The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2003
Books, Listed by Author
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- WALLACE, RICH (chron.)
- * *Restless (Viking 0-670-03605-6, Sep 2003, $15.99, 167pp, hc) Young-adult ghost novel. Herbie’s an athletic teen with a dead older brother keeping an eye on him.
- WALLACE, SEAN, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- WALLIS, JAMES (stories) (chron.)
- * *Warhammer: Mark of Damnation (Black Library 1-84154-279-2, Feb 2003, £5.99, 287pp, pb, cover by Chris Langley) [Warhammer] Fantasy novelization, set in the world of the roleplaying game.
- * *Warhammer: Mark of Heresy (BL Publishing/Black Library 1-84416-049-1, Dec 2003, £6.99, 415pp, pb, cover by Chris Langley) [Warhammer: Marks of Chaos] Novelization based on the roleplaying game universe, second in the “Marks of Chaos” series.
- * +Warhammer: The Mark of Damnation (Games Workshop/Black Library 0-7434-4350-0, Mar 2003, $6.95, 287pp, tp, cover by Clint Langley) [Warhammer] Novelization based on the fantasy roleplaying game. Copyrighted by Games Workshop. First US edition (Black Library UK 2/03).
- WALPOLE, [Sir] HUGH (Seymour) (1884-1941) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Tarnhelm, The Best Supernatural Stories of Hugh Walpole (Tartarus Press 1-872621-74-0, Mar 2003, £35.00, xiv+363pp, hc) Ghost/horror collection. Limited to 350 copies. (Contents) [Not seen]
- WALTERS, NICK (chron.)
- * *Doctor Who: Reckless Engineering (BBC Books 0-5634-8603-1, Apr 2003, £5.99, 270pp, pb) [Doctor Who: New Adventures] Novelization based on the TV series. Book 63 in the BBC “New Adventures” series.
- WALTON, EVANGELINE; [i.e., Evangeline Walton Ensley] (1907-1996); later as Evangeline Walton Ensley (chron.)
- * _The Mabinogion (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07538-4, Oct 2003, £8.99, 719pp, tp, cover by Alan Lee) [Mabinogion] Reprint (Overlook Press 2002 as The Mabinogion Tetralogy) omnibus of four novels retelling the Celtic myths of The Mabinogion: The Prince of Annwn (1974), The Children of Llyr (1971), The Song of Rhiannon (1972), and The Island of the Mighty (1936 as The Virgin and the Swine).
- * _The Mabinogion Tetralogy (Overlook Press 1-58567-504-0, Dec 2003, $24.95, 719pp, tp, cover by John McKirdy Duncan) [Mabinogion] Reprint (Overlook Press 2002) omnibus of the four novels retelling the Celtic myths of The Mabinogion: Prince of Annwn (1974), The Children of Llyr (1971), The Song of Rhiannon (1972), and The Island of the Mighty (1936 as The Virgin and the Swine).
- WALTON, JO (chron.)
- * *Tooth and Claw (Tor 0-765-30264-0, Nov 2003, $24.95, 253pp, hc, cover by Tristan Elwell) Fantasy novel in Victorian style, set in a world of dragons with churches, railroads, and country houses. Siblings fight after their father dies.
- WANDREI, DONALD (Albert) (1908-1987) (chron.)
- WANDREI, HOWARD (Elmer) (1909-1956) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Eerie Mr. Murphy (Fedogan & Bremer 1-878252-44-5, Jul 2003, $35.00, 425 + ix, hc, cover by Howard Wandrei) Collection of 29 stories, including 15 previously unpublished pieces. This is Volume II of “The Collected Fantasy Tales of Howard Wandrei”. Illustrated by Wandrei, with an additional 30-page “gallery” of his b&w drawings. Edited and with a preface and section introductions by D.H. Olson. A slipcased deluxe edition (-46-1, $105.00), with a companion chapbook of correspondence and diary entries, was announced but not seen. Available through Arkham House, PO Box 546, Sauk City WI 53583; []. (Contents) [ed: D. H. Olson]
- WANGERIN, WALTER, Jr. (1944- ) (chron.)
- * _The Book of the Dun Cow (HarperSanFrancisco 0-06-057460-7, Sep 2003, $13.95, 241pp, tp, cover by Laura Beers) Reprint (Harper & Row 1978) fantasy novel.
- * *Black Rust (NBM 1-56163-363-1, Oct 2003, $18.95, unpaginated, tp, cover by Chad Michael Ward) Art book, a gothic-erotic collection of computer-altered photographs and drawings of the denizens of a strange, futuristic world. Afterword by Tim Bradstreet.
