mailing date: 25 September 1998
last month
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back issues
Allen Steele: Phase Shifting
Nelson S. Bond: Looking Way Back
Bucconeer Reports
General Report
Reports by Kirsten Gong-Wong, AAron Buchanan, Mark R. Kelly, Edward Bryant, Russell Letson, Mike Glyer, and Gary K. Wolfe
Main News Stories
Shapiro named Del Rey editorial director
World Fantasy Awards nomination change
Stephen King's brand new Bag
Writers attack on-demand publishing
Is the sky falling for Amazon?
The Data File
Borders invades England
Announcements, Reading & signings, Awards news, etc.
Alain Doremieux
Allen Drury
Dietmar Trommeshauser
R. D. Mullen
Amos Gefen
Ariane von Orlow
Death announced: Jack M. Bickham
Paul Lehr: appreciation by Vincent Di Fate
Magazines received: August
Books received: August
British books: July
New and Recommended Books
Columns and Departments
People & Publishing
Locus Letters
Editorial Matters
Reviews -- Locus Looks at Books
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews by Mark R. Kelly
F&SF 9/98; Interzone 8/98; Analog 9/98; SF Age 9/98
Reviews by Faren Miller
Sailing to Sarantium, Guy Gavriel Kay; The Avram Davidson Treasury: A Tribute Collection, Robert Silverberg & Grania Davis, eds.; Smoke and Mirrors, Neil Gaiman; Last Summer at Mars Hill, Elizabeth Hand; The Collector of Hearts, Joyce Carol Oates; SHORT TAKE: Beyond the Wall of Sleep, R. Andrew Heidel
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe
Last Summer at Mars Hill, Elizabeth Hand; The Avram Davidson Treasury: A Tribute Collection, Robert Silverberg & Grania Davis, eds.; The Boss in the Wall, A Treatise on the House Devil, Avram Davidson & Grania Davis; The Perfect Host: Volume V: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon, Paul Williams, ed.; Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction, Nicola Griffith & Stephen Pagel, eds.
Reviews by Russell Letson
Vast, Linda Nagata; Bloom, Wil McCarthy; Inherit the Earth, Brian Stableford
Reviews by Edward Bryant
Irrational Fears, William Browning Spencer; Big Rock Beat, Greg Kihn; The Midnight Tour, Richard Laymon; SHORT TAKES: Northern Dreamers, Edo van Belkom; The Beast House, Richard Laymon; Riptide, Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child; Testament: the Unpublished Prologues, David Morrell; Monsters and Other Stories, Richard T. Chizmar
Short Reviews by Carolyn Cushman
Eyes of the Empress, Camille Bacon-Smith; The Last Dragonlord, Joanne Bertin; Blood Lines, William R. Burkett, Jr.; Queen of Demons, David Drake; Diplomacy of Wolves, Holly Lisle; Colours in the Steel, K.J. Parker; The Last Continent, Terry Pratchett; Legends, Robert Silverberg, ed.; Armageddon Summer, Jane Yolen & Bruce Coville