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Magazines Thread
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This page lists all new SFFH magazines seen by Locus Online, either subscribed to or received for review.
Date in parentheses at paragraph end is date seen or received.
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Contents of magazines and books received by Locus Magazine are compiled into the online Locus Index.
New SF, Fantasy, and Horror magazines seen 19 - 31 December
The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America -- Issue 152, Vol. 35 No. 3, Winter 2001, $4.95, 40pp, cover art by Keith Wigdor. Quarterly journal of the SFWA, available to non-members, edited by David A. Truesdale. This issue has a President's Message from new president Norman Spinrad; tributes to the late Poul Anderson by Greg Bear, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Silverberg, and others; columns by Mike Resnick & Barry Malzberg, Harry Harrison, Laura Resnick, Michael Cassutt, and Robert Metzger; features by Barry B. Longyear, Kevin J. Anderson, and Bruce Taylor; plus market reports. (website) (Mon 24 Dec 2001)
Challenging Destiny -- Issue 13, November 2001, C$6.00, 121pp, cover art by Chris Jouan. Canadian SF/F small-press magazine, edited by David M. Switzer. This issue has fiction by Ilsa J. Bick, Christopher East, Hugh Cook, Erol Engin, Nye Marnach, and Donna Farley; an interview with Jim Munroe; a review essay by James Schellenberg on various versions of "Alice in Wonderland"; and an editorial by Switzer on "Good Stuff on the Internet", which mentions Science Fiction Weekly. (website) (Wed 26 Dec 2001)
Fantastic Stories of the Imagination -- Whole #22, Winter 2001, $4.95/C$5.95, 48pp, cover art by Sean Murray. Quarterly Sf/fantasy magazine, edited by Edward J. McFadden and published by Warren Lapine (though recent issues have been less often than quarterly). This issue has fiction by Leland Neville, William R. Eakin, Thomas Seay, Jean Rabe, Tom Piccirilli, and Sarah A. Hoyt; plus an editorial, and book reviews by Steve Sawicki. (website) (Fri 21 Dec 2001)
The Magazine Of Speculative Poetry -- Vol. 5 No. 2, Autumn 2001, $5, 29pp, cover art by Cathy Buburuz. Quarterly (or less) small-press poetry magazine, edited by Roger Dutcher. This issue has poetry by Mark Rudolph, Denise Dumars, Terry McGarry, Anne K. Schwader, and others. Plus an editorial by Dutcher on becoming co-editor for poetry at Strange Horizons; a column of "Points of Interest"; and a list of Publications Received. (No website) (Fri 21 Dec 2001)
Science Fiction Chronicle -- Issue 220, Vol. 23 No. 1, January 2002, $4.95/C$5.95, 46pp, cover art by Jael. Monthly SF/F/H trade journal, published by editor-in-chief Warren Lapine, with news editor Andrew I. Porter. This issue has reports on the World Fantasy Awards winners, and on aftershocks of the WTC terrorist attacks. Plus, columns by Spider Robinson (from 1996), numerous brief book reviews by Don D'Ammassa, short fiction reviews by Steve Sawicki, movie reviews by Alan Dean Foster, an interview with Spider and Jeanne Robinson, and reports from the Millennium Philcon by John Hertz and Elizabeth Anne Hull. (website) (Thu 20 Dec 2001)
Star*Line -- Issue 24.6, November/December 2001, $3, 21pp, cover art by Allen Koszowski. Bimonthly journal of the SF Poetry Association, edited by David C. Kopaska-Merkel. In addition to poetry by David Lunde, Joy Oestreicher, W. Gregory Stewart, and others, there's discussion of a proposed new Rhysling Award category for best magazine, a call for nominations for a second Rhysling Grand Master Award (Bruce Boston received the first), small press reviews, market news, etc. (website) (Thu 27 Dec 2001)
Magazines seens earlier in December
Analog Science Fiction and Fact -- Vol. 122 No. 2, February 2002, $3.50/C$4.95, 144pp, cover art by N. Taylor Blanchard, cover design by Victoria Green. SF magazine, published 11 times per year, edited by Stanley Schmidt. This issue has a novella, "Presence of Mind", by Edward M. Lerner (who is Biologged by Jay Kay Klein); short stories by Mia Molvray and Mark Rich; and part II of Robert J. Sawyer's serial "Hominids". The science fact article, by Richard A. Lovett Ph.D., is about Antarctic lakes. John G. Cramer contributes "The Alternate View", about the next big particle accelerator. Plus, editorial, letters, book reviews by Tom Easton. (website) (Tue 11 Dec 2001)
