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New Books Listings, November 1998
This page lists new US books published within the dates listed, including selected new books seen and all new books received by Locus Online. A listing here does not preclude a more detailed online Profile. This listing is independent of the comprehensive, annotated Books Received listings in Locus Magazine, which are accumulated as the online Locus Index.
Key: * = first edition, + = first US edition. Indications such as ''tpb/hc'' indicate simultaneous trade paperback/hardcover edition, with the Amazon link to the former. Date with publisher info is official publication month; date in parentheses at paragraph end is date seen or received.
Note: Amazon links in this listing are generated automatically using ISBNs, but some small press books may not be available through Amazon.
* Anderson, Poul Starfarers (Tor 0-312-86037-4, $25.95, 383pp, hc, November 1998, cover by John Harris) SF novel. (Sun 1 Nov 1998)
* Bradley, Marion Zimmer Traitor's Sun (DAW 0-88677-810-7, $24.95, 483pp, hc, January 1999, cover by Romas Kukalis) SF novel, latest in the Darkover series. (Mon 30 Nov 1998)
* Butler, Octavia E. Parable of the Talents (Seven Stories Press 1-888363-81-9, $24.95, 365pp, hc, November 1998) SF novel, sequel to Nebula-nominated Parable of the Sower. (Wed 18 Nov 1998)
* Dann, Jack [& Gardner Dozois], eds Nanotech (Ace 0-441-00585-3, $5.99, 12+276pp, pb, December 1998, cover by Doug Struthers) Latest in the editors' long-running theme anthology series, with 9 stories and 1 poem including Greg Bear's ''Blood Music'', Greg Egan's ''Axiomatic'', Michael F. Flynn's ''Remember'd Kisses'', and David Marusek's ''We Were Out of Our Minds with Joy''. (Wed 18 Nov 1998)
* Dozois, Gardner, ed The Good Old Stuff (St. Martin's/Griffin 0-312-19275-4, $17.95, 25+434pp, tpb, December 1998, cover by Ed Emshwiller) Reprint anthology of ''adventure SF in the grand tradition'', with stories first published from 1948 to 1971 (to be shortly followed by a companion anthology, The Good New Stuff, covering stories since 1971). Authors include A. E. van Vogt, L. Sprague de Camp, Jack Vance, Murray Leinster, Cordwainer Smith, H. Beam Piper, Roger Zelazny, James Tiptree, Jr. (Fri 20 Nov 1998)
* Eisenstein, Phyllis, ed Spec-Lit No. 2 (Columbia College Chicago 0-932026-48-6, $11.95, 172pp, tpb, November 1998, cover by Ed Emshwiller) Second in original anthology series consisting mostly of works by the editor's students at Columbia College in Chicago. This volume includes reprints of Alfred Bester's ''The Roller Coaster'' from 1953 and a fine George R. R. Martin novella from 1976, ''In the House of the Worm''. (Fri 13 Nov 1998)
* Jeter, K. W. Noir (Bantam Spectra 0-553-10483-7, $23.95, 388pp, hc, November 1998, cover by Broeck Steadman) SF novel. (Sun 1 Nov 1998)
+ McAuley, Paul J. The Invisible Country (Avon Eos 0-380-79299-0, 310pp, tpb, December 1998) First US edition (Gollancz September 1996), SF collection. (Wed 18 Nov 1998)
* McHugh, Maureen F. Mission Child (Avon Eos 0-380-97456-8, $20.00, 385pp, hc, December 1998) SF novel. (Fri 13 Nov 1998)
* Moon, Elizabeth Rules of Engagement (Baen 0-671-57777-8, $22.00, 393pp, hc, December 1998, cover by Gary Ruddell) SF novel. (Fri 6 Nov 1998)
* Payne, Michael H. The Blood Jaguar (Tor 0-312-86783-2, $22.95, 256pp, hc, December 1998, cover by Jim Carroll) SF novel, first serialized in tomorrowsf. (Tue 24 Nov 1998)
* Priest, Christopher
The Extremes (Simon & Schuster 0-684-81632-6, £16.99, 393pp, hc, 1998, cover by Holly Warburton) SF novel about virtual reality; Priest's first novel since the World Fantasy Award-winning The Prestige. (Mon 16 Nov 1998)
+ Ryman, Geoff 253: The Print Remix (St. Martin's Griffin 0-312-18295-3, $14.95, 364pp, tpb, September 1998) First US edition (Flamingo February 1998) of Ryman's online (non-SF) novel. Hard to find. (Wed 18 Nov 1998)
* Wolverton, Dave, ed L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XIV (Bridge 1-57318-154-4, $6.99, 508pp, pb, 1998, cover by Paul Lehr) Original anthology. (Mon 2 Nov 1998)
* Zettel, Sarah Playing God (Warner Aspect 0-446-52622-4, $22.00, 417pp, hc, November 1998, cover by Steve Youll) SF novel. (Fri 20 Nov 1998)
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