News Log:
Briefs and Links
Monday 28 May 2001

Finalists for the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award have been announced:
- "Antibodies", Charles Stross (Interzone Jun 2000)
- "The Birthday of the World", Ursula K. Le Guin (F&SF Jun 2000)
- "Heart of Glass", William Barton (Asimov's Jan 2000)
- "The Juniper Tree", John Kessel (Science Fiction Age Jan 2000)
- "Milo and Sylvie", Eliot Fintushel (Asimov's Mar 2000)
- "On the Orion Line", Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2000)
- "Radiant Green Star", Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Aug 2000)
- "Reef", Paul J. McAuley (Skylife Gregory Benford & George Zebrowski, eds.; Harcourt)
- "Savior", Nancy Kress (Asimov's Jun 2000)
- "Seventy-Two Letters", Ted Chiang (Vanishing Acts Ellen Datlow, ed.; Tor)
- "Sheena 5", Stephen Baxter (Analog May 2000)
- Tendeléo’s Story, Ian McDonald (PS Publishing)
Also just announced are this year's four inductees into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame: Alfred Bester, Fritz Leiber, Jack Vance, and Ursula K. Le Guin.
Presentation of the Sturgeon Award, the Hall of Fame inductees, and the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for best novel of the year will occur at a dinner on July 6 at the University of Kansas. The two-day Campbell Conference that weekend, July 7 and 8, will focus on a single topic this year, "Science Fiction in the Electronic Era."
Finalists for the Sturgeon Award were determined through a process of nomination and balloting by a group of two dozen reviewers and editors familiar with current short story publication, chaired by Christopher McKitterick, with four additional stories added by Andros Sturgeon, Theodore Sturgeon's son, representing the family.
Saturday 26 May 2001

Winners of the Analog AnLab Awards and the Asimov's Readers' Awards have been announced. The awards will be presented at a breakfast celebration held during the 2001 Millennium Philcon, the World Science Fiction Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 30 - September 3.
Analog AnLab Awards
"A Roll of the Dice", Catherine Asaro (Analog Jul/Aug 2000)
"Stones of Significance", David Brin (Analog Jan 2000)
"Sheena 5", Stephen Baxter (Analog May 2000)
"Slowboat to the Stars!", Ben Bova (Analog Feb 2000)
Frank Kelly Freas (Analog Oct 2000)
Asimov's Readers' Awards
"Oracle", Greg Egan (Asimov's Jul 2000)
"On the Orion Line", Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2000)
"The Elephants on Neptune", Mike Resnick (Asimov's May 2000)
"Ten Things You Can't Do Inside a Space Helmet", G.O. Clark (Asimov's Jan 2000)
Bob Eggleton
Darryl Elliot
Note the magazines have recently changed their website URLs (www.analogsf.com and www.asimovs.com) and e-mail addresses (asimovs@dellmagazines.com and analog@dellmagazines.com). The Asimov's site has the Readers' Award results to 10th place; the AnLab results to 5th place are published in the July/August issue of Analog.
2001 Mythopoeic Award finalists include novels by Win Blevins, Charles de Lint, Guy Gavriel Kay, and Midori Snyder. The complete list is posted here:
Nominations for the German Phantastic Awards include, in the foreign novel category, books by Robert Bloch, Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Sean Stewart, and J.K. Rowling. The complete list is here:
Finalists for the 2000 Sidewise Awards, for works of alternate history, have been announced. Winners will be presented at the Millennium Philcon, the 59th World Science Fiction Convention in Philadelphia, August 30 - September 3.
- Ash: A Secret History, Mary Gentle (Gollancz) (published in US as A Secret History, Carthage Ascendant, The Wild Machines, and Lost Burgundy; Eos)
- Inca, Suzanne Allés Blom (Tor/Forge)
- "The Nantucket Trilogy" (Island in the Sea of Time, Against the Tide of Years, On the Oceans of Eternity), S.M. Stirling (Roc)
- "HMS Habakkuk", Eugene Byrne (Interzone #155, May 2000)
- "The Other Side of Midnight: Anno Dracula 1981", Kim Newman (The Vampire Sextette edited by Marvin Kaye; Science Fiction Book Club)
- "Seventy-Two Letters", Ted Chiang (Vanishing Acts edited by Ellen Datlow; Tor)
- "A Very British History", Paul J. McAuley (Interzone #157, Jul 2000)
- "Xochiquetzal", Carla Pereira, translated by David Alan Prescott (Altair 6/7)
Judges for this year's James White Award have been announced: Michael Carroll, Ian McDonald, Kim Newman, David Pringle, and Mike Resnick. Deadline for the award, which is for the best original short story by a nonprofessional author, is August 23, 2001. Further details:
The web site for e-Reads.com, the publishing company founded by literary agent Richard Curtis, launched last week. E-Reads distributes sales through "etailers", among them Fictionwise.com. Further information:
The Kansas City Science Fiction and Fantasy Society, Inc. (KaCSFFS) is co-producing the "Area (19)51 FilmFest" in Kansas City MO the week of June 17 - 24, a celebration of the best SF films of 1951, with host Forrest J Ackerman. Among the films scheduled are The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Thing From Another World, When Worlds Collide, and Flight to Mars. Further information:
Thursday 17 May 2001

