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Locus Magazine publishes comprehensive Listings of US, UK, and International Books and Magazines Received each month
Contents of magazines and books received by Locus Magazine are compiled into the online Locus Index.
New SF, Fantasy, and Horror magazines seen 24 - 31 December
3SF • Bimonthly SF magazine, debuting late 2002; published by Ben Jeapes, edited by Liz Holliday
• Website: http://www.bigengine.co.uk/3sf.htm • Issue 1, October 2002, £3.50, 72pp • Debut issue of new UK magazine: the title stands for "science fiction, speculative fantasy, strange facts". Fiction is by Jay Lake, Sharon Lee & Steve Miller, Marion Pitman, Mary Soon Lee, Darrell Schweitzer, Lawrence Watt-Evans, Cherith Baldry, and Richard Parks. Features include short interviews with Ian McDonald and George R.R. Martin, a science column by Alex Stewart ("If there's one thing that's conspicuously absent from science fiction on television, it's science"), a readers' guide to alternate histories by Steven H. Silver, an "Eclectica" column by John Whitbourn, and book reviews by none other than Gwyneth Jones (UK books), Rich Horton (US titles), and Alex Stewart (media). An editorial by Jeapes and Holliday addresses the question "Why another magazine?". Next issue has Gene Wolfe, David Langford, Joe Haldeman, and a manifesto by Philip Pullman. See website for subscription info. (Sat 28 Dec 2002)
The New York Review of Science Fiction • Monthly review and criticism magazine, published since 1988; edited by David G. Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer, et al.
• Website: http://www.nyrsf.com/ • Issue 172, Vol. 15 No. 4, December 2002, $4.00, 24pp • Michael Bishop is interviewed twice, once by himself, and once by Nick Gevers. The other lead feature is a review by Paul Kincaid of the collected stories of Greg Bear and Vernor Vinge. Also in this issue is John Clute's introduction to an omnibus of James White novels, Damien Broderick's review of John Clute's novel Appleseed, a Kate Bronin essay on Orson Scott Card and his treatment of gays, and other reviews by Greg L. Johnson, Michael Levy, Michael Cule, Joe Sanders, and Ariel Haméon, plus editor David G. Hartwell's announcement of the birth of Elizabeth Constance Cramer Hartwell on October 21, 2002. (Sat 28 Dec 2002)
• Website: http://www.fairwoodpress.com • Issue 25, Fall 2002, $6.00/C$7.50, 96pp, cover art by Jeff Sturgeon • Fiction is by Alan DeNiro, Beverly Suarez-Bear, Jerry Oltion, Jay Lake, Sean Klein, and Julie McGalliard; and there's poetry and verse by Mike Allen, Bruce Boston, and Darrell Schweitzer. Departments include an interview with James P. Hogan, book reviews by Edward Bryant and A.P. McQuiddy, music reviews by John Everson, short reviews, letters, and an editorial. (Fri 27 Dec 2002)
Seen earlier, 21 November - 23 December
Albedo One • Irish magazine of SF, fantasy, and horror, published since 1993
• Website: http://www.yellowbrickroad.ie/albedo/ • Issue 26, ©2002, £3.00, 44pp, cover art by Michael Yazijian • Lead feature is an interview with China Miéville, conducted by Robert Neilson. Fiction is by Martin Taulbut, Cathy Freeze, Mark A. Mellon, Sean Mac Roibin & John Robbins, John Kenny, and H. Turnip Smith. There are also book and magazine reviews. The website is updated monthly. (Wed 11 Dec 2002)
Analog Science Fiction and Fact • Near-monthly (11 times/year) magazine of science fiction and nonfiction; published since 1930 (originally Astounding); edited by Stanley Schmidt
• Website: http://www.analogsf.com/ • Vol. 123 No. 2, February 2003, $3.50/C$4.95, 144pp, cover art by Kelly Freas, cover design by Victoria Green • A four-part serial begins by Rajnar Vajra, "Shootout at the Nokai Corral"; other fiction is by Stephen L. Burns, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Brian Plante, and Wolf Read, with a Probability Zero feature by Jerry Oltion. Richard A. Lovett's science article is about what Iceland reveals about "Wet Mars", while Jeffery D. Kooistra's "The Alternate View" column is about cold fusion. Stanley Schmidt editorializes about faith and illusions, while letters respond to Pat Forde's 9/11 memorial, "In Spirit", published last September. (Tue 17 Dec 2002)
