The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- COX, (William) GREG(ory) (1959- ) (books) (chron.)
- CRAIG, BRIAN; pseudonym of Brian M. Stableford, (1948- ) (chron.)
- * Totentanz, (ss) Inferno! #27 2001
- * Who Mourns a Necromancer? [Warhammer], (nv) Inferno! #17 2000
- CRAIG, RANDOLPH; house pseudonym (chron.)
- * The City Condemned to Hell [Dr. Skull], (na) The Octopus Feb/Mar 1939; also as The Octopus, by Norvell Page.
- CRAMER, JOHN G(leason, Jr.) (1934- ) (chron.)
- CRAMER, KATHRYN (Elizabeth) (1962- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Introduction (with David G. Hartwell), (in)
- * Sandcastles: A Dystopia, (vi) Nature Oct 6 2005
- CRAWFORD, GARY WILLIAM (1953- ) (books) (chron.)
- * By No One, (pm)
- * Call Again, (pm)
- * The Convergence of the Mysteries, (pm)
- * Crash, (pm)
- * Death Studies, (pm) Star*Line v29 #5 2006
- * The Dual Existence, (pm)
- * Endless Night, (pm)
- * Files Alive in Death, (pm)
- * The Forest of Suffering, (pm)
- * The Gatekeeper of Hell, (pm)
- * The God Returns, (pm)
- * I Am Alone, (pm)
- * In Their Transgression, (pm)
- * Lake of the Forgotten, (pm)
- * The Literati, (pm)
- * The Magical Arts, (pm)
- * The Many Selves in the Phantom World, (pm)
- * Mysterious Occupations, (pm)
- * The Mystery of the Light, (pm)
- * On Becoming a Phantom, (pm)
- * Petals, (pm)
- * The Phantom Artist, (pm)
- * The Phantom Computer is a God, (pm)
- * The Phantom Prophet, (pm)
- * The Phantom World, (pm)
- * Secret Tears, (pm)
- * Sexual Transfusions, (pm)
- * Songs of Love and Death, (pm)
- * A Very Natural Thing, (pm)
- * Words, Dead or Alive, (pm)
- CREASEY, IAN (1969- ) (chron.)
- CREED, FRANK (chron.)
- CREEK, DAVID J. (chron.)
- CRICHTON, (John) MICHAEL (1942-2008) (books) (chron.)
- * The Andromeda Strain, (n.) New York: Knopf 1969
- * The Terminal Man, (n.) New York: Knopf 1972
- CRIDER, ALLEN BILLY; see under Crider, Bill (chron.)
- CRIDER, (Allen) BILL(y) (1941- ) (chron.)
- CRILLEY, PAUL (books) (chron.)
- CRISP, QUENTIN S. (chron.)
- CROMPTON, RICHMAL; pseudonym of Richmal Crompton Lamburn, (1890-1969) (chron.)
- * Rosalind, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine Apr 1925
- CROOK, JEFF (chron.)
- * Adams Hot Dogs at the End of the World [Hotdogs at the End of the World], (vi) Nature Dec 21 2006
- * Hotdogs at the End of the World, (vi) Nature Dec 21 2006; also as Adams Hot Dogs at the End of the World.
- * The Sum of Man, (vi) Nature Physics Jul 2007
- CROSBY, HARRY C. (1925-2009); see pseudonym Christopher Anvil (books) (chron.)
- CROUCH, DAVID A. (chron.)
- CROW, JENNIFER B. (chron.)