Douglas Adams Links
David Cassel recalls attending one of Adams's last public appearances, April 10 in San Francisco, talking about Napster and micropayments.
"Anything that's invented after you're 35 is against the natural order of things," said Adams. The very young, in contrast, aren't even aware of a natural order that's supposedly being violated. "Anything that's in the world when you're born is considered ordinary and normal." He illustrated his point with a story from his own family. When Adams eavesdropped on his 6-year-old daughter pushing her doll's baby carriage, she was mimicking the satellite navigation system in her father's car.
This piece includes comments from Stephen Fry, Terry Jones, and Pink Floyd guitarist Dave Gilmour.
The New York Times published their obituary on Tuesday.
Neil Gaiman reports hearing the news, and offers his tribute, in his online journal; scroll down to May 12.
The Onion A.V. Club re-posts this 1998 interview with Adams, who talks about his Starship Titanic computer game, progress on a Hitchhiker's movie, and what happened with the third Dirk Gently novel.
More about the asteroid just named "Arthurdent".
(The June issue of Locus Magazine will publish appreciations of Adams by Neil Gaiman, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Gregory Benford, and Kuo-Yu Liang.)
Finalists for this year's Gaylactic Network Spectrum Awards include Michael Chabon, Greg Egan, David Gerrold, Melissa Scott, Ricardo Pinto, Rick Reed, and Jim Grimsley.
The second Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Imaginative Fiction is open to fantasy, horror, and science fiction submissions up to 3000 words. The First Prize is $1000 and publication in Rosebud; deadline is September 30, 2001, and author Ursula K. Le Guin will be the final judge.
Monday 14 April 2001

Douglas Adams
On the day Adams died the Minor Planet Center announced that an asteroid has been named "Arthurdent" after a character in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
UK scientist Richard Dawkins has written -- not an obituary, tribute, or eulogy -- but a lament.
Science has lost a friend, literature has lost a luminary, the mountain gorilla and the black rhino have lost a gallant defender (he once climbed Kilimanjaro in a rhino suit to raise money to fight the cretinous trade in rhino horn), Apple Computer has lost its most eloquent apologist. And I have lost an irreplaceable intellectual companion and one of the kindest and funniest men I ever met.
This MediaDrome obituary/tribute notes that Peter Jones, the voice of the book in the original Hitchhiker radio and TV series, died only a month ago, and includes links to a Douglas Adams Quote Directory and a page of mp3 files of the Hitchhiker radio series.
Aurora Awards winners include Eileen Kernaghan and Marcie Tentchoff, for long and short-form works in English; Jean-Louis Trudel and Douglas Smith for works in French.
People and Publishing
Judy Watson, wife of SF writer Ian Watson, died Easter Saturday from cardiac arrest. Married to Ian Watson in 1962, she contributed parts of the text to Ian's
radical erotic satire, The Woman Factory aka The Woman Plant, which only
appeared in French as Orgasmachine (1976) and is due to appear soon, much rewritten, in Japanese.
SF writer Michael A. Burstein, resident of Brookline, Massachusetts, has been elected to
the office of Town Meeting Member from his precinct. He ran on a platform encouraging more affordable housing in the Boston suburb.
Redsine, the webzine published by Garry J. Nurrish , is returning to print format beginning January 2002. The webzine's final issue, #6, goes online June 1.
Monday 7 April 2001

Morton Klass, brother to SF writer Philip Klass ("William Tenn"), occasional writer for Astounding and F&SF in the '50s and '60s, best known as an anthropologist of religion, died Saturday, April 28, in Manhattan.
People and Publishing
Novelist China Miéville (Perdido Street Station) was arrested Wednesday, May 2, during a protest to stop the closure of a London nursery.
You can read Toastmaster Neil Gaiman's remarks from last week's Nebula Award banquet on the Journal page of his website -- scroll down to April 29.
Fictionwise.com has made available three Hugo-nominated stories, one by Michael A. Burstein and two by Mike Resnick, available free for a limited time.
Speaking of free, Stealth Press is offering a special free e-book of John Shirley's short story, "My Victim", an excerpt from Shirley's hardcover collection Darkness Divided, just published by Stealth Press. (The link is direct to the PDF file.)
Joe R. Lansdale won an Edgar Award last week for Best Novel The Bottoms (Mysterious Press).
Nominees for this year's Golden Duck Awards, for children's SF, include books by Rebecca Moestra and Kevin Anderson, Bruce Coville, Nancy Etchemendy, David Gerrold, and Melissa Scott. Winners will be announced at the World SF Convention in Philadelphia. Though not posted on the organization's own website, the complete of nominees has been posted by...
Editor Brian Youmans is seeking eligible stories and poetry for Best of the Rest 3, an anthology of work from outside major American SF/F magazines and anthologies/collections by major publishers, i.e. from the small press and small publishers, English language stories from outside the US, and webzine publications:
"I am looking for stories of 500-10,000 words or poetry of any length. Payment will be $0.03/word or a minimum of $50 for non-exclusive rights. Small press editors and publishers: all qualifying publications reviewed will be listed online at the Suddenly Press website (http://www.world.std.com/~3Diff/suddenly.html) and in an appendix to the book, with ordering information.
Please send submissions to Suddenly Press, at Post Office Box 120318, Boston, Massachusetts 02112; authors should include SASE. When submitting a manuscript, please indicate the place and time of publication. More details can be found on the Suddenly Press website."
April News Log