The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2003
Books, Listed by Author
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- LITTLE, DENISE, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Official Nora Roberts Companion (with Laura Hayden) (Berkley 0-425-18344-0, Oct 2003, $16.00, 463 + xv, tp) Non-fiction guide to the works of the author who also writes SF as J.D. Robb, with essays and articles, plus an alphabetical guide to her books. Introduction by Nora Roberts. Foreword by Julie Garwood.
- * *The Sorcerer’s Academy (with Martin H. Greenberg) (DAW 0-7564-0157-7, Sep 2003, $6.99, 350pp, pb) Original anthology of 14 shared-world fantasy stories, one a two-part framing story. Authors include Josepha Sherman, Rosemary Edghill, and Robert Sheckley. (Contents)
- LIVDAHL, KRISTIN, ed. (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- LLYWELYN, MORGAN (1937- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Elementals (Tor 0-765-30697-2, Jun 2003, $14.95, 303pp, tp) Reprint (Tor 1993) historical novel with fantasy elements. Third printing.
- LOCKLEY, STEVE (chron.)
- * *King of All the Dead (with Paul Lewis) (Telos Publishing 1-903889-61-8, May 2003, £8.00, 120pp, tp) Dark fantasy novel. Lisa Morgan saves the life of a stranger, but Death still takes a toll on those close to her.
- LOCKWOOD, TODD (chron.)
- * *Transitions: The Art of Todd Lockwood (with Karen Haber) (Paper Tiger 1-84340-072-3, Jul 2003, £20.00, 128pp, hc, cover by Todd Lockwood) Art book with more than 100 paintings and preparatory sketches. Text by Lockwood and Haber.
- * _Doctor Omega (with Randy Lofficier & Arnould Galopin) See entry under Arnould Galopin.
- * *Shadowmen: Heroes and Villains of French Pulp Fiction (with Randy Lofficier) (Black Coat Press 0-9740711-3-7, Sep 2003, $19.95, 304pp, tp) Non-fiction, a reference guide to 20 French pulp characters, several of SF or fantasy interest. Listings include author biographies, discussion of their major works, character biographies, bibliographies, filmographies, and index. Order from Hollywood, PO Box 17270, Encino CA 91416; [].
- LONDON, JACK; [i.e., John Griffith London] (1876-1916) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Graphic Classics, Volume Five: Jack London (Eureka Productions 0-9712464-5-9, Mar 2003, $9.95, 144pp, tp, cover by Arnold Arre) Illustrated anthology/graphic novel with 15 illustrated or comic-style adaptations of works by London, most adventure stories but including three SF or fantasy tales. Introduction taken from a posthumous letter by London. Artists include Hunt Emerson, Rick Geary, and Matt Howarth. There is a fictional cartoon biography by Mort Castle, illustrated by Roger Langridge. Eureka Productions, 8778 Oak Grove Road, Mount Horeb WI 53572; []. (Contents)
- * _The Star Rover (Random House/Modern Library 0-8129-7004-7, 2003, $10.95, 261 + xv, tp) Reprint (Macmillan 1915) SF novel. This has a new introduction by Lorenzo Carcaterra, and includes a two-page reading group guide.
- LONG, JEFF(rey B.) (1951- ) (chron.)
- * _Year Zero (Pocket 0-7434-0612-5, Feb 2003, $7.99, 498pp, pb) Reprint (Pocket 2002) near-future thriller.
- LONG, LAUREL (chron.)
- * *The Lady & the Lion (with Jacqueline K. Ogburn) (Penguin/Dial 0-8037-2651-1, Oct 2003, $16.99, 32pp, hc, cover by Laurel Long) Children’s picture book, a retelling of a Grimm Brothers’ fairy-tale with text by Long & Ogburn, illustrated by Long.
- LORRAH, JEAN (1938- ) (stories) (chron.)
