New in Paperback (Trade)
Recent Releases
Al Sarrantonio, ed. 999 : Twenty-Nine Original Tales of Horror and Suspense (HarperPerennial, $16.00)
Just as Sarrantonio's ambitious SF anthology Redshift is published comes the trade paperback reprint of his previous anthology, 999, with stories by Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, William Peter Blatty, Gene Wolfe, Tim Powers, Joyce Carol Oates, and many others.
• Winner of the 2000 Stoker Award as best anthology
• Joe R. Lansdale's "Mad Dog Summer" also a Stoker Award winner
• Stories by Ramsey Campbell and P.D. Cacek were Stoker nominees
• First published by Avon, Sept. 1999
Jon Courtney Grimwood, reMix (Earthlight, $10.00)
SF novel by a British neo-cyberpunk writer whose books have not previously been available in the US; this is not a new edition, exactly, but the 1999 UK trade paperback with US price stickers attached, available in US stores and from Amazon.com.
Tanith Lee, White As Snow (Tor, $14.95)
Latest in an ongoing series of Fairy Tale retellings by various authors, this one of "Snow White".
• Placed 15th in Locus's poll of best fantasy novels of 2000.
Melissa Scott & Lisa A. Barnes Point of Dreams (Tor, $15.95)
Fantasy mystery novel, sequel to Point of Hopes.
• This page compiles books newly available in trade paperback editions, previously available only in hardcover. Listings are compiled from bookstore sightings and Locus Magazine's comprehensive monthly Books Received listing.
Earlier Releases
Gregory Benford, Deep Time: How Humanity Communicates Across Millennia (HarperPerennial, $13.00)
Non-fiction about attempts to leave messages for the far future, as well as extra-terrestrial civilizations.
John Crowley, Daemonomania (Bantam, $13.95)
Fantasy novel, third in a quartet after AEgypt and Love & Sleep.
Ellen Datlow, ed. Vanishing Acts (Tor, $14.95)
Anthology of 15 stories and one poem about endangered species.
- John M. Ford
The Last Hot Time (Tor, $12.95)
Urban fantasy novel about a young paramedic, looking for a new start, who ends up working for a gang in a Chicago transformed by the reappearance of elves and magic, where the streets have only gotten meaner. (Locus New & Notable, January 2001)
Neil Gaiman, Smoke and Mirrors (HarperPerennial, $13.00)
Collection of 30 stories and poems, two original. This is an expanded version of Gaiman's earlier collection Angels & Visitations (DreamHaven 1993).
Neil Gaiman, Stardust (HarperPerennial, $13.00)
Fantasy novel, slightly rewritten and expanded from the Spike 1999 edition.
Ursula K. Le Guin, The Telling (Ace, $13.95)
An anthropological SF novel that explores fundamentalism, and the importance of storytelling; a new novel in Le Guin's acclaimed Hainish cycle that includes two earlier classics, The Left Hand of Darkness (1969) and The Dispossessed (1974).
• Winner of the 2001 Locus Award as best SF novel of 2000. • First published by Harcourt, Sept. 2000
Patricia A. McKillip, The Tower at Stony Wood (Ace, $16.00)
Fantasy novel.
Kit Reed @expectations (Tor/Forge, $12.95)
Novel about a woman who has trouble telling the real world from her fantasy life online. This edition includes a two-page reader's guide.
Rudy Rucker, Saucer Wisdom (Tor/Forge, $14.95)
Prophetic non-fiction speculative book disguised as didactic fiction.
Melissa Scott, The Jazz (Tor, $14.95)
Near-future SF novel of spreaders of deliberate misinformation, or Jazz, on the Internet.
Michael Swanwick Tales of Old Earth (North Atlantic/Frog/Tachyon Publications, $16.95)
Collection of 19 stories, one of them, "The Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O", original to this volume. Foreword by Bruce Sterling.
Sheree R. Thomas, ed. Dark Matter: A Century of Speculative Fiction from the African Diaspora (Warner Aspect, $12.95)
Anthology of 29 stories and five essays by authors of African descent.
James Tiptree, Jr. Meet Me at Infinity (Tor/Orb, $15.95)
Collection of eight stories and 35 non-fiction pieces, all previously uncollected, with an introduction by Jeffrey D. Smith.
Robert Charles Wilson, The Perseids and Other Stories (Tor, $12.95)
Collection of nine stories.