The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Title
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- The Red Wind Al Sarrantonio (nv)
- Red Wine Fredric Brown (pm)
- Red Wings Josepha Sherman (ss)
- The Red Witch Nictzin Dyalhis (nv)
- The Red Witchs Call John Maclay (ss)
- Red Wizard, Nancy Springer Carolyn Cushman (br)
- Red Wolf Bob Buckley (nv)
- Red Wolfs Daughter and Bloody Chiefs Son Jessica Amanda Salmonson (ss)
- The Red Woollen Necktie B. M. Croker (ss)
- The Red World and the Blue Ben Bova (ss)
- Red Xmas David Almandine (ss)
- Red Zone Brian Hodge (ss)
- Red, Hot and Dark Charles Stross (nv)
- A Red, Red Rose Ruth Cameron (ss)
- Red-Bellied Ghosts Myrna Elana (ss)
- Red-Eye Madeleine Cary (ss)
- The Red-Eyed Thing Jere Cunningham (ss)
- The Red-Haired Girl Sabine Baring-Gould (ss)
- Red-Hot and Hunted! Fredric Brown (nv)
- A Red-Letter Scheme Mike Resnick (ss)
- Red-Peach-Blossom Inlet Kenneth Morris (ss)
- Redapple Timothy Steven Nickels (ss)
- Redbeard Gene Wolfe (ss)
- Redcap Lisa Tuttle (ss)
- The Reddleman Lee Ballentine (pm)
- A Rede of Storm Clouds Gathering t. Winter-Damon (pm)
- Redecorating Lisa Lepovetsky (pm)
- ...Redeem My Soul from the Power of the Grave... James B. Johnson & A. R. Morlan (ss)
- Redeemer Gregory Benford (ss)
- The Redeemer John Kenny (ss)
- Redeemers Riddle Stephen L. Burns (nv)
- Redefining Horror Through SF Michael J. Brutvan (ed)
- Redemption Steven Blau (ss)
- Redemption Jack Ketchum (ss)
- Redemption Sean Erik Ponce (vi)
- The Redemption Center W. P. Kinsella (ss)
- Redemption in the Quantum Realm Frederik Pohl (ss)
- Redemption Inc. Gary A. Braunbeck (nv)
- The Redemption of August Thomas E. Purdom (nv)
- Redemption of Light, Kathleen M. ONeal Carolyn Cushman (br)
- The Redemption of Pop Gee A. R. Morlan (ss)
- The Redemption of Silky Bill Sarah Zettel (ss)
- Redemption Trail Carl Jacobi (ss)
- Redemption, Resurrection and The Priest Tim Lebbon (ss)
- Redferns Labyrinth Robert Sheckley (ss)
- The Redhead Isaac Asimov (ss)
- A Redheaded Man Peter Taylor (pl)
- The Rediscovery of Man: Complete Short, Cordwainer Smith Gary K. Wolfe (br)
- The Rediscovery of Tutankhamens Tomb Terry Dowling (ss)
- Rediscovery, Marion Zimmer Bradley & Mercedes Lackey Carolyn Cushman (br)
- Redman Rick Hautala (ss)
- Redmond Kenneth Schulze (nv)
- Rednecks Who Kill Zombies, on the Next Geraldo Chris B. Lacher & Marc Paoletti (ss)
- Redonda: The Question of Sovereignty Jon Wynne-Tyson (ar)
- Reds and Whites J. N. Williamson (ex)
- Redshift Rendezvous, John E. Stith Dan Chow (br)
- Redshift Rendezvous, John E. Stith Tom Whitmore (br)
- Redshift Runaway John E. Stith (ss)
- Reduced to Pieces Wayne Edwards (pm)
- Reductio Ad Absurdum Dan Thompson (ss)
- Reduction Gregory Frost & John Kessel (ss)
- Reduction in Staff Samuel Wilson (ss)
- Reduction of the Poetry State Vector Marianne J. Dyson (pm)
- Redundant Dorothy K. Haynes (ss)
- Redux Julie A. Stevens (ss)
- Redwood Coast Roamer Gene Wolfe (gp)
- Redwork, Michael Bédard Carolyn Cushman (br)
- Redworld, Charles L. Harness Dan Chow (br)
- The Reeand Barbara Johnson-Haddad (pm)
- Reeces Chair Chet Williamson (ss)
- The Reed Girl Joan Aiken (ss)
- Reed John-Paul Forever Steve Antczak (ss)
- Reef Apes Dave Smeds (nv)
- The Reef Builders Terry Bisson (rr)
- The Reef Builders Karen Joy Fowler (rr)
- The Reef Builders Rosaleen Love (rr)
- The Reef Builders Maureen F. McHugh (rr)
- Reefsong, Carol Severance Carolyn Cushman (br)
- Reel Review Carol Rivkins (mr)
- Reel Reviews Don Lee (mr)
- Reel Reviews Carol Rivkins (mr)
- The Reel Stuff Jessica Horsting (mr)
- The Reel Stuff, ed. Brian Thomsen & Martin H. Greenberg Edward Bryant (br)
- The Reel Stuff: A Witchin Summer Jessica Horsting (mr)
- The Reel Stuff: Dog Days Jessica Horsting (mr)
- The Reel Stuff: Equally Good Things That Are Not Quite Interchangeable Brian M. Thomsen (in)
- The Reel Stuff: The Good, the Bad and the Maybes Jessica Horsting (mr)
- The Reel Stuff: The Notorious Independents Jessica Horsting (mr)
- The Reencounter Isaac Bashevis Singer (ss)
- The Refearence Shelf various (br)
- Reference Guide to Science Ficiton, Fantasy, and Horror, Michael Burgess Gary K. Wolfe (br)
- The Reference Library Thomas A. Easton (br)
- The Reference Library Susan M. Shwartz (br)
- The Reference Shelf Gary Lovisi (br)
- References Misc. (bi)
- References and Acknowledgements Arthur C. Clarke (ms)
- Referents Robert Frazier (pm)
- Refill John Maclay (pm)
- Reflected Marcy Robin (pm)
- Reflected Glory Paul Kupperberg (nv)
- Reflected Light Nina Kiriki Hoffman (ss)
- Reflection David Case (nv)
- Reflection John Grey (pm)
- Reflection Jacie Ragan (pm)
- Reflection and Insight John Morressy (ss)
- Reflection Characters Dorothy Deering (cl)
- Reflection in a Window Ronald Anthony Cross (ss)
- Reflection in the Eye of a Crow Kathleen Alcalá (ss)
- Reflection of a Madman Kristin Kirby (pm)
- A Reflection of Ghosts Peter Tremayne (bg)
- The Reflection of Narcissus and How It Applies to Shelleys Frankenstein and Lovecrafts The Outsider Forrest Allen Jackson (ar)
- A Reflection on the Apollo Moon Missions Robert Frazier (pm)
- The Reflection Once Removed Scott Bradfield (ss)
- Reflections Peter Baker (pm)
- Reflections Angela Carter (nv)
- Reflections Corbin M. Gill (ss)
- Reflections Jeffrey Goddin (ss)
- Reflections Eugene R. Gryniewicz (pm)
- reflections Barry Hammond (pm)
- Reflections Ray Russell (ss)
