The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2003
Books, Listed by Author
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- BALDWIN, BILL (chron.) (continued)
- * _The Helmsman (Timberwolf Press 1-58752-150-4, Jun 2003, $26.95, 316pp, hc) [Helmsman] Reprint (Popular Library Questar 1985 as by Merl Baldwin) SF novel, first in “The Helmsman” series. This is a revised “Director’s Cut” edition.
- BALDWIN, STANLEY P. (chron.)
- * *J.R.R. Tolkien (Barnes & Noble/SparkNotes 1-58663-843-2, 2003, $9.95, 207pp, hc) Non-fiction, reference, a readers’ guide to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, with a brief biography of Tolkien and index. This is #5 in “The Library of Great Authors”. [Tolkien]
- BALFOUR, BRUCE J. (chron.)
- * *The Digital Dead (Ace 0-441-01084-9, Aug 2003, $6.99, 376pp, pb, cover by Craig White) [Tau Wolfsinger; Kate McCloud] SF novel, sequel to The Forge of Mars. Tau Wolfsinger and Kate McCloud are back on Earth, caught up in a plot involving the presidency and virtual immortality.
- BALL, MARGARET (Elizabeth) (1947- ) (stories) (chron.)
- BALLARD, J(ames) G(raham) (1930-2009) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _High-Rise (HarperCollins/Flamingo 0-00-716297-9, Apr 2003, £6.99, 198pp, tp) Reprint (Jonathan Cape 1975) literary SF novel. A “Flamingo Seventies Classic”.
- * *Millennium People (HarperCollins/Flamingo 0-00-225848-X, Sep 2003, £16.99, 294pp, hc) Associational novel of terrorists targeting the middle classes in London.
- BANKER, ASHOK K. (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Prince of Ayodhya (Time Warner UK/Orbit 1-84149-186-1, Feb 2003, £6.99, 532pp, pb, cover by blacksheep) [Ramayana] Fantasy novel, the first book of “The Ramayana” series based on the ancient epic of India.
- * +Prince of Ayodhya (Warner Aspect 0-446-53092-1, Aug 2003, $24.95, 389pp, hc, cover by Paul Gregory) [Ramayana] Fantasy novel, volume one of “The Ramayana”. The demon-lord Ravana attacks Ayodhya after 20 years of peace. First US edition (Orbit 2/03)
- * *Siege of Mithila (Time Warner UK/Orbit 1-84149-198-5, Sep 2003, £6.99, 531pp, pb, cover by blacksheep) [Ramayana] Fantasy novel, second in “The Ramayana”, a retelling of the ancient Indian epic.
- BANKS, IAIN (Menzies) (1954- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _The Bridge (Time Warner UK/Abacus 0-349-10215-5, 2003, £7.99, 386pp, tp) Reissue (Macmillan UK 1986) bizarre literary novel.
- * _The Business (Time Warner UK/Abacus 0-349-11245-2, 2003, £7.99, 393pp, tp) Reissue (Little, Brown UK 1999) associational novel.
- * _Canal Dreams (Time Warner UK/Abacus 0-349-10171-X, 2003, £7.99, 275pp, tp) Reissue (Macmillan UK 1989) associational novel.
- * _Complicity (Time Warner UK/Abacus 0-349-10571-5, 2003, £7.99, 313pp, tp) Reissue (Little, Brown UK 1993) associational novel.
- * _The Crow Road (Time Warner UK/Abacus 0-349-10323-2, 2003, £7.99, 501pp, tp) Reissue (Scribners UK 1992) associational novel.
- * _Dead Air (Time Warner UK/Abacus 0-349-11664-4, Jul 2003, £7.99, 436pp, tp) Reprint (Little, Brown UK 2002) associational novel.
- * _Espedair Street (Time Warner UK/Abacus 0-349-10214-7, 2003, £7.99, 362pp, tp) Reissue (Macmillan UK 1987) associational novel.