- LOUINET, PATRICE, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- LOVECRAFT, H(oward) P(hillips) (1890-1937) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *From the Pest Zone: Stories from New York (Hippocampus Press 0-9673215-8-1, Feb 2003, $15.00, 150pp, tp, cover by Sean Madden) Collection of five stories written while HPL lived in New York. Edited, with extensive notes and a detailed introduction, by David E. Schultz & S.T. Joshi. This includes a preface to “The Shunned House” by Frank Belknap Long, Jr. Order from Hippocampus Press, PO Box 641, New York NY 10156; []. (Contents) [ed: S. T. Joshi]
- * *Graphic Classics 4: H.P. Lovecraft (Eureka Productions 0-9712464-4-0, Nov 2002, $9.95, 144pp, tp, cover by Todd Schorr) Illustrated anthology/graphic novel with ten illustrated or comic-style adaptations of works by Lovecraft, including the epic poem “Fungi From Yuggoth”. Artists include Richard Corben, Rick Geary, Matt Howarth, and Stephen Hickman. A cartoon biography of HPL is provided by George Kucher. Introduction by Gahan Wilson. Eureka Productions, 8778 Oak Grove Road, Mount Horeb WI 53572; []. (Contents)
- * _The Lurker at the Threshold (with August Derleth) (Carroll & Graf 0-7867-1188-4, Jul 2003, $10.00, 196pp, tp, cover by Albert Pinkham Ryder) Reprint (Arkham House 1945) SF/horror novel.
- * *Mysteries of Time and Spirit: The Letters of H.P. Lovecraft and Donald Wandrei (with Donald Wandrei) (Night Shade Books 1-892389-50-9, Dec 2002, $20.00, 439 + xx, tp) Collection of letters between HPL and Arkham founder Wandrei, edited and with an introduction on their relationship by S.T. Joshi & David E. Schultz. Letters are arranged chronologically. Includes a glossary of names, bibliography, and index. This is dated 2002, but not seen until now. A hardcover edition (-49-5, $40.00) was announced but not seen. Night Shade Books, 3623 SW Baird St., Portland OR 97219; 503-452-0761; []; [].
- LOVEGROVE, JAMES (1965- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Untied Kingdom (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07386-1, Apr 2003, £10.99, 404pp, tp) SF novel. In a Britain fragmented into armed enclaves by economic and social collapse, a schoolteacher searches for kidnapped women, including his estranged wife. A hardcover edition (-07385-3, £16.99) is also available.
- LOVETT, CHARLES (chron.)
- * *J.K. Rowling (Barnes & Noble/SparkNotes 1-58663-839-4, 2003, $9.95, 173pp, hc) Non-fiction, reference, a readers’ guide to the first three “Harry Potter” novels, with a brief biography of Rowling. This is #6 in “The Library of Great Authors”. [Rowling]
- LOWACHEE, KARIN (chron.)
- * *Burndive (Warner Aspect 0-446-61318-5, Oct 2003, $6.99, 417pp, pb, cover by Matt Stawicki) [Warchild] SF novel, set in the world of Warchild. A boy who survived a terrorist bombing has trouble coping while his father negotiates a ceasefire with aliens.
- LOWDER, CHRISTOPHER (A. J.) (1945- ); see pseudonym Jack Adrian (stories) (chron.)
- LOWDER, JAMES (1963- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Forgotten Realms: Prince of Lies (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-3114-0, Sep 2003, $6.99, 376pp, pb, cover by Gerald Brom) [Forgotten Realms: Avatar] Reprint (TSR 1993) novelization based on the roleplaying game; book four of the “Avatar” series. Copyrighted 1993 by TSR, 2003 by Wizards of the Coast.
- _____, ed.
