The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- LLOYD, A(lan) R(ichard) (continued)
- * _Dragon Pond (Arrow 0-09-969930-3, Aug ’91, £3.99, 201pp, pb, cover by John Barber) [Kine Saga] Reprint (Muller 1990) animal fantasy novel about weasels. Volume III of “The Kine Saga.”
- * _Marshworld (Arrow 0-09-968160-9, Aug ’90 [Jul ’90], £3.99, 255pp, pb, cover by John Barber) [Kine Saga] Reissue (Hamlyn 1982 as Kine) animal fantasy novel about weasels. Volume 1 of “The Kine Saga”.
- * *Witchwood (Muller 0-09-173940-3, Aug ’89, £11.95, 224pp, hc, cover by Douglas Hall) [Kine Saga] Animal fantasy novel about weasels. Volume two in “The Kine Saga.”
- * _Witchwood (Arrow 0-09-953840-7, Aug ’90 [Jul ’90], £3.99, 224pp, pb, cover by John Barber) [Kine Saga] Reprint (Muller 1989) animal fantasy novel about weasels. Volume 2 of “The Kine Saga”.
- * *The Films of Stephen King (St. Martin’s 0-312-11274-2, Oct ’94 [Nov ’94], $14.95, 96pp, tp) Non-fiction guide with snyopses and information on King’s films. [King]
- * *Witch Daughter (Zebra 0-8217-2353-7, May ’88 [Oct ’88], $3.95, 380pp, pb) Historical horror novel about a witch child who isn’t necessarily evil.
- LLOYD WEBBER, JULIAN, ed. (1951- ) (stories)
- LLYWELYN, MORGAN (1937- ) (stories)
- * _The Arcana, Book I: Silverhand (with Michael Scott) (Baen 0-671-87714-3, Apr ’96 [Mar ’96], $5.99, 417pp, pb, cover by Gary Ruddell) [Arcana] Reprint (Baen 1995) fantasy novel, first in “The Arcana” series. Set in “a semi-medieval, far-future fantasy world.”
- * *The Arcana, Book II: Silverlight (with Michael Scott) (Baen 0-671-87728-3, Jul ’96 [Jun ’96], $21.00, 406pp, hc, cover by Clyde Caldwell) [Arcana] Fantasy novel, second book of “The Arcana.”
- * _The Arcana, Book II: Silverlight (with Michael Scott) (Baen 0-671-87790-9, Jul ’97 [Jun ’97], $5.99, 406pp, pb, cover by Clyde Caldwell) [Arcana] Reprint (Baen 1996) fantasy novel, second book of “The Arcana”.
- * *Bard: The Odyssey of the Irish (Houghton Mifflin 0-395-35352-1, Nov ’84 [Oct ’84], $16.95, 466pp, hc) Historical novel of the ancient Irish and the (possibly) magical Tuatha De Danann.
- * _Bard: The Odyssey of the Irish (Tor 0-812-58515-1, Mar ’87 [Feb ’87], $4.50, 415pp, pb) Reprint (Houghton Mifflin 1984) Celtic historical novel with elements of fantasy.
- * _Bard: The Odyssey of the Irish (Tor 0-812-58515-1, Mar ’94 [Feb ’94], $5.99, 461pp, pb, cover by Don Maitz) Reissue (Houghton Mifflin 1984) historical novel with fantasy elements about the ancient Irish; second printing.
- * _Bard: The Odyssey of the Irish (Tor 0-812-58515-1, May ’97 [Apr ’97], $6.99, 465pp, pb, cover by Don Maitz) Reissue (Houghton Mifflin 1984) historical novel with fantasy elements. Fifth printing.
- * +Brian Boru: Emperor of the Irish (Tor 0-312-85623-7, Jun ’95 [May ’95], $14.95, 157pp, hc, cover by Ciruelo Cabral) Associational young-adult historical novel retelling the story of Ireland’s legendary first High King. First US edition (Ireland 1990).
- * _Brian Boru: Emperor of the Irish (Tor 0-812-54461-7, Oct ’97, $4.99, 214pp, pb, cover by Ciruelo Cabral) Reprint (Ireland 1990) associational young-adult historical novel retelling the story of Ireland’s legendary first High King.
