SFFH on Bestseller Lists: 20 May 2001
Terry Pratchett’s Thief of Time (HarperCollins US; Doubleday UK) has slipped off the two US newspaper lists that ranked it for a week or two, but ranks #1 this week on both UK hardcover fiction lists in the chart below.
New this week: Marion Zimmer Bradley and Diana Paxson's The Priestess of Avalon is a runner-up at #30 on the NYT fiction hardcover list. And supporting our suspicion that Amazon's lists are running several weeks behind everyone else's, its hardcover fiction list this week lists Stephen King's Dreamcatcher for the first time, at #7, and also debuts titles by Pratchett, Weis & Hickman, and Williams
PW's children's lists have been updated for May, and include ranking Artemis Fowl at #5 on the hardcover list. As usual, PW doesn't list the individual Harry Potter titles on the hardcover list, but lumps them together as the #1 entry under the 'Series' subheading; however PW does list the two benefit Harry Potter paperbacks separately under 'Fiction', this month at #1 and #2.
This cell color indicates ineligible titles, e.g. YA titles excluded from fiction lists, or no paperback lists |
This cell color indicates stale data; e.g., children's bestseller lists updated only monthly |
Title |
27 May |
20 May |
20 May |
17 May |
20 May |
18 May |
London Times
20 May |
21 May |
21 May |
(16 May) |
Amz UK
[20 May] |
Items compiled/total on list |
30 |
15 |
15 |
50 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
15 |
15 hc, 5 pb |
25 |
10 |
Fiction hardcovers |
Bradley/Paxson, The Priestess of Avalon |
30 ++ |
Colfer, Artemis Fowl |
7 -1 ch hc |
5 ++ ch fic |
Jacques, Castaways of the Flying Dutchman |
xxx ch hc |
xxx.. |
6 -2 ch fic |
xxx |
King, Dreamcatcher |
5 -1 |
x |
xx |
18 -1 |
xx |
6 = |
6 -4 |
7 = |
x |
7 ++ |
6 -1 |
LaHaye/Jenkins, The Mark |
27 -1 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
x |
McCaffrey, The Skies of Pern |
25 -6 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xx |
xx |
xxx.. |
13 -7 |
Pratchett, Thief of Time |
xx |
x |
1 + |
16 ++ |
1 +2 |
Pullman, The Amber Spyglass |
xxx ch hc |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
10 -2 ch fic |
xxx.. ch |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Azkaban |
1 = ch hc |
xxx ch |
x |
x |
14 -3 |
3 ch hc |
1 = ch series |
xx ch |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Goblet of Fire |
2 = ch hc |
xxx ch |
12 -2 |
x |
15 -3 |
1 = ch hc |
1 = ch series |
xxx ch |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Secrets |
6 +1 ch hc |
xx ch |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
4 ch hc |
1 = ch series |
xxx.. ch |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Stone |
5 = ch hc |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
2 ch hc |
1 = ch series |
xxx.. ch |
Weber/Ringo, March Upcountry |
x |
Weis/Hickman, Dragons of a Lost Star |
x |
xxx |
xxx |
17 ++ |
Williams, Otherland: Sea of Silver Light |
xx |
18 -8 |
Fiction paperbacks |
Jacques, The Legend of Luke |
xxx.. ch pb |
x ch fic |
Keyes (Greg), SW New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory 1: Conquest |
xx |
xxx |
xxx |
x |
Pullman, The Golden Compass |
x ch fic |
Pullman, The Subtle Knife |
xx ch fic |
xxx.. |
Rowling, Fantastic Beasts... |
1 = ch pb |
1 +2 ch |
xxx.. |
xx |
1 = ch fic |
2 -1 ch |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Secrets |
5 -1 ch pb |
4 -2 ch |
xxx.. |
40 -12 |
1 = ch series |
7 = ch |
Rowling, Harry Potter.. Stone |
3 = ch pb |
3 +1 ch |
15 = |
32 -12 |
1 = ch series |
5 +1 ch |
Rowling, Quidditch through the Ages |
2 = ch pb |
2 +4 ch |
xxx.. |
xx |
2 = ch fic |
1 +1 ch |
Sachar, Holes |
8 -1 ch pb |
xxx.. |
4 -1 ch fic |
xx ch |
Tolkien, Hobbit/LOTR |
x ch |
14 = |
WP |
London |
PW |
BookSense |
Amz |
Amz UK |
The table compiles SFFH books placing 15th or higher on general bestseller lists (30th or higher on the combined USA Today list).
The current rank of each book and the change since last week are shown, where:
= same as last week
+ or - with number: difference since last week
+ back on list
++ new on list
x no longer on list (number of x's: weeks off list)
Columns show ranks on lists from, respectively, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, London Times, Publishers Weekly, BookSense, Amazon.com (fiction lists), and Amazon UK (fiction lists). All lists rank hardcovers and paperbacks separately, except for the USA Today list, which is a single list combining fiction and nonfiction in all formats. Some books are on separate general [nonfiction] lists (gen), children's lists (ch), trade paperback lists (tpb), or mass market paperback lists (mm), as indicated.