mailing date: 31 August 1998
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back issues
Main Stories
1998 Hugo Awards Winners
1998 World Fantasy Awards Nominations
1997 Chesley Awards Winners
Spike -- a new Avon imprint
Worldcon Draws 5,400
Avon Anthology announced
Tor Licenses Electronic Books
Created by Created -- Ralph M. Vicinanza's West Coast office
Hachette Buys Orion
Hugo Awards Reports
Complete Hugo Voting
The 1998 Hugo Awards Ceremony
Sheri S. Tepper: Speaking to the Universe
Locus Survey
1998 Locus Survey Results
The Data File
Crown Bankruptcy Update
Picador USA Separated
SF Makes Modern Library's ''Top 100'' List
SF Documentary Series in Progress
Announcements, Reading & signings, Awards news, etc.
Paul Lehr, with an appreciation by Algis Budrys
Thomas (T.A.) Waters, with an appreciation by Michael Kurland
John V. Baltadonis
T. Bruce Yerke
Appreciations of Robert A. W. ''Doc'' Lowndes by Frederik Pohl and Mike Ashley
Forthcoming Books, US and UK
Magazines received: July
Books received: July
British books: June
New and Recommended Books
Columns and Departments
People & Publishing
Locus Letters
Editorial Matters
Reviews -- Locus Looks at Books
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews by Mark R. Kelly
Amazing Summer/98; Odyssey #4; Analog 7-8/98; Interzone 7/98; Asimov's 8/98; F&SF 6/98; Event Horizon 8/98
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe
The Twinkling of an Eye, Brian W. Aldiss; Inherit the Earth, Brian Stableford; The Children Star, Joan Slonczewski; Psychoshop, Alfred Bester & Roger Zelazny; Time Pieces, Michael Bishop
Reviews by Faren Miller
Song for the Basilisk, Patricia A. McKillip; The Royal Changeling, John Whitbourn; Inversions, Iain M. Banks; The Dark Lord of Derkholm, Diana Wynne Jones; Queen of Demons, David Drake; The History of Our World beyond the Wave, R.E. Klein
Reviews by Russell Letson
Aftermath, Charles Sheffield; Beaker's Dozen, Nancy Kress; Ancients of Days, Paul J. McAuley
Reviews by Edward Bryant
Bag of Bones, Stephen King; Silk, Caitlín R. Kiernan; The Searchers: City of Iron, Chet Williamson; The Wilds, Richard Laymon; SHORT TAKE: The Queen of the Legion, Jack Williamson
Short Reviews by Carolyn Cushman
The King and Queen of Swords, Tom Arden; Dragon, Steven Brust; The Witches of Eileanan, Kate Forsyth; The Faun's Folly, Sandra Heath; Sister to the Rain, Melisa Michaels; The High House, James Stoddard; Mind Changer, James White
Short Reviews by Preston Grassmann
White Light, William Barton & Michael Capobianco; Earth Herald, Jan Clark; The Sum of All Men aka The Runelords, David Farland; Carnivores of Light and Darkness, Alan Dean Foster; Standing Wave, Howard V. Hendrix; Aftermath, Charles Sheffield