- * *Druids (Morrow 0-688-08819-8, Feb ’91 [Jan ’91], $19.95, 467pp, hc) Historical fantasy novel of resistance to Caesar’s legions in Gaul.
- * _Druids (Mandarin 0-7493-0892-3, Aug ’92, £4.99, 431pp, pb) [Druids] Reprint (Morrow 1991) Celtic fantasy novel.
- * _Druids (Ballantine Ivy 0-8041-0844-7, Jan ’93 [Dec ’92], $5.99, 404pp, pb) [Druids] Reprint (Morrow 1991) historical fantasy novel of resistance to Caesar’s legions in Gaul.
- * *The Elementals (Tor 0-312-85568-0, Jun ’93 [May ’93], $21.95, 303pp, hc, cover by Dave Henderson) Fantasy novel in four parts, about mankind’s relationship with the Earth, ranging from Atlantis to a future ravaged by plagues and ozone depletion.
- * _The Elementals (Tor 0-812-51815-2, Mar ’94 [Feb ’94], $5.99, 368pp, pb, cover by Dave Henderson) Reprint (Tor 1993) fantasy novel in four parts, about mankind’s relationship with the Earth, ranging from Atlantis to a future ravaged by plagues and ozone depletion.
- * _The Elementals (Tor UK 0-330-33914-1, Aug ’94, £4.99, 369pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 1993) fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Elementals (Tor 0-330-33914-1, May ’97 [Jun ’97], $6.99, 368pp, pb, cover by D. F. Henderson) Reissue (Tor 1993) historical novel with fantasy elements. Third printing.
- * *Finn Mac Cool (Tor/Forge 0-312-85476-5, Mar ’94, $23.95, 400pp, hc, cover by Jim Fitzpatrick) Historical novel, with fantasy elements, recounting the mythical life of ancient Ireland’s legendary hero.
- * _Finn Mac Cool (Mandarin 0-7493-1745-0, Jan ’95, £4.99, 442pp, pb, cover by Gino D’Achille) Reprint (Forge 1994) fantasy novel retelling of the life of the legendary Irish hero. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Finn Mac Cool (Tor 0-812-52401-2, Mar ’95 [Feb ’95], $6.99, 531pp, pb, cover by Jim Fitzpatrick) Reprint (Tor 1994) historical novel with fantasy elements.
- * _The Horse Goddess (Tor 0-812-55503-1, Jul ’98 [Jun ’98], $6.99, 469pp, pb, cover by David Kramer) Reprint (Houghton Mifflin 1982) historical novel of ancient Europe, with minor fantasy elements.
- * *The Isles of the Blest (Ace 0-441-36610-4, Jun ’89 [May ’89], $3.95, 170pp, pb) Celtic fantasy novel based on Irish legends.
- * *The Last Prince of Ireland (Morrow 0-688-10794-X, May ’92 [Jun ’92], $22.00, 368pp, hc, cover by Chris Hopkins) Associational novel set in 17th-century Ireland about the last Gaelic prince and his struggles against the English. This is part of her set of books on Ireland, some of which were fantasy.
- * _Lion of Ireland (Mandarin 0-7493-0204-6, Apr ’93, £4.99, 559pp, pb, cover by Gino D’Achille) [Lion of Ireland] Reissue (Houghton Mifflin 1979) Celtic fantasy novel.
- * _Lion of Ireland (Tor 0-812-55399-3, Mar ’96 [Feb ’96], $6.99, 562pp, pb) [Lion of Ireland] Reprint (Houghton Mifflin 1979) historical novel with minor fantasy elements.
- * _On Raven’s Wing (Mandarin 0-7493-0205-4, Mar ’91, £4.99, 512pp, pb) Reprint (Morrow 1989 as Red Branch) historical fantasy novel.
- * _On Raven’s Wing (Mandarin 0-7493-0205-4, Apr ’93, £4.99, 512pp, pb, cover by Gino D’Achille) Reissue (Morrow 1989 as Red Branch) Celtic fantasy novel.
