (ss) Galaxy Apr 1959
- SMITH, D. LYNN (chron.)
- SMITH, D. W. PROF; see under Smith, Dean Wesley (books) (chron.)
- SMITH, DANIEL C. (chron.)
- SMITH, DEAN WESLEY (1950- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Cold Comfort, (ss) The Future We Wish We Had, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Rebecca Lickiss, DAW 2007
- * In Search of the Perfect Orgasm or Doing It with a Big Lizard Can Be Fun, (ss) Alien Pregnant by Elvis, ed. Esther M. Friesner & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1994
- * Introduction, (in) Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 10, ed. Dean Wesley Smith & Paula M. Block, Pocket 2007
- * The Keeper of the Morals, (nv) Wizards, Inc., ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Loren L. Coleman, DAW 2007
- * The Life & Death of Fortune Cookie Tyrant, (ss) If I Were an Evil Overlord, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Russell Davis, DAW 2007
- SMITH, DOUGLAS (chron.)
- SMITH, GLENN E. (chron.)
- SMITH, GUS (chron.)
- SMITH, JAMES ROBERT (books) (chron.)
- SMITH, JEREMY; see pseudonym Onsmith Jeremi (chron.)
- SMITH, L. J. (books) (chron.)
- SMITH, LESLEY L. (chron.)
- SMITH, LESTER (chron.)
- SMITH, MARK (J. A.) (chron.)
- SMITH, MICHAEL MARSHALL (1965- ) (books) (chron.)
- * And a Place for Everything, (ss) Postscripts May 2007
- * Being Right, (ss) More Tomorrow & Other Stories, Earthling Publications 2003
- * The Handover, (ss) Dark Terrors 5: The Gollancz Book of Horror, ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, Gollancz 2000
- * The Intruders [as by Michael Marshall], (ex) HarperCollins UK 2007
- * A London Story, (ar) Postscripts May 2007
- * Night Falls, Again, (ss) J.K. Potters Embrace the Mutation, ed. William Schafer & Bill Sheehan, Subterranean Press 2002
- * Old Flame, (ss) Postscripts May 2007
- * One One Three, (ss) Postscripts May 2007
- * REMtemps, (ss) Postscripts May 2007
- * Someone Elses Problem, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Monsters, ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson 2007; Originally published in different form in Chills #10, 1996.
- SMITH, ROB D. (chron.)
- SMITH, SARAH (Winthrop) (1947- ) (chron.)
- _____, trans.
- SMITH, SHERWOOD; pseudonym of Christine I. Smith Lowentrout, (1951- ) (books) (chron.)
- SMITH, TOMMY B. (chron.)
- SMITH, TYLER (chron.)
- * A Troop [sic] of Baboons, (ss) Pindeldyboz Oct 11 2006
- SMITH, WILLIAM (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- * The Film Column, (mr) Lady Churchills Rosebud Wristlet
- SNARE, BOB (chron.)
- SNELL, D. L. (books) (chron.)
- SNG, CHRISTINA (chron.)
- SNYDER, LUCY A. (books) (chron.)
- * ...And Her Shadow, (nv) Blood Magic, Eggplant Literary Productions 2001
- * Authorities Concerned Over Rise of Teen Linux Gangs, (ss) The Town Drunk Dec 2006
- * Authors Acknowledgements, (ms)
- * Authors Note, (pr) Sparks and Shadows, HW Press 2007
- * Boxlunch, (nv) Sparks and Shadows, HW Press 2007
- * Burning Bright, (nv) Sparks and Shadows, HW Press 2007
- * Business Insourcing Offers Life After Death, (ss) The Town Drunk Nov 2006
- * Camp Songs: Innocent Fun or Diabolical Brainwashing Plot?, (ar) Full Unit Hookup Sum 2005
- * Corporate Vampires Sink Teeth Into Business World, (ss) The Town Drunk Nov 2006
- * Dark Matter, (pm) Chiaroscuro (online) #11 2002
- * Darwins Children, (ss) Snow Monkey Dec 1999
- * Dead Men Dont Need Coffee Breaks, (ss) The Town Drunk Nov 2006
- * The Dickification of the American Female, (es) Clean Jun 15 2005
- * Dime Novel, (pm) Sparks and Shadows, HW Press 2007
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