- WARD, DAYTON (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Last World War (Pocket Star 0-7434-5789-7, Sep 2003, $7.99, 484pp, pb) SF novel. A conflict between two alien species comes to Earth.
- WARD, JEAN MARIE-PIERRE (stories) (chron.)
- WARDEN, MICHAEL D. (chron.)
- * *Gideon’s Dawn (Barbour Books 1-58660-725-1, Mar 2003, $14.99, 527pp, tp) [Pearlsong Refounding] Fantasy novel, the first volume of “The Pearlsong Refounding”. Texas grad student Gideon Dawning finds himself in a land controlled by magical languages of Creation and Destruction. A first novel. Barbour Publishing, PO Box 719, Uhrichsville OH 44683; [].
- WARHOLA, JAMES (chron.)
- * *Uncle Andy’s (Penguin/Putnam 0-399-23869-7, Apr 2003, $16.99, unpaginated, hc, cover by James Warhola) Associational semi-autobiographical children’s picture book of young James on a visit to his uncle, Andy Warhol.
- WARNEKE, SARA MARY (1957- ); see pseudonym Sara Douglass (stories) (chron.)
- WARRINGTON, FREDA (1956- ) (chron.)
- * *The Court of the Midnight King (Simon & Schuster/Pocket UK 0-7434-1567-1, Jun 2003, £7.99, 575pp, pb, cover by Ruby & Larry Rostant) Alternate-history fantasy novel of an England where the developing War of the Roses mirrors the battle between the Mother Goddess and the new patriarchal god.
- * _Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter (with Astre Mithrandir) (Wizarding World Press 0-9723936-1-7, Sep 2003, $24.95, 414pp, tp) Reissue (Wizarding World Press 2002) non-fiction guide to the first four books in the series, examining the plot for mysteries and possible clues to future developments. [Rowling]
- WATKINS, E. F. (chron.)
- WATSON, IAN (1943- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Miracle Visitors (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07503-1, Jun 2003, £9.99, 239pp, tp, cover by Chris Moore) Reprint (Gollancz 1978) SF novel. Gollancz SF Collector’s Edition.
- * +Miracle Visitors (Sterling Publishing/Gollancz 0-575-07503-1, Nov 2003, $14.95, 239pp, tp, cover by Chris Moore) SF novel. First US edition (Gollancz 1978); this is the Gollancz 6/03 “SF Collectors’ Edition” with a sticker, distributed in the US by Sterling Publishing, 387 Park Ave. S., New York NY 10016-8810; 800-805-5489; [].
- * *Mockymen (Golden Gryphon Press 1-930846-21-5, Oct 2003, $26.95, 324pp, hc, cover by Steve Montiglio) SF novel. Worldwide collapse is averted when aliens arrive, but they bring a drug that turns some humans into mindless dummies the aliens use as puppet bodies. Order from Golden Gryphon Press, 3002 Perkins Road, Urbana IL 61802; [].
- WATT-EVANS, LAWRENCE (1954- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Dragon Society (Tor 0-765-34054-2, Mar 2003, $6.99, 468pp, pb, cover by Bob Eggleton) [Obsidian Chronicles] Reprint (Tor 2001) fantasy novel, sequel to Dragon Weather.
- * *Dragon Venom (Tor 0-765-30279-9, Oct 2003, $25.95, 416pp, hc, cover by Bob Eggleton) [Obsidian Chronicles] Fantasy novel. Third in the “Obsidian Chronicles” series begun in Dragon Weather.
- * _Dragon Venom (SFBC #60772, Nov 2003, $12.99, 416pp, hc, cover by Bob Eggleton) [Obsidian Chronicles] Reprint (Tor 2003) fantasy novel. Third in the “Obsidian Chronicles” series begun in Dragon Weather. This is similar to the Tor edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Ithanalin’s Restoration (Tor 0-765-34055-0, Oct 2003, $6.99, 264pp, pb, cover by Daniel Horne) [Ethshar] Reprint (Tor 2002) fantasy novel in the “Ethshar” series.
- WAUGH, SYLVIA (1935?- ) (chron.)
- * _Earthborn (Red Fox 0-09-943847-X, Jul 2003, £4.99, 198pp, pb, cover by Tracey Hurst) [Ormingat] Reprint (Random House/Delacorte 2002) young-adult SF novel, second in the “Ormingat” series after Space Race.
- * *Who Goes Home? (The Bodley Head 0-370-32576-1, Jul 2003, £10.99, 213pp, hc, cover by Tracey Hurst) [Ormingat] Young-adult SF novel, last in the “Ormingat” trilogy.
