The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- SCOTT, MICHAEL (stories) (continued)
- * *Demon’s Law (Sphere 0-7221-7776-3, Apr ’88, £3.99, 294pp, tp) [Tales of the Bard] Fantasy novel. Volume 2 in the “Tales of the Bard” series.
- * +Gemini Game (Holiday House 0-8234-1092-7, Oct ’94 [Sep ’94], $14.95, 159pp, hc, cover by Jeff Fisher) Young-adult SF novel about two 21st-Century virtual reality game designers who enter their own creation to find out who is sabotaging it. First American edition (O’Brien Press 1993).
- * *The Hallows (Signet Creed 0-45-118379-7, Jun ’95, £4.99, 354pp, pb, cover by Bill Gregory) Horror novel. The most powerful talismans of Britain, the thirteen Hallows, have been carefully kept apart by their Guardians. Now the Guardians are being murdered, and the power of the talismans is being used by a growing force of darkness.
- * *Image (Sphere 0-7474-0884-X, Dec ’91, £4.99, 370pp, pb) Horror novel.
- * *Imp (Warner UK 0-7515-0156-5, Dec ’93, £4.99, 314pp, pb) Horror novel about a series of sadistic occult killings.
- * *Irish Folk & Fairy Tales Omnibus (Sphere 0-7474-0451-8, Aug ’89, £5.99, 647pp, pb, cover by Brian Froud) Omnibus of Irish myths and legends. (Contents)
- * *Irish Ghosts and Hauntings (Warner UK 0-7515-0154-9, May ’94, £5.99, 279pp, tp, cover by Brian Froud) Original ghost/horror collection. Based on the rich and textured myths of Ireland. Announced as Irish Ghosts and Ghouls. (Contents)
- * *The Last of the Fianna (Pied Piper 0-416-95920-2, Apr ’87 [1987], £5.95, 112pp, hc) Juvenile fantasy novel. [Not seen]
- * _The Last of the Fianna (Magnet 0-416-07812-5, Apr ’88, £1.75, 111pp, pb) Reprint (Pied Piper 1987) young-adult fantasy novel based on Irish legends.
- * *Magician’s Law (Sphere 0-7221-7775-5, May ’87, £3.50, 305pp, tp) [Tales of the Bard] Fantasy Novel. Volume 1 of “Tales of the Bard”.
- * *Navigator (with Gloria Gaghan) (Methuen 0-413-17350-X, Mar ’88, £3.95, 202pp, tp) Historical fantasy novel.
- * *Reflection (Warner UK 0-7515-0047-X, Dec ’92 [Nov ’92], £4.99, 378pp, pb) Erotic horror novel about a mirror with horrifying properties.
- * _Silverhand: The Arcana Bk. I (with Morgan Llywelyn) See entry under Morgan Llywelyn.
- SCOTT, [Sir] WALTER (1771-1832) (stories)
- * _The Supernatural Short Stories of Sir Walter Scott (Riverrun/Calder 0-7145-4086-2, Oct ’86 [Jan ’87], $8.95, 217pp, tp) Reprint (Calder 1977) collection of ghost stories edited by Michael Hayes. Published in 1986; missed. This is a universal edition, published in England with names of UK, US, and Canadian publishers; distributed in the US by Kampmann. (Contents)
- SCOTTEN, CORDELL (stories)
- * *Isaac Asimov’s Robot City: Robots and Aliens Book 2: Renegade (Ace 0-441-73128-7, Nov ’89 [Oct ’89], $3.50, 178pp, pb) [Robot City] Sf novelization based on Asimov’s “Robot” stories, with illustrations by Paul Rivoche. The series is packaged by Byron Preiss Visual Publications.
- SCOTTI, ANNA (1958- ); see pseudonym Anne Joseph
- * _The Body in the Driveway and Other Stories (Scholastic UK 0-590-13644-5, Apr ’97, £3.50, 124pp, pb) Reprint (Ashton Scholastic New Zealand 1995) original young-adult dark fantasy anthology of six stories. Each has an Afterword by its author. (Contents) [First U.K. edition]
- * *Antique Fairy Tales (with Judy Mastrangelo) (Unicorn 0-88101-070-7, Oct ’87, $16.95, 216pp, hc) Anthology of 19 fairytales from around the world, abundantly illustrated in color by Mastrangelo. These seem to be retold versions by the editor, Scrocco, with no earlier copyrights given.
- SCULL, CHRISTINA (stories) (chron.)