- * _Walking on Glass (Time Warner UK/Abacus 0-349-10178-7, 2003, £7.99, 341pp, tp) Reissue (Macmillan UK 1985) mainstream novel with elements of SF and horror.
- * _The Wasp Factory (Time Warner UK/Abacus 0-349-10177-9, 2003, £7.99, 244pp, tp) Reissue (Macmillan UK 1984) horror novel.
- * _Whit (Time Warner UK/Abacus 0-349-10768-8, 2003, £7.99, 455pp, tp) Reissue (Little, Brown UK 1995) associational novel.
- BANKS, L. A.; pseudonym of Leslie Esdale-Banks (chron.)
- * *The Awakening (St. Martin’s Griffin 0-312-31683-6, Jan 2004, $12.95, 258pp, tp) [Vampire Huntress Legends] Vampire novel, second in the “Vampire Huntress Legends” series. The author also writes as Leslie E. Banks, both pen names for Leslie Esdaile Banks.
- * *Minion (St. Martin’s Griffin 0-312-31680-1, Jun 2003, $12.95, 276pp, tp, cover by Vince Natale) [Vampire Huntress Legends] Vampire novel, first in the “Vampire Huntress Legends” series. A recording artist fights vampires threatening her record company. The author also writes as Leslie E. Banks, both pen names for Leslie Esdale-Banks.
- * _Minion (SFBC #58541, Aug 2003, $11.99, 276pp, hc, cover by Vince Natale) [Vampire Huntress Legends] Reprint (St. Martin’s Griffin 2003) vampire novel.
- BANKS, T. F.; pseudonym of Sean Russell & Ian Dennis (chron.)
- * *The Emperor’s Assassin (Dell 0-440-24084-0, Jun 2003, $6.50, 321pp, pb) [Memoirs of a Bow Street Runner] Associational mystery, second in the “Memoirs of a Bow Street Runner” series. Banks is a pen name for Sean Russell & Ian Dennis.
- BANTOCK, NICK; [i.e., Nicholas Bantock] (1949- ) (chron.)
- BARCLAY, JAMES (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Chronicles of the Raven 1 (SFBC #58928, Sep 2003, $14.99, 828pp, hc, cover by r. k. post) [Chronicles of the Raven] Omnibus of the first two fantasy novels in the “Chronicles of the Raven”: Dawnthief (1999) and Noonshade (2000). This is the first US appearance for Noonshade (Gollancz). This has ISBN 0-7434-3603-1; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket. (Contents)
- * _Dawnthief (Gollancz 0-575-07534-1, Jul 2003, £6.99, 527pp, pb, cover by Fred Gambino) [Chronicles of the Raven] Reprint (Gollancz 1999) fantasy novel. Book 1 of “Chronicles of the Raven”.
- * _Elfsorrow (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07398-5, Jul 2003, £6.99, 483pp, pb, cover by Laura Brett) [Legends of the Raven] Reprint (Gollancz 2002) fantasy novel. First book of the “Legends of the Raven”, fourth in the overall “Raven” series.
- * *Light Stealer (PS Publishing 1-902880-62-5, Mar 2003, £25.00, 89pp, hc) Fantasy novella, set 300 years previous to the novels of “The Raven”. Introduction by Stan Nicholls. This is a signed, limited edition of 300; a signed trade paperback edition of 500 (-61-7, £8.00) is also available. PS Publishing, Hamilton House, 4 Park Avenue, Harrogate HG2 9BQ, UK; [].
- * _Nightchild (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07300-4, Jul 2003, £6.99, 527pp, pb, cover by Laura Brett) [Chronicles of The Raven] Reissue (Gollancz 2001) fantasy novel. Book three of “Chronicles of The Raven”.
- * _Noonshade (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07535-X, Jul 2003, £6.99, 484pp, pb, cover by Laura Brett) [Chronicles of The Raven] Reprint (Gollancz 2000) fantasy novel. Book two of “Chronicles of The Raven”.
