The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Contents Lists
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Fossil Hunter Robert J. Sawyer (NEL 0-340-61803-5, Apr ’95, £5.99, 290pp, pb, cover by Mick Posen) [Quintaglio Ascension] Reprint (Ace 1993) SF novel, second in “The Quintaglio Ascension” trilogy. [First U.K. edition]
The Terminal Experiment Robert J. Sawyer (NEL 0-340-63223-2, May ’95, £5.99, 328pp, pb) SF novel about a scientific proof for the soul, and the social changes it brings. Serialised as “Hobson’s Choice” in Analog. Simultaneous with the US (HarperPrism) edition.
The Mask of the Sorcerer Darrell Schweitzer (NEL 0-340-64003-0, Oct ’95 [Sep ’95], £5.99, 421pp, pb, cover by Mike Van Houten) Fantasy novel.
The Gargoyle Hugh Scott (Walker 0-7445-2330-3, Jun ’95 [Aug ’95], £3.99, 171pp, pb, cover by Bruce Pennington) Reissue (Walker 1991) young-adult horror novel.
The Place Between Hugh Scott (Walker 0-7445-3680-4, Mar ’95, £3.99, 179pp, pb, cover by Michael O’Shaughnessy) Reprint (Walker 1994) young-adult SF novel. Seemingly supernatural beings and an invisible gateway are the clues to a scientific mystery that goes back centuries.
Something Watching Hugh Scott (Walker 0-7445-2308-7, Jun ’95 [Aug ’95], £3.99, 168pp, pb, cover by Bruce Pennington) Reissue (Walker 1990) young-adult horror novel.
Why Weeps the Brogan? Hugh Scott (Walker 0-7445-2040-1, May ’95 [Aug ’95], £3.99, 103pp, pb, cover by Bruce Pennington) Reprint (Walker 1989) young-adult horror novel.
The Hallows Michael Scott (Signet Creed 0-45-118379-7, Jun ’95, £4.99, 354pp, pb, cover by Bill Gregory) Horror novel. The most powerful talismans of Britain, the thirteen Hallows, have been carefully kept apart by their Guardians. Now the Guardians are being murdered, and the power of the talismans is being used by a growing force of darkness.
Anticipations: Essays on Early Science Fiction and its Precursors ed. David Seed (Liverpool University Press 0-85323-418-3, Mar ’95 [Aug ’95], £12.25, xvi+225pp, tp, cover by Grandville) Non-fiction, criticism. Eleven essays, most original, on fantastic fiction between the 17th and early-20th centuries. A hardcover edition (-348-9, £27.50) was announced but not seen.
- vii · Contributors · Misc. · bg
- ix · Preface · David Seed · pr
- 1 · ’Able Mechanik’: The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins and the Eighteenth-Century Fantastic Voyage · Paul Baines · ar *
- 26 · Science Fiction by Gaslight: An Introduction to English-Language Science Fiction in the Nineteenth Century · Edward James · ar *; portions appeared in Science Fiction in the Twentieth Century, 1995.
- 46 · Frankenstein and the Origins of Science Fiction [Frankenstein] · Brian Stableford · ar Interzone, 19??; this is probably “Yesterday’s Bestsellers, 117: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein”; in Interzone #78, 1993.
- 58 · From Mary Shelley to The War of the Worlds: The Thames Valley Catastrophe · Patrick Parrinder · ar *
- 75 · Breaking the Bounds: The Rhetoric of Limits in the Works of Edgar Allan Poe, his Contemporaries and Adaptors · David Seed · ar *
- 98 · Verne’s Amazing Journeys · M. Hammerton · ar *
- 111 · Imagining the Future: Predictive Fiction in the Nineteenth Century · Brian Nellist · ar Foundation, 19??
- 137 · Imagination and Inversion in Nineteenth-Century Utopian Writing · Simon Denith · ar *
- 153 · Prediction, Programme and Fantasy in Jack London’s The Iron Heel · Tony Barley · ar; originally in Renaissance and Modern Studies, d.u.
- 172 · Alien Dreams: Kipling · Stephen R. L. Clark · ar *
- 195 · Lesbians and Virgins: The New Motherhood in Herland · Val Gough · ar *
Emer’s Ghost Catherine Sefton (Puffin 0-14-037117-6, Jan ’95 [Feb ’95], £3.50, 137pp, pb, cover by Mark Edwards) Reprint (Hamish Hamilton 1981) young-adult ghost novel.
Seize the Moment Helen Sharman & Christopher Priest (Gollancz 0-575-05819-6, Nov ’94 [Jan ’95], £4.99, 189pp, pb) Associational non-fiction autobiography of Britain’s first astronaut, with a foreword by Arthur C. Clarke.
