The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- OWENS, GARETH (chron.) (continued)
- * Tick-Tock Curly-Wurly, (vi) Nature Sep 7 2006
- OZMENT, NICHOLAS C. (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- PADDOCK, MARY O. R. (chron.)
- PAFFENROTH, KIM (books) (chron.)
- PAGE, GEORGE (chron.)
- PAGE, NORVELL W(ooten) (1904-1961) (books) (chron.)
- PALMER, CARL (chron.)
- PALMER, EMMA (chron.)
- PALMER, RAYMOND A(rthur) (1910-1977) (chron.)
- * On Relations with Editors, (ar) The Author & Journalist Apr 1942
- PALMER, SUZANNE (chron.)
- PALWICK, SUSAN (1959- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Beautiful Stuff, (ss) Sci Fiction website Aug 18 2004
- * Elephant, (ss) IASFM Nov 1986
- * Ever After, (nv) IASFM Nov 1987
- * The Fate of Mice, (ss) Asimovs Jan 2005
- * Gestella, (nv) Starlight 3, ed. Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Tor 2001
- * GI Jesus, (nv) Starlight 1, ed. Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Tor 1996
- * Going After Bobo, (nv) Asimovs May 2000
- * Jos Hair, (ss) Xanadu 3, ed. Jane Yolen, Tor 1995
- * The Old World, (ss) The Fate of Mice, Tachyon Publications 2007
- * Sorrels Heart, (ss) The Fate of Mice, Tachyon Publications 2007
- * Stormdusk, (ss) The Fate of Mice, Tachyon Publications 2007
- PANICCIA, JANA (books) (chron.)
- PARADOX, ANNA (chron.)
- PARDOE, ROSEMARY (Anne) (1951- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Chauffeur [as by Mary Ann Allen], (ss) The Angry Dead, Crimson Altar Press 1986
- PARK, PAUL (Claibourne) (1954- ) (books) (chron.)
- PARKER, SEAN (chron.)
- PARKER, STEVE (books) (chron.)
- PARKS, RICHARD (books) (chron.)
- * Death, the Devil, and the Lady in White, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Apr 2005
- * Directional Drift, (ss) Postscripts Win 2007
- * Diva, (ss) Worshipping Small Gods, Prime Books 2007
- * Foxtails, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Jun 2005
- * Hanagans Kiyomatsu, 1923, (ss) Worshipping Small Gods, Prime Books 2007
- * Hereafter, and After, (na)
- * A Hint of Jasmine, (nv) Asimovs Aug 2004
- * Hot Water, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Dec 2007
- * Kallisti, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Apr 2002
- * The Man Who Carved Skulls, (ss) Weird Tales Apr/May 2007
- * Moon Viewing at Shijo Bridge, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Apr 2006
- * The Penultimate Riddle, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Aug 2005
- * The Plum Blossom Lantern, (ss) Lady Churchills Rosebud Wristlet #12 2003
- * The Right God, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Aug 2004
- * A Time for Heroes, (nv) The Shimmering Door, ed. Katharine Kerr & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism 1996
- * Touch of Hell, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Apr 2007
- * Voices in an Empty Room, (nv) Haunted Holidays, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Russell Davis, DAW 2004
- * Wizard of Wasted Time, (ss) Worshipping Small Gods, Prime Books 2007
- * Worshipping Small Gods, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Aug 2003
- * Yamabushi, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Dec 2003
- PARKS, RICK; see under Parks, Richard (books) (chron.)
- PARRATORE, PHIL (chron.)
- PARTRIDGE, NORMAN (John) (1958- ) (books) (chron.)
- PATERA, V. (chron.)
- PATRICK, TRACY (chron.)
- PATTON, FIONA (1962- ) (books) (chron.)
- PAUL, FRANK R(udolph) (1884-1963) (chron.)
- PAULK, KATE (chron.)
- PAYACK, PETER (chron.)
- PEARCE, D. RICHARD (chron.)
- PEARSON, SCOTT (chron.)
- PEARSON, STEFAN (chron.)
- PECK, GARRETT (chron.)
- PEEL, JOHN (Ronald) (1954- ) (chron.)
- PEERBOLT, ANNA (chron.)
- PELAN, JOHN C. (chron.)
- PELECH, ISABEL (chron.)
- * Clock Function, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #74/75 2006
- * Daddys Slight Miscalculation, (vi) Nature Feb 16 2006
- PENDERGAST, NED (chron.)
- * homesick, (pm) Aoifes Kiss #19 2006
- * Urban Renewal, (ss) Shimmer Sum 2006
- PENN, ALEXANDRA (chron.)
- * The Dark Shadow of Fantasy, (ar)
- PEPPER, ADAM (chron.)
- PERKINS, JOAN (chron.)
- PERKINS, TISHA (chron.)
- PERLUIGI, GARY (chron.)
- PERRIAM, WENDY (Angela) (1940- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Barbecue, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * The Biggest Female in the World, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Birth-Day, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Chloe, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Dandelions, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Fall, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Happy Ending, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Kentucky Fried, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Magique, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * May, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Paradise Lost, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Parents, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Pet, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Robin, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Saviour, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Sugar Plum, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Suicide, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Table for Two, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Venom, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- * Wedlock, (ss) The Biggest Female in the World and other stories, Robert Hale 2007
- PERRY, S(tephani) D(anelle) (chron.)
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