Newly Published, October 1998
This page lists new US books published within the dates listed, including selected new books seen and all new books received by Locus Online. A listing here does not preclude a more detailed online Profile. This listing is independent of the comprehensive, annotated Books Received listings in Locus Magazine, which are accumulated as the online Locus Index.
Key: * = first edition, + = first US edition. Indications such as ''tpb/hc'' indicate simultaneous trade paperback/hardcover edition, with the Amazon link to the former. Date with publisher info is official publication month; date in parentheses at paragraph end is date seen or received.
Note: Amazon links in this listing are generated automatically using ISBNs, but some small press books may not be available through Amazon.
Listings October 1998
+ Baxter, Stephen Moonseed (HarperPrism 0-06-105044-x, $24.00, 534pp, hc, November 1998) SF novel, 1st US edition (HarperCollins Voyager UK August 1998). (Sun 11 Oct 1998)
* Bradley, Marion Zimmer & Rachel E. Holmen, eds Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Worlds (The Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust 0-9665958-0-7, $60.00, 342pp, hc, September 1998) Original anthology of 19 stories by Rosemary Edghill, Robin Wayne Bailey, Lawrence Watt-Evans, Dave Smeds, etc. Limited edition of 300 copies. Publisher's address: P.O. Box 249, Berkeley CA 94701. (Sat 17 Oct 1998)
+ Cadigan, Pat Tea from an Empty Cup (Tor 0-312-86665-8, $22.95, 254pp, hc, October 1998, cover by Bruce Jensen) SF novel, 1st US edition (HarperCollins Voyager UK September 1998). (Fri 2 Oct 1998)
* Card, Orson Scott, ed Future On Ice (Tor 0-312-86694-1, $24.95, 432pp, hc, October 1998) Reprint anthology, much-belated sequel to Card's 1991 anthology Future on Fire, like it intended to showcase the best short SF of the 1980s. This book adds a moral spin; Card's introduction casts science fiction as the religious literature of our time, and traces the moral universe of Star Wars to contemporary political and social issues. Introductions to individual stories are mostly short and chatty, though a couple (to Shiner and Kress) are long, fascinating tracts. The stories themselves are first rate, including Asimov's ''Robot Dreams'', Bear's ''Blood Music'', Varley's ''Press Enter'', Zindell's ''Shanidar'', and others by Martin, Benford, Butler, Crowley, Cherryh, etc.
(Fri 2 Oct 1998)
* Cassutt, Michael Missing Man (Forge 0-312-86620-8, $24.95, 347pp, hc, September 1998) Associational novel, a technothriller about astronauts and the Mir space station. (Wed 7 Oct 1998)
* Daniels, Keith Allen Satan is a Mathematician (Anamnesis Press 0-9631203-6-0, $12.95, 163pp, tpb, 1998, cover by Rodger Gerberding) ''Poems of the weird, surreal and fantastic.'' (Sat 31 Oct 1998)
* Datlow, Ellen & Terri Windling, eds Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers (HarperPrism 0-06-105372-4, $14.00, 15+302pp, tpb, October 1998, cover by Fletcher Sibthorp) Original anthology of 22 stories by Joyce Carol Oates, Edward Bryant, Michael Swanwick, Pat Murphy, Neil Gaiman, Brian Stableford, Ellen Kushner, etc. (Sun 11 Oct 1998)
* Davidson, Avram [edited by Robert Silverberg and Grania Davis] The Avram Davidson Treasury (Tor 0-312-86729-8, $27.95, 447pp, hc, October 1998) Massive retrospective collection by one of SF's most distinctive stylists; 38 stories, each with an introduction by a different writer (Guy Davenport, Harlan Ellison, Martha Soukup, Gene Wolfe, etc. etc.), plus afterwords by Ray Bradbury and Harlan Ellison. (Sun 11 Oct 1998)
* Devereaux, Robert Santa Steps Out (Dark Highway Press 0-9662629-0-5, $39.95, 6+251pp, hc, 1998, cover by Alan M. Clark) ''A Fairy Tale for Grown-ups''; subversive fantasy novel about Santa Claus -- ''huge, fluffy, lonesome, and unbearably horny'' -- with forewords by David G. Hartwell and Patrick LoBrutto. Limited edition of 1000 copies. (Fri 30 Oct 1998)
* Dickson, Gordon R. The Dragon in Lyonesse (Tor 0-312-86159-1, $25.95, 381pp, hc, October 1998, cover by Julie Bell) Fantasy novel. (Wed 7 Oct 1998)
* Duncan, Dave The Gilded Chain: A Tale of the King's Blades (Avon Eos 0-380-97460-6, $23.00, 338pp, hc, November 1998) Fantasy novel. (Fri 9 Oct 1998)
* Dziemianowicz, Stefan & Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, eds Horrors! 365 Scary Stories (Barnes & Noble Books 0-7607-0141-5, $12.98, 18+734pp, hc, 1998)
