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New Books Listings, December 1998
This page lists new US books published within the dates listed, including selected new books seen and all new books received by Locus Online. A listing here does not preclude a more detailed online Profile. This listing is independent of the comprehensive, annotated Books Received listings in Locus Magazine, which are accumulated as the online Locus Index.
Key: * = first edition, + = first US edition. Indications such as ''tpb/hc'' indicate simultaneous trade paperback/hardcover edition, with the Amazon link to the former. Date with publisher info is official publication month; date in parentheses at paragraph end is date seen or received.
Note: Amazon links in this listing are generated automatically using ISBNs, but some small press books may not be available through Amazon.
* Asaro, Catherine The Radiant Seas (Tor 0-312-86714-x, $26.95, 463pp, hc, January 1999, cover by Julie Bell) SF novel. (Wed 23 Dec 1998)
+ Baxter, Stephen Vacuum Diagrams (HarperPrism 0-06-105395-3, $15.00, 373pp, tpb, January 1999) First US edition (UK: HarperCollins/Voyager UK April 1997). First US edition (HarperCollins/Voyager UK April 1997) SF collection: ''Stories of the Xeelee sequence''. (Wed 23 Dec 1998)
* Bova, Ben Sam Gunn Forever (Avon Eos 0-380-79726-7, $5.99, 278pp, pb, December 1998) SF collection. (Tue 8 Dec 1998)
* Cherryh, C.J. Fortress of Owls (HarperPrism 0-06-105054-7, $24.00, 406pp, hc, January 1999, cover by Matthew Stawicki) Fantasy novel, sequel to Fortress in the Eye of Time (1995) and Fortress of Eagles (1998). (Tue 29 Dec 1998)
+ Crumey, Andrew D'Alembert's Principle: a novel in three panels (Picador USA 0-312-19568-0, $21.00, 203pp, hc, November 1998) First US edition (UK: Dedalus 1996). Associational: historical novel about ''memory, reason, and imagination'' in 18th century Europe. With an introduction by John Clute. (Fri 4 Dec 1998)
* de Lint, Charles Moonlight and Vines (Tor 0-312-86518-x, $24.95, 384pp, hc, January 1999) Fantasy collection. (Thu 24 Dec 1998)
Goldman, William The Princess Bride (Ballantine 0-345-43014-x, $24.95, 16+399pp, hc, December 1998) Reprint (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1973). Reprint fantasy novel. (Sat 26 Dec 1998)
* Gorey, Edward The Haunted Tea-Cosy (Harcourt Brace 0-15-100415-3, $15.00, unppp, November 1998) Short graphic novel, Gorey's macabre variation on Dickens' Christmas Carol, this originally appeared in its entirety in the December 21, 1997 issue of The New York Times Magazine. (Tue 8 Dec 1998)
* Lessing, Doris Mara and Dann (Harper Flamingo 0-06-018294-6, $25.00, 407pp, hc, January 1999) SF novel set in a future African ice age. (Thu 24 Dec 1998)
* Nielsen Hayden, Patrick, ed Starlight 2 (Tor 0-312-86184-2, $24.95, 318pp, hc, November 1998, cover by Jeff Adams) Original anthology of 13 stories by Robert Charles Wilson, Ted Chiang, M. Shayne Bell, Raphael Carter, Martha Soukup, etc. (Wed 23 Dec 1998)
* O'Barr, J., & Ed Kramer, eds The Crow: Shattered Lives & Broken Dreams (Del Rey 0-345-41711-9, $24.00, 14+368pp, hc, November 1998) Original anthology of stories and poems based on the comic book and film character, by Gene Wolfe, Storm Constantine, S. P. Somtow, John Shirley, Charles de Lint, Jack Dann, etc. (Wed 9 Dec 1998)
* Sargent, Pamela Climb the Wind (HarperPrism 0-06-105029-6, $25.00, 436pp, hc, December 1998, cover by Kazuhiko Sano) Alternate history novel. (Fri 4 Dec 1998)
* Sheckley, Robert Godshome (Tor 0-312-86804-9, $22.95, 251pp, hc, January 1999, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) SF novel. (Tue 29 Dec 1998)
* Sterling, Bruce Distraction (Bantam Spectra 0-553-10484-5, $23.95, 439pp, hc, December 1998, cover by Cliff Nielsen) SF novel. (Fri 4 Dec 1998)
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