Captain’s Log - William Shatner’s Personal Account of the Making of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Lisabeth Shatner (Titan 1-85286-255-6, Apr ’95, £6.99, 224pp, tp) [Star Trek] Reissue (Pocket 1989) non-fiction, reference book. Second printing. [William Shatner]
Tek Power William Shatner (Pocket UK 0-671-85457-7, Nov ’95 [Aug ’95], £4.99, 220pp, pb) [Jake Cardigan] Reprint (Ace/Putnam 1994) SF novel. Book 6 in the series. [First U.K. edition]
Electric Dreams Barclay Shaw (Paper Tiger 1-85028-364-8, Sep ’95, £12.95, 128pp, tp, cover by Barclay Shaw) Art book, with an introduction by Harlan Ellison.
A Load of Old BoSh Bob Shaw (Beccon Publications 1-870824-34-2, Apr ’95, £4.95, 94pp, ph, cover by Sue Mason) Collection of ten of Bob Shaw’s funny speeches, mainly given at the British Eastercons between 1974 and 1988. This includes all of the speeches from The Eastercon Speeches (Paranoid/Inca Press, 1979) and Serious Science (Serious Scientific Talks), 1984; plus two others. Produced for Confabulation (Easter 1995); available from 75 Rosslyn Ave, Harold Wood, Essex RM3 0RG, with all proceeds going to the RNIB’s “Talking Book” fund.
- 2 · Introduction · Alison Scott · in, 1995
- 2 · A Note from the Author · Bob Shaw · fw, 1995
- 5 · The Need for BAD Science Fiction · Bob Shaw · sp Goblin’s Grotto #1 ’75; speech at Tynecon 1974.
- 13 · Time-Travellers Among Us · Bob Shaw · sp Triode #21 ’75; speech at Seacon, 1975.
- 21 · The Return of the Backyard Spaceship · Bob Shaw · sp Maya #11 ’76; speech at Mancon, 1976.
- 29 · The Bermondsey Triangle Mystery · Bob Shaw · sp Maya #14 ’77; speech at Eastercon, 1977.
- 41 · Up the Conjunction: An Investigation into Astrology · Bob Shaw · sp Drilkjis #3 ’78; speech at Skycon, 1978.
- 51 · Beyond Control [“Beyond Cosmos”] · Bob Shaw · sp Serious Scientific Talks, Bob Shaw, The Shaw Fund, 1984; speech at Channelcon, 1982.
- 59 · Conning Your Way · Bob Shaw · sp Serious Scientific Talks, Bob Shaw, The Shaw Fund, 1984; speech at Albacon II, 1983.
- 67 · Ten Years, But Not Decayed · Bob Shaw · sp Serious Scientific Talks, Bob Shaw, The Shaw Fund, 1984; speech at Seacon/Eurocon, 1984.
- 75 · Worldcon After Dinner Speech [“My Life and Space/Times”] · Bob Shaw · sp Matrix #61 ’85; speech at Aussiecon II, August 1985.
- 85 · A Serious Scientific Talk [“The Benefits of Flouridisation of Public Water Supplies”] · Bob Shaw · sp Nowhere Fast #4 ’88; speech at Follycon, 1988.
Aliens: Alien Harvest Robert Sheckley (Millennium 1-85798-298-3, Sep ’95, £4.99, 296pp, pb, cover by John Bolton) [Aliens] SF novelisation, fifth in the “Aliens” series of books derived from the films and Dark Horse comic. Simultaneous with the US (Bantam Spectra) edition.
The Oxford Book of Fantasy Stories ed. Tom Shippey (Oxford University Press 0-19-282398-1, Mar ’95, £7.99, 499pp, tp, cover by Pete Lyon) Reprint (Oxford 1994) anthology of 31 stories tracing the development of fantasy from Richard Garnett in 1888 to Terry Pratchett in 1992.
There and Back Again: The Map of The Hobbit Brian Sibley & John Howe (HarperCollins UK 0-261-10326-1, 1995 [Oct ’95], £4.99, 23+map, tp, cover by John Howe) Illustrated, poster-sized map to the world of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. The accompanying booklet, also illustrated by Howe, has text by Sibley that describes the writing of the novel.
The Disappeared David B. Silva (Headline 0-7472-1300-3, Jul ’95 [Jun ’95], £16.99, 279pp, hc, cover by Bob Corley) SF/horror novel. Ten years after a young boy vanished, he returns, looking no older, and with no memory.