Original anthology of 365 horror vignettes, by writers including Don Webb, Steve Rasnic Tem, Leslie What, Francis Amery, Phyllis Eisenstein, Lawrence Schimel, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Scott Edelman, etc. etc. Not available from Amazon; an instant remainder for Barnes & Noble bookstores. (Tue 27 Oct 1998)
* Feist, Raymond E. Krondor the Betrayal (Avon Eos 0-380-97715-x, $24.00, 376pp, hc, November 1998) Fantasy novel based on a computer game set in Feist's universe. Includes a CD ROM. (Wed 7 Oct 1998)
* Fenner, Arnie & Cathy Fenner, eds Icon: A Retrospective by the Grand Master of Fantastic Art Frank Frazetta (Underwood Books 1-887424-41-5, $35.00, 163pp, hc, October 1998) (Wed 7 Oct 1998)
* Fenner, Cathy & Arnie Fenner, eds Spectrum 5: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Underwood Books 1-887424-43-1, $25.00, 13+165pp, tpb /hc, September 1998, cover by Donato Giancola) Gorgeous, provocative, and sometimes startling works fill this latest annual art book, still the best overview available of recent SF and fantasy art from within and outside the genre, from books, magazines, comics, and even advertising. (Locus November 1998.) (Sat 31 Oct 1998)
* Froud, Brian [edited by Terri Windling] Good Faeries/Bad Faeries (Simon & Schuster Editions 0-684-84781-7, $30.00, hc, October 1998) (Wed 7 Oct 1998)
* Gaiman, Neil Smoke and Mirrors: Short Fictions and Illusions (Avon 0-380-97364-2, $24.00, 339pp, hc, November 1998, cover by J. K. Potter) Collection. (Wed 7 Oct 1998)
* Griffith, Nicola & Stephen Pagel, eds Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction (Overlook Press 0-87951-856-1, $26.95, 375pp, hc, September 1998, cover by J. K. Potter) Original anthology, second in a series of ''original gay and lesbian writing'', of 21 stories by writers including Nancy Kress, Rebecca Ore, Stephen Baxter, Allen Steele, Ellen Klages, L. Timmel Duchamp, Elisabeth Vonarburg, etc. (Sat 3 Oct 1998)
* Harrison, Harry Stars & Stripes Forever (Del Rey 0-345-40933-7, $24.95, 11+338pp, hc, October 1998, cover by Dennis Lyall) Alternate history novel. (Fri 9 Oct 1998)
* Jordan, Robert The Path of Daggers (Tor 0-312-85769-1, $27.95, 604pp, hc, November 1998, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) Fantasy novel, latest in the ''Wheel of Time'' series. (Tue 20 Oct 1998)
* Kilpatrick, Nancy, ed In the Shadow of the Gargoyle (Ace 0-441-00557-8, $12.00, 13+257pp, tpb, October 1998, cover by Victor Stabin) Anthology of 17 stories, 14 original. (Thu 15 Oct 1998)
* Klein, R. E. The History of Our World Beyond the Wave (Harcourt Brace 0-15-100411-0, $22.00, 215pp, hc, November 1998) Fantasy novel; a first novel. (Sat 31 Oct 1998)
* Lawson, Philip Would It Kill You to Smile? (Longstreet 1-56352-511-9, $22.00, 207pp, hc, September 1998, cover by David Turner) Associational mystery novel. Philip Lawson is a pseudonym for Michael Bishop and Paul Di Filippo. (Fri 30 Oct 1998)
* Mosley, Walter Blue Light (Little, Brown 0-316-57098-2, $24.00, 296pp, hc, November 1998) SF novel. (Fri 9 Oct 1998)
* Oates, Joyce Carol The Collector of Hearts (Dutton 0-525-94445-1, $24.95, 321pp, hc, November 1998) Collection of 27 ''new tales of the grotesque'', several originally published in genre anthologies, the majority from elsewhere: Seventeen, Kenyon Review, Ellery Queen, etc. (Wed 28 Oct 1998)
+ Pratchett, Terry Hogfather (HarperPrism 0-06-105046-6, $24.00, 292pp, hc, November 1998, cover by Rodger De Muth) Fantasy novel, 1st US edition (Gollancz UK, November 1996), #20 in the Discworld series. (Sun 11 Oct 1998)
* Rice, Anne The Vampire Armand (Knopf 0-679-45447-0, $26.95, 388pp, hc, October 1998) Horror novel. (Wed 14 Oct 1998)
* Sturgeon, Theodore [edited by Paul Williams] The Perfect Host: Volume V: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon (North Atlantic Books 1-55643-284-4, $27.5, 20+386pp, hc, September 1998, cover by Hal Robins) SF collection. (Sat 31 Oct 1998)
* White, James Mind Changer (Tor 0-312-86663-1, $23.95, 301pp, hc, November 1998, cover by John Berkey) SF novel, latest in the author's long-running Sector General series. (Fri 23 Oct 1998)
* Wilson, Gahan The Cleft and Other Odd Tales (Tor 0-312-86574-0, $23.95, 333pp, hc, November 1998, cover by Gahan Wilson) Collection of stories including 1 original (the title story). (Sat 31 Oct 1998)
* Yolen, Jane The One-Armed Queen (Tor 0-312-85243-6, $23.95, 332pp, hc, November 1998, cover by Dennis Nolan) Fantasy novel, sequel to Sister Light, Sister Dark and White Jenna. (Tue 20 Oct 1998)
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