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Saturday 24 February 2001
Among this year's Pacific Northwest Book Awards, sponsored by the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association, is Ursula K. Le Guin for Lifetime Achievement.
Among Grammy Award winners this week was Jim Dale in the category Spoken Word Album for Children, for ''Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire'' by J.K. Rowling (Listening Library).
Winners of the British Book Awards included Philip Pullman's The Amber Spyglass for best children's book (over Harry Potter). Rowling's book won for Marketing Campaign of the Year, and Terry Pratchett won a Bookseller Services to Bookselling Award.
Finalists for the the New York Public Library's Young Lions Fiction Award, for writers under age 35 with a $10,000 fiction prize, include Mark Z. Danielewski for House of Leaves.
Best of 2000
SF Site's editorial Best Books of 2000 are books by, in ascending order, Steven Erikson, Paul Kearney, Jonathan Carroll, Bruce Sterling, Michael Swanwick, Sean Stewart, Gina B. Nahai, Charles de Lint, Guy Gavriel Kay, Gene Wolfe, and Mary Gentle.
Bestsellers of 2000
§'s bestselling books of 2000 are led by Stephen King's Riding the Bullet, and include in the top 10 SF titles by Michael McCollum, L. Ron Hubbard, and John Stith.
Wilson "Bob" Tucker will be honored at a tribute banquet on August 4, 2001, hosted by the Dawn Patrol, in Bloomington Illinois.
Thursday 15 February 2000
Richard Laymon, 1947 - 2001
Horror writer Richard Laymon died Wednesday, February 14, 2001, in Los Angeles of a heart attack. He was current president of the Horror Writers Association (HWA) and was scheduled to be Guest of Honor at the World Horror Convention in May. A full obituary will appear in the March issue of Locus.
The memorial for Richard Laymon will be held at Dark Delicacies in Burbank, California, on Saturday, March 3 at 8:00 p.m. For further information call (818) 556-6660.
Other News
Robert Sheckley is this year's SFWA Author Emeritus.
The United States Naval Academy has created the Robert A. Heinlein Chair in Aerospace Engineering.
2001 Lambda Literary Award Finalists include, in the Horror/Science Fiction/Fantasy category, books by David Gerrold, Anne Rice, Jim Grimsley, Perry Brass, and edited by Michael Rowe; and in other catogories, books by Samuel R. Delany and edited by Lawrence Schimel.
Best of 2000
The Denver Rocky Mountain News published its annual Rocky Awards, selected by reviewer Mark Graham, including books by Neal Barrett Jr. (Best Book: Interstate Dreams), Richard Laymon (Best Horror Novel), Robert J. Sawyer (Best SF Novel), and Terry Brooks (Best Fantasy Novel).
January Magazine's Best of 2000 includes books by Rowling, Chabon, Atwood, and Danielewski.
Science Fiction Chronicle's lengthy "Best Books of the Year 2000" list, compiled by Don D'Ammassa, runs from Roger MacBride Allen to Gene Wolfe; the complete list is tallied into Locus Online's Best Books of 2000 tally.
Thursday 1 February 2000
Rick Shelley, 1947 - 2001
SF writer Rick Shelley died January 27, 2001, in Nashville, Tennessee, of complications from a heart attack suffered two weeks previously. Shelley published short fiction since 1985 in Analog and elsewhere, and published over a dozen novels from The Varayan Memoir #1: Son of the Hero (1990) to Lieutenant Colonel (2000). A full obituary will run in the March 2001 Locus Magazine.
Philip José Farmer named SFWA Grand Master
Philip José Farmer is the 2001 Grand Master of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. The award will be presented to Farmer by Harlan Ellison at the SFWA's Nebula Awards Banquet in Los Angeles on April 28.
Preliminary Nebula Ballot
The 2000 SFWA Nebula Awards Preliminary Ballot has been released. SFWA members may nominate works from this ballot to determine the Nebula final ballot, and a second round of voting will then determine the Nebula Award winners, which will be announced at the Nebula Awards Banquet in Los Angeles on April 28.
This year's Jack Williamson Luncheon and Lectureship, on the theme "New Science for a New Century", will take place March 1, 2001, at Eastern New Mexico University in Portales, New Mexico, with guests Scott Edelman, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and Dean Wesley Smith.