The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- DHILLON, DORIS (chron.)
- DICK, PHILIP K(indred) (1928-1982) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Adjustment Team, (nv) Orbit #4 1954
- * Beyond Lies the Wub, (ss) Planet Stories Jul 1952
- * The Days of Perky Pat, (nv) Amazing Dec 1963
- * The Defenders, (nv) Galaxy Jan 1953
- * Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep?, (n.) Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1968
- * The Electric Ant, (nv) F&SF Oct 1969
- * The Father-Thing, (ss) F&SF Dec 1954
- * Foster, Youre Dead, (nv) Star Science Fiction Stories #3, ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine 1954
- * Human Is, (ss) Startling Stories Win 1955
- * If There Were No Benny Cemoli, (ss) Galaxy Dec 1963
- * Imposter, (ss) Astounding Jun 1953
- * A Little Something for Us Tempunauts, (nv) Final Stage, ed. Edward L. Ferman & Barry N. Malzberg, Charterhouse 1974
- * The Man in the High Castle, (n.) New York: Putnam 1962
- * The Mold of Yancy, (nv) If Aug 1955
- * Oh, to Be a Blobel!, (ss) Galaxy Feb 1964
- * Paycheck, (nv) Imagination Jun 1953
- * The Pre-Persons, (nv) F&SF Oct 1974
- * The Preserving Machine [Doc Labyrinth], (ss) F&SF Jun 1953
- * Roog, (ss) F&SF Feb 1953
- * Second Variety, (na) Space Science Fiction May 1953
- * The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, (n.) Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1965
- * Ubik, (n.) Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1969
- * The Variable Man, (na) Space Science Fiction Sep 1953
- * We Can Remember It for You Wholesale, (nv) F&SF Apr 1966
- DICKENS, CHARLES (John Huffam) (1812-1870) (books) (chron.)
- * A Confession Found in a Prison in the Time of Charles the Second, (ss) Master Humphreys Clock 1840
- DICKINSON, PETER (Malcolm de Brissac) (1927- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Aubade, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Ballad, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * The Barrow-mound, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Binocular Vision, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * The Bridge, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 1918, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * A Chosen End, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Christmas Party, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Commuters, (pm) Atlantic Monthly
- * Corresponding De-escalation, (pm) Punch 1966
- * The Cost of Living, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Cutting Edge, (pm) Punch 1958
- * Demolishing a Cupboard, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Dinner Party Blues, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * An Education, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Epitaph for Mr Jiggs, (pm) Punch 1963
- * Five Finger Exercise, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Flint, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * For an Old Mans Sundial, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * From Slum to Chic, (pm) Punch 1967
- * Full Circle, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Gravy, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Group, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Hedgerow Trees, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * In Blue Hill, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Infinite Loop, (pm) Encounter
- * Instant, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * The Invaders, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Its an Ill Wind-bag, (pm) Punch 1966
- * K, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Love in the Laboratory, (pm) Punch 1958
- * Meme, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Merlins Son, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * The Moon is Female, (pm) Punch 1966
- * Motto for Artists, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Naming the Animals, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Note, (pr) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * The Other End of the Telescope, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Palinode, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Poor Unlucky Lucy, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Poultry Country, before Daybreak, (pm) Punch 1963
- * Reading in the Bathroom, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Repairing a Roof, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * The Scapedog, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Sestina in Spring, (pm) Punch 1957
- * Some Steam-age Publishers, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Song, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Sonnet, (pm) Punch 1952
- * These Three, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Third, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Thomas Hardy on Egdon Heath, (pm) Punch 1956
- * Two on a Bed, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Waking at Night, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Walking to School, (pm) WkTel
- * The Weir, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * Where Do You Get Your Ideas?, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- *
x 2, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- * You Asked Why I Loved You, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books 2007
- DICKSON, RICK (chron.)
- DI FILIPPO, PAUL (1954- ) (chron.)