Asimov's Science Fiction • Near-monthly (11 times/year) SF magazine; published since 1977; edited by Gardner Dozois
• Website: http://www.asimovs.com/ • Vol. 27 No. 2 (whole #325), February 2003, $3.50/C$4.95, 144pp, cover art by Martina Pilcerova • Eliot Fintushel's novella "The Grass and Trees" is a follow-up to popular "Milo and Sylvie" from 2000. Novelettes are by Stephen Baxter and Jim Grimsley; short stories are by Simon Ings, Michael Bateman (a first sale), and Karen Traviss; and poems are by Joe Haldeman and Steven Utley. Features include Robert Silverberg's Reflections column, book reviews by Paul Di Filippo, and Erwin S. Strauss's convention calendar. (Tue 17 Dec 2002)
The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
• Website: http://www.sfwa.org/ • Issue 156, Vol. 36 No. 3, Winter 2002, $4.95, 36pp, cover art by Chris Pierson • Mark Kreighbaum takes over as Bulletin editor from Dave Truesdale. The issue opens with an overview of e-publishing by Rachel R. Hartman, and an article on interactive game writing by Katherine Lawrence. Other features are an article on women publishing short fiction (with graphs), and an article on BlöödHag by Leon West and Leslie What. Columns are by Mike Resnick and Barry Malzberg, debating invitation only anthologies, Robert Metzger, and Laura Resnick. (Sat 14 Dec 2002)
Chronicle • Monthly SFFH trade journal, founded in 1979 by Andrew I. Porter as Science Fiction Chronicle; now published by Warren Lapine, with news editor John Douglas
• Website: http://www.dnapublications.com/sfc/ • Issue 231, Vol. 24 No. 12, December 2002, $4.95/C$5.95, 50pp, cover art by Kevin Murphy • Headlines concern J.K. Rowling's legal victory against Nancy Stouffer, and Roc's acquisition of novels by Guy Gavriel Kay. Features includes Alan Dean Foster's review of Firefly, a report on ConJose by John Hertz, an editorial by John R. Douglas about use of the abbreviation "sci-fi", short fiction reviews by Steve Sawicki, a cinema column by Jeff Rovin, a UK report by Paul Kincaid, a publisher's note from Warren Lapine announcing special ad rates for authors advertising their books, and book reviews by Don D'Ammassa. (Tue 17 Dec 2002)
Horror Garage • Semi-annual horror magazine, published since 2000; edited by Paula Guran
• Website: http://www.horrorgarage.com/ • Issue 6, 2002, $5.95/C$6.95, 50pp • In her editorial, departing editor Paula Guran says this about her dismissal: "The publisher of Horror Garage and I have sometimes-clashing opinions about its content and style. Beyond that, we probably have very different visions of what Horror Garage should be and where it should go. In the end--hey, it's his magazine, not mine." She thanks her writers and supporters. The issue features fiction by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Michael Davidson, Teri A. Jacobs, Laura Anne Gilman, and John Shirley. Features include three interviews: Paula Guran interviews Ed Gorman, publisher Pitch Black interviews rock n' roll musician Rob Lind, and Skullboy interviews "psychobilly band" Tiger Army. Other features and stuff include scenes from the Horror Garage music festival, a column about old horror movies by Norman Partridge, book reviews by Hank Wagner, and audio reviews by "a bunch o' ghouls". (Wed 27 Nov 2002)
Interzone • Monthly SF magazine, published since 1982; edited by David Pringle
• Website: http://www.sfsite.com/interzone/ • Issue 183, October 2002, £3.00, 67pp, cover art by Dominic Harman • Stories are by John Meaney, Mat Coward, Timons Esaias, Chris Beckett, and Peter T. Garratt. Features include an interview of Christopher Priest conducted by Nick Gevers, two installments of David Langford's Ansible Link, film reviews by Nick Lowe, book reviews by Paul McAuley and Nigel Brown, and letters. Nick Gevers reviews several of the stories in the January issue of Locus. (Fri 13 Dec 2002)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction • Near-monthly (11 times/year) magazine of fiction, reviews, and features; published since 1949; edited by Gordon Van Gelder
