The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- WILSON, ROBERT CHARLES (books) (chron.) (continued)
- WILSON, STEPHEN M. (chron.)
- * Apocalyptic Sonnet, (pm) Black Petals Win 2006
- * Atoms Apple (with Roger E. Naylor), (pm) Scifaikuest #13 2006
- * The Exiles, (pm) Black Petals Win 2006
- * Frost Bitten, (pm) Dark Wisdom #10 2006
- * Pele, (pm) Black Petals Win 2006
- * Phantasia!, (pm) Bondage: Tales of Obsession, ed. Tyree Campbell, Sams Dot Publishing 2006
- * The Running of..., (pm) Sporty Spec: Games of the Fantastic, ed. Karen A. Romanko, Raven Electrick Ink 2007
- WINDLE, RICHARD (chron.)
- WINDLING, TERRI (1958- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- WINTER, LAUREL (née Hjelvik) (1959- ) (chron.)
- WINTER, STEVE (1955- ) (chron.)
- WINTERTON, IAN (chron.)
- * Son and Heir [Warhammer], (nv) Inferno! #21 2000
- WISE, A. C. (chron.)
- WITCHEY, ERIC M. (chron.)
- WITCOVER, PAUL (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- WITTMAN, JASON D. (chron.)
- * Femme Fatale, (nv) Jim Baens Universe (online) Oct 2006
- WOLCOTT, BEN (chron.)
- WOLF, CRAIG (chron.)
- WOLFE, GENE (Rodman) (1931- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Balding, Avuncular Genes Quick and Dirty Guide to Creating Memorable Characters, (ar) Shadows of the New Sun: Wolfe on Writing/Writers on Wolfe, ed. Peter Wright, Liverpool University Press 2007
- * Bea and Her Bird Brother, (ss) F&SF May 2006
- * The Books in The Book of the New Sun, (ar) Plan[e]t Engineering, NESFA 1984
- * Build-a-Bear, (ss) Jim Baens Universe (online) Jun 2006
- * A Fantasist Reads The Bible and Its Critics, (ar) Shadows of the New Sun: Wolfe on Writing/Writers on Wolfe, ed. Peter Wright, Liverpool University Press 2007
- * Green Glass, (ss) Asimovs Apr/May 2007
- * The Handbook of Permissive English, (ar) Shadows of the New Sun: Wolfe on Writing/Writers on Wolfe, ed. Peter Wright, Liverpool University Press 2007
- * The Hour of the Sheep, (ss) Fast Forward 1, ed. Lou Anders, Prometheus Books 2007
- * How to be a Writers Family, (ar) Shadows of the New Sun: Wolfe on Writing/Writers on Wolfe, ed. Peter Wright, Liverpool University Press 2007
- * Libraries on the Superhighway - Rest Stop or Roadkill?, (ar) Shadows of the New Sun: Wolfe on Writing/Writers on Wolfe, ed. Peter Wright, Liverpool University Press 2007
- * The Magic Animal, (nv) Wizards, ed. Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois, Berkley 2007
- * Memorare, (na) F&SF Apr 2007
- * More than Half of You Cant Read This, (ar) Shadows of the New Sun: Wolfe on Writing/Writers on Wolfe, ed. Peter Wright, Liverpool University Press 2007
- * Mute, (ss) World Horror Convention 2002 Program Book 2002
- * Nor the Summers as Golden: Writing Multivolume Works, (ar) Shadows of the New Sun: Wolfe on Writing/Writers on Wolfe, ed. Peter Wright, Liverpool University Press 2007
- * The Old Woman in the Young Woman, (ss) Jim Baens Universe (online) Oct 2006
- * Rattler (with Brian A. Hopkins), (ss) Realms of Fantasy Feb 2004
- * Sob in the Silence, (ss) Strange Birds, Dreamhaven Books 2006
- * The Special Problems of Science Fiction, (ar) Shadows of the New Sun: Wolfe on Writing/Writers on Wolfe, ed. Peter Wright, Liverpool University Press 2007
- * What Do They Mean, SF?, (ar) Shadows of the New Sun: Wolfe on Writing/Writers on Wolfe, ed. Peter Wright, Liverpool University Press 2007
- * Wolfes Inalienable Truths About Reviewing, (ar) Shadows of the New Sun: Wolfe on Writing/Writers on Wolfe, ed. Peter Wright, Liverpool University Press 2007
- * Wolfes Irreproducible Truths about Novels, (ar) Shadows of the New Sun: Wolfe on Writing/Writers on Wolfe, ed. Peter Wright, Liverpool University Press 2007
- * Wolfes Rules: What You Must Do To Be a Writer, (ar) Shadows of the New Sun: Wolfe on Writing/Writers on Wolfe, ed. Peter Wright, Liverpool University Press 2007
- WOLFE, JERRY M. (chron.)
