Philip K. Dick Award Nominations
The judges of the 2000 Philip K. Dick Award and the Philadelphia SF Society have announced the nominees for this year's award:
- The Bridge, Janine Ellen Young (Warner Aspect)
- Broken Time, Maggie Thomas (Roc)
- Call From a Distant Shore, Stephen L. Burns (Roc)
- Evolution's Darling, Scott Westerfeld (Four Walls Eight Windows)
- Midnight Robber, Nalo Hopkinson (Warner Aspect)
- Only Forward, Michael Marshall Smith (Bantam)
First prize and any special citations will be announced on April 13, 2000 at Norwescon 24 at the Doubletree Seattle Airport Hotel, SeaTac, Washington.
The Philip K. Dick Award is presented annually for distinguished science fiction published in paperback original form in the United States. The award is sponsored by the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and the award ceremony is sponsored by the NorthWest Science Fiction Society. The 2000 judges were Don D’Ammassa, Tanya Huff, Len Hatfield, Alis Rasmussen (chair), and Steve Swiniarski. Award administrators are David G. Hartwell and Gordon Van Gelder.
Previous Philip K. Dick Award winners (listed by year of award presentation)