- * _Miss Fanshawe and the Great Dragon Adventure (St. Martin’s 0-312-00510-5, Sep ’88 [Aug ’88], $7.95, unpaginated, hc) Reissue (Macmillan UK 1986) children’s picture book with almost no text. The artwork and construction is excellent for adults too. Recommended. (CNB) Second printing.
- * *Martians and Misplaced Clues: The Life and Work of Fredric Brown (The Popular Press 0-87972-591-5, Oct ’93 [May ’94], $16.95, 312pp, tp, cover by Gary Dumm) Non-fiction, a biography of Fredric Brown that concentrates on his writing life and his fiction, with a complete bibliography. A hardcover edition (-590-7, $39.95) was announced but not seen. This book has a 1993 copyright but was not seen until now. Available from Bowling Green University Popular Press, Bowling Green OH 43403.
- * _The Haunting of Holroyd Hill (Penguin/Puffin 0-14-038540-1, Jun ’97, $3.99, 137pp, tp, cover by Daniel R. Horne) Reprint (Cobblehill 1995) YA ghost mystery.
- SEAL, GYLA BETH (stories)
- * *Works of Thy Hands (with January Taylor) (Royal Fireworks Press 0-88092-299-0, 1996 [Jan ’96], $7.99, 186pp, tp, cover by Ruth Thompson) Young-adult SF. Children discover they are the result of their mother’s genetic experiments. Order from Royal Fireworks Publishing, First Avenue, Unionville, NY 10988; 914-726-4444; add $4.00 shipping.
- SEARIGHT, FRANKLYN, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- SEARIGHT, RICHARD F(ranklyn) (1902-1975) (stories)
- * *The Brain in the Jar and Others: Collected Stories and Poems: One (Necronomicon Press 0-940884-50-X, Oct ’92 [Nov ’92], $5.95, 50pp, ph, cover by Andrew Brosnatch) Collection of five macabre stories and 12 poems, mostly unsold submissions to Weird Tales and other magazines. Edited and with an introduction by Franklyn Searight. Order from Necronomicon Press, 101 Lockwood Street, West Warwick RI 02893. (Contents)
- * *The Sealed Casket and Others (Necronomicon Press 0-940884-85-2, Apr ’96 [May ’96], $5.95, 50pp, ph, cover by Robert H. Knox) Collection of six stories and 12 poems in a weird/Lovecraftian vein, with an introduction by Franklyn Searight. This is volume two of his “Collected Stories and Poems”. Order from Necronomicon Press, PO Box 1304, West Warwick RI 02893. (Contents)
- SEARLE, RONALD (William Fordham) (1920- )
- * *Ronald Searle’s Golden Oldies 1941-1961 (Michael Joseph/Pavilion 1-85145-102-1, 1985 [May ’86], $16.96 in U.S., 144pp, hc) This collection of cartoons appeared in Britain last year. It is now available in the U.S. through Salem House. This is the original British edition with a U.S. sticker on it.
- SEARLES, (William) BAIRD (1934-1993) (stories)
- * *Films of Science Fiction and Fantasy (Harry N. Abrams 0-8109-0922-7, Nov ’88 [Oct ’88], $39.95, 234pp, hc) Non-fiction, illustrated bibliography/filmography arranged by subject: Space, Time, Futures, etc. Contains more full color and unusual scenes than most books of its type, as well as intelligent commentary. Recommended. (CNB)
- _____, ed.
- * *Halflings, Hobbits, Warrows and Weefolk (with Brian M. Thomsen) (Warner Questar 0-446-39281-2, Dec ’91 [Nov ’91], $10.99, 275pp, tp, cover by Tim Hildebrandt & Greg Hildebrandt) Original anthology of nine stories, one a reprint, featuring “little folks” of various kinds, with an introduction by Baird Searles. The Judith Moffett is an excerpt from a longer story that was previously published in IASFM. (Contents)
- * *Flight to Hollow Mountain (Eerdmans 0-8028-3794-8, Jul ’96, $25.00, 412pp, hc, cover by Ted Nasmith) [Talamadh] Young-adult fantasy novel, first in the “Talamadh” trilogy. A boy searches for the stolen Talamadh, the harp that holds the world in harmony. A first novel.
- SEBASTIAN, TIM(othy) (1952- )
- SECHI, STEPHAN MICHAEL, ed. (stories)
- * *Tales of Talislanta (Wizards of the Coast 1-880992-02-7, Jul ’92, $5.00, 204pp, pb) [Talislanta] Original anthology of nine stories set in the gaming world of “Talislanta,” with a preface and introduction by the editor. (Contents)
- SECREST, ROSE, ed. (stories)
- SEDDON, ANDREW M. (stories) (chron.)