- WEAVER, BEN (chron.)
- * *Patriots in Arms (HarperCollins/Eos 0-06-000626-9, Sep 2003, $6.99, 286pp, pb) [Brothers in Arms] Military SF novel, third in the series begun in Brothers in Arms featuring Scott St. Andrew.
- WEAVER, WILL (1950- ) (chron.)
- * _Memory Boy (HarperTrophy 0-06-440854-X, Mar 2003, $5.99, 230pp, pb) Reprint (HarperCollins 2001, not seen) young-adult near-future post-holocaust SF novel. A family flees the violence in Minneapolis after a chain of volcanic explosions leaves food and fuel scarce.
- WEBB, CATHERINE (chron.)
- WEBB, MAGGIE; see pseudonym Samantha Lee (chron.)
- WEBB, NICK (chron.)
- * *Wish You Were Here: The Official Biography of Douglas Adams (Hodder Headline 0-7553-1155-8, Oct 2003, £18.99, 370pp, hc) Biographical book. A trade paperback edition (-1166-3, £10.99) was announced but not seen. [Adams]
- WEBER, DAVID M. (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _1633 (with Eric Flint) (Baen 0-7434-7155-5, Jul 2003, $7.99, 673pp, pb, cover by Dru Blair) [1632] Reprint (Baen 2002) SF novel, sequel to Flint’s 1632.
- * *Crown of Slaves (with Eric Flint) (Baen 0-7434-7148-2, Sep 2003, $25.00, 505pp, hc, cover by David Mattingly) [Honor Harrington] SF novel, first in a series set in Weber’s “Honor Harrington” universe.
- * *Empire from the Ashes (Baen 0-7434-3593-1, Mar 2003, $25.00, 774pp, hc, cover by David Mattingly) [*Mutineers’ Moon] Omnibus of three novels in a series: Mutineers’ Moon (1991), The Armageddon Inheritance (1993), and Heirs of Empire (1996). (Contents)
- * _Empire from the Ashes (SFBC #57608, Jun 2003, $12.50, 774pp, hc, cover by David Mattingly) [*Mutineers’ Moon] Reprint (Baen 2003) omnibus of three novels in a series: Mutineers’ Moon (1991), The Armageddon Inheritance (1993), and Heirs of Empire (1996). This is similar to the Baen edition except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _The Shiva Option (with Steve White) (Baen 0-7434-7144-X, Aug 2003, $7.99, 753pp, pb, cover by David Mattingly) [In Death Ground] Reprint (Baen 2002) military SF novel, sequel to In Death Ground.
- * _War of Honor (Baen 0-7434-7167-9, Nov 2003, $7.99, 939pp, pb, cover by David Mattingly) [Honor Harrington] Reprint (Baen 2002) military SF novel, tenth in the “Honor Harrington” series.
- _____, ed.
- * *Worlds of Honor #4: The Service of the Sword (Baen 0-7434-3599-0, Apr 2003, $26.00, 490pp, hc, cover by David Mattingly) [Honor Harrington] Original anthology of six stories set in the “Honor Harrington” universe. Authors include Jane Lindskold, Timothy Zahn, and David Weber. (Contents)
- WEIN, ELIZABETH E. (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *A Coalition of Lions (Viking 0-670-03618-8, Apr 2003, $16.99, 210pp, hc, cover by Greg Spalenka) [Winter Prince] Associational YA Arthurian novel. After the death of Artos and his sons, Princess Goewin goes to Africa. Second in a series after The Winter Prince. Copyrighted by Elizabeth Gatland.
- * _The Winter Prince (Penguin/Firebird 0-14-250014-3, Mar 2003, $6.99, 202pp, pb, cover by Greg Spalenka) [Winter Prince] Reprint (Atheneum 1993) young-adult Arthurian fantasy.
- WEINBERG, ROBERT E(dward) (1946- ) (stories) (chron.)
- _____, ed.
- WEINER, STEPHEN (chron.)
- * *Faster Than a Speeding Bullet: The Rise of the Graphic Novel (NBM 1-56163-367-4, Dec 2003, $14.95, 64pp, hc, cover by Jeff Smith) Associational non-fiction on the history and development of graphic novels. Foreword by Will Eisner.
- WEIS, BOBBI J. G. (chron.)
- * *Charmed: Between Worlds (with Jacklyn Wilson) (Simon Pulse 0-689-85792-6, Sep 2003, $5.99, 201pp, pb) [Charmed] Young-adult novelization, the 20th based on the TV show about three witches. Copyrighted by Spelling Television.