- Reflections Robert Silverberg (cl)
- Reflections Harry E. Turner (ss)
- Reflections Dayton Ward (nv)
- Reflections and Refractions: Thoughts on Science-Fiction, Science, and Other Matters, Robert Silverberg Gary K. Wolfe (br)
- Reflections for the Winter of My Soul Karl Edward Wagner (na)
- Reflections in a Beer Glass Brian C. Taylor (pm)
- Reflections in a Deep-Space Hull David Lunde (pm)
- Reflections in a Magnetic Mirror Kevin J. Anderson & Doug Beason (ss)
- Reflections in an Empty Pool Steve Carper (ss)
- Reflections in Period Glass Scott M. Azmus (ss)
- Reflections in the Afternoon Alrene Hughes (ss)
- Reflections of a Former Self Bruce Boston (vi)
- Reflections of a Kept Ape Ian McEwan (ss)
- Reflections of a Speciman Mac Tonnies (ss)
- Reflections of a Subtle Dementia James B. Burroughs (ss)
- Reflections of a Thinker High on Wonder David Sol (ed)
- Reflections of an Ambulance Orderly Olaf Stapledon (ar)
- Reflections of an Egyptian Princess While Being Interred Edith Ogutsch (pm)
- The Reflections of Ghosts Jeffrey Thomas (ss)
- Reflections of Misery Cathy Buburuz (ss)
- Reflections of the Past R. Brent Powell (ss)
- Reflections of Youth David R. Addleman (ss)
- Reflections on a Painting by Seurat Keith Allen Daniels (pm)
- Reflections on an Operating Table Mark Blickley (ss)
- Reflections on Censorship Piers Anthony (ar)
- Reflections on Earth from the Moon Dana Cunningham (ss)
- Reflections on Life and Death Kristine Kathryn Rusch (ss)
- Reflections on my Life Stanislaw Lem (ar)
- Reflections on the Fantastic Marjorie Agosin (in)
- Reflections on the French Revolution Rick D. Stuart (ss)
- Reflections on Yarbros False Dawn James A. Lee (br)
- Reflections:
___ The Ablative Absolute Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Alive As You and Me Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ ...And Then There Were Six Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Audience Grows Older Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Campbell, Boucher, Gold Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Case of the Radioactive Goat Cheese Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Coming Attractions Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Contest Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Crime and Punishment Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Crimes of My Youth Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Dem Bones, Dem Bones Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Dinosaur in the Living Room Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Extinct Again Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Glimpses of the Future Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Gods Almighty Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Gold Doesnt Smell Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Gold-Digging Ants of the Lost Plateau Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Gourmet to Go Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Great Whale Hunt Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Greshams Law and SF Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Greshams Law Continued Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Handprints on the Wall Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Hast Seen the White Whale? Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The International Language Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Last of the Codfish Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Memories of a Curious Childhood Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Millennium Is Almost Here Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Moon Is a Sexy Geisha Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Mutant Seaweed Engulfs the Mediterranean Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ My New Software Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Not the Book Review Column Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Old Enough to Vote Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Power of Words Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Power of Words (Part Two) Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Realm of Prester John Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Roger and John Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Science-Fictionization of Everything Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Sense of an Ending Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Ships That Sail to Mars (Part One) Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Ships That Sail to Mars (Part Two) Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Six Trillion Miles High Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ A Species Saved Is a Species Earned Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Tarzan at the Earths Core Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ To Clone or Not to Clone Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ The Twentieth Century Battery Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Voyage to the Far Side of the Moon (Part 1) Robert Silverberg (cl)
___ Voyage to the Far Side of the Moon (Part 2) Robert Silverberg (cl)
- The Reflex-Man in Whinnymuir Close Russell Kirk (nv)
- The Reformation of St. Jules Algernon Blackwood (ss)
- Reformed John Gregory Betancourt (na)
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