- * *Pride of Lions (Tor/Forge 0-312-85700-4, Mar ’96 [Feb ’96], $23.95, 351pp, hc, cover by Larry Selman) [Lion of Ireland] Associational historical novel of ancient Ireland, sequel to Lion of Ireland. Brian Boru’s son Donough works to become High King after his father’s death.
- * _Pride of Lions (Tor 0-812-53650-9, Mar ’97 [Feb ’97], $6.99, 399pp, pb, cover by Larry Selman) [Lion of Ireland] Reprint (Forge 1996) associational historical novel of ancient Ireland, sequel to Lion of Ireland.
- * *Red Branch (William Morrow 0-688-06946-0, Mar ’89 [Feb ’89], $19.95, 555pp, hc) Irish fantasy novel. A retelling of the legends of Cuchulain.
- * _Red Branch (Ballantine Ivy 0-8041-0591-X, Feb ’90 [Jan ’90], $5.95, 493pp, pb) Reprint (Morrow 1989) Irish fantasy novel, a retelling of the legends of Cuchulain.
- * *Silverhand: The Arcana Bk. I (with Michael Scott) (Baen 0-671-87652-X, Apr ’95 [Mar ’95], $22.00, 417pp, hc, cover by Gary Ruddell) [Arcana] Fantasy novel, first in a new series. A student mage begins a quest to find the objects of “The Arcana” to defeat evil twin rulers.
- * *Strongbow (Tor 0-312-86150-8, May ’96 [Apr ’96], $15.95, 156pp, hc, cover by Ciruelo Cabral) Associational young-adult historical novel of medieval Ireland.
- * _Strongbow (Tor 0-812-54462-5, Apr ’97 [Mar ’97], $4.99, 156pp, pb, cover by Ciruelo Cabral) Reprint (Tor 1996) associational young-adult historical novel of medieval Ireland.
- * *Generation-X (with Elliot S. Maggin) (Boulevard 1-57297-223-8, Jun ’97 [May ’97], $5.99, 274pp, pb, cover by Ray Lago) [Generation X] SF novelization based on the comic book characters. Packaged by Byron Preiss Multimedia; copyrighted by Marvel Characters.
- LoBRUTTO, PATRICK, ed. (stories)
- * *Stanley Kubrick (Penguin/Donald I. Fine 1-55611-492-3, Apr ’97 [Mar ’97], $29.95, 579pp, hc) Non-fiction. Critical biography of Kubrick’s life and works with emphasis on how the movies were set up. There are interesting pieces on authors Clarke, George, Hasford, etc. [Kubrick]
- * *1-900-Killer (Bantam 0-553-56079-4, Feb ’94 [Jan ’94], $3.50, 185pp, pb, cover by George Tsui) Young-adult associational non-fantasy horror novel about a party line killer.
- * *Blood and Lace Book One: Vampire Heart (Bantam 0-553-56614-8, Jul ’94, $3.50, 152pp, pb, cover by Will Ryan) [Blood and Lace] Young-adult gothic horror novel, first book of a new series about the Van Fleets, a family haunted by monstrous evils.
- * *Blood and Lace Book Two: Deadly Relations (Bantam 0-553-56617-2, Aug ’94 [Jul ’94], $3.50, 166pp, pb, cover by Will Ryan) [Blood and Lace] Young-adult gothic horror novel, second book of a series.
- * *Game Over (Bantam 0-553-29652-3, Jul ’93 [Jun ’93], $3.50, 178pp, pb, cover by Roger Bergendorff) Young-adult horror novel. The mysterious new video arcade, Hades, leads teens to violence and death.
- * *Kiss of Death (Bantam Starfire 0-553-29653-1, Aug ’92 [Jul ’92], $3.50, 165pp, pb, cover by Lisa Falkenstern) Young-adult horror novel of a teenage boy who learns that the beautiful new girl in his class is supernaturally connected to a string of brutal murders.
- * _Nightmare on Elm Street 4 & 5 (Futura 0-7088-4564-9, Jan ’90, £2.99, 188pp, pb) Reprint (St. Martin’s 1989) horror novelization.
- * _The Nightmares on Elm Street Omnibus (with Jeffrey Cooper) See entry under Jeffrey Cooper.