- * ARGUS Blinked, (vi) Nature Oct 4 2007
- * The End of the Great Continuity, (ss) Postscripts Win 2007
- * Femaville 29, (ss) Salon Fantastique, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Thunders Mouth Press 2006
- * Jack Neck and The Worrybird, (ss) Science Fiction Age Jul 1998
- * The Perfect Lover, (vi) Nature Apr 20 2006
- * Personal Jesus, (ss) The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction, ed. George Mann, Solaris 2007
- * Plumage from Pegasus:
___ Book Clubbed, (cl) F&SF Oct/Nov 2007
___ Grow Old Along with Me, (cl) F&SF May 2007
___ Its All Goodkind, (cl) F&SF Jun 2007
___ Our Feynman Who Art in Heaven..., (cl) F&SF Feb 2007
___ Survival of the Fannish, (cl) F&SF Dec 2007
- * 25: Celebrating 25 Years of Interzone, (ms) Interzone Jul/Aug 2007
- * Whats Up, Tiger Lily?, (nv) The Silver Gryphon, ed. Gary Turner & Marty Halpern, Golden Gryphon Press 2003
- * Wikiworld, (ss) Fast Forward 1, ed. Lou Anders, Prometheus Books 2007
- * The World Down a Wire, (ed) Postscripts Sum 2007
- _____, reviews:
- DILLHUNT, C. X. (chron.)
- DILMORE, KEVIN (chron.)
- DISCH, THOMAS M(ichael) (1940-2008) (books) (chron.)
- * A, (pm) Bellevue Press
- * After Péguy, (pm) Shenandoah
- * At the Van Gogh Museum, (pm) Chronicles
- * A Benevolent Demi-Villanelle, (pm) Light
- * Birdsong Interpreted, (pm) Light
- * The Book in Your Hand, (pm) The Times Literary Supplement
- * Brief Lives, (pm) Witness
- * Buying a Used Car, (pm) Boulevard
- * A Cape Mendocino Rose, (pm) Sequoia
- * A Centenary Observation, (pm) Boulevard
- * Centennial Tankas, (pm) Amazing Jul 1984
- * The Chameleon and the Butterfly, (pm) About the Size of It, Anvil Press 2007
- * Class Notes, (pm) Chronicles
- * Colloquy, (pm) Science Fiction Eye
- * Coming To, (pm) Boulevard
- * The Crumbling Infrastructure, (pm) The Southwest Review
- * The Cubist Paints of Lesser Museums, (pm) Inquiry
- * Death Wish IV, (pm) Witness
- * Dialogue with a Spider, (pm) Amazing Jul 1985
- * The Dirt and the Willow, (pm) The Paris Review
- * The Dot on the i, (pm) Poetry
- * Duelling Platitudes, (pm) Grand Street
- * Fashion Statements, (pm) Fashion and Fragrance
- * The Ferris Wheel, (pm) About the Size of It, Anvil Press 2007
- * The Fleshs Wedding, (pm) Chronicles
- * A Galop for Cesar Franck, (pm) Chronicles
- * Gilda: An Entracte, (pm) Shenandoah
- * Gods, (pm) Chronicles
- * A Gravediggers Soliloquy, (pm) Salamagundi
- * Haikus of an AmPart, (pm) Coffee House Press
- * The Hawk and the Metaphor, (pm) Aralia Press
- * In a Time of Plagues, (pm) Chronicles
- * In Memoriam, (pm) Boulevard
- * Indian Spring, (pm) Boulevard
- * Inventory, (pm) Chronicles
- * Jerusalem Recaptured, (pm) Western Humanities Review
- * Juliet, Voice Over, (pm) Boulevard
- * The Last Shows of Summer, (pm) Lake Street Review
- * The Last Time I Saw Paris, (pm) The American Scholar
- * Mahlers 8th, (pm) Theology Today
- * Medusa at Her Vanity, (pm) Poetry
- * The Mushrooms Salon, (pm) Amazing Mar 1986
- * Nether: a Travellers Notes, (pm) The Times Literary Supplement
- * Nightmare on Elm Street, (pm) The New Republic
- * Not Quite a Sonnet But I Love You Just the Same, (pm) Boulevard
- * October, (pm) Boulevard
- * Ode to Equanimity, (pm) Salamagundi
- * Paradise, (pm) Asimovs Jan 2007
- * Pervigilium Veneris, 1991, (pm) About the Size of It, Anvil Press 2007
- * Quilt, (pm) About the Size of It, Anvil Press 2007
- * The Rapture, (pm) After/Lives
- * Red Tulips in 1947, (pm) Poetry
- * Remarks Concerning the Fitness of All Things, (pm) Poetry
- * The Return to Nature, (pm) Poetry
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