• Website: http://www.fsfmag.com • Vol. 104 No. 2 (whole #614), February 2003, $3.99/C$4.99, 162pp, cover art by Ron Miller • In an editorial, Gordon Van Gelder summarizes and responds to last year's reader survey. Fiction consists of a long novella by R. Garcia y Robertson, "The Bone Witch" (follow-up to "Firebird" from 2001), novelets by Laird Barron and Jack O'Connell, and short stories by Ursula K. Le Guin (which first appeared online at The Infinite Matrix), Charles Coleman Finlay, Sheila Finch, Arthur Porges, and James Sallis. Charles de Lint and Robert K.J. Killheffer review books, Lucius Shepard reviews films, and Claude Lalumière recalls a book by Arthur Byron Cover. (Sun 15 Dec 2002)
Nova Science Fiction • Semi-pro fiction magazine published and edited by Wesley Kawato
• Website: http://www.novasf.com/ • Issue 10, 2002, $6, 64pp, cover art by Rick Hudson • This issue has an original story by Brad Linaweaver, "Days of Wine and Rockets" (extracted from forthcoming Anarquia by Linaweaver & J. Kent Hastings), plus stories by Ralph Sperry, Matthew Spence, and James R. Stratton, and a poem by Jeffica Barnes. (Fri 6 Dec 2002)
Realms of Fantasy • Bimonthly fantasy magazine, published since 1994; edited by Shawna McCarthy
• Website: http://www.rofmagazine.com/ • Vol. 9 No. 3, February 2003, $3.99/C$5.99, 90pp • The magazine -- "the largest magazine in the world devoted to fantasy" -- finally has its own website, with submission guidelines, current issue descriptions, and contact information, though (not yet) subscription information. The current print issue, by the way, prepends "Rampage presents" in small type to the title on the cover; the copyright is still to Soverign Media. The issue has fiction by Tim Pratt, Steven Popkes, Carrie Vaughn, Karen Traviss, and Devon Monk, plus a feature by Resa Nelson on LotR: The Two Towers, a folkroots column by Heinz Insu Fenkl, book reviews by Gahan Wilson and Paul Witcover (with a "Jane Yolen is reading" sidebar), Karen Haber's Gallery presentation of art by [Sci Fiction illustrator] Darrel Anderson (see braid.com), and games reviews by Eric T. Baker. (Wed 4 Dec 2002)
Science Fiction Studies • Thrice yearly academic journal published at DePauw University, founded 1973 by R.D. Mullen; currently edited by Arthur B. Evans, Istvan Csicsery-Ronay Jr., Joan Gordon, Veronica Hollinger, Rob Latham, and Carol McGuirk
• Website: http://www.depauw.edu/sfs/ • Issue 88, Vol. 29 No. 3, November 2002 • A special issue on Japanese science fiction, edited by Tatsumi Takayuki, Christopher Bolton, and Istvan Csicsery-Ronay Jr., with two essays by the late Kobe Abe ['Abe Kobo'], "The Boom in Science Fiction" from 1962 and "Science Fiction, the Unnameable" from 1966, and other pieces by the editors and by Susan Napier Shibano Takumi, Thomas Schnellbacher, and others. Also, reviews by Michael Levy (of Ellen Weil & Gary K. Wolfe's Harlan Ellison: The Edge of Forever), Carl Freedman, Tom Shippey, Joe Sanders, and others; plus notes and correspondence. (Thu 21 Nov 2002)
Spectrum SF • Quarterly SF magazine, published in the UK since 2000; edited by Paul Fraser
• Website: http://www.spectrumpublishing.com/ • Issue 9, November 2002, £3.99, 192pp, cover art by Dominic Harman • Editor/publisher Paul Fraser announces that "From this issue onwards, Spectrum SF will be appearing as an occasional publication." This issue has the final installment of Charles Stross's serial "The Atrocity Archive" (the page numbers, alas, are confused on the Table of Contents), plus novelettes by Eric Brown and Adam Roberts, and short stories by Chris Lawson and Sarah Singleton. Non-fiction includes letters, and the editorially-unsigned "Archive" section of book and magazine listings, with reviews/plugs of Silverberg's The Longest Way Home, Reynolds's Chasm City, reprints by Aldiss, Byrne/Newman, and Stoker; novellas by MacLeod and Roberts; some detailed magazine fiction reviews; etc. (Fri 29 Nov 2002)
Last month: November