- * *Shadowheart (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07331-4, Jul 2003, £10.99, 421pp, tp, cover by Laura Brett) [Legends of the Raven] Fantasy novel, the second in the “Legends of the Raven” subseries, fifth in the overall “Raven” series. A hardcover edition (-07330-6, £17.99) was announced but not seen.
- * +Shadowheart (Sterling Publishing/Gollancz 0-575-07331-4, Nov 2003, $14.95, 421pp, tp) [Legends of the Raven] Fantasy novel, second in the “Legends of the Raven” subseries, fifth in the overall “Raven” series. This is the Gollancz 7/03 edition with a sticker, distributed in the US by Sterling Publishing, 387 Park Ave. S., New York NY 10016-8810; 800-805-5489; [].
- BARKER, CLIVE (1952- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Abarat (HarperTrophy 0-06-440733-0, Oct 2003, $11.99, 391 + xxv, tp, cover by Clive Barker) [Books of Abarat] Reprint (HarperCollins UK; Cotler 2002) young-adult fantasy novel, first of four in “The Books of Abarat”.
- * *Clive Barker’s Tapping the Vein (Checker Book Publishing 0-9710249-3-6, Nov 2002, $21.95, unpaginated, tp) Graphic novel/collection of adaptations of nine stories by Barker, originally published as individual comics in Eclipse’s “Tapping the Vein” series. Introduction by Mark Thompson. This is dated 2002 but not seen until now; a leatherbound limited edition of 666 was announced but not seen.
- * _Rare Flesh (with David Armstrong) See entry under David Armstrong.
- BARLOW, STEVE (chron.)
- BARNES, JOHN (Allen) (1957- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *In the Hall of the Martian King (Warner Aspect 0-446-61083-6, Jun 2003, $6.99, 294pp, pb, cover by Matt Stawicki) [Jak Jinnaka] SF novel, third in the series begun in The Duke of Uranium. Jak’s diplomatic career is challenged when a document with devastating secrets is discovered on Mars.
- * _The Sky So Big and Black (Tor 0-765-34222-7, Oct 2003, $6.99, 317pp, pb, cover by Vince Natale) [Orbital Resonance] Reprint (Tor 2002) SF novel in the sequence begun in Orbital Resonance.
- BARNES, STEVEN; [i.e., Stephen Emory Barnes] (1952- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _The Barsoom Project (with Larry Niven) See entry under Larry Niven.
- * _Blood Brothers (Tor 0-812-54807-8, Jul 2003, $6.99, 405pp, pb) Reissue (Tor 1996) dark fantasy novel of ancient African sorcery and contemporary racism. Second printing.
- * _Charisma (Tor 0-812-56896-6, Jul 2003, $6.99, 451pp, pb, cover by Shane Rebenschied) Reprint (Tor 2002) SF thriller.
- * _Dream Park (with Larry Niven) See entry under Larry Niven.
- * _Lion’s Blood (Warner Aspect 0-446-61221-9, Feb 2003, $6.99, 602pp, pb, cover by Jean-Paul Tipples) [*Lion’s Blood] Reprint (Warner Aspect 2002) alternate history SF novel.
- * *Zulu Heart (Warner Aspect 0-446-53122-7, Mar 2003, $24.95, 463pp, hc, cover by Craig Nelson) [*Lion’s Blood] Alternate history SF novel, sequel to Lion’s Blood. The threat of war between Egypt’s Pharaoh and Ethiopia’s Empress has repercussions in the Africa-colonized New World.
- BARNETT, PAUL (Le Page) (1949- ); see pseudonym John Grant (stories) (chron.)
- BARON, MIKE (chron.)
- BARR, MARLEEN S(andra) (1953- ) (stories) (chron.)
- _____, ed.