- * *Red Planet Rising (Crossway Books 0-89107-825-8, Nov ’95, $9.99, 240pp, pb, cover by Rick Courtney) SF novel. Mars colonists decide to worship the planet — and eliminate Christians.
- SEE, CAROLYN (Penelope) (1934- )
- * *Golden Days (McGraw-Hill 0-07-056120-6, Oct ’86 [Jan ’87], $15.95, 196pp, hc) Literary novel, partly mainstream but eventually moving into sf and the depiction of nuclear horrors. Published in 1986; missed.
- * _Golden Days (Ballantine Fawcett 0-449-21437-0, Dec ’87 [Nov ’87], $3.95, 215pp, pb) Reprint (McGraw-Hill 1986) literary sf/fantasy novel.
- SEED, DAVID (A.), ed. (1946- ) (stories)
- * *Anticipations: Essays on Early Science Fiction and its Precursors (Liverpool University Press 0-85323-418-3, Mar ’95 [Aug ’95], £12.25, xvi+225pp, tp, cover by Grandville) Non-fiction, criticism. Eleven essays, most original, on fantastic fiction between the 17th and early-20th centuries. A hardcover edition (-348-9, £27.50) was announced but not seen. (Contents)
- * +Anticipations: Essays on Early Science Fiction and its Precursors (Syracuse University Press 0-8156-2640-1, May ’95 [Jun ’95], $17.95, 225pp, hc) Non-fiction collection of 11 essays on 19th century SF. Also announced in hardcover (-2632-0, $42.50) but not seen. First US edition (Liverpool 1995).
- SEFTON, CATHERINE; pseudonym of Martin S. Waddell, (1941- ) (stories)
- * _The Back House Ghosts (Walker 0-7445-2057-6, Jun ’91, £2.99, 159pp, pb, cover by Anne Yvonne Gilbert) Reprint (Faber & Faber 1974) young-adult ghost novel.
- * *The Blue Misty Monsters (Faber 0-571-13564-1, 1985, £5.25, 106pp, hc) Young adult sf novel. [Not seen]
- * _Blue Misty Monsters (Magnet 0-416-61670-4, Sep ’86, £1.50, 105pp, pb) Reprint (Faber and Faber 1985) juvenile sf novel.
- * _Emer’s Ghost (Puffin 0-14-037117-6, Jan ’95 [Feb ’95], £3.50, 137pp, pb, cover by Mark Edwards) Reprint (Hamish Hamilton 1981) young-adult ghost novel.
- * _Ghost Girl (Magnum 0-416-61530-9, Jun ’86, £1.50, 128pp, pb) Reprint (Hamish Hamilton 1985) young-adult ghost novel.
- * _The Ghost Girl (Mammoth 0-7497-0889-1, Sep ’91, £2.50, 124pp, pb, cover by Kay Hodges) Reissue (Hamish Hamilton 1985) young-adult ghost novel.
- * _In a Blue Velvet Dress (... Almost a Ghost Story) (Walker 0-7445-2056-8, Jun ’91, £2.99, 144pp, pb, cover by Anne Yvonne Gilbert) Reprint (Faber & Faber 1972) young-adult ghost novel.
- SEGER, MAURA (1951- )
- * *Perchance to Dream (Avon 0-380-75338-3, Nov ’89 [Dec ’89], $3.95, 311pp, pb, cover by John Ennis) Alternate-history historical romance novel set in a world where the South won the Civil War.
- * *The Art of Segrelles (NBM Publishing 0-918348-39-0, Jan ’88 [Nov ’87], $13.95, 64pp, tp) 8.5" x 11" book of fantasy art, with comments by the artist.
- * *The Mercenary: The Cult of the Sacred Fire and the Formula (NBM 0-918348-27-7, Oct ’87, $10.95, 96pp, tp) Graphic novel, first in a series. First English language edition (Norma Serveis Grafics, Spain, 1983).
- * *The Mercenary: The Trials, The Sacrifice (NBM 0-918348-49-8, Feb ’89 [Jan ’89], $13.95, 45pp, tp) 8½" x 11". Graphic novel about a fantasy hero. This is apparently a translation from the French.
- SEGRIFF, LARRY (stories)
- * *Alien Dreams (Baen 0-671-87860-3, Jan ’98 [Dec ’97], $5.99, 238pp, pb, cover by Stephen Hickman) SF novel. Sequel to Spacer Dreams. Tom Jenkins tries to make his mark as a Space Guard cadet.
