The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1999
Chronological List
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- LURIE, ALISON (1926- ) (stories)
- LUSTBADER, ERIC VAN (1946- ) (books) (stories)
- LYBBE (stories)
- LYKIARD, ALEXIS (Constantine) (1940- ) (stories)
- LYNCH, JANE GASKELL; see under Gaskell, Jane (stories)
- LYNN, ELIZABETH A(nne) (1946- ) (books)
- LYONS, STEVE (books) (stories)
- LYTTON, LORD BULWER; see under Bulwer-Lytton, Edward (stories)
- MAC, JAMES (1964?- ) (stories)
- McABEE, K. G. (stories)
- MACABRE, DR. (stories)
- McALLISTER, BRUCE (Hugh) (1946- ) (stories)
- Moving On (nv) OMNI Best Science Fiction Three, ed. Ellen Datlow, OMNI Books 1993
- MacALLISTER, CAROL (stories)
- McARTHUR, MAXINE (books)
- McAULEY, PAUL J. (1955- ) (books) (stories)
- McBRIDE, SALLY (1950- ) (stories)
- McCABE, ADAM (stories)
- McCABE, REBECCA (stories)
- McCAFFERY, SIMON P. (stories)
- McCAFFREY, ANNE (Inez) (1926- ) (books) (stories)
- McCAFFREY, TODD (books)
- McCALL, DAN (Elliott) (1940- ) (books)
- McCALL, JANA (stories)
- MacCALLISTER, CAROL (stories)
- McCALLUM, JOAN (stories)
- McCARTHY, SHAWNA (Lee) (1954- ) (stories)
- McCARTHY, WIL(liam Terence) (1966- ) (books) (stories)
- McCARTNEY, R. G. (stories)
- McCARTY, MICHAEL (stories)
- McCAUGHREAN, GERALDINE (1951- ) (books)
- McCAULEY, ROBERT (stories)
- McCAY, BILL (books)
- McCLAIN, SHERMAN (stories)
- McCOMAS, STEVE (stories)
- McCONCHIE, LYN (1946?- ) (stories)
- McCONNON, JAMES (stories)
- McCORMACK, GREGORY (stories)
- McCORMACK, MIKE (1965- ) (books)
- McCORMACK, PHILIP (stories)
- McCOY, ANGEL LEIGH (stories)
- McCOY, MAX (1958- ) (books)
- McCROSKY, JUDY (1956- ) (stories)
- McCRUMB, SHARYN (Elaine Atwood) (1948- ) (books)
- McCULLOUGH, COLLEEN; [i.e., Colleen McCullough-Robinson] (1937- ) (books)
- McCULLOUGH, J. (books)
- McCULLOUGH, KELLY; McCullough, Kelly (David) (stories)
- McCURDY, HOWARD E. (books)
- McDERMOTT, ANNELLA (books) (stories)
- The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy [ed. with Margaret Jull Costa] (oa) Dedalus 1999
- The Catalyst, by Juan Benet (ss) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999
- The Companion, by José María Merino (ss) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999
- Concerning the Death of Bieito, by Rafael Dieste (ss) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999
- Fables 9, 10 and 10a, by Juan Benet (ss) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999
- Family Life, by Quim Monzó (ss) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999
- From Exile, by Alfonso Sastre (ss) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999
- Gregor, by Quim Monzó (ss) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999
- Introduction [with Margaret Jull Costa] (in) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999
- The Kiss (A Legend from Toledo), by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (ss) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999
- The Little Girl Who Had No Wings, by Paloma Díaz-Mas (ss) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999; Rendered as Pilar Díaz-Mas on contents page.
- The Lost Traveller, by José María Merino (ss) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999
- My Cristina, by Mercè Rodoreda (ss) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999
- No News from Gurb, by Eduardo Mendoza (ss) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999; Extract from a novel (1991).
- The Raincoat, by Max Aub (ss) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999
- The Stork-men, by Juan Goytisolo (ss) The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy, ed. Margaret Jull Costa & Annella McDermott, Dedalus 1999
- McDEVITT, JACK; [i.e., John Charles McDevitt] (1935- ) (books) (stories)
- McDEVITT, JOHN CHARLES; see under McDevitt, Jack (books) (stories)
- MacDONALD, GEORGE (1824-1905) (books)
- McDONALD, IAN (Neil) (1960- ) (books) (stories)
- MACDONALD, JAMES D(ouglas) (1954- ) (books) (stories)
- McDONALD, RYANN (stories)
- McDOWELL, IAN (1958- ) (stories)
- MACE, DAVID (Kendrew) (1951- ) (stories)
- McELHERAN, SUSAN RAE (stories)
- MacEOIN, DENIS (1949- ); see pseudonym Jonathan Aycliffe (books)
- McFADDEN, EDWARD J., III (stories)
- McFALL, KATHLEEN (books)
- McGARRY, TERRY (1962- ) (stories)
- McGARVEY, ROBERT (1948- ); see pseudonym Steve White (books)
- MacGREGOR, ROB(ert R.) (1948- ) (books)
- MacGREGOR, SUSAN (stories)
- McGREW, ROBYN (books) (stories)
- Tales from the Eternal Archives #2: Earth, Air, Fire, Water [ed. with Janet Pack, Martin H. Greenberg & Margaret Weis] (an) DAW 1999
- Family Secrets (nv) Earth, Air, Fire, Water: Tales from the Eternal Archives #2, ed. Margaret Weis, Martin H. Greenberg, Janet Pack & Robin McGrew, DAW 1999
- Introduction (in)
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