The Presence David B. Silva (Headline 0-7472-4582-7, Jan ’95, £5.99, 472pp, pb, cover by Bob Corley) Reprint (Headline 1994) horror novel.
The Presence David B. Silva (Headline 0-7472-4582-7, Jan ’95, £5.99, 472pp, pb, cover by Bob Corley) Reprint (Headline 1994) horror novel.
The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg: Volume Three: Beyond the Safe Zone Robert Silverberg (HarperCollins UK 0-586-21371-6, Jan ’95 [Dec ’94], £6.99, 605pp, tp) Reprint (Donald I. Fine 1986) collection of 26 stories from the early ’70s, each with a new, fairly long, introduction. [First U.K. edition]
Hot Sky at Midnight Robert Silverberg (HarperCollins UK 0-586-21108-X, May ’95, £4.99, 388pp, pb) Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1994) SF novel about the struggle for survival for those who choose to remain on a polluted Earth.
Lord Valentine’s Castle Robert Silverberg (Pan 0-330-26462-1, Aug ’95, £5.99, 506pp, pb, cover by Jim Burns) [Majipoor] Reissue (Harper & Row 1980) SF novel. First book in the “Majipoor” series; 13th printing.
The Majipoor Chronicles Robert Silverberg (Pan 0-330-28117-8, Aug ’95, £4.99, 317pp, pb, cover by Jim Burns) [Majipoor] Reissue (Arbor House 1982) SF collection. Second book in the “Majipoor” series; eighth printing.
The Mountains of Majipoor Robert Silverberg (Macmillan UK 0-333-63319-9, Mar ’95 [Jan ’95], £12.99, 165pp, hc, cover by Jim Burns) [Majipoor] SF novel. The arrogant Prince Harpirias is ordered to negotiate the release of a scientific expedition, captured by a savage lost tribe. Simultaneous with the US (Bantam Spectra) edition. Volume four in the “Majipoor” series.
The Mountains of Majipoor Robert Silverberg (Pan 0-330-33519-7, Aug ’95 [Sep ’95], £4.99, 231pp, pb, cover by Jim Burns) [Majipoor] Reprint (Bantam Spectra; Macmillan UK 1995) SF novel. Volume 4 in the “Majipoor” series.
Valentine Pontifex Robert Silverberg (Pan 0-330-28707-9, Aug ’95, £4.99, 367pp, pb, cover by Jim Burns) [Majipoor] Reissue (Arbor House 1983) SF novel. Third book in the “Majipoor” series; fifth printing.
Fires of Eden Dan Simmons (Headline 0-7472-5005-7, Jul ’95 [Jun ’95], £5.99, 503pp, pb) Reprint (Putnam 1994) fantasy/horror novel: a Hawaiian resort comes under threat from natural and supernatural forces. The Export edition (same details) was available 1 June 95.
Strange Orbit Margaret Simpson (Scholastic UK 0-590-55900-1, Jan ’95, £3.50, 247pp, pb, cover by David Farren) Reprint (Adlib 1992) young-adult novel of other times and worlds. Winner of the 1993 Earthworm Award.
Legacies Alison Sinclair (Millennium 1-85798-266-5, Feb ’95 [Jan ’95], £9.99, 330pp, tp, cover by Peter Gudynas) SF novel. The people of Burdania split into two opposing groups. One group emigrated into space, and in leaving created a cataclysm that decimated the planet. A small number of the pioneers’ descendants return to face the legacy of the past. A hardcover edition (-264-9, £15.99) is also available.
Legacies Alison Sinclair (Millennium 1-85798-401-3, Dec ’95 [Nov ’95], £5.99, 419pp, pb, cover by Peter Gudynas) Reprint (Millennium 1995) SF novel.
Downriver Iain Sinclair (Vintage UK 0-09-957641-4, Jul ’95, £6.99, 408pp, tp) Reprint (Paladin 1991) surrealist view of the secret life of the Thames, mixing past, present, and future.
Radon Daughters Iain Sinclair (Vintage UK 0-09-942671-4, Jul ’95 [Jun ’95], £5.99, 458pp, tp, cover by Marc Atkins) Reprint (Cape 1994) dark fantasy: its protagonist addicted to x-rays; a manuscript that might be the sequel to The House of the Borderland; and British society in chaos.
White Chappell Scarlet Tracings Iain Sinclair (Vintage UK 0-09-958241-4, Jul ’95, £5.99, 400pp, tp) Reissue (Goldmark 1987) literary novel with fantasy elements.