- * _The Four Magics (with William R. Forstchen) See entry under William R. Forstchen
- * *Spacer Dreams (Baen 0-671-87696-1, Nov ’95 [Oct ’95], $5.99, 243pp, pb, cover by Stephen Hickman) SF novel. A troubled youth gets shipped off to space. A first novel.
- _____, ed.
- SEIDICK, KATHRYN AMELIA (1943- ); see pseudonym Kasey Michaels (stories)
- * *Hercules: The Legendary Journeys: The First Casualty (Boulevard 1-57297-239-4, Apr ’97 [Mar ’97], $5.99, 211pp, pb) [Hercules] Novelization based on the television show based on Greek myth. Fourth in the series. Copyrighted by MCA Publishing Rights.
- SEIDMAN, MICHAEL (stories)
- * *From Printout to Published (Carroll & Graf 0-88184-822-0, May ’92 [Apr ’92], $10.95, 180pp, tp) Non-fiction, associational writer’s guide to the publishing process. This is revised and updated from the 1988 CompuPress edition. One of the best overviews of the publishing process (CNB).
- SEIGNOLLE, CLAUDE (1917- ) (stories)
- * *The Nightcharmer and Other Tales of Claude Seignolle (Texas A&M Univ Press 0-89096-169-7, Feb ’84 [Jan ’84], $9.95, 112pp, hc) Eric Hollingsworth Deudon, ed. & trans. First English translation of horror stories by a well-known French fantasist. Illustrations by Kristin Parsons. (Contents)
- SELF, WILL (1961- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * +Cock and Bull (Atlantic Monthly Press 0-87113-531-0, May ’93, $20.00, 310pp, hc, cover by Sandra Hendler) Collection of two literary fantasy novellas about a woman and a man who suddenly develop the genitalia of the other sex. First American edition (Bloomsbury 1992).
- * _Cock and Bull (Random House/Vintage 0-679-75092-4, Apr ’94, $11.00, 310pp, tp) Reprint (Bloomsbury 1992) collection of two literary fantasy novellas about a woman and a man who suddenly develop the genitalia of the other sex.
- * *Great Apes (Bloomsbury 0-7475-2987-6, May ’97 [Jul ’97], £15.99, 404pp, hc, cover by Daniel Lee) Literary fantasy novel.
- * +Great Apes (Grove 0-8021-1617-5, Sep ’97 [Aug ’97], $24.00, 404pp, hc) Satiric literary fantasy novel looking at mankind as apes, described as Planet of the Apes written by Jonathan Swift. First American edition (Bloomsbury 1997).
- * _Great Apes (Grove 0-8021-3576-5, Sep ’98, $12.00, 404pp, tp, cover by Daniel Lee) Reprint (Bloomsbury 1997) satiric literary fantasy novel looking at mankind as apes.
- * _My Idea of Fun (Random House/Vintage 0-679-75093-2, Mar ’95 [May ’95], $12.00, 309pp, tp) Reprint (Bloomsbury 1993) literary fantasy novel. A man sells his soul to the devil.
- * +The Quantity Theory of Insanity (Atlantic Monthly Press 0-87113-585-X, Feb ’95 [Jan ’95], $21.00, 211pp, hc, cover by Janet Woolley) Collection of six literary stories, some fantasy, some horror, all bizarre. First American edition (Bloomsbury 1991). (Contents)
- * _The Quantity Theory of Insanity (Random House/Vintage 0-679-75094-0, Mar ’96, $12.00, 211pp, tp) Reprint (Bloomsbury 1991) collection of six literary stories, some fantasy, some horror, all bizarre.
- SELINGER, BERNARD (George) (1949- )
- * *Le Guin and Identity in Contemporary Fiction (UMI 0-8357-1831-X, Jan ’88 [Feb ’88], $37.95, 183pp, hc) Non-fiction, literary criticism. [Le Guin]
- * *Children’s Literature Review, Vol. 10 (with Melissa Reiff Hugg) (Gale 0-8103-0342-6, Mar ’86 [Jun ’86], $78.00, 276pp, hc) Non-fiction, associational; latest in a series with reviews, author commentaries, etc., dealing with children’s books. This volume covers 12 authors, including Robin McKinley.
- SELVES, DAVID (1949- )
- * *Life Goes on Forever... (Ansty 0-9511740-0-2, Mar ’87 [1987], £9.95, 545pp, hc) Literary sf novel. [Not seen]
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