Nonfiction Books of SFnal Interest April 1999
* Barrow, John D. Between Inner Space and Outer Space: Essays on Science, Art, and Philosophy (Oxford 0-19-850254-0, $30.00, 12+274pp, hc, 1999, cover by Ingram Pinn) Unlike Barrow's previous books, this one is a collection of articles and reviews from various sources, covering topics from theories of everything and the anthropic principle to religion, science, and cosmology. (Tue 13 Apr 1999)
* Blackmore, Susan The Meme Machine (Oxford 0-19-850365-2, $25.00, 20+264pp, hc, 1999) A book about ''memes'', ideas that compete for replication in brains like genes do in physical bodies. With an introduction by Richard Dawkins, who coined the term. The book is profiled in a 2 page article in last week's Time magazine. (Wed 14 Apr 1999)
* Cavelos, Jeanne The Science of Star Wars (St. Martin's 0-312-20958-4, $22.95, 15+255pp, hc, May 1999) (Wed 28 Apr 1999)
+ Pringle, David, ed The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Fantasy (Overlook Press 0-87951-937-1, $35.00, 256pp, hc, May 1999, cover by Gerry Grace) First US edition (UK: Carlton December 1998). Locus Index [on 1998 1st edition]: Reference work on the genre, with a Foreword by Terry Pratchett. Includes sections on: the history of fantasy; story-types; film and TV; games and magazines; indexes to its major authors, characters, and entities; and a look at some of its most memorable worlds. Written by Pringle, Brian Stableford, Dave Langford, and Tim Dedopulos (on games). Recommended. (Sat 3 Apr 1999)
* Stableford, Brian The Dictionary of Science Fiction Places (Simon & Schuster/Fireside 0-684-84958-5, $19.95, 384pp, tpb, April 1999) Encyclopedia of planets, cities, etc., derived from SF books and stories [not movies or TV], with sketchy illustrations by Jeff White. Source works are listed at the end by author. (Fri 9 Apr 1999)
* Weiner, Jonathan Time, Love, Memory: A Great Biologist and His Quest for the Origins of Behavior (Knopf 0-679-44435-1, $27.50, hc, April 1999) New book by author of the Pulitzer-prize winning The Beak of the Finch; this is about a biologist named Seymour Benzer. (Fri 23 Apr 1999)