- * *Envisioning the Future: Science Fiction and the Next Millennium (Wesleyan University Press 0-8195-6652-7, Sep 2003, $22.95, 205 + xxi, tp, cover by Mandy Sand) Anthology of six SF stories, two original, and seven essays about SF. A hardcover edition (-6651-9, $65.00) was announced but not seen. Order from University Press of New England, Order Department, 37 Lafayette Street, Lebanon NH 03766-1405; 800-421-1561; []. (Contents)
- BARR, MIKE W. (chron.)
- * *Star Trek: Gemini (Pocket 0-7434-0074-7, Feb 2003, $6.99, 297pp, pb) [Star Trek] Star Trek novelization. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures.
- BARRIE, [Sir] JAMES M(atthew), Bart. (1860-1937) (chron.)
- * _Peter Pan (with Michael Hague) (Holt 0-8050-7245-4, Oct 2003, $19.95, 159pp, hc, cover by Michael Hague) [Peter Pan] Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1911) children’s fantasy novel. This 100th anniversary edition has the illustrations by Michael Hague from the 1987 Holt edition.
- * _Peter Pan (Tor/Starscape 0-765-34719-9, Oct 2003, $5.99, 221pp, tp, cover by Charles Vess) [Peter Pan] Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1911) children’s fantasy novel. Illustrated by Charles Vess. A hardcover edition (-30809-6, $15.95) is also available.
- * _Peter Pan (HarperFestival 0-06-055412-6, Nov 2003, $9.99, 233pp, hc, cover by Hala Wittwer) [Peter Pan] Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1911) children’s fantasy novel, packaged with a charm. This is a “Charming Classics Deluxe Edition”.
- * _Peter Pan (HarperFestival 0-06-056307-9, Nov 2003, $4.99, 233pp, tp) [Peter Pan] Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1911) children’s fantasy novel. This is a movie tie-in edition with an unpaginated eight-page insert of color stills from the movie.
- BARRON, T(om) A. (chron.)
- * _The Ancient One (Tor 0-812-53654-1, Apr 2003, $5.99, 339pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) Reissue (Philomel 1992) YA fantasy novel. Seventh printing.
- * _Heartlight (Ace 0-441-01032-6, Mar 2003, $6.99, 242pp, pb, cover by Yvonne Gilbert) Reprint (Philomel 1990) science fantasy novel of quantum physics and psychic powers.
- * _The Merlin Effect (Tor 0-812-55169-9, Apr 2003, $5.99, 254pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) Reissue (Putnam/Philomel 1994) young-adult Arthurian fantasy about a modern girl and a sunken treasure ship. Fourth printing.
- * _The Wings of Merlin (Ace 0-441-01024-5, Feb 2003, $5.99, 271pp, tp, cover by Mike Wimmer) [Lost Years of Merlin] Reprint (Philomel 2000) young-adult Arthurian fantasy novel, fifth and final volume in “The Lost Years of Merlin” series.
- BARRY, MAX (chron.)
- * *Jennifer Government (Doubleday 0-385-50759-3, Jan 2003, $19.95, 321pp, hc) Near-future satirical thriller set in a world run by American corporations, where employees take the company name as their surnames. Hack Nike takes a bad contract and ends up pursued by agent Jennifer Government.
- * _Jennifer Government (Time Warner UK/Abacus 0-349-11598-2, Jul 2003, £9.99, 335pp, tp) Reprint (Doubleday 2003) satirical SF novel set in a future where companies dominate the world. A scheme to increase shoe sales by killing those who wear them sets agent Jennifer Government on the trail.
- BARRY, MICHAEL, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- * *Elsewhere: An Anthology of Incredible Places (CSFG Publishing 0-958139-01-6, Oct 2003, A$16.95, 218pp, tp, cover by Les Petersen) Original anthology of 26 stories about fantastic places by Australian authors. Published by the Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild. Authors include Maxine McArthur, Cory Daniells, and Richard Harland. Available from CSFG Publishing, PO Box 89, Latham ACT 2615, Australia. (Contents)
- BARTLE, LISA R. (chron.)