- * *The Book of Final Flesh (Eden Studios 1-891153-78-1, Apr 2003, $16.95, 319pp, tp, cover by George Vasilakos) Anthology of 24 zombie stories loosely linked to the roleplaying game All Flesh Must Be Eaten. Order from Eden Studios, 6 Dogwood Lane, Loudonville NY 12211; []. (Contents)
- * *Path of the Just (Guardians of Order 1-894525-82-5, Oct 2003, $14.95, 207pp, tp, cover by Ed Northcott) Original anthology of 15 stories of superheroes based on the roleplaying game. Introduction by Dennis O’Neil. Copyrighted by Guardians of Order and James Lowder. Order from Guardians of Order, PO Box 25016, 370 Stone Road, Guelph Ont. Canada, N1G 4T4; []. (Contents)
- LOWE, WESLEY (chron.)
- * *The Griffin’s Gauntlet (iUniverse/Writer’s Showcase 0-595-22052-5, 2002, $14.95, 227pp, tp) Fantasy novel. A woman swept into a faery world helps battle the tyrannical Dragon King. A first novel. This is dated 2002, but not seen until now. A print-on-demand book, available online at [], or from iUniverse, 2021 Pine Lake Road, Suite 100, Lincoln NE 68512; 402-323-800; 877-288-4737.
- LOWENTROUT, CHRISTINE I. SMITH (1951- ); see pseudonym Sherwood Smith (stories) (chron.)
- LUBAR, DAVID (stories) (chron.)
- * *Flip (Tor 0-765-30149-0, Jul 2003, $17.95, 300pp, hc, cover by Greg Swearingen) Young-adult novel. Alien disks make kids think they’re famous people out of history and legend.
- * _Hidden Talents (Tor/Starscape 0-765-34265-0, Jan 2003, $5.99, 213pp, tp, cover by Greg Swearingen) [Hidden Talents] Reprint (Tor 1999) young-adult novel of a group of misfits with psychic abilities.
- * *In the Land of the Lawn Weenies and Other Misadventures (Tor/Starscape 0-765-34570-6, Jun 2003, $5.99, 240pp, tp, cover by Bill Mayer) Young-adult collection of 35 stories previously collected as Kidzilla & Other Tales (1996) and The Witch’s Monkey & Other Tales (1997). Lubar adds an afterword on the inspiration for each story. (Contents)
- * *Wizards of the Game (Penguin/Philomel 0-399-23706-2, Apr 2003, $16.99, 166pp, hc, cover by Glin Dibley) Young-adult fantasy. A fanatical fantasy roleplaying eighth grader gets into trouble when real wizards turn up.
- LUCENO, JAMES (1947- ) (chron.)
- * *Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force (Ballantine Del Rey LucasBooks 0-345-42852-8, Nov 2003, $26.95, 529pp, hc) [Star Wars: New Jedi Order] Star Wars novelization. Comes with a bound-in CD-ROM with R.A. Salvatore’s Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime (1999), plus other materials. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm.
- * _Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force (SFBC #61708, Nov 2003, $14.99, 529pp, hc, cover by Cliff Nielsen) [Star Wars: New Jedi Order] Reprint (Del Rey 2003) Star Wars novelization. This is similar to the Del Rey edition, except it lacks the bound-in CD-ROM and a price, and has the SFBC number on the back jacket. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm.
- * *Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force (Lucasbooks/Century 1-8441-3368-0, Nov 2003, £17.99, xi+529pp, hc, cover by Cliff Nielsen) Original Star Warsnovel. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm Ltd. Last in “The New Jedi Order” sub-series. Simultaneous with the US (Ballantine Del Rey LucasBooks) edition.
- LUCKETT, DAVE (stories) (chron.)
- * +The Girl, the Dragon, and the Wild Magic (Scholastic 0-439-41187-4, Oct 2003, $4.99, 118pp, tp) [Rhianna] Young-adult fantasy, first in a trilogy about a girl in magic school. First US edition (Scholastic Omnibus Australia 2000 as Rhianna and the Wild Magic).
- LUMLEY, BRIAN (1937- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Harry Keogh: Necroscope and Other Weird Heroes! (Tor 0-765-30847-9, Jul 2003, $25.95, 319pp, hc, cover by Bob Eggleton) Collection of eight stories of Titus Crow, Harry Keogh, and David Hero and Eldin the Wanderer. The three “Necroscope” stories are new. (Contents)
- * _Necroscope IV: Deadspeak (Tor 0-812-53032-2, Dec 2003, $7.99, 487pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) [Necroscope] Reissue (Tor 1990) vampire horror novel, fourth in the “Necroscope” series. 11th printing.
- * _Necroscope: Deadspawn (Tor 0-312-86381-0, Dec 2003, $26.95, 428pp, hc, cover by Bob Eggleton) [Necroscope] Reprint (Grafton 1991) vampire horror novel, fifth in the “Necroscope” series.
- * _The Whisperer and Other Voices (Tor 0-312-87802-8, Feb 2003, $14.95, 333pp, tp, cover by Bob Eggleton) Reprint (Tor 2001) collection of nine stories.
- LUPOFF, RICHARD A(llen) (1935- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Philip José Farmer’s The Dungeon (with Bruce Coville) (ibooks 0-7434-5829-X, Mar 2003, $7.99, 365 + 333pp, pb, cover by Ciruelo) [Dungeon] Omnibus of the first two novels in the series: The Black Tower by Richard A. Lupoff (1988) and The Dark Abyss (1988) by Bruce Coville. Packaged and copyrighted by Byron Preiss Visual Publications. (Contents)
- * _Philip José Farmer’s The Dungeon 3 (with Charles de Lint) See entry under Charles de Lint.
- LURIE, DAVID B. (stories) (chron.)
- LUSTBADER, ERIC VAN (1946- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Art Kills (Orion 0-7528-5632-4, Jul 2003, £6.99, 87pp, hc, cover by Raphael) Reprint (Carroll & Graf 2002) associational crime novella. An appraiser seeks a long-lost Raphael painting. “An Otto Penzler Book”.
- * *The Cage of Nine Banestones (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-00-224731-3, May 2003, £17.99, ii+629pp, hc, cover by John Howe) [Pearl Saga] Fantasy novel, the third volume in “The Pearl Saga”. A trade paperback edition (-224734-8, £11.99) was announced but not seen.
- * _The Veil of a Thousand Tears (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-00-648608-8, Mar 2003, £7.99, ii+630pp, pb, cover by John Howe) [Pearl Saga] Reprint (Voyager 2002) fantasy novel, the second volume of “The Pearl Saga”.
- * _The Veil of a Thousand Tears (Tor 0-812-57234-3, Nov 2003, $7.99, 662pp, pb, cover by Keith Parkinson) [Pearl Saga] Reprint (Voyager 2002) fantasy novel, second in “The Pearl” series. An open market edition (same information) was scheduled for February 2003.
- LYNCH, DORIS (chron.)
- * *J.R.R. Tolkien: Creator of Languages and Legends (Scholastic/Franklin Watts 0-531-12253-0, 2003, $29.50, 127pp, hc) Young-adult biography of Tolkien. Part of the “Great Life Stories” series. Includes index. [Tolkien]
- LYNDS, GAYLE (Hallenbeck) (1950- ) (chron.)
- * _Mesmerized (HarperCollins UK 0-00-713101-1, Dec 2002, £6.99, 561pp, pb) Reprint (Pocket 2001) SF novel. A heart transplant imbues a woman with new abilities and memories.
- LYNN, ELIZABETH A(nne) (1946- ) (chron.)
- LYNN, TRACY (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Snow (Simon Pulse 0-689-85556-7, Feb 2003, $5.99, 259pp, pb, cover by Kinuko Y. Craft) Young-adult novel based on “Snow White”. Copyrighted by Elizabeth Braswell.
- LYONS, STEVE (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *The Micronauts: The Time Traveler Trilogy, Book 2 (ibooks 0-7434-7466-X, Aug 2003, $6.99, 286pp, pb, cover by Bob Larkin) [Micronauts: Time Traveler Trilogy] Novelization based on the toys. Packaged by Byron Preiss Visual Publications; copyrighted by Takara/Abrams Gentile Entertainment.
- * *The Micronauts: The Time Traveler Trilogy, Book I (ibooks 0-7434-5840-0, Apr 2003, $6.99, 286pp, pb, cover by Joseph Michael Linsner) [Micronauts: Time Traveler Trilogy] Novelization based on the toys. Packaged by Byron Preiss Visual Publications.
- * *X-Men: The Legacy Quest Trilogy (SFBC #19708, Oct 2003, $14.99, 661pp, hc, cover by David Rabbitte) [X-Men: Legacy Quest Trilogy] Omnibus of the three novelizations based on the comic-book characters, all 2002. Packaged by Byron Preiss Visual Publications; copyrighted by Marvel Characters. This has ISBN 0-7394-3735-6; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket. (Contents)
- * _X-Men: The Legacy Quest Trilogy: Book 1 (ibooks 0-7434-5848-6, Apr 2003, $6.99, 262pp, pb, cover by David Rabbitte) [X-Men: Legacy Quest Trilogy] Reprint (BP Books 2002) novelization based on the comic-book characters. Packaged by Byron Preiss Visual Publications; copyrighted by Marvel Characters.
- * _X-Men: The Legacy Quest Trilogy: Book 2 (ibooks/BP Books 0-7434-7444-9, Jun 2003, $6.99, 262pp, pb, cover by David Rabbitte) [X-Men: Legacy Quest Trilogy] Reprint (BP Books 2002) novelization based on the comic-book characters. Packaged by Byron Preiss Visual Publications; copyrighted by Marvel Characters.
- * _X-Men: The Legacy Quest Trilogy: Book 3 (ibooks/BP Books 0-7434-7519-4, Oct 2003, $6.99, 264pp, pb, cover by David Rabbitte) [X-Men: Legacy Quest Trilogy] Reprint (BP Books 2002, not seen) novelization based on the comic books. Packaged by Byron Preiss Visual Publications; copyrighted by Marvel Characters.
- McALLISTER, PETER (chron.)
- * +Cosmonaut (Penguin/Onyx 0-451-41076-9, Mar 2003, $7.50, 436pp, pb) Near-future SF thriller. An ex-astronaut turned cop aboard the International Space Station must stop a murderer determined to destroy the space station. A first novel. First US edition (Penguin Australia 2001).
- McAULEY, PAUL J. (1955- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Doctor Who Novellas: The Eye of the Tyger (Telos 1-903889-24-3, Nov 2003, £10.00, 84pp, hc) [Doctor Who] Novellazation based on the TV series, with a foreword by Neil Gaiman. A deluxe hardcover edition (-25-1, £25.00) with a frontispiece by Jim Burns, signed by McAuley, Gaiman, and Burns, is also available. A sold-out slipcased edition (80 copies) has extra plates and signatures by Walter Howarth, Andrew Skilleter, and Fred Gambino. Licensed by the BBC. Available from 61 Elgar Avenue, Tolworth, Surrey KT5 9JP.
- * _Whole Wide World (Tor 0-765-34027-5, Dec 2003, $7.99, 376pp, pb) Reprint (Voyager 2001) near-future SF thriller.
- McCAFFREY, ANNE (Inez) (1926- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Acorna’s Rebels (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough) (HarperCollins/Eos 0-380-97899-7, Feb 2003, $24.95, 308pp, hc, cover by John Ennis) [Acorna] SF novel based on a comic-book idea by McCaffrey, sixth in the “Acorna the Unicorn Girl” series.
- * _Acorna’s Rebels (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough) (SFBC #55407, Feb 2003, $12.99, 308pp, hc, cover by John Ennis) [Acorna] Reprint (Eos 2003) SF novel based on a comic-book idea by McCaffrey, sixth in the “Acorna the Unicorn Girl” series. This is similar to the Eos edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
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