- WOLFF, MELORA (chron.)
- * Kiss, (vi) The Southern Review Sum 2006
- WOOD, (Samuel) ANDREW (1890-?) (chron.)
- WOOD, ED (chron.)
- WOOD, ELLEN (Price) [Mrs. Henry Wood] (1814-1887); see under Wood, Henry, Mrs. (chron.)
- WOOD, MRS. HENRY [i.e., Ellen Price Wood] (1814-1887); see under Wood, Ellen (chron.)
- * Reality or Delusion?, (ss) Argosy (UK) Dec 1868
- WOOD, JONATHAN (chron.)
- WOOD, MIKE (chron.)
- WOOD, S(amuel) ANDREW (1890-?); see under Wood, Andrew (chron.)
- WOODING, CHRIS (books) (chron.)
- WOODMAN, JUSTIN (chron.)
- WOODS, KENNETH D. (chron.)
- * Time Zones, (pm) 4th Dimension #11 2006
- WOOLLCOTT, ALEXANDER (Humphreys) (1887-1943) (chron.)
- * Full Fathom Five, (ss) New Yorker Jun 22 1929
- WOOLVEN, LINDA (chron.)
- WOOTTON, WENDY; see pseudonym Portia da Costa (chron.)
- WORKMAN, ATHENA (chron.)
- WORLEY, BRIAN (chron.)
- WORRA, BRYAN (Somnouk) THAO (chron.)
- WRIGHT, DAVID (chron.)
- WRIGHT, DOUGLAS E. (chron.)
- WRIGHT, JOHN C(harles) (1961- ) (books) (chron.)
- WRIGHT, PETER (books) (chron.)
- WRIGHT, T(errance) M(ichael) (1947- ) (chron.)
- WU, FRANK (chron.)
- * Ad Astra, (il) Visual Journeys: A Tribute to Space Artists, ed. Eric T. Reynolds, Hadley Rille Books 2007
- * Derelict, (il) Visual Journeys: A Tribute to Space Artists, ed. Eric T. Reynolds, Hadley Rille Books 2007
- * Indifference, (il) Visual Journeys: A Tribute to Space Artists, ed. Eric T. Reynolds, Hadley Rille Books 2007
- * Resurrection Man, (il) Visual Journeys: A Tribute to Space Artists, ed. Eric T. Reynolds, Hadley Rille Books 2007
- * Worlds in Collusion, (ss) Visual Journeys: A Tribute to Space Artists, ed. Eric T. Reynolds, Hadley Rille Books 2007
- WURTS, JANNY (1953- ) (books) (chron.)
- YARBRO, CHELSEA QUINN (1942- ) (books) (chron.)
- _____, trans.
- * Birch Tree, White Fox, by Elena Arseneva, (ss) The SFWA European Hall of Fame, ed. James Morrow & Kathryn Morrow, Tor 2007; translated from the Russian.; tr. by Michael M. Naydan
- * Destiny, Inc., by Sergei Lukyanenko, (ss) The SFWA European Hall of Fame, ed. James Morrow & Kathryn Morrow, Tor 2007; translated from the Russian.; tr. by Michael M. Naydan
- YEFREMOV, IVAN (Antonovich) (1907-1972) (chron.)
- * from The Andromeda Nebula, (ex)
- YEH, DAVID K. (chron.)
- YellowBOY, ERZEBET (chron.)
- YENNICK, RICK (chron.)
- YODER, JEREMY (chron.)
- YOLEN, JANE; [i.e., Jane Hyatt Yolen Stemple] (1939- ) (books) (chron.)
- YORK, J(ames) STEVEN (1957- ) (chron.)
- YORK, REBECCA; pseudonym of Ruth Glick & Eileen Buckholtz (books) (chron.)
- YOUMANS, MARLY (chron.)
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