Classic Novels in Print
Recent Releases
Barrington J. Bayley, Collision with Chronos (Wildside Press/Cosmos Books, $15.00)
Early novel, first published as Collision Course (1973), by British writer of exotic, metaphysical space opera. Other print-on-demand editions from this publisher include The Fall of Chronopolis (1974) and The Knights of the Limits (1978).
C.J. Cherryh, Downbelow Station (DAW, $7.99)
20th anniversary edition of SF novel first published in 1981 about a generations-long interstellar war; a key novel in the future history that encompasses many Cherryh novels; winner of the 1982 Hugo Award as Best Novel; with a new introduction by the author.
Philip José Farmer, Image of the Beast/Blown (Creation Books, $15.95)
Omnibus of two erotic fantasy novels first published 1968 and 1969.
C.S. Friedman, In Conquest Born (DAW, $7.99)
15th anniversary edition of first novel by popular author of traditional space opera; about a rivalry between generals, one from a race of telepaths, the other from a race of “ultimate warriors”. This edition has a new introduction, and a glossary.
Robert A. Heinlein, Orphans of the Sky (Baen, $6.99)
Classic short SF novel about denizens of a generation starship; published as a book in 1963, but composed of two novellas from Astounding in 1941: "Universe" (a Science Fiction Hall of Fame story) and "Common Sense". Somewhat dated now, but a part of Heinlein's seminal Future History series.
MacKinley Kantor, If the South Had Won the Civil War (Tor/Forge, $9.95)
Alternate history novella first published in 1967, a story often cited as a canonical work of alternate history. This edition has an essay by Kantor on how the story was written, and the public reaction when it first appeared. Introduction by Harry Turtledove.
Andre Norton, The Gates to Witch World (Tor, $27.95)
Omnibus of the first three "Witch World" novels by the enduring SF/fantasy writer, including the first, Witch World (1963), a Hugo nominee; Web of the Witch World (1964), and Year of the Unicorn (1965). Introduction by C.J. Cherryh.
Robert Silverberg, Nightwings (Pocket/ibooks, $12.00)
Lyrical far-future SF novel (Avon 1969) about an Earth invaded by aliens; the book itself won the Seiun and Apollo awards, while the original novella "Nightwings" (1968) won the 1969 Hugo Award as Best Novella. Also just reissued by ibooks: Tom O'Bedlam (1985), about a post-apocalypse religious cult.
L. Neil Smith, The Probability Broach (Tor/Orb, $15.95)
SF novel first published in 1980, first in the author's "Confederacy" series, about a parallel-universe libertarian America. Winner of the 1982 Prometheus Award. A direct sequel, The American Zone, was just published in hardcover.
Roger Zelazny, Isle of the Dead/Eye of Cat (Pocket/ibooks, $12.00)
Omnibus of two SF novels, first published in 1969 and 1982.
The first, relatively early Zelazny, a Nebula nominee and winner of the first Prix Apollo, is about a "worldscaper" threatened by aliens; the second, about a man reverting to Amerindian ways to avoid pursuit by a telepathic alien, is "good latter-day Zelazny" (David Pringle).
This page compiles classic and otherwise-notable novels newly in print in any edition, hardcover or paperback. Listings are compiled from bookstore sightings and Locus Magazine's comprehensive monthly Books Received listing.
Earlier Releases
Pat Cadigan, Synners (Four Walls Eight Windows, $13.95)
SF novel first published in 1991, one of the best post-Gibson cyberpunk novels; winner of the 1992 Arthur C. Clarke Award; this edition has a new introduction by Neil Gaiman.
Arthur C. Clarke, The City and the Stars and The Sands of Mars; The Fountains of Paradise; The Ghost from the Grand Banks and The Deep Range (Warner Aspect, $14.95 each volume)
New editions in three volumes of five Clarke novels, dating from (respectively) 1956, 1951, 1979, 1990, and 1957, with new introductions by Clarke. The two sure classics are The City and the Stars, the elegiac tale of a far-future city on an Earth that has abandoned space exploration (it was expanded from an earlier short novel, Against the Fall of Night), and The Fountains of Paradise, the Hugo and Nebula winner about the construction of the first space elevator.
Ursula K. Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea; The Tombs of Atuan; The Farthest Shore; Tehanu (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin, $6.99 each)
Fantasy novels, nominally written for young adults but increasingly adult in theme; the first three comprised a trilogy, published 1968-1972; the fourth was published much later, in 1990; and the latest installment, The Other Wind, was just published in hardcover in 2001.
Fritz Leiber, The Wanderer;
Robert Silverberg, Tower of Glass;
Eric Frank Russell, Wasp; (Gollancz, $14.95 each)
Three volumes from UK publisher Gollancz's ongoing series of classic SF novel reprints, with US prices and now distributed (as of October and November 2001) in US bookstores. Leiber's 1964 novel, atypical for the author, is a broad-scope catastrophe novel about the effects on Earth of a suddenly-appearing new planet; it won the Hugo Award in 1965. Silverberg's 1970 work dates from the author's peak years, a literary, allegorical tale of a man obsessed with building a device to communicate with aliens. Russell's 1957 novel is a somewhat dated, chauvanistic tale of a clever human spy outwitting a bungling alien race [just like in Star Trek!], though fondly remembered.
Heinlein, Robert A. Beyond This Horizon (Baen 0-671-31836-5, $17.00 [not on Amazon])
Early novel by one of SF's most influential writers, published originally in 1942, a Utopian speculation about what life means when most ordinary human needs have been satisfied. Dated, but readable.
Edgar Pangborn, West of the Sun (Old Earth Books 1-882968-20-4, $25.00)
1953 SF novel, the first SF novel by a fondly-remembered, almost forgotten writer of pastoral SF, about human explorers marooned on an alien planet, and reluctantly rescued. A limited edition, small press hardcover, available from Old Earth Books, PO Box 19951, Baltimore MD 21211-0951, or order through Pathway Book Service 1-800-345-6665.
Norman Spinrad, The Void Captain's Tale (Tor/Orb, $13.95)
SF novel first published in 1983 about a starship powered by an orgasmic drive, with 1970's sexual explicitness, narrated in a futuristic multilingual patois. May seem dated, but it's a remarkable novel that takes usually buried SF metaphors of sexual psychology and dares to run with them.