- * *The Nightmares on Elm Street Parts 4 & 5 (St. Martin’s 0-312-91764-3, Aug ’89 [Jul ’89], $3.95, 188pp, pb) Movie tie-in horror novelization.
- * *Petrified (Bantam Starfire 0-553-29657-4, Feb ’92 [Jan ’92], $3.50, 165pp, pb, cover by Lisa Falkenstern) Young-adult horror novel. Four teenage girls are alone in a wax museum, but then the noises begin to convince them that someone or something is with them and that they’re in danger.
- * *Sabrina, the Teenage Witch: Ben There, Done That (Pocket Archway 0-671-01680-6, Jan ’98 [Mar ’98], $3.99, 146pp, pb) [Sabrina, the Teenage Witch] Young-adult novelization, sixth in the series based on the TV show based on the Archie Comic. Copyrighted by Viacom Productions.
- * *Vengeance (Bantam 0-553-56080-8, May ’94 [Apr ’94], $3.50, 181pp, pb, cover by Lisa Falkenstern) Associational young-adult thriller marketed as horror.
- LOCKE, THOMAS; pseudonym of T. Davis Bunn, (1952- )
- * *Dream Voyager (Bethany House 1-55661-433-0, Apr ’95, $5.99, 173pp, tp, cover by Joe Nordstrom) [Spectrum Chronicles] Young-adult Christian science fantasy novel, second in the “Spectrum Chronicles”. A Baltimore teen is transported to an icy planet where she uses her special powers to fight space pirates.
- * *Heart Chaser (Bethany House 1-55661-921-9, Mar ’97, $5.99, 155pp, tp, cover by Joe Nordstrom) Young-adult Christian SF novel, fourth book of “The Spectrum Chronicles.” Available from Bethany House Publishers, 11300 Hampshire Ave. S., Minneapolis MN 55438; 612-829-2500.
- * *Light Weaver (Bethany House 1-55661-432-2, Aug ’94 [Sep ’94], $7.95, 174pp, tp, cover by Joe Nordstrom) [Spectrum Chronicles] Young-adult Christian fantasy novel, first book of “The Spectrum Chronicles.” Available from Bethany House Publishers, 11300 Hampshire Ave. S., Minneapolis MN 55438.
- * *Path Finder (Bethany House 1-55661-434-9, Oct ’95 [Dec ’95], $5.99, 159pp, tp, cover by Joe Nordstrom) [Spectrum Chronicles] Young-adult Christian SF novel, third book of “The Spectrum Chronicles.” Available from Bethany House Publishers, 11300 Hampshire Ave. S., Minneapolis MN 55438; 612-829-2500.
- LOCKLEY, STEVE, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- LOEHR, JIM, ed.
- LOFFICIER, JEAN-MARC (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Dr. Who Programme Book (Target 0-426-20342-9, Dec ’89 [Jan ’90], £1.99, 177pp, pb) [Doctor Who] Revised, new edition of a standard reference work on the Dr. Who series, with an introduction by John Nathan-Turner. This version just contains the episode guide, previously published as volume 1 of a 2-volume set.
- * _The Doctor Who Programme Guide: Third Edition (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20342-9, Jun ’94, £4.99, 271pp, pb, cover by Alister Pearson) [Doctor Who] Reprint (W.H. Allen 1981) associational book. Further revised to include much more detail on the books, video and audio cassettes and other work produced since the TV series was ended.
- * *Doctor Who: The Terrestrial Index (Target 0-426-20361-5, Nov ’91 [Oct ’91], £3.50, 247pp, pb, cover by Alister Pearson) [Doctor Who] Reference book about assorted Doctor Who ephemera such as short stories, comics and annuals.
- * *Doctor Who: The Universal Data Bank (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20370-4, Nov ’92, £4.99, 479pp, pb, cover by Alister Pearson) [Doctor Who] Index to all the characters and places in the Doctor Who TV series. Originally published in a much shorter form as Volume 2 of The Doctor Who Programme Book (Target 1981).
- * *The Nth Doctor (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20499-9, Jan ’97 [Dec ’96], £4.99, 279pp, pb, cover by Colin Howard) [Doctor Who] Reference work about the Doctor Who series.