Death’s Angel Kathleen Sky (Titan 1-85286-536-9, Feb ’95, £4.50, 213pp, pb, cover by Alister Pearson) [Star Trek] Reprint (Bantam 1981) Star Trek novelisation. [First U.K. edition]
Star Trek: Vulcan Kathleen Sky (Titan 1-85286-537-7, Apr ’95, £4.50, 175pp, pb, cover by Alister Pearson) [Star Trek] Reprint (Bantam 1978) novelisation, with an Introduction by David Gerrold. [First U.K. edition]
Ripper Michael Slade (NEL 0-340-61779-9, Apr ’95, £4.99, 377pp, pb, cover by Chris Moore) [Supt. Robert de Clerq] Reprint (Signet 1994) horror novel.
A Guide to the Star Wars Universe: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded Bill Slavicsek (Boxtree 0-7522-0859-4, Apr ’95, £9.99, 495pp, tp, cover by Ralph McQuarrie) [Star Wars] Reprint (Ballantine 1994) non-fiction, reference. Completely rewritten and updated from A Guide to the Star Wars Universe by Raymond L. Velasco (Del Rey 1984). It includes comics, games, and books, as well as the original movies. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm. [First U.K. edition]
Dark Visions #1: The Strange Power L. J. Smith (HarperCollins UK 0-00-675194-6, Nov ’95, £2.50, 230pp, pb) [Dark Visions] Reprint (Pocket Archway 1994) young-adult horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
The Forbidden Game 1: The Hunter L. J. Smith (Scholastic UK 0-590-55947-8, May ’95, £2.99, 228pp, pb) [Forbidden Game] Reprint (Pocket Archway 1994) young-adult horror novel. Jenny and her friends play a new game that suddenly propels them into a nightmare world. [First U.K. edition]
The Forbidden Game 2: The Chase L. J. Smith (Scholastic UK 0-590-13156-7, Aug ’95, £2.99, 226pp, pb) [Forbidden Game] Reprint (Pocket Archway 1994) young-adult horror novel, second book of a series. [First U.K. edition]
The Forbidden Game 3: The Kill L. J. Smith (Scholastic UK 0-590-13244-X, Oct ’95, £3.50, 228pp, pb) [Forbidden Game] Reprint (Pocket Archway 1994) young-adult horror novel, third book of a series. Jenny and her friends are trapped by an evil spirit in a nightmare amusement park. [First U.K. edition]
The Secret Circle 3: Power L. J. Smith (Bantam UK 0-553-40675-2, May ’95, £2.99, 310pp, pb, cover by Mark Taylor) [Secret Circle] Reprint (Harper Paperbacks 1992) third novel in a young-adult horror trilogy: a secret circle of teenagers continuing a centuries-long heritage of magic find their group being torn apart by betrayal and mistrust. [First U.K. edition]
The Secret Circle: The Captive L. J. Smith (Bantam UK 0-553-40674-4, Mar ’95, £2.99, 306pp, pb, cover by Mark Taylor) [Secret Circle] Reprint (Harper 1992) second novel in a young-adult horror trilogy. The book is copyrighted by the author and Daniel Weiss Associates. [First U.K. edition]
The Secret Circle: The Initiation L. J. Smith (Bantam UK 0-553-40673-6, Mar ’95, £2.99, 287pp, pb, cover by Mark Taylor) [Secret Circle] Reprint (Harper 1992) first novel in a young-adult horror trilogy. The book is copyrighted by the author and Daniel Weiss Associates. [First U.K. edition]
The Diary Sinclair Smith (Scholastic UK 0-590-55926-5, Jan ’95, £2.99, 189pp, pb) Young-adult horror novel. A girl is the reincarnation of a murder victim — and the murderer is still around.
The Seventh Scroll Wilbur Smith (Macmillan UK 0-333-58321-3, Apr ’95 [Mar ’95], £15.99, 486pp, hc, cover by Syd Brak) [Egyptian] Associational novel with fantasy elements: an Egyptian tomb is uncovered, together with a manuscript biography of Queen Lostris from River God; a race to find the treasure begins.
Jasmine Nights S. P. Somtow (Penguin 0-14-023466-7, May ’95, £6.99, 380pp, tp, cover by Steve Wallace) Reprint (Hamish Hamilton 1994) associational autobiographical novel. A sheltered Thai boy becomes disillusioned by his pampered existence and gets an introduction to the best and worst of sixties American culture.
Vanitas S. P. Somtow (Gollancz 0-575-05655-X, Jul ’95 [Jun ’95], £16.99, 352pp, hc, cover by Max Schindler) [Timmy Valentine] Horror novel. Timothy Valentine, the child rock god and vampire from Valentine and Vampire Junction, resurfaces after his supposed death. Simultaneous with the Canadian (Transylvania Press) edition.