Asimov's Science Fiction -- Vol. 26 No. 2 (whole #313) , February 2002, $3.50/C$4.95, 144pp, cover art by Ron Miller. SF magazine, published 11 times per year, edited by Gardner Dozois. This issue has a novella by Allen Steele (the latest in his "Coyote" series); novelettes by hot-new-writer (a Nick Gevers Top Ten!) Charles Stross and Cecilia Tan; short stories by Geoffrey A. Landis, Liz Williams, and Steven Utley (a new Silurian tale). Poetry is by Amy Miller, Mary A. Turzillo, Alex Irvine, and Bruce Boston. Departments include Robert Silverberg's "Reflections", James Patrick Kelly's "On the Net" column focusing on movies, Paul Di Filippo's eclectic book reviews, and Erwin S. Strauss's SF Conventional Calendar. (website) (Tue 11 Dec 2001)
Horror Garage -- Issue 4, ©2001, $5.95/C$6.95, 66pp. Small-press horror magazine of "sex, death, rock n' roll", edited by Paula Guran. This issue has previously unpublished stories by Lorelei Shannon, Gerard Houarner, C.A. Gardner, Bruce Holland Rogers, and John Shirley. Features include "a cursory review of the new Japanese cuisine" by Kyu Hyun Kim, and an interview with rock band Converge by Rich Black. Reviews of books, films, and music, are by Fiona Webster, Norman Partridge, MYK, and A Bunch O' Ghouls. (website) (Tue 4 Dec 2001)
Interzone -- Issue 173, November 2001, £3.00, 67pp, cover art by Roy Virgo. Monthly SF magazine edited by David Pringle. This issue has fiction by Dominic Green, Thomas M. Disch, Gregory Benford, Chris Beckett, and Zoran Zivkovic. Features include Nick Lowe's film reviews (of Planet of the Apes), a Gary Westfahl essay on Poul Anderson's The High Crusade, a TV review column by Tim Robins that looks back on the career of Douglas Adams, book reviews by Tom Arden, David Mathew, Iain Emsley, and Paul Brazier; an interview with Connie Willis by Nick Gevers; David Langford's Ansible Link column; letters; and the usual annotated list of Books Received. (website) (Mon 17 Dec 2001)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction -- Vol. 102 No. 2 (whole #603) , February 2002, $3.50/C$4.99, 162pp, cover art by Michael Garland. SF/fantasy magazine, published 11 times per year, edited by Gordon Van Gelder. Fiction includes novelets by Kate Wilhelm and Dale Bailey, and short stories by Jack Williamson, Steve Utley (another Siluran tale!), Graham Joyce, Sheila Finch, and Robert Sheckley. Departments include book reviews by Charles de Lint and Elizabeth Hand (on Dhalgren); film reviews by Lucius Shepard (on The Others); nonfiction on cyborgs by Gregory Benford and Elisabeth Malartre; and a Curiosities piece by David Langford on Lord Dunsany. (website) (Tue 11 Dec 2001)
The New York Review of Science Fiction -- Issue 160, Vol. 14 No. 4, December 2001, $3.50, 24pp. Special From Verne to the Stars Issue, with a Greg Beatty essay on Libertarian SF novels (by Koman, MacLeod, Milan, Smith, Vinge, Wilson, et al); Michael Swanwick on how he wrote Stations of the Tide; Eugene J. Surowitz on the other Jules Verne novels; plus reviews by Brian Stableford, Darrell Schweitzer, Joe Sutliff Sanders, David Mead and others, on Sharon Shinn, H.P. Lovecraft, Kelly Link, Alastair Reynolds and others. Kathryn Cramer and David Hartwell contribute further thoughts on the 9/11 attacks. (website) (Mon 17 Dec 2001)
Science Fiction Chronicle -- Issue 219, Vol. 22 No. 12, December 2001, $4.95/C$5.95, 62pp, cover art by Tom Kidd. Monthly SF/F/H trade journal, published by editor-in-chief Warren Lapine, with news editor Andrew I. Porter. This issue has 2001 Worldcon reports from Darrell Schweitzer, Mike Resnick (on the Hugo and Retro-Hugo ceremonies) and George Flynn (on the WSFS business meeting); columns by Brian Keene, Jeff Rovin, Spider Robinson, Steve Sawicki, and Don D'Ammassa; plus news, letters, editorial, obituaries, etc. (website) (Thu 29 Nov 2001)
Weird Tales -- Issue 326, Vol. 58 No. 2, Winter 2001-02, $4.95, 66pp, cover art by Dominic Harman. Quarterly magazine of fantasy and horror, edited by George H. Scithers and Darrell Schweitzer. This issue has fiction by Ashok Banker, Charles L. Harness, Eric Wagner, David Langford, and Keith Taylor. Plus, illustrated limericks by George Barr; the editorial "The Eyrie", which acknowledges 9/11 and moves on; and S.T. Joshi's "The Den", which looks at new books by Ramsey Campbell, Norman Partridge, and others. (website) (Sat 15 Dec 2001)
Last month: November