- LOFTING, HUGH (John) (1886-1947)
- * _The Twilight of Magic (Simon & Schuster 0-671-78358-0, Oct ’93 [Nov ’93], $15.00, 243pp, hc, cover by Tatsuro Kiuchi) Reprint (Stokes 1930) young-adult fantasy novel of two children and a shell with mysterious powers. With new illustrations by Tatsuro Kiuchi.
- * *A.D. (III Publishing 0-9622937-8-4, Sep ’95, $12.00, 307pp, tp, cover by Art Evans) SF novel. In 2030, the US is divided between the Nation of Islam and the White Aryan Resistance; one man rebels, is cryogenically frozen, and wakes in a utopian 2410 threatened by a menace from the past. A first novel. Available from III Publishing, P.O. Box 1581, Gualala CA 95445; 707-884-1818.
- LOFTS, NORAH (Ethel, née Robinson) (1904-1983) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Claw (Tor 0-812-52116-1, Jun ’88 [May ’88], $3.95, 288pp, pb) Reissue (Doubleday 1981) horror novel of possession; second Tor printing.
- LOGAN, CAROLYN F. (stories)
- * *The Power of the Rellard (Angus & Robertson 0-207-15367-1, Apr ’87 [1987], £5.95, 236pp, hc) Young adult fantasy novel. [Not seen]
- * +The Power of the Rellard (Macmillan McElderry 0-689-50445-4, Apr ’88, $13.95, 280pp, pb) Young-adult fantasy novel. Children vs. agents of ancient evil. Winner of the Angus & Robertson Australian prize Writers for the Young Fellowship. First U.S. edition (Angus & Robertson 1986).
- * _The Power of the Rellard (Bluegum 0-207-15714-6, Sep ’88 [Oct ’88], £2.95, 231pp, tp) Reprint (Angus & Robertson 1986) young-adult occult novel.
- * _The Power of the Rellard (Knopf 0-394-82586-1, Sep ’89 [Aug ’89], $3.50, 278pp, pb) Reprint (Angus & Robertson 1986) young-adult occult fantasy novel.
- * *Dagger’s Edge (Ace 0-441-00036-3, Apr ’94 [Mar ’94], $4.99, 230pp, pb, cover by John Steven Gurney) [Shadow] Fantasy novel, third book of the “Shadow” series, fourth book set in this world.
- * *Dagger’s Point (Ace 0-441-00134-3, Jan ’95 [Dec ’94], $4.99, 264pp, pb, cover by Duane O. Myers) [Shadow: Jaellyn] Fantasy novel, sixth set in the world of “Shadow” the elven thief, and the second in the “Dagger” series featuring Jaellyn, Shadow’s “niece”, Jaellyn goes questing for her father’s people and the missing part of her soul.
- * *Firewalk (Ace 0-441-00427-X, Mar ’97 [Feb ’97], $6.50, 339pp, pb, cover by Jeff Barson) [Firewalk] Fantasy novel. A novice firewalker is forced into a political marriage.
- * *Greendaughter (Ace 0-441-30273-4, Jul ’93 [Jun ’93], $4.50, 215pp, pb, cover by Matt Zumbo) [Shadow] Fantasy novel of an elf who must join forces with humans to defeat barbarian invaders. A prequel to the “Shadow” series.
- * *Guardian’s Key (Ace 0-441-00327-3, May ’96 [Apr ’96], $5.99, 310pp, pb, cover by Jeff Barson) [*Guardian’s Key] Fantasy novel. A serving girl hoping to win her prince enters a magic keep where every door opens onto another world.
- * *Shadow (Ace 0-441-75989-0, Nov ’91 [Oct ’91], $3.99, 185pp, pb, cover by Robert Grace) [Shadow] Fantasy novel of a young thief who steals a powerful and dangerous bracelet. A first novel.
- * *Shadow Dance (Ace 0-441-75990-4, Nov ’92 [Oct ’92], $4.99, 215pp, pb, cover by Robert Grace) [Shadow] Fantasy novel, third book of the “Shadow” series. Female thief Shadow saves the town of Allanmere from plague and invasion.
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