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10 January 2003

Baxter, Stephen Manifold: Origin
(Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-43080-8, $6.99, 518pp, January 2003)
Hard SF novel exploring evolution and Fermi's paradox -- third volume in the 荘Manifold鋳 trilogy, following Time and Space. The US hardcover was published in February 2002 by Del Rey.
• First published by HarperCollins/Voyager (UK), August 2001
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Bova, Ben The Precipice
(Tor 0812579895, $7.99, 422pp, December 2002)
Hard SF novel about industrialists mining the asteroids in an attempt to save Earth from the precipice of disaster; first book in the author's Asteroid Wars series, and latest of many novels by Bova about the future history of the Solar System; it was followed by The Rock Rats in 2002. The Amazon page has PW and Library Journal reviews.
• First published by Tor, October 2001
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Bradbury, Ray One More for the Road
(Avon 0-06-103203-4, $6.99, 318pp, January 2003)
Collection of 25 stories, 17 of them new, with an afterword by the author. The hardcover edition is on Barnes & Noble's Best SF/F/H of 2002 list.
• First published by HarperCollins/Morrow, April 2002
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Brin, David Kiln People
(Tor 0-765-34261-8, $7.99, 568pp, December 2002)
SF novel set in a future where disposable duplicate bodies (as if made in a kiln) make it possible to be literally in two places at one time. Locus Magazine called it "A richly complex hard-boiled, hard-SF mystery." In Britain the book is titled Kil'n People, the added apostrophe giving the title an extra twist. See 2002 Directory for links to other reviews. It's on Amazon's Best SF of 2002 list.
• First published by Tor, January 2002
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Douglass, Sara Starman
(Tor 0-765-34281-2, $7.99, 670pp, January 2003)
Fantasy novel, book three of The Wayfarer Redemption, following 2001's Enchanter. Originally published in Australia, Tor published the US hardcover in May 2002. Details about the author's various series are on her website. Douglass' new novel Hades' Daughter has just been released by Tor.
• First published by HarperCollins Australia, 1996
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Le Guin, Ursula K. The Other Wind
(Ace 0-441-00993-X, $13.95, 273pp, trade paperback, January 2003)
Fantasy novel, fifth in the author's acclaimed Earthsea series (A Wizard of Earthsea, etc.). Received glowing reviews, and a World Fantasy Award for best novel of 2001. The Amazon page has a review by Cynthia Ward.
• First published by Harcourt, September 2001
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McCaffrey, Anne, & Elizabeth Scarborough Acorna's Search
(HarperTorch 0-380-81846-9, $7.5, 324pp, December 2002)
Fantasy novel, latest in the Adventures of the Unicorn Girl. The PW review on Amazon calls it "a light, fluffy, fun read".
• First published by Eos, January 2002
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Simmons, Dan A Winter Haunting
(HarperTorch 0-380-81716-0, $7.5, 371pp, January 2003)
Horror novel, a follow-up to Summer of Night (1991), set in the same small town 41 years later. John Clute reviewed it for SF Weekly.
• First published by HarperCollins/Morrow, February 2002
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Simmons, Dan Worlds Enough and Time
(Eos 0-06-050604-0, $14.95, 262pp, trade paperback, December 2002)
Collection, the author's first since Lovedeath (1993), of five stories, including 2001's "On K2 with Kanakaredes" (also in Dozois's volume); "Looking for Kelly Dahl" and Locus Award winning "Orphans of the Helix"; "The Ninth of Av", first published in a French anthology edited by Robert Silverberg; and one original story, "The End of Gravity". Amazon's page for the hardcover edition has the PW review.
• First published by Subterranean Press, March 2002
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Walton, Jo The King's Name
(Tor 0-765-34340-1, November 2002, cover art Julie Bell)
Fantasy novel, follow-up to her first novel The King's Peace (2000), about the aftermath of a civil war; Walton won the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer following publication of these two books. The PW review on Amazon calls it "gritty, moving".
• First published by Tor, December 2001
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Previous New In Paperback: November

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