- BARUTH, PHILIP (chron.)
- * *The X President (Bantam 0-553-80294-1, Nov 2003, $11.95, 369pp, tp) Near-future time-travel SF novel. A biographer in 2055 is asked to literally change the history of a charismatic but blundering ex-president from Arkansas (initials BC).
- BARZAK, CHRISTOPHER (Michael), ed. (1975- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- BASSHAM, GREGORY, ed. (chron.)
- * *The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy: One Book to Rule Them All (with Eric Bronson) (Carus Publishing/Open Court 0-8126-9545-3, Aug 2003, $17.95, 240pp, tp) Non-fiction, critical, a gathering of 16 essays on philosophical aspects of LotR including morality, the quest for happiness, and good vs. evil. An index is included. This is the fifth volume in the series “Popular Culture and Philosophy”. [Tolkien]
- BATES, BRIAN (chron.)
- * *The Real Middle Earth (St. Martin’s/Palgrave Macmillan 1-4039-6319-3, Oct 2003, $24.95, 292 + xi, hc) Non-fiction look at Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and its roots in history and legend, subtitled “Exploring the Magic and Mystery of the Middle Ages, J.R.R. Tolkien, and ‘The Lord of the Rings’”. Includes notes, index, and 12 pages of color photos. First US edition (Sidgwick & Jackson 2002). [Tolkien]
- BAUM, L(yman) FRANK (1856-1919) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (with Michael Hague) (Holt 0-8050-3822-1, Oct 2003, $19.95, 171pp, hc, cover by Michael Hague) Reprint (Bowen Merrill 1902) story of Santa Claus. Illustrated by Michael Hague.
- BAUM, ROGER S(tanton) (1938- ) (chron.)
- * _Lion of Oz and the Badge of Courage (Overmountain Press 1-57072-255-2, Oct 2003, $24.95, 247pp, hc, cover by Sean Coons) [Oz] Reprint (Yellow Brick Road Publishers 1995) young-adult fantasy novel based on L. Frank Baum’s Oz, written by his great-grandson, a prequel to Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Full-color illustrations by Sean Coons. Available from The Overmountain Press, PO Box 1261, Johnson City TN 37605; 800-992-2691.
- BAXENDALE, TREVOR (stories) (chron.)
- * *Doctor Who: Fear of the Dark (BBC Books 0-563-53865-1, Jan 2003, £5.99, 275pp, pb) [Doctor Who: Missing Adventures] Novelization based on the TV series. Book 58 in the BBC “Missing Adventures” series starring the 5th Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa.
- BAXTER, STEPHEN M(ichael) (1957- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Coalescent (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07423-X, Oct 2003, £17.99, 473pp, hc) [*Xeelee: Destiny’s Children] SF novel, the first in the “Destiny’s Children” trilogy. An ancient order of women in Rome may hold the key to humanity’s future. A trade paperback (export only) edition (-07424-8, £12.99) was announced but not seen.
- * +Coalescent (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-45785-4, Dec 2003, $25.95, 485pp, hc, cover by David Stevenson) [*Xeelee: Destiny’s Children] SF novel, book one of “Destiny’s Children”. A man discovers he’s linked to a cult in Rome that may have a unique genetic heritage. First US edition (Gollancz 10/03).
- * +Evolution (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-45782-X, Feb 2003, $25.95, 581pp, hc, cover by Ashley Wood) SF novel tracing the course of human evolution from early primates to post-humans. First US edition (Gollancz 11/02).
- * _Evolution (SFBC #55606, Feb 2003, $12.99, 567pp, hc, cover by Ashley Wood) Reprint (Gollancz 2002) SF novel. This is similar to the Del Rey edition, except it has ISBN 0-7394-3179-X, lacks a price, and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Evolution (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07409-4, Aug 2003, £6.99, 762pp, pb) Reprint (Gollancz 2002) SF novel following evolution from primates to post-humans.
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