- * Among the Shards of Heaven, (ss) Ruins: Extraterrestrial, ed. Eric T. Reynolds, Hadley Rille Books 2007
- * Grave statue of an unknown baboon-headed god, c. 300 B.C., (pm) Not One of Us #37 2007
- * Liliyas Game, (vi) Sporty Spec: Games of the Fantastic, ed. Karen A. Romanko, Raven Electrick Ink 2007
- * On the Paths of the Lost, (pm) Mythic Delirium #17 2007
- * Queen of Lepers, (pm) Not One of Us #38 2007
- * Revisionist History: A Fairy Tale, (pm) Jabberwocky 3, ed. Sean Wallace, Prime Books 2007
- * Stains, (ss) Space & Time #100 2007
- * when we sent our poems into space, (pm) Star*Line v29 #1 2006
- * Words Like Sails, (pm) Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine #12 2007
- * The Partys Over, (vi) Nature Feb 24 2005
- CROWTHER, PETER (1949- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Also Known As, (ss) Subterranean #6 2007
- * Bedfordshire, (nv) Gathering the Bones, ed. Dennis Etchison, Ramsey Campbell & Jack Dann, Tor 2003
- * Conundrums to Guess, (nv) Fantastic Alice, ed. Margaret Weis & Martin H. Greenberg, Ace 1995
- * Dark Times, (ss) Subterranean Gallery, ed. Richard T. Chizmar & William K. Schafer, Subterranean Press 1999
- * Days of the Wheel, (nv) Strange Attraction, ed. Edward E. Kramer, Bereshith/ShadowLands Press 2000
- * Edward Miller: An Appreciation, (iv) Subterranean #6 2007
- * Even Beggars Would Ride (with James Lovegrove), (nv) The Third Alternative #13 1997
- * The Last Vampire, (nv) The Mammoth Book of Dracula, ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson 1997
- * The Main Event, (ss) Murder Most Delicious, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Signet 1995
- * Playing Deity, (aw)
- * Sitting Pretty (with Simon Conway), (nv) Mean Time, ed. Jerry Sykes, The Do-Not Press 1998
- * The Space Between the Lines, (nv) Imagination Fully Dilated, ed. Alan M. Clark & Elizabeth Engstrom, CD Publications 1998
- * Standby, (na) Lonesome Roads, RazorBlade Press 1999
- * Three Plays a Quarter, (ss) Terminal Frights Volume One, ed. Ken Abner, Black River, NY: Terminal Fright Press 1997
- * 25: Celebrating 25 Years of Interzone, (ms) Interzone Sep/Oct 2007
- * Were All Bozos on This Bus, (ss) The Darker Side: Generations of Horror, ed. John Pelan, Roc 2002
- CRUZE, ROBERT (chron.)
- CRUZEM, CARIZZ (chron.)
- CUBA, GARY (chron.)
- CULLY, SETH (chron.)
- CUMMINGS, SHANE JIRAIYA (books) (chron.)
- CUNNING, EDWARD (chron.)
- * San Fernando Valley, (ar) Tarzana Bulletin Sep 1927
- CUNNINGHAM, ELAINE (books) (chron.)
- * Answered Prayers, (ss) Forgotten Realms: The Best of the Realms, Book III: The Stories of Elaine Cunningham, Wizards of the Coast 2007
- * The Bargain, (nv) Realms of Valor, ed. James Lowder, Lake Geneva: TSR 1993
- * The Direct Approach, (nv) Realms of Magic, ed. Brian Thomsen & J. Robert King, Lake Geneva: TSR 1995
- * Elminsters Jest, (ss) Forgotten Realms: The Best of the Realms, Book III: The Stories of Elaine Cunningham, Wizards of the Coast 2007
- * Fire Is Fire, (nv) Forgotten Realms: Realms of the Deep, ed. Philip Athans, Wizards of the Coast 2000
- * Game of Chance, (ss) The Dragon Sep 2005; also as Games of Chance.
- * Games of Chance [Game of Chance], (ss) The Dragon Sep 2005
- * The Great Hunt, (ss) The Dragon Apr 1998
- * The Knights of Samular, (nv) Forgotten Realms: The Best of the Realms, Book III: The Stories of Elaine Cunningham, Wizards of the Coast 2007
- * A Little Knowledge, (nv) Realms of Shadow, ed. Lizz Baldwin, Wizards of the Coast 2002
- * The More Things Change, (ss) Realms of Infamy, ed. James Lowder, Lake Geneva: TSR 1994
- * Possessions, (nv) The Dragon Apr 2001
- * Redemption, (ss) Forgotten Realms: Realms of War, ed. Philip Athans, Wizards of the Coast 2007
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