mailing date: 27 October 1998
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Main Stories
Iran ''Ends'' Rushdie Death Threat
Bertelsmann Buys Stake in barnesandnoble.com
Saramago Wins Nobel Prize
Hubbard Prize Winners
Aurora Awards Winners
The Data File
Macmillan Bids for Cassell
Clarion Call
Announcements, Worldcon News, Awards News, etc.
International Coverage
SF in Southern Africa
SF in Australia 1998
SF in Brazil
P. D. Cacek
Lucy Taylor
Henrik Altov
Frank D. McSherry, Jr.
Julien Green
James M. Rogers
Gaird Wallig
Science Fiction & Fantasy: Describing Our Field by Rob Chilson
New Books of Interest
Magazines Received: September
Books Received: September
British Books: August
Reviews -- Locus Looks at Books
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews by Mark R. Kelly
Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction, Nicola Griffith & Stephen Pagel, eds.; F&SF Oct/Nov 1998; Asimov's 9/98; Interzone 9/98; Realms of Fantasy 10/98; Popular Science 8/98; Event Horizon 9/98, Event Horizon 10/98.
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe
Mission Child, Maureen F. McHugh; Blue Light, Walter Mosley; Tea From an Empty Cup, Pat Cadigan; Mockingbird, Sean Stewart; Proxies, Laura J. Mixon; Starlight 2, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, ed.; Spectrum 5: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art, Cathy Fenner & Arnie Fenner, eds.; Ahmed and the Oblivion Machines: A Fable, Ray Bradbury.
Reviews by Faren Miller
Judgment of Tears: Anno Dracula 1959, Kim Newman; The Physiognomy, Jeffery Ford; Blue Light, Walter Mosley; Messiah, Andrei Codrescu; The Gilded Chain, Dave Duncan; Playing God, Sarah Zettel.
Reviews by Russell Letson
Distraction, Bruce Sterling; Starfarers, Poul Anderson; Stinger, Nancy Kress.
Reviews by Edward Bryant
Galilee, Clive Barker; Spree, Lucy Taylor; Inhuman Beings, Jerry Jay Carroll; The Boar, Joe R. Lansdale; SHORT TAKES: Noise & Other Night Terrors, Newton E. Streeter; The Adventures of Threadwell the Tailor, or Alterations Made While You Wait, P.D. Cacek; Yours Truly, Jackie the Stripper, Edo van Belkom.
Short Reviews by Carolyn Cushman
Once Upon a Time, Anonymous, ed.; Green Rider, Kristen Britain; The Door in the Lake, Nancy Butts; Beholder's Eye, Julie E. Czerneda; Krondor the Betrayal, Raymond E. Feist; Among the Hidden, Margaret Peterson Haddix; Blue Moon, Laurell K. Hamilton; The Dark Lord of Derkholm, Diana Wynne Jones; Rules of Engagement, Elizabeth Moon; Under the Cat's Eye, Gillian Rubinstein; Playing God, Sarah Zettel.