Serpent’s Blood Brian Stableford (Legend 0-09-944331-7, May ’95 [Apr ’95], £15.99, 485pp, hc, cover by Steve Crisp) [Genesys] Fantasy/SF novel. The trappings of sword & sorcery fiction — royalty, magic, thieves, fabulous beasts — turn out to be the misleading foreground to the exploration of an alien planet which hides ancient secrets.
Doctor Who: Decalog 2: Lost Property ed. Mark Stammers & Stephen James Walker (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20448-4, Jul ’95, £4.99, 364pp, pb, cover by Colin Howard) [Doctor Who] Anthology of ten stories based on the Doctor Who TV series.
Her Majesty’s Wizard Christopher Stasheff (Legend 0-09-955681-2, Nov ’95 [Oct ’95], £5.99, 342pp, pb, cover by Sanjulian) [Wizard in Rhyme] Reprint (Del Rey 1986) SF/fantasy novel. Book one of “A Wizard in Rhyme”. [First U.K. edition]
The Weight Allen Steele (Legend 0-09-948901-5, Jan ’95, £12.99, 98pp, hc, cover by Chris Moore) [Near Space] SF novella of a deep-space vessel owned by the extended family Smith.
The Diamond Age Neal Stephenson (Viking UK 0-670-86414-5, Sep ’95 [Oct ’95], £9.99, 455pp, tp) Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1995) SF novel. [First U.K. edition]
Heavy Weather Bruce Sterling (Phoenix 1-85799-299-7, Jul ’95, £5.99, 280pp, tp) Reprint (Millennium; Bantam Spectra 1994) SF novel, set in a Texas fringe civilisation in a world beset by ecological disaster.
Fear Street: Goodnight Kiss R. L. Stine (Archway UK 0-671-85382-1, Dec ’95, £3.50, 216pp, pb) Reprint (Pocket Archway 1992) young-adult horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
Midnight Tales Bram Stoker (Peter Owen 0-7206-0971-2, Jun ’95, £11.95, 186pp, tp, cover by Thomi Wroblewski) Reprint (Peter Owen 1990) illustrated collection, selected and edited by Peter Haining, including an unpublished beginning for Dracula, the suppressed end of The Jewel of Seven Stars plus previously unreprinted short stories, each with an introduction by Haining. Includes a Foreword by Christopher Lee.
Doctor Who: Sky Pirates! Dave Stone (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20446-8, Jul ’95, £4.99, 337pp, pb, cover by Jeff Cummins) [Doctor Who] Novelisation based on the Doctor Who TV series. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the US for $5.95.
Judge Dredd: Wetworks Dave Stone (Virgin 0-352-32975-0, Feb ’95 [Apr ’95], £4.99, 264pp, pb, cover by Steve Sampson) [Judge Dredd] SF novelization, ninth of a series based on the comic strip.
Quantum Leap: Pulitzer L. Elizabeth Storm (Boxtree 0-7522-0677-X, Apr ’95, £4.99, 337pp, pb, cover by Colin Howard) [Quantum Leap] SF novelisation. Book 10 in the series.
Lethe Tricia Sullivan (Gollancz 0-575-06036-0, Jul ’95 [Jun ’95], £16.99, 384pp, hc, cover by Larry Rostant) SF novel. Eighty years after the Gene Wars almost destroy Earth, a researcher falls through an interstellar gate to a seemingly Edenic planet. The inhabitants are descendants of refugees from the Wars, whose price for this paradise is to undergo a violent transformation when they reach adulthood. The secret colony is also the key to the ultimate mystery of the Gene Wars. A first novel.
The Ghost Messengers Robert Swindells (Hodder Children’s Books 0-340-48668-6, Dec ’95, £3.50, 143pp, pb, cover by Paul Hunt) Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1986) young-adult ghost novel.
Timesnatch Robert Swindells (Yearling 0-440-86322-8, Jun ’95 [Aug ’95], £2.99, 172pp, pb, cover by Les Edwards) Reprint (Doubleday UK 1994) young-adult SF novel: the invention of a time machine in the 21st century gives a group the chance to resurrect a monster.
To the Stars: The Autobiography of George Takei, Star Trek’s Mr. Sulu George Takei (Simon & Schuster UK 0-671-89008-5, Oct ’94 [Jan ’95], £12.99, 406pp, hc, cover by Kelly Campbell) [Star Trek] Illustrated autobiography of the actor. Simultaneous with the US (Pocket) edition.
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