- WEIS, MARGARET (Edith Baldwin) (1948- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _DragonLance Chronicles Part 1: A Rumor of Dragons (with Tracy Hickman) (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-3087-X, Jun 2003, $5.99, 243pp, tp, cover by Glen Angus) [DragonLance: Chronicles] Reprint (TSR 1984 as part of DragonLance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight) novelization, the first half of the first novel in the original “DragonLance Chronicles” series, repackaged for young readers. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- * _DragonLance Chronicles Part 2: Night of the Dragons (with Tracy Hickman) (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-3090-X, Jun 2003, $5.99, 239pp, tp, cover by Glen Angus) [DragonLance: Chronicles] Reprint (TSR 1984 as part of DragonLance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight) novelization, the second half of the first novel in the original “DragonLance Chronicles” series, repackaged for young readers. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- * _DragonLance Chronicles Part 3: The Nightmare Lands (with Tracy Hickman) (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-3093-4, Oct 2003, $5.99, 247pp, tp, cover by Glen Angus) [DragonLance: Chronicles] Reprint (TSR 1985 as part of DragonLance: Dragons of Winter Night) novelization, the first half of the second novel in the original “DragonLance Chronicles” series, repackaged for young readers. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- * _DragonLance Chronicles Part 4: To the Gates of Palanthas (with Tracy Hickman) (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-3096-9, Oct 2003, $5.99, 247pp, tp, cover by Glen Angus) [DragonLance: Chronicles] Reprint (TSR 1985 as part of DragonLance: Dragons of Winter Night) novelization, the second half of the second novel in the original “DragonLance Chronicles” series, repackaged for young readers. Copyrighted 2003 by Wizards of the Coast.
- * _DragonLance Chronicles Part 5: Hope’s Flame (with Tracy Hickman) (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-3099-3, Jan 2004, $5.99, 246pp, tp, cover by Glen Angus) [DragonLance: Chronicles] Reprint (TSR 1985 as part of DragonLance: Dragons of Spring Dawning) novelization, the first half of the third novel in the original “DragonLance Chronicles” series, repackaged for young readers. Copyrighted 2004 by Wizards of the Coast.
- * _DragonLance: Dragons of a Vanished Moon (with Tracy Hickman) (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-2950-2, Mar 2003, $7.99, 610pp, pb, cover by Matt Stawicki) [DragonLance: War of Souls] Reprint (Wizards of the Coast 2002) fantasy novelization, based on the roleplaying games, volume three of “The War of Souls” trilogy. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- * _DragonLance: Dragons of Spring Dawning (with Tracy Hickman) (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-3070-5, Nov 2003, $27.95, 342pp, hc, cover by Matt Stawicki) [DragonLance: Chronicles] Reprint (TSR 1985) novelization, second in the original “DragonLance Chronicles” series. Copyrighted 1985 by TSR, 2003 by Wizards of the Coast.
- * _DragonLance: Dragons of Winter Night (with Tracy Hickman) (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-3067-5, Jul 2003, $27.95, 361pp, hc, cover by Matthew Stawicki) [DragonLance: Chronicles] Reprint (TSR 1985) novelization, second in the original “DragonLance Chronicles” series. Copyrighted 1985 by TSR, 2003 by Wizards of the Coast.
- * _DragonLance: The Annotated Legends (with Tracy Hickman) (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-2992-8, Sep 2003, $34.95, 1190pp, hc, cover by Christophe Vacher) [DragonLance: Legends] Reprint (TSR 1988 as DragonLance Legends) omnibus of the three novelizations in the original “DragonLance Legends” series: Time of the Twins (1986), War of the Twins (1986), and Test of the Twins (1986), with extensive new annotations. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- * *Journey into the Void (with Tracy Hickman) (HarperCollins/Eos 0-06-105178-0, Aug 2003, $25.95, 484pp, hc, cover by Larry Elmore) [Sovereign Stone] Fantasy novel, the third book of the “Sovereign Stone” trilogy.
- * _Journey into the Void (with Tracy Hickman) (SFBC #00964, Sep 2003, $12.99, 484pp, hc, cover by Larry Elmore) [Sovereign Stone] Reprint (Eos 2003) fantasy novel, third book of the “Sovereign Stone” trilogy. This is similar to the Eos edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Journey into the Void (with Tracy Hickman) (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-00-224751-8, Sep 2003, £12.99, ii+484pp, tp, cover by Martin McKenna) [Sovereign Stone] Reprint (Eos 2003) fantasy novel, the third volume in “The